(Mars 2008 , Los Angeles)
" Come on , Sam, it's time to go to bed ." Said the father to the 6 years old boy , he groaned a little in protest but eventually he gave in .
" Dad , can you do something for me before you go ? " Wondered the child , the father nodded his head as he tucked him in .
" Anything , what is it ? " Replied the dad with a warm smile , the kid fiddled a little in his bed before speaking again . " Could you tell me a bedtime story ? " He asked in a quiet voice , the older man noticed his embarrassed blush .
" I don't mind , but bedtime stories are for little kids . Do you still want me to tell you ? " Teased the father with an arrogant smirk .
" I am not a child ! " Exclaimed the kid with a pout on his face .
"Is that so ? You're a grown up then . In that case , I guess you don't need me to do it . "He was about to leave but his son held onto his hand .
" Please dad , wait up . " Pleaded the kid in a shy whisper , his father felt a little guilty for teasing him . He sat on his bedside as he allowed the boy to climb on his lap .
" Alright , let's see … which one should I tell you ? " Wondered the dad in thought , his hand on his chin .
" I wanna hear that one ! " Shouted the kid enthusiastically . His father looked at him with a raised eyebrow . " That one ? But I've told you more than enough . Aren't you bored of it already ? . " He shook his head vigorously confirming his desire to hear it , getting his answer , the older man sighed in defeat as he proceeded to tell the tale . " Very well … there once was a man … "
Even though it's been more than 10 years , I still remember it to this very day . After all , it was the favourite thing about my childhood .Every night , before kissing me goodnight , I would ask my dad for a bedtime story . He had the most amazing stories , but in all the stories he had told me over the years , one was my favourite . The tale of Malice , the rogue demon . I know how it sounds , it's not exactly a story a 6 years old would pick as a favourite . But for some unknown reason , I was addicted to it .My name is Sam . I was a joyful child growing up since I had the most amazing father anyone could ask for . My father has been loving , kind , compassionate ever since I can remember , filling the void my mother left giving that I never had the chance to meet her because she died giving birth to me . So my father has been everything in my life . He was my hero , the man that can do anything , that's who he was to me .
No one can change that reality for me .
However, that reality began to slowly fall apart a few years ago . He started to look paler , slightly losing his shape . Coughing and losing balance , but I dismissed it as just a cold . That's what I thought , or maybe that's what I wanted to convince myself , it seems he wanted that too himself because he would always lie and try to hide it . So I respect his wishes . My father can not be vulnerable , it's a fact that I had established .
That until the early months of 2021 , specifically in the third of April. I had just celebrated my 19th birthday that day. We threw a magnificent birthday party , although nobody came except my two close friends Mike and July . I didn't rely on anyone else coming , I didn't have other friends either way . I don't know why but whenever I try to socialize other kids would just leave me standing and go . As if there was something repellent about me that I couldn't see . Never been able to figure it out . The only ones who didn't seem to have a problem with it were Mike and July , In fact they were the first ones to approach me . Always found it weird but never questioned it . We met when I was 9 years old and have been friends ever since .
The day of my birthday , after Mike and July left . I was looking for my father to thank him for such a wonderful memory only to find him lying unconscious in the kitchen . I immediately ran to him and checked him . I started to panic when I didn't feel any pulse . I called an ambulance for him , luckily they arrived quickly and took him to the nearest hospital . The doctors were quite confused when they examined him , it seemed that nothing was wrong with him . But their statements implied something else . " There was nothing wrong with him" , " I've never seen anything like this before " , " you should take him home while you can . " It didn't take a genius to figure it out , my father is beyond saving , I've been with him my whole life and I didn't know . Not even the doctors knew , how should I know ? I shouldn't blame myself right ? Boy I wish I could . I've tried not to blame myself countless times but it never worked . It's my fault , because I decided to respect his wishes , because I didn't take him to the hospital when I should have . Maybe we wouldn't be in this predicament had I done that .
But it's too late for regrets now , my father is spending his last days on this earth . It's the bitter truth that I must accept , I have to be by his side and take care of him , make sure he's comfortable on his deathbed . That's the least I can do .
