America, Washington DC, the White House, the President's Office.
White, Johnathan and Livieur were all seated on the couches parallel to each other while Walter sat on the president's seat behind a desk, they have been discussing matters regarding the incident that happened in Europe and the fate that befell the fleet, after sometime Johnathan finally got to the part where he and the other pilots lost consciousness.
President-Walter: so you mean that all of you suddenly fainted and found yourselves in this situation? and there were no casualties? that's not something I'd actually believe considering the damages to the Huntsmen.
Walter took a moment to look at the pictures placed on his desk before looking back at the group before him.
President-Walter: but then again the detailed reports don't lie... what about the warship?
Johnathan paused for a moment before answering.
Commander-Johnathan: that sir... I don't know...
Walter relaxed his back as he sighed and adjusted his suit.
President-Walter: ah well, since no one died I think I could spare a few dollars here and there, I mean the economy is fine I can handle that... but I don't think I could have handled losing a single pilot... manpower is essential.
General-Livieur: sir, I understand that losing soldiers is difficult to handle but you must understand that we are losing soldiers every day... no matter how small the numbers may be, we need to study how to use Dark Energy, that is the only resource that could properly pierce through Valiant armor, we should put their sacrifices to good use.
White raised an eyebrow as she asked what this Dark Energy was.
DM-White: Dark Energy? is there something I should know about?
Walter massaged his forehead as he explained it to White.
President-Walter: defense minister, for the sake of not getting on my nerves I suggest you keep this to yourself, but I guess you'll start whining about how dangerous and some other nonsense if I told you about it... keep it tight ok?
White nodded while Walter continued.
President-Walter: alright, try not to panic... Dark Energy, by what the RDA calls it, is an energy only found in places where the first aliens that visited Earth are... and to put it in simpler words, Dark Energy is basically an energy that does not obey the laws of our universe, so both me and the general thought these guys are from another dimension.
Walter raised his hand signaling White to listen before a sound could even leave her throat.
President-Walter: now I know what you're thinking White, you think me and the general have really gone insane, but then again... what makes you think the flying monsters outside our borders are? endangered birds? and what about the new floating continent that replaced the moon? a perfectly reasonable explanation for all this would be nice.
White took a deep breath as she finally accepted Walter's point in the conversation.
DM-White: alright sir, you've... made your point...
Walter smiled with glee and relaxed knowing White knew her place as defense secretary, and not a critic.
President-Walter: finally, it would have taken ages to get that through your thick skull, but it finally worked.
Walter took his time to laugh until Livieur interrupted a few minutes later.
General-Livieur: uh, sir? sorry to interrupt but what is your take in this?
Walter calmed down a moment later before he first looked at Livieur and Johnathan and gave them specific orders on how to deal with the unknown and possible threat somewhere around Europe.
President-Walter: alright, alright... *sigh* it could have lasted longer... ahem, General Livieur, I want you and Johnathan to continue monitoring the warship and inform me of any further development, if they approach, remember not to antagonize them, we don't want another powerful enemy in our hands general.
Walter then took out a note from his desk and gave it to Livieur as he continued.
President-Walter: also, if you ever think of firing a warning shot, just remember what happened to the Azarduns' home planet... the Valiant are probably next, just don't forget that.
Livieur gulped while sweat dripped from his forehead, thanks to Walter reminding him of what these beings were capable of, not wanting to listen any further explanation, Livieur nodded and quickly left the room along with Johnathan.
Walter then gave orders to White as she listened carefully to his instructions.
President-Walter: and defense minister, just... keep it cool, protect our borders like you always did, and don't worry, your family is fine, just as long as our fleets protect our coasts... can you do that for me?
White nodded nervously and stood up, before walking out of the room and went to her duties leaving only Walter to himself as he turned towards the window behind him, and looked at the beautiful towering city before him.
President-Walter: if nukes didn't work... then maybe that Dark Energy will.
X: perhaps it may mister president.
Walter turned around to see X and Yamato standing there, Walter sighed and greeted them.
President-Walter: X, Yamato, please sit... I'm sure you already overheard our conversation.
X nodded as he sat on a couch while Yamato sat on the other.
X: as always mister president, I do like listing into conversations, accompanied with another.
President-Walter: I will spare you the drama X, we need Dark Energy if we want to survive.
X: I think you rely too much on this Dark Energy, we have other methods.
Walter looked at Yamato who nodded before looking back at X.
President-Walter: wait... you're both serious about this? this isn't some half-baked plan is it?
