Chapter 4: Chapter-2 The Final Word 1/6


Damian watched as his warship docked near a rock that was smooth enough and tilted just about the right height for his units to safely disembark, he also watched his five followers wander next to his 40 Defenders and 20 Patriots as they walked down the tilted rock, slowly navigating their way towards the main body of the island.

the night sky illuminated with many nuclear missiles that flied towards their targets, a wonderful view that changed the course of the wars, but Damian didn't care much since he didn't know the real state that the world was in, his main objective now was to find a base and some builders or construction units to build said base.

and with great luck he found a barracks, situated near a small airfield, oh how he immediately went from extremely bored to very happy when he saw the two just sitting there, waiting to be captured, and with a few clicks here and there Damian ordered two of his Defenders to go and claim the barracks and airfield, even though he didn't know who they belonged to.

Defender: place a flag and it's tagged!

the Defenders entered their selected structures however, the small airfield turned into an helipad with a few buildings here and there while the barracks gained new garages and some barricades, defenses and sandbags for protection.

Defender: the building is ours sir.

Damian became satisfied knowing he was about to start another world conquest, or an adventure, but he knew he had to start it slow and carefully, there was no need to rush, then he noticed that the flag of both buildings looked a bit odd, then he went to check on his warship only to find out it was also the same with them.

the flag looked like a UN flag, but instead of a blue background it was black, with a few differences here and there, then he realized that he was playing as the human faction, so no wonder.

he also remembered that he had limited resources, this time he had only 3,120 [ Currency ] which was bad considering he was playing a strategy game, and units alone costs more than a hundred.

Damian then selected the barracks and looked around for a unit that could build for him, but sadly every icon there was infantry, but luckily though he found it, at the very bottom-right corner of his screen he saw an icon, an icon that had a soldier in steel armor that carried a big bag and heavy equipment as well as a strange-looking gun.

oh yeah! jackpot! Damian thought to himself as he quickly moved his cursor above the icon, and while the cursor hovered over the icon the description appeared on the left side of the screen, the [ CZ-Engineer ] AKA the Combat Zone-Engineer, trained to build and fight, but the cost though, it shocked Damian to the point that he had to think twice before clicking.

at the cost of 1,200 [ Currency ] he could get two of the [ CZ-Engineer ] units, and that only leaves him with 720 left, what a scam, but then it occurred to him that he could have just sold the barracks and save up for a later time, and so he did, Damian then hired two of these units and waited patiently for them to be finished hiring so that he could sell the barracks.

CZ-Engineer: a fine night today sir, what'll it be?

once the two CZ-Engineers were out of the barracks Damian quickly sold the structure for 2,200 [ Currency ] and a bit of scrap, which got him some 300 [ Minerals ] and 40 of a new resource called [ Trinity ] that even he himself did not know of, but randomly appeared below his screen, but he ignored it for now and placed his curiosity behind him.

Damian then selected the small helipad, and looked for a unit that he could afford with only 2,920 [ Currency ] and after some time he clicked an icon that had the cheapest cost among them, about only 2,100 for a [ Helios Gunship ] a transport and a combat helicopter similar to that of the Mil Mi-24, a Russian attack helicopter.

Helios Gunship: helicopter gunship on standby.

Damian noticed the helicopter was slightly bigger and boxy than the Mil Mi-24, and had larger wings and a longer tail and body, with a mounted minigun at the front of it, as well as a small but powerful searchlight. 

Damian: alright, let's get you out of the island.

Damian then sold the helipad for 6,400 [ Currency ] and 1,200 [ Minerals ] an absurd amount if it was in a RPG game, but since this was a strategy game it was still quite small, barely considered enough, in total he had 7,220 [ Currency ] and only a small 1,500 [ Minerals ] even though it was a small amount Damian was content with it.

Damian then selected all of his units before ordering them to go inside the warship, but unlike the infantry units only the gunship remained outside, Damian remembered that there was an empty space at the very back of the warship, so that was probably where the helicopters would land, though only one helicopter could fit on top.

Helios Gunship: Vengeance Class Warship, requesting permission to land.

Warship-Lieutenant: copy Helios Gunship, permission granted, you are cleared for landing.

Helios Gunship: roger, making landing procedures, out.

the gunship slowly descended on the empty space at the back of the warship while Damian's infantry units were soon finished boarding, with the followers already inside and chatting as always.

once the gunship landed Damian immediately selected the warship before clicking on a piece of ocean far away from the islands, the warship quickly followed the command as it slowly moved towards its target location.