I've been taking care of him for several weeks , picking up his medicine , feeding him , nursing him to sleep . Didn't think it would change . That until one fateful day of April 29 when I was giving him his medicine .
" Dad, here's your medicine . '' I said to him as I put the tray down on the table , I doubt he could hear me , his senses were getting duller . As I was about to leave I heard something.
" Sam , my boy . " I heard him calling out faintly. I kneeled down by his side and leaned closer .
" Yes dad ? " He looked at me , I resisted the urge to burst out in tears . His face was paler than a dead corpse , eyes dried out . He smiled weakly as he caressed my face with his fragile hand .
" I'm sorry . " He whispered in a saddened tone , I smiled at him as I spoke . " For what ? "
" For everything , as it appears I won't be here for long . So I wanted to talk to you one last time … " I couldn't bear to let him continue , I quickly shook my head, cutting him off .
" You've done a very amazing job . You're the best father I could've asked for . Even If I get reincarnated thousands of times , I would choose to be your son every single time . I'm grateful for you , so please don't talk like you're about to die ..Please dad just … " My voice started to crack as I broke down in tears , my head hung low . I could see my father's face because my head wasn't completely facing the ground . He was saddened by my emotions , he too was doing his best not to break down . Slowly he lifted my chin to face him , A faint smile on his face but I can see it was forced .
" I'm sorry for making you go through something so painful , but just listen to me . Because I may not be able to say it again , okay ? " He asked in a soft tone , I nodded grimly . His smile grew .
" Very good . As you can see , my end is nearing . Even If I try to deny it , I can feel my life slowly fading away . So I wanted to leave you with a few words.
I apologize for leaving you so early , I won't be there to watch you become an amazing father and a wonderful husband . It's true that I won't see it myself , but I can promise you that it will happen , of that I have no doubt . You're my little boy after all , You'll be just fine without me …but don't worry , I'll be there to watch after you . Even after my death . " I couldn't stop my hands from shaking as he got up slowly to take his medicine . His words took me aback , I wasn't prepared for that . Nor was I prepared for what was about to happen next .
As I laid him down gently , I heard him mumble weakly .
" There …once … was … a … man … named Malice . " He's hallucinating , he does that very often . Usually he goes right to sleep after that , so I'd just wait by his side until he falls asleep .
" He was a kind forgiving man . Loved by his family , and his kingdom . However his kindness didn't last for long , as his precious one was forcefully taken away from him . Crushed by his grief and anger , he allowed his darkness to take control of him , shedding a lot of blood in the process. Eventually , he succeeded in taking his revenge . He thought he could finally rest … "
He paused ,it seems like he reached the end . It wouldn't take long before he falls asleep .
" However … " As I was making my way out of the room , I heard him mumble again . That's unusual, usually by now he'd be in deep slumber .
I wondered what's wrong , so I went back and sat by his side and listened .
" It was too late , he was too far gone to be back to his old self . In order to take his revenge , he remained in the darkness for too long that it had overshadowed his light , becoming a rutheless demon who proceeded to terrorize mankind for ages ."
You are reading story The young warlock at novel35.com
That's a lot of details , and a bit dark for a bedtime story . Was that really my favorite story as a kid ? What's wrong with me ? I gotta get myself checked after this .
" He was the bringer of death , terror to mankind .He caused sufference to countless of people .."
All of a sudden , he stopped talking . Sweat started falling down his forehead as he held his head in panic , eyes wide open in horror . He continued in a quivering voice .
" I was one of those people . It was taken before my eyes . My dreams , my life , my future they were all crushed in an instant . It was his doing , all of it . I tried to prevent it , I really did but he was too powerful for me . I ended up losing the most important thing to me . " He started crying .
"It's my fault , all of it . I let my guard down , had I been more vigilant , had I been a better husband ,a better friend …none of this would've happened . "
What's gotten into him all of sudden ? He's never told me this part before . Why is he including himself ? There's a lot that I don't understand .
" Joshua , Mark , they couldn't do anything . No , even Jason was helpless against his might . I was too broken to try to take revenge so I ran away , hunted by shame and trauma , I hid away.For 19 years , I hid myself like a coward and dumped everything on them . But not anymore , the time has come . For him to reclaim what's rightfully his , what I took from him that night … "
Without warning , he latched onto my arm so hard that it was hurting me .