X: no it is not, instead of using conventional methods, why not use the latter?
Walter stared at X for a moment before deciding to listen further into his plan.
President-Walter: alright X, I'm listening...
X: you see, me and Yamato noticed that no matter how many times a bullet, missile or rocket hits the armor of Valiant troops, ships and vehicles, they seem to deal minimal or no damage at all, although, Yamato and I wondered, why not just use a more simpler and far more effective solution... getting close and personal.
Walter raised his hands and tried to process what information just went inside his head.
President-Walter: wait, wait... I lost you there, close and personal?
X: we noticed that Valiant troops are exceptionally bad at close combat, they are quite slow in their armor and lack skill, they seem to fight like scripted machines rather than real, living opponents... though they still hit hard, the only reason why they excel in that domain was because our own soldiers kept panicking.
Yamato: meaning, they are undisciplined... and lack true training.
Walter smiled and finally understood, nodding as he appreciated the plan X and Yamato came up with.
President-Walter: ah... I think I get it now, are you suggesting we make augmented soldiers to send to the fields rather than using tanks, ships and other vehicles? just... pure infantry? is that it?
Yamato: you are half-correct mister president... sir X suggested we use our soldiers to fight close rather than from afar, their weapons are far more destructive and effective at a distance, however their blades are dull.
Yamato took a breath before continuing.
Yamato: I on the other hand, suggest that we use proper warriors to fight in said battles... cowards have no place in the fields of war, they will simply die without taking a single soul with them... thus I have proposed to use the shogun families of Japan train future warriors, and discipline them in the arts of war and combat, and the way of the blade.
Walter raised an eyebrow as he guessed.
President-Walter: so samurai then, equipped with armor made out of Secluded Ore...
Yamato: again, you are half-correct... I do not suggest we brainwash the masses and make them into loyal and obedient soldiers who live and die by an order, I merely need volunteers who will fight to defend their homes, their families and the people... I will fund such a project on my own if need be, simply give the order.
President-Walter: so much for being an emperor... alright then, I'll fund this project myself, I don't want to rely on one resource too much, but the thing is Secluded Ore is scarce to find, I doubt we could arm a hundred thousand or more, so...
Yamato bowed his head in gratefulness as he thanked Walter.
Yamato: I give you my thanks mister president... I will not fail you and your expectations, I will lead these warriors into battle myself, I only need a thousand men to protect our people, and defend our homes.
President-Walter: then it's settled, full funding and access to resource.
X: did you forget that the monsters are still a problem? this may be one solution, but what about the other?
President-Walter: you're such a killjoy X, of course I'll also arm these guys with runes and the latest technology, whatever ugly monster that crawled out from the pits of hell we'll push them back... I guarantee it.
meanwhile at the center of Finland, Emir, Damon and the great High Master Illimund were all seated in chairs of gold around a round table made of glass, inside a crystal palace surrounded by a burning wasteland.
Emir calmly looked at his superior, the body and clothing still the same over a thousand years, Illimund wore a stylish purple and red gown, her eyes and lips blood red, and her skin, hollow like ice and glass, while her hair black like space, decorated by trinkets and ornaments smaller than a millimeter that looked like stars in the night sky.
High-Master-Illimund: what brings you two to my domain?
Emir took a bow before answering.
Commander-Emir: your grace, I beg you forgive my insolence but I have an urgent matter to report.
a nuke exploded from afar while the ground shook, Illimund decided to listen to Emir's report, and indulged playing ignorant in front of her subordinate as to not spoil Emir's calm demeanor.
High-Master-Illimund: oh? and what might that be commander?
Emir took a moment to put his thoughts into words before opening his mouth to speak.
Commander-Emir: we encountered a human warship near the borders of the United Kingdom... we lost nine of our ships to the warship before any of them could get close, I suspect they are now armed with weapons made to pierce our armor, and technologies far superior than our own, however there is something I doubt...
Illimund crossed her legs as she leaned forward and relaxed her chin on her hand.
High-Master-Illimund: care to explain commander?
Commander-Emir: yes, well... I have detected that the ones on the warship were not living entities, but they were there... as if they existed and did not at the same time, I suspected that the humans have sacrificed their souls for husk soldiers but now I have doubts... it was as if I looked at a different being entirely, even with the identical uniform and weaponry.
Illimund became surprised by Emir's detailed description of the encounter, her mind raced to find an answer in the archives of her memory, but found no trace of such beings, and so she leaned back, without an answer.