Warship-Navigator: charting course, navigation set.

meanwhile, in the far distance to the west RDA and Russian forces approached with warships of their own, a fleet of 72 ships of many varieties, 24 of which were carriers, half carried planes and jets while the others carried the Huntsmen.


outside one of the carriers of the fleet, Jack watched from his Huntsman as an armored man approached him, a cyborg soldier with red eyes and metal skin, the armor was black and bulky unlike the body inside, Jack took a moment to recognize his superior because of the visor that covered the face, it was Commander Johnathan, the leader of his team.

Jack immediately stood up upon recognizing his commander and saluted.

Jack: c-commander! Pilot-76 Jack! reporting!

Commander-Johnathan: at ease pilot, there's no need for that.

Jack relaxed and took a deep breath before jumping down from his Huntsman, but when Jack stood on the same level as Johnathan he then realized that his commander was much taller than him, by a foot.

Commander-Johnathan: did you expect me to be shorter Jack?

Jack: u-uh... n-no! that's not what I...

Commander-Johnathan: never mind... come on, I'll brief you on the mission, the rest are waiting.

Jack looked behind Johnathan as they both walked towards a group of other pilots, upon arriving Jack stood beside another pilot while Johnathan quickly briefed them on their mission.

Commander-Johnathan: alright... as you all know, you've been assigned to Europe in order to investigate the sudden disappearance of a Russian warship in the area... as well as multiple Valiant shipwrecks near the UK, if there's any questions that any of you want to ask now is the time, we only have a few minutes left before we arrive.

a random pilot from the group raised his hand as he asked Johnathan.

Hunstman-Pilot-32: sir, is there anything that we should know before we start searching?

Johnathan sighed and answered the pilot's question.

Commander-Johnathan: well, the professor confirmed that nine Valiant ships were destroyed simultaneously during a conflict with the ones that stole the warship, judging by the marks that were left, they aren't human.

the younger pilots murmured amongst themselves, sharing whispers and thoughts while Johnathan exercised his neck before finally settling down the nervous and startled young pilots.

Commander-Johnathan: alright, that's enough talk... anything else?

another pilot raised his hand before asking.

Huntsman-Pilot-68: what's the armament of the warship?

Johnathan paused for a moment before answering, unsure if his assessment is correct or not.

Commander-Johnathan: taking the nine Valiant ships into account, I don't think we're dealing with a lone ship here, but another fleet... however, if we are indeed dealing with a lone ship, it must be heavily armed... so expect heavy resistance.

Johnathan looked at the crowd, scanning and waiting for someone to ask another question, once he knew that no one would ask anymore he opened his mouth, but before he could utter a single word the captain of the carrier announced that they have arrived at their destination, but it didn't look like something that Johnathan predicted.

Carrier-Captain: attention! we have arrived at our destination, all hands report to your stations immediately!

the crowd of pilots turned towards the burning wrecks in the distance that was once Valiant ships while the carrier's crew rushed towards their stations in all directions, the crowd ran towards the side of the ship to take a closer look at the chaos before them, followed by their commander who watched closely from the side.

Hunstman-Pilot-20: look at that... do you think that one ship could've done this much damage?

Huntsman-Pilot-103: I don't know...  I doubt even a warship could have done this, even if it was heavily armed... not even this fleet could have taken on seven of them without losing half.

the pilots became disheartened as rain soon poured down on the fleet, flames burned high as tall as a building off in the distance, explosions shook the waves as the fleet neared the wrecks.

but as Jack looked at the wreckage alarms on the carrier suddenly blared shocking him and his teammates, looking around just the same as the rest of his team, but when he looked back, he saw a moving speck in the distance, using his helmet to zoom in Jack then saw what the alarm was about, a warship bigger than a carrier was moving towards them.

Commander-Johnathan: alright pilots! you know what to do! get in your Huntsmen and proceed with RDA combat procedures! get moving! go! go! go! don't waste your training!

Jack and the other pilots immediately ran towards their Huntsmen, getting inside before starting their engines, meanwhile Johnathan got into a personal Huntsman of his own, modified to his needs.

thrusters on the back of each Huntsman burned as they slowly hovered before quickly rising towards the sky a hundred feet in the air then flying towards the incoming warship while descending slowly until above water level.