" Hey dad ? You're hurting me ! Let go ! " I pleaded desperately trying to free my arm . He latched on even harder . I stopped struggling when he looked up to me . When I saw his face I visibly flinched . His eyes were full of regret , self loath , sadness and most of all … fear .
" I'm really sorry , for not telling you any of this , for keeping so many secrets away from you for so long . I just hoped I could maybe protect you from everything and grant you a happy life . But I was too naive , thinking I have time and options . I managed to keep it away for 19 years but I ran out of time now . He'll be coming with the intent of causing mayhem … therefore son , I need you to listen to me . I want you to stop him . " His request made me gasp in shock . I was not expecting him to say that , I shook my head rejecting the idea .
" Stop him ? Me ? What are you saying ? There's no way I can do that . What are you even talking about in the first place ? It's no longer funny dad , stop messing around … " He grabbed my shoulder and forced me to quiet down as he continued …
" I know , I know I'm asking for the impossible .I'm the worst father , I know it's selfish of me to even think of this , but I have no options . This was meant to be . I've tried desperately to change but apparently fate does not like to be tampered with, eventually it came down to this . I despise myself for saying it , but today will be the last day you'll ever have the chance of living a normal life . From this day forward , You'll experience a painful road full of regret , pain , loss , tears and hatred . But no matter what , don't give in to the darkness . Don't lose yourself, rely on them . They'll help you."
" Who's they ? Help me with what ? I don't … "
" I know you have a lot of questions and I wanna give you all the answers you wish to know . But sadly I can't , there will come time for you to know the truth and you will despise me with every inch of your body . But I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me . But it won't be for a while until that time comes . For now , I beg you forgive me for my cruelty for putting such a burden on you . You're our only hope , the only that can stop what's coming .. " He suddenly stopped as his eyes went wide . I slowly leaned in and asked .
" Stop what ? "
" Hell … on … earth … " Those were the last words he mumbled before falling down on the ground without a movement .
"Dad ! " I screamed in panic as I rushed in and shook him violently to wake up but with no use .
" Just wait, I'll call you an ambulance .. the hospital is near, they won't take long .. " I reassured him with tears running down my face , I couldn't dial the number , my hands were trembling . I tried to calm down but to no use . Damn it , stop shaking .
" Sam … " I heard him squeak out , I looked at him with a fake smile as tears kept falling .
" It's okay dad , I'm gonna call them right away . Just lay still . " I finally managed to dial the number , my hands were still shaking a little and my breath hitching .
" Sam … stop … "
" Don't talk , save your strength . You need to survive until the doctors arrive . " I pleaded , he shook his head .
" That's enough , it's too late . Please stop . " He said in a hoarse voice , I looked at him desperately , begging him to deny it but he kept his gaze .
" No , this can't be . " Despair was all I felt at the moment . I gritted my teeth so hard that my lips started bleeding . I felt something warm against my check , I opened my eyes to see my father's hand caressing my cheek , slowly wiping away my tears with a soft smile .
"Dad … I'm … "
" Shhh … it's okay . My son … my pride … I'm leaving the rest to you .. " Right after he said that , his eyes closed as life drifted away ,taking his last breath from him . I started crying even harder.
" No , no , no please God no . Helppppp ! Anybody ! My father is dying! Somebody save him. He's… " The words died in my mouth as I touched his face . His skin was so cold , already getting paler . He was already dead .
" No , no , no this can't be happening . He can't be dead , that's right . It's just a nightmare , that's all it is . All I have to do is wake up and I'll find myself back in my bed with my dad telling me a bedtime story . I'm sure of it . " I falsely reassured myself , despite knowing the bitter truth . No matter how many times I close my eyes , thinking I'm gonna reopen them to find myself out of this nightmare . I still open them to see My father's dead corpse lying there still , facing me .
" It's not a dream … is it ? He's really dead … isn't he … " It was so low that I could hardly hear my voice anymore . I looked above as I unleashed an ear piercing scream , my father had just died …
( Comment if you want next chapter . Hope you enjoy it ... )
Ps : English is not my first language. Pardon my mistakes.