High-Master-Illimund: you did your best commander, that I can appreciate... you have done well as an intelligence officer and as the leader of the Archive Vault Division, you are hereby relieved of your duty...
Emir's body froze in shock for a moment, while his own subordinate sighed in disappointment.
High-Master-Illimund: you are now merely a spectator in the battles to come, your title however remains the same, your status will not be revoked, but merely frozen... you will stand by my side, and watch... are you opposed to this?
Emir took a moment to think for an appropriate response, but after some time, he answered.
Commander-Emir: *gulp* no... not at all high master...
Illimund smiled, satisfied with the response given by Emir.
High-Master-Illimund: good, I will this knight will guide you both to your new quarters here in the palace, however I must inform you that there will be plenty of noise, as you can see...
another nuke exploded from afar as she grasped her hands while still smiling.
High-Master-Illimund: I hope you find your stay comfortable... commander.
Emir and Damon both stood up and bowed, before being escorted by a silver knight.
You are reading story The Game of Reality… Frontier… at
Illimund watched as the three left the room, she then looked towards the giant window behind her and watched as the land burned, more and more nukes descended like asteroids, creating shockwaves that made the sea of fire rock as they clashed with the palace's walls, the clouds and sky, bright red while the floating continent blocked the sun.
a day later, somewhere in Zephire, within the borders of the Shi-intari, four American Chinooks landed on an open field near a group of well dressed Shi-intari delegates and representatives.
and inside of those Chinooks were the new RDA T-47 Guardians, machines operated by pilots from a far away carrier near the coast of the continent, armed with 14 to 22 millimeter arm cannons, and a minigun at the back, as well as a small missile turret at the back, and a protected camera for a head, it was about as tall as a regular human.
the 54 T-47 Guardians marched out from their Chinooks, while the presidents of America and Russia stepped out from their own before being surrounded by 14 UN soldiers American, Russian, Canadian and Japanese.
the intimidated delegates dared not step closer, but one among the representatives stood forward and took a bow before the two leaders, a young elf with brown skin, white hair and grey eyes, the brave representative first extended a hand to the two leaders as she introduced himself, Walter, who did not want to be rude accepted the handshake.
Sol-Luna: greetings, rulers of America and Russia, I find your presence here pleasing... my name is Luna, the Sol of Benera, may I have the pleasure of knowing your names?
Dimitri and Luna then exchanged handshakes before he and Walter introduced themselves.
President-Dimitri: I'm President-Dimitri, a pleasure miss Luna, although I am the ruler of Russia I'm no king.
President-Walter: that goes for me as well, I'm Walter, the president of America.
Sol-Luna: ah, is that so? then please, follow me inside the city.
both presidents followed Luna who led them inside a forest, followed by the other delegates and representatives, as well as the UN soldiers and T-47 Guardians who surrounded the two leaders.
while walking, Dimitri noticed that the outfit Luna wore was far more different, less stylish but unique in its own way, a simple white robe, pants, boots and shirt was all she wore, however the design of it was compared to that of art, white and red, on the back Dimitri noticed that the red painted tree looked similar to that of Japanese art, and so he wondered.
President-Dimitri: miss Luna, where did you get that design on your robe?
Luna smiled and snickered, as she remembered of a wonderful time long passed.
Sol-Luna: that would be from the great hero of course.
both Dimitri and Walter looked at each other for a moment before looking back at Luna.
President-Walter: pardon me miss, but... great hero?
Sol-Luna: correct, would you like me to tell you about him?
Walter nodded before answering.
President-Walter: of course, please do.
Luna's face soured, as she started at the worst part of the story, the beginning.
Sol-Luna: well, long ago, during the dark god's wrath, legions of black soldiers descended from the orbit of the Azardun world of Karshov... the entire population of the planet was obliterated, its surface reduced to a sea of fire... none survived... the only Azarduns that remained were the ones still in orbit, the rest were history...
the grouped passed oved a bridge overlooking a small valley, Luna took a moment to watch the birds fly before moving onward on their journey towards their destination.
Sol-Luna: from what I could gather, one soldier could destroy an entire battalion... but after the invasion, most of the armies left, some remained, for another task... they did not stop with the Azardun, no... they went on to capture the Shenari princess but failed... so they built a tower of stone that reached the very heavens.
Dimitri gritted his teeth, never has he heard a genocide on such a scale, a one-sided massacre.
