Chapter 3: Chapter 2 – Trasportation(1)

Eart: Unified Korea: Fort Minick

December 11, 2080

It was already 6 years after the war started. The war is already starting to end after a joint task force of American, British, French, and other South East Asian Countries pushed China off Taiwan and other parts of the Middle East. The war finally hit the Chinese Mainland and was rapidly losing. China, focused to defend its mainland by taking the force assaulting Unified Korea to face off the advancing force coming from the south leaving a force to defend forces coming from the Unified Korean Front.

It was already 6 days after the failed operation of the Chinese forces to take the town deep in the Unified Korea Territory. Defended by a thousand soldiers consisting of American, Australian, Filipino, Japanese, and Korean Forces against a force of around forty thousand Chinese Soldiers.

The media thought the odds were against the allied force and expected that the town will fall to the Chinese due to the large numerical disadvantage. In a twist of fate, the allied force barely managed to hold their ground and even make a counterattack. The guidance and sheer will of Captain Maxwell along with a heroic and determined counterattack led by Lieutenant Anderson pushed the Chinese forces long enough for reinforcements to come.

The media praised the heroic actions done by the soldiers to the point Captain Maxwell and Liutentant Anderson along with some other notable soldiers receiving promotions. Maxwell from Captain was promoted to Brigadier General and Anderson from Liutenant to Major. Currently both are still on duty and were assigned to Fort Minick. 

The Fort Minick is used as a staging ground against the Chinese forces and also the largest airbase on the Asian Theatre. Holding a Force of 80 thousand American Active Forces this includes forces of Filipino, Japanese, Australian and Korean soldiers and around 10 thousand non-armed personel. The fort stores around a couple thousand armored vehicles such as MBT's, IFV's and APC's then there is also the airforce which holds many assortsment of Aircraft ranging from Aerial Supriority Fighters to UAV.

(Andersons POV)

It was already dawn yet Anderson can't get a wink of sleep. He checked his digital watch and its already 5 A.M. So he decided to go to the mess hall  and get a cup of coffee. As he is walking he was greeted by soldiers "Morning Major". It took him a minute to respond and looked at his nametag "Morning Private Johan what unit are you from?" asked Anderson. 

"I'm from 82nd Airborne sir we just arrive yesterday" answered the soldier. "Alright Johan carry on" replied Anderson and continue his way.

(Roger's POV)

First Sergeant Roger is playing cards in the mess hall along with Private Joshua Mac, Private Michael Lapena, Private. First Class Benjamin Noa and Specialist Robert Acuna. Their group is a delta force unit and the commanding officer is the recently promoted Major Andersons. They were still off duty after the defense of the town 6 days ago. The Higher Ups taught that it will be great if the surviving forces in the town have a one-week rest but the soldiers think otherwise since there are little things that they can do. "HAHAHA I won again," Robert said as he is collecting his rewards. "Ay no fair I'm pretty sure you cheated no way you won 5 times a row" Michael complained "Yeah are you hiding cards on your sleeve or something" Benjamin added.

They lost already 500 dollars each to Robert and they weren't happy. "Hey as long as you have no proof it's fair game" Robert countered as he counts the money he won clearly taunting his friends. "Another game," Roger said clearly not giving up on losing again and again. "Hell no I aldready lost so much let's do something else" Joshua said.

Roger gather the cards and was shuffling them when in the corner of his eyes he saw Anderson walking to them. "Andersons here" Roger said to the group then all of them stood up and saluted the Major. "At ease" Anderson said to them whilst taking a sip on his cup of coffee.

"Yes sir" replied Joshua. Anderson looked at him remebering his new to the unit. "Your new here right? Drop the formalities alright" Anderson commanded Joshua.  "By the way sir I saw a our engineers building a large warehouse on the east any idea what they're putting there?" Roger asked Anderson. After finishing his coffee Anderson answered "Yea I got the document said they will be putting a prototype fabricator there but I didn't bother to finish the document because its none of my concern so I have no clue what it is". 

Robert is about to answer when the speakers suddenly chimed. 《MAJOR ANDERSON PLEASE REPORT TO GENERAL MAXWELL AT CP(Command Post) I REPEAT MAJOR ANDERSON PLEASE REPORT TO GENERAL MAXWELL AT CP》. "Welp looks like I'm needed else where maybe for the upcoming ops" Anderson said to himself "See you guys later and Robert don't do anything stupid agian". "What did I do this time" Robert asked in confusion while the others are laughing at him.

(Andersons POV)

Anderson walked away from the group and outside the mess hall. He walked in a slow pace clearly not thrilled for the meeting while being greeted by soldiers he walked passed. While walking, armored vehicles can be seen entering the fort. Lately the fort has been bustling with activity something to do with the upcomic operation. 

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When Anderson arrived at the CP he saw Maxwell along other high ranking and foreign officers all discussing for an operation they will be conducting tomorrow.  Maxwell saw Anderson arrived and signal him to join the group. Anderson saw the men all gather around a table and on top of it was a digital hologram map of the Chinese Defensive Line which they dubbed the CDL. 

"Alright gentlemen lets start the meeting; Liutenant Maria Rose can you give the situation we are in" Maxwell said looking at the female officer. Anderson has known Maria since joining the army although sorrounded by men she doesn't fail to keep up with them. She has a small stature and extremely attractive and stunning but can be very dangerous and can kill a man with ease. 

Liutenant Maria Rose fiddled with a keyboard then spoke. "As all of you know a month ago a joint force of American, British, French and a number of South East Asian Countries have liberated Taiwan, have landed on Chinese soil and pushed inland currently threatening the capital.". "But the Chinese is stubborn to the point they are arming civilians" Maxwell added. 

"So what does it have to do with us" a Korean Officer said knowing what Maxwell would say next.

With a smirk Anderson said "Orders from US President. Our job is to attack and take the CDL on the Unified Korean front completely pushing China of your lands". Maxwell and Maria looked at Anderson with a suprised faces "So you actually read the memo I sent you" Maria said still suprised. "Well I read it from time to time if I have the energy to do so" Anderson jokingly said receiving a laughter from the people around them

"Alright cut the chatter lets act all proffesional know" Maxwell suddenly jumped in. "Continuing what the Major has said, after taking the CDL components of the 3rd US Armored Division and US Mechanized Infantry with their new toys the MK IRONS "Battle Droids" along with 82nd US Airborne Division will be supportd by the Japanese Green Berets and Korean armed forces ". Anderson have heard of the MK IRONS first debut at the liberation of Taiwan, as the name suggest those are the first robots used for Armed Military Conflicts. Although the military have been using robots for a decade now they are mainly used for maintenance, logistics and other chores. 

Maxwell continued "Meanwhile US Delta Team, Philippine Scout Rangers and the Australian Airborne Forces will ride a C-130 Hercules and will land on deep enemy territory and engage military installments, will send a memo to the assigned teams on further orders. The operation starts tomorrow at 0000 you are all dismissed." Everyone took a step bacwards and saluted then went off to prepare for the operation.