Johnathan spoke through the coms of each Huntsmen as they approached the warship.

Commander-Johnathan: alright Huntsmen, here's the plan... the first team will flank right, the second will be on the left, while three, four and five will be at the front, the rest, keep your distance and remain as support.

each team went in their designated position, meanwhile Jack, in the sixth team remained behind the teams at the front and watched as his commander continued with the RDA procedures.

once Johnathan and the teams were in their positions, their weapons armed and aimed at the warship, he finally started by speaking on an open channel while also using the speakers attached to his Huntsman.

Commander-Johnathan: attention unidentified vessel, this is the RDA Huntsman Company, under UN authority and maritime restrictions law you are to cease all activities and identify yourself!

the warship stopped just 6,900 meters away from them, but did not answer, making Johnathan repeat himself all over again just to remind the warship in case they did not hear or understand.

Commander-Johnathan: I repeat! this is the RDA Huntsman Company, under UN authority and maritime restrictions law you are to identify yourself! I repeat! identify yourself!

a long silence filled the air, apart from the rain, the waves and howling winds there was nothing else, Johnathan became a bit impatient as he prepared to fire a warning shot at the warship.

Commander-Johnathan: preparing warning shot...

but before Johnathan could fire a single shot a random pilot did it first.

Huntsman-Pilot-109: I'll do it sir, firing.

the shot landed a hit on the side of the warship, scarping a bit of metal and paint, but Johnathan didn't notice it, none of them did, that would soon prove to be a grave mistake on their part.

Jack: do you think they don't understand us commander?

Commander-Johnathan: that won't be the case if they were human, all ships have an interpreter nowadays... I doubt they couldn't understand us because of-

Johnathan was interrupted before he could continue as a response came from the warship.

Warship-Captain: this is the Vengeance Class Warship of the %@#=&(, prepare to be destroyed.

a hail of gunfire quickly swept the sea, millions of bullets flowed like waves in the air, hitting multiple Huntsmen at once, some even taking so much gunfire that they were outright disabled.

Jack: w-what is happening out there!? 

Commander-Johnathan: all units engage! hostile force is authorized!

the teams of Huntsmen scattered and swarmed like locusts and bees, firing without conserving a single ammunition as they landed their hits, but those hits only scraped the armor of the warship, some even noticed that it was regenerating, even against twice the firepower the warship barely got damaged, the Huntsmen on the other hand, were losing.

Huntsmen were falling by the dozens every minute as the warship soon used more and more of its armaments, missiles and rockets filled the skies as the warship and the army of Huntsmen exchanged blows.

You are reading story The Game of Reality… Frontier… at

Huntsman-Pilot-103: u-uh, commander? I don't think we're dealing any d-damage here-

Huntsman-Pilot-91: c-commander! I can't take any more of this! I-

Huntsman-Pilot-20: sir! we're getting shredded here! I can't keep taking-

Huntsman-Pilot-109: argh! goddammit! *huff* *huff* I can't die-

pilot after pilot the small army of Huntsmen were slowly being whittled down into only a few hundred, all the while Jack watched from afar as his teammates get slaughtered right in front of him, he knew then and there, it was the end for him if he joined them, his body couldn't move, but that was until Johnathan made the order to retreat.

Commander-Johnathan: all units withdraw! we can't win like this, retreat back to the fleet! 

Jack snapped back into reality as he quickly collected himself and returned to the fleet as ordered, not knowing that his teammates were actually alive but bruised and unconscious, nonetheless he tried return to his carrier.

but before he could have even gotten near the ship his mind suddenly went completely blank as he quickly lost consciousness, that also goes for everyone else in the fleet, even Johnathan, who was a cyborg.

and as the Huntsmen fell from the sky and landed on the water the attacks from the warship stopped as two figures stood from the edge of the carrier Jack was assigned to, staring at the many floating Huntsmen before them.

one was an old man with a bushy brown beard and long brown hair, brown eyes and light brown skin, the old had many scars on his face and wore a brown cloak with a small satchel on the side, and carried a staff, the old man also had a black tattoo on his face and a burn mark as well as black sunglasses that covered his eyes, though they were only temporary.

the other was a young man, one with red skin, pointy ears, purple eyes, black hair and wore silver armor and held a silver longsword with many enchantments inscribed on the blade, while his white cape flowed with the wind.

those two were Zenon and Sanctus Malum, two out of the five followers, both were powerful sorcerers.

