Chapter 12: Tough As Nails


Wolves, everywhere. Every time I closed my eyes, and every time I opened them. I was stuck in the grey field again, the remitting fog clearing way to a vision that kept haunting me throughout my childhood. Till this day, I didn’t know how I made it out of there alive. I must have had a guardian angel watching me that night my parents were murdered. But the devil wasn’t done. I found myself being chased again, and this time, they got to me…

I snapped my eyes wide open, the sound of Dragonball Z stirring me awake. What an interesting way to wake up from a nightmare, in my bed, with a beautiful goth girl to my left, playing her mobile anime game on her lap. She looked comfortable too, with her toes under the thick comforter sheets, and a grape lollipop in her mouth.

She didn’t know that I was up yet, so I caught a few seconds to admire Tegan not being sour with me. That was until I felt this gnawing pain at the side of my nape.

I grunted, the feeling like pins and needles. I sat up against the pillows next to her, where I quickly noticed I was naked under the sheets. “What the hell happened to my clothes?”

Tegan turned over her shoulder, then snapped her curious eyes right back. “Well, it wasn’t me,” she commented, her cheeks flushed. “You don’t remember shredding through them when you went beast mode on my dad an hour ago?”

“Oh right, shit…” I gasped, the memories of my training hitting me all at once. “Hey, I hope Bann didn’t take me trying to knock him out personal.”

“Don’t worry. He is used to fighting primitive beings.”

“Do you just live to insult me?” I teased.

“You might have just insulted yourself. You need more control.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I just… blew up on him. He was beating the crap out of me, and I flipped. I mean, once I saw the shape I was in, I felt vulnerable. I couldn’t take feeling like that again, like that time…” I broke, trying not to relive that haunting memory of over sixteen years ago. “I hope he didn’t take anything from it. It was nothing personal. Like I said, I just lost it. Shit… I hate feeling weak.”

“Typical alpha mentality,” she said, with a pert voice and her nose up in the air playfully.

“How did he bring me down anyway?”

“Like humans have knock out points, canines do too. He must have jabbed you in one, and made you pass out. It was enough to wean you out of your beast form and haul your shameful ass back into your bedroom.”

“Your father is no sunshine in the park, either.”

“You let him get to you. That’s what he was trying to do all along. And the beat down, he knew you’d regenerate, so he could risk it. The predictability and the healing went hand in hand, because once you saw your blood, it was game over.”

It was something I needed to work on, all right. But for me, I knew it wouldn’t be easy. Not with the past I had. My folks meant everything to me. They gave me a home, support, friendship, and the kind of care and love I missed out on in that orphanage. I guess, it made me who I was today, a bit callous inside. But still, I craved that bonding I’d missed out on for so many years. And even though I was cautious of who I let close to me, I welcomed feeling whole again.

I wouldn’t take Bann and Tegan for granted, looking over to Tegan while my shoulders rolled forward, my back slumped over. I could tell she was trying her hardest not to look at my bare chest, so I figured I’d tease her a bit, seeing how she would rather snuggle up with me in bed while I recovered.

“I see you’re a woman of culture, too,” I complimented. “Dokkan Battle?”

“It keeps me entertained, so, why not?” she replied, her eyes still glued on her Android.

“Do I keep you entertained?”

She locked her jaw, leaving me with no comment as she tried to stop the red from sneaking up on her face again.

“Why are you in bed with me?”

“Bann told me to keep an eye on you,” she said defending herself.

“You could have sat down on the armchair to do that,” I said in a lighthearted tone.

“The bed is more comfortable. After all, you are in my old room.”

“Heh, I wouldn’t know just by looking at it. The colors are very monotone.”

“I’m sorry if you expected fluffy bunny ear pillows and teddy bears lined up on the dresser mirror!” she sassed.

“No, I expected the room to close in on me with darker tones, and an ambiance suitable for a metal-head like you.”

She smiled, then my phone on the nightstand vibrated. I turned to my right and noticed a bunch of missed calls from my omega, with one text that read, ‘Hi Tyler! I am doing fine.’ Followed by a long list of things she had done since I saw her.

I meant to read the rest of the texts she sent me, but I didn’t want to come off as rude in front of Tegan, telling myself I’d reply to her later, and gave Tegan my full attention.

“Are you going to text her back?”

“What?” I asked, snapping my head back to Tegan while I tucked my phone away.

“That girl… she’s the one who texted you, right? Miss no name?”

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I snickered. “Yeah, I’ll text her back later. She’s fine. Why are you so interested, though? Are you jealous?”

She nearly choked on her lollipop, finally dropping her distraction to fume at me. “Me, jealous? How absurd!”

“Doesn’t answer the question, though.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Tyler!”

“So you’re not into me like that?”

“Absolutely not!” she said, crossing her arms over her chest with the cutest subtle pout. And then, the ears came out. And this time, she didn’t hide them.

Was she not aware? Or was she just finally comfortable around me?

“Don’t make me catch you in a lie,” I threatened. “You’re in my bed, after all. Anything can happen…”

“H-hey! You can’t say things like that to me! I’m seventeen, remember?”

“I doubt that really means anything for werewolves. Not only that, I have a funny feeling that you’re lying to me about your age.”

“Why would I lie to you about my age?”

“To make things easier for yourself. Isn’t that why you injected that drug inside your veins so we won’t go at it with each other? But I guess only time will tell if you’re going to officially be part of the Sire Wolves or not, right?”

She stumbled, scooping herself off the bed, and over to that armchair. I guess I was getting to her, the temptation always there, and Tegan, always fighting it. I couldn’t understand why she wanted to be so proud about it. Maybe she felt like it was an accomplishment to not fall for an alpha, as her genetic code insisted. But I wasn’t just an alpha, and I could tell she wanted me outside of the task of breeding.

Tegan tried to fix her face on that armchair, trying to brush away the nerves and the show and tell on her pretty strawberry face. She cleared her throat and sat politely, probably ready to grill me for catching her slipping again.

“You ought to text her back,” she said. “I’m glad she’s okay.”

“Says the girl who just a few hours ago thought she was using me to beat up an alpha.”

“You won’t be sure until you meet her again, right?”

“Why are you pushing me on her now, all of a sudden?”

“Because, well, I mean I’m still thinking rationally here, aren’t I? Someone has to!” she barked. “But, at the same time, we really need you to grow your pack. So, you can be with her, just, be careful. Understand where she is coming from first. You have to remember that your survival means everything to the Sire Wolves.”

“I’ve only heard it a thousand times.”

“Growing your pack means everything. I am sure there are other omegas on campus.”

“Heh, feel like a predator when you say it like that.”

“And if they are already part of a pack, you can fight to claim them.”

“Fight the alpha you mean, right? An alpha who clearly has more experience and women under his belt,” I started. “I only fucked one omega, Tegan. How many do you suspect carry such low numbers?”

“Don’t see it like that.”

“I thought that’s how it works?”

“You have me by your side, remember?”

“To be honest, I don’t like the idea of you fighting my battles for me.”

“Stop being proud and let a skilled fighter handle the heavy work!”

“It’s not even my pride. Well, part of it is, yeah, but it’s also that I would rather not lose you.”

She looked at me with gentle eyes. “You’re not going to. I’m a big girl. I’ve handled my own before.”

I stared at her up and down, trying to tell myself to believe her, but then something else crossed my mind, and I was desperate to ask her, “Have you ever been with an alpha before?”

She got up, taking her cell phone with her, her face crumpling from my question. “Tyler, dinner is ready,” she invited me, and then, she made her cold way out.