Dimitri actually felt pity for the race, until he remembered what Luna mentioned before, it didn't stop with the Azardun, perhaps they were next, he gripped his hands into fists as he mustered the will to stay firm and continued to listen.
Sol-Luna: but when the king heard the news, he rallied his armies and prepared to siege the tower... that proved to be their final demise if it were not for the hero, who descended like a champion and savior.
Luna returned to smiling as her voice filled with hope.
Sol-Luna: he rallied the remaining men below and climbed the tower, but tragedy struck and the world was reduced to white... and when we opened our eyes, we were now here... and for five years he aided us, the king of the Shenari however, was sent into a coma... the rest was a blur, and after that five long years... the hero vanished...
Walter then tried to connect the dots, if that is how they traveled between worlds then that explains why there were other beings on Earth, but that begs the question, why wasn't Earth transported or mixed into another when they first disappeared, something tells him that they weren't responsible for all this, something else is behind the scenes.
President-Walter: but why did they only invade our world as peacefully as possible? why annihilate the Azardun completely? and why are they dressed as us this time? why now...
Walter muttered to himself, fortunately Luna and the others did not hear him, that would have been troublesome.
Sol-Luna: we have arrived... I humbly welcome you to Eden, our new home...
the two stopped and looked at the beautiful sight before them, a paradise filled with buildings that blended with the environment, magnificent, tall trees of many varieties, small huts both big and small, and at the center of it all was the largest tree on the planet, and the capitol of two races, the Shenari and the Shi-intari, nations once divided.
President-Walter: Eden huh... well that fits the description of the Bible...
Luna changed her expression slightly while wondering what this Bible was.
Sol-Luna: please, enjoy yourselves, we will offer the finest services our people could offer.
Dimitri, now with a relaxed face took a step forward as he crossed his arms.
President-Dimitri: not bad for a city, it almost looks like paradise compared to ours.
Sol-Luna: you flatter me sirs, we could never compare to both your empires.
President-Walter: as of now? maybe... but before all of this? I highly doubt it.
Luna bowed as she reminded the two leaders where to go before leaving.
Sol-Luna: if you ever want to start the meeting please meet us at the World Tree, the Shenari delegates and representatives are waiting there, and if you would excuse me... I must report her highness of your arrival.
Luna and the other delegates and representatives of the Shi-intari left for the World Tree, leaving the two leaders and their bodyguards to themselves as they stood at the edge of the paradise before them.
Dimitri lowered his arms and sighed, before exercising his neck.
President-Dimitri: should we explore for a while Walter? I think the men are hungry...
Walter smiled as he responded to Dimitri's excuse for a snack.
President-Walter: well... I think my tank's empty so why not?
the group soon made their way towards a nearby restaurant, the cooks immediately recognizing the foreign men and served them the greatest dishes they could ever serve at no expense.
meanwhile at the edge of the tree-line, a male Azardun spy in dark armor watched as the two leaders and their bodyguards ate their meals, a branch snapped from behind as a Shenari captain approached the ignorant Azardun, without even bothering to turn around the Azardun spy continued to watch while the Shenari soon stood next to him.
it was Captain Quiver, the personal guard of the Shenari princess, and current queen as it stands.
Captain-Quiver: still doing dirty work is that right Zen Oswell?
the Azardun known as Zen Oswell turned to face the captain, their forms now clear due to the moving leaves and branches that swayed with the wind, the Shenari had white skin and silver hair, bright blue eyes and wore white clothing, boots, pants and shirt with long sleeves, although plain the clothing had a few unique designs here and there.
Oswell, snorted and responded to Quiver's insult, not with another, but admitting to it.
Zen-Oswell: true words captain, I was ordered by my empress to watch the situation... *growl* desperate times calls for desperate alliances, the previous empire wanted to assimilate you, but now we are on equal grounds...
Quiver could see the truth in Oswell's yellow eyes through the visor, Quiver nodded and accepted his words as he turned towards the group of foreign soldiers and rulers, a species divided, not by borders, but history.
Captain-Quiver: indeed, not unless the other is truly willing.
the two watched as the group finished their meals and soon left for the World Tree, words left Quiver's mouth like a breath, unnoticed by the Azardun who was also watching next to him.
Captain-Quiver: unless hospitality is mistaken for insult...
the continued to watch before following the group to the World Tree, hiding behind the shadows before arriving at the very tree itself, meanwhile, at the north, the Valiant yet amass another fleet, this time, over a thousand strong.