Sanctus Malum: Zenon, what are you wearing? that object on your face does not make you look any younger.

Zenon: oh? I'll have you know that this object you're referring to is the current fashion of this world, I doubt anyone would complain if I wear this in public, you however... look like a cosplayer.

Sanctus Malum raised an eyebrow as he asked Zenon what he meant.

Sanctus Malum: cosplayer? what does that mean?

Zenon: *snicker* you look like a person wearing a costume.

Sanctus Malum crossed his arms as he retorted.

Sanctus Malum: what nonsense are you spouting, you know I am wearing real armor.

Zenon: hah... I know, however the people of this world might think differently.

Sanctus Malum: that, I can agree on Zenon... but... never mind. 

Damian's gunship approached the two conversing magic users before slowly landing on the an empty space of the carrier behind them, the two looked at the gunship as a Defender got out and approached them.

Defender: sirs, you are needed in the warship, please head inside.

Zenon: alright then, I guess we are needed elsewhere.

Defender: affirmative sir, we are departing now.

both Zenon and Sanctus Malum followed the defender inside the gunship as it slowly took off, leaving the carrier and the battle before them as they soon approached the warship.

Sanctus Malum: and here I thought we were the only ones who knew magic in this realm.

Sanctus Malum looked at the destruction below, while Zenon took off his glasses and placed them inside his satchel, all the while the gunship's doors slowly closed.

Zenon: that I'm afraid, will remain a mystery for all of us, perhaps this soldier will care to enlighten us?

the two sorcerers turned towards the Defender and waited for a response.

Defender: sir, those are the Valiant, they are the distant cousins of humans, however they have little emotion... that is the current known information as of now, please ask at a later time.

Sanctus Malum: ah... is that so, I wonder what type of god created such beings...

Sanctus Malum looked at the window of the gunship while Zenon took out a revolver and analyzed it.

Zenon: perhaps in a world without magic, the forgotten gods of this world decided to punish the inhabitants as to remind them who they served, but the question is... why are we here.

Sanctus Malum: to punish said gods?

Zenon: that may be... that may be...

while the gunship returned back to the warship, somewhere north of Greenland a golden city stood strong and firm against the harsh winter blizzard, at the center a palace that reached the clouds overlooked the city, and at the very top of that palace, at the very peak of a diamond tower sat a man on a silver throne, guarded by golden golems in the shape of knights.

the man wore a silver robe and clothing, his eyes black like the night sky, his skin white like his hair, he stared at the rising sun to the west as the blizzard subsided in which direction he currently faced.

Saint-Austen: I am Saint Austen, the bringer of light and hope... yet I sit on a throne like a tyrant, while the demons ravage the world... mortals die after each breath I take... but I am chained... bound to the very throne I sit upon, why?

Austen looked at the person that was not in front of him before as he continued to ponder.

Saint-Austen: why do you think Saint Shima? 

a woman covered in white cloth answered, her entire body covered in black ornate bandages.

Saint-Shima: it is god's will of course...

Austen let out a sign before a tired laugh left his mouth.

Saint-Austen: hmm? and which god is it exactly? I currently sense over a dozen new gods in this world alone, but only one of them I cannot see through, one of them reeked of death, but also life... I sensed its presence a few days ago... its power flooded my senses upon arriving, and weakened the very chains that bound me here... 

Saint-Shima: perhaps it is creation itself?

Austen gripped his chin as he thought of it further.

Saint-Austen: creation itself? if it is indeed creation, then that explains the powerful servants it brought.

Saint-Shima: I beg your pardon? servants?

Saint-Austen: yes Shima, servants... and five of them... all with diverse magics... and with different laws of their own, something tells me that there will be a greater chaotic war in the distant future, and I doubt any of us will be spared from it.

Saint-Shima: *sigh* then shall I make preparations?

Austen then relaxed his body on the throne as he looked at the nearly invisible chains and shackles on his arms and body, before looking at the cracked shackle on his left wrist.

Saint-Austen: there is no need for preparation...

Austen paused for a moment as the shackle cracked, while a certain dragon flew passed them.

Saint-Austen: for I will personally participate, in this horrid game of the gods.

Austen gripped his hand into a fist before looking towards the rising sun once more, the golden armies below marched towards the gates of the city, trumpets sounded for war and machines roared to life while the skies cleared and the land rumbled, saints and gods will clash, in a bloody and gruesome battle that is soon to come.