Ilos: By the border between the U.B.K and Eswart Kingdom: Anowa Town
December 15 145 AA
(Emilia's POV)
Emilia suddenly woke up from a weird dream in the middle of the night. She sit upright in her bed and took a moment to re-adjust herself. She grogily stood up then stretched her body and she noticed how dark her room was. The only light source was coming from the 2 moons that lit the peaceful town she is in.
"I should light a candle" said Emilia to herself then pointed her finger to the candle's wick and chanted "Ifel". Then her finger produced a small bright flame which she used to light the candles in her room.
After better illuminating the room she noticed her belongings are strewn around the room. "Haaa This is going to be a long night" she said as she starts cleaning up. When she was done it was already morning so she changed her clothes and decided to go greet her friends.
As soon as Emilia arrive at the bottom floor she noticed few people are in the tavern of the in she is in. So it is easy for her to locate her friends which are sitting together in a table. "Morning Guys" said Emilia in a tired tone "What are you talking about" she then added as she is walking towards them.
Annie a Catwoman,Laluna a Dragonkin ,Marie a Bunnywoman, Eliza and Macador are Human then Ronnie a Dark Elf stared and greeted the late Emilia a High Elf. "Morning Emii" Annie said as she hugged her best friend. "We were talking about joining the investigation that the guild organized" Macador said answering Emilia's question "It pays a lot of money for the ones who participates" Ronnie then added. "We will also pe joined by the Lunen Kingdon, U.B.K (United Beastmen Kingdom) and the Kingdom of Eswart military for the investigation"
Usually the guild would only post quest for the adventures to do and take request from high paying customers to do something. Adventurer's Guilds rarely work together with a country's kingdom but when they do it usually is something big going on. This piqued Emilia's interest from this bizzare occurance.
So she leaned in and asked in a hushed manner "Why what's going on". "I have a friend who is the receptionits in the guild said to me the there were multiple reports of loud sounds sometimes consecutive sometimes a just one loud explosion were heard all over the place and it scares them. " Eliza said after taking a deep breath she added "Knights and Adventurers were dispatched to locate the source of these sounds and investigate. Once the responders reached the location of the sounds were originating from, they discovered corpses of either large numbers of bandits or monster. What is suprising large amounts of the monster that were discovered were high ranking ones starting from rank 6 to rank 12 were killed".
"Whats makes it more mysterious is that they died similarly, holes were found on their head or body was the cause of their death and to make it more bizzare is there are multiple cases were recoreded in 1 day and they were found hundreds of meters away from each other." Macador added to what Eliza said. The group lisented carefully to what the two have said and was baffled of this bizzare occurance.
"Are there any clues what or who could have done this?" Laluna asked. "So far none thats why the guild and the army is conducting a mass investigation" Eliza answered.
Outside the tavern the group heard a messenger screaming "To all adventurers participating the Mass investigation please proceed to the the Town square the Guild master and the 3 generals of the different kingdoms are making an anouncement bring your gear immedietly because after the meeting finishes the investigation will immedietly commence."
"Right now I thought the investigation will start tomorrow" Ronnie asked. "I don't know maybe something urgent happened" Marcador answered. After talking the group took their gear and went to the town square for the meeting.
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