Chapter 2: Chapter 2: F*cking Wraiths…

Welp I'm.. Well I don't need sleep really, but I'm pretty sure everyone else is pissed. Just as it seemed everyone was getting comfortable and falling asleep, BAM! Wraiths. I did my best to help minimize casulties, but I failed. I think. I don't know, I didn't do a head-count. I only know that one poor man who died was then used as a club by Skull. Poor guy.

Oh! Speaking of Skull, he was tearing a LOT of holes into the ship. Like a LOT a lot. I have no idea how this ship is still afloat. THAT'S how many holes he punched into it. As usual my magic can deal with the wraiths and as usual anything else I - or anyone else - throws at them doesn't do anything. Well other than Aerans Sword for whatever reason. I WOULD ask him about it, but 1) I figure it's pretty much like my magic and most importantly 2) I fucking died and then got un-died.

Like for real. I met the Kindred. And as I was waiting for Lamb to take my soul to the afterlife, she turned around and told me my time hadn't yet come. Hell even Wolf didn't want to hunt me. And next thing I know, I am back alive and at Sentinel HQ. Which is good, because that's where I wanted to be. But it's also confusing because people die if they are killed. Or well they're supposed to.

Skull said this Akshan-Dude did something and that made us come back to life. Oh yea Skull didn't die, but pretty much everyone else did. Anyways we arrived at Sentinel HQ, we got food - fish again - and were then allowed to explore the place. I went to the training-hall because I have absolutely been slacking on my training. This wierd Sentinel-Lady was practicing her crossbow at the targets, so I just went to another target and used that for practice. Magic - as usual - is no problem, all three perfect and right in the bullseye. My throwing knives on the other hand...

Anyways I think for whatever reason the wierd Sentinel Lady - Vayne - doesn't like me - or at least it feels like she doesn't - and also took me practicing as a challenge. I mean she IS really good with her crossbow, but I did not mean for this to be competetive.

Oh Also Skull got beaten up by Gwen. Uhh Gwen is this girl with a gigantic pair of scissors strapped to her back and not going to lie, she kinda reminds me of a doll. And yes, Skull losing to Gwen was very funny to watch, a fact that I was smart enough not to point out, unlike Rookie, who was thrown into a tent. Oh speaking of Rookie, he's appearently a new recruit for the sentinels, no Idea if he even has his own name, everyone just calls him Rookie.

Oh and everyone makes fun of him at all times, but to be fair... He IS kind of ... He has a talent for saying the worst thing possible at the worst time possible. Like when he tried to make fun of me whilst doing what I'm sure he would call "climbing the climbing-wall", so I did the only logical thing and scaled the entire thing in the time it took for him to move about a meter off the ground. Noone beats me at climbing. Or hiding. Especially in a forest.

Speaking of which, I think if that Vayne-Lady ever decides that she does in fact not like me, I'll probably run to the nearby forest and fight her there. Should be pretty simmilar to the forests in Ionia. And I don't mean to brag, but I feel invincible in Ionias forests. It's awesome. I can run around without making a sound and basically always attack from an unexpected angle. Oh also, I FINALLY have solid ground underneath my feet again. AND there's a forest nearby. I don't know, I just feel.. vulnerable without the ability to jump to any direction and disappear from sight at a moments notice.

Maybe this is why master Shen sent me on this mission. Because he knows that I will probably have to fight outside of forests. Or he was just done with listening to me nagging him about being bored and decided to give me this mission to give me something to do that's not boring... Not sure which one it is. Anyways I'm off to meditate now.

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