Chapter 3: Chapter 3: I just got a brand new toy!

After I was done meditating (Quite hard to do so because ms. Dewitt kept yelling at Wallace all night until she fell asleep) we were told to go have breakfast (which unfortunately was fish) and after that we could again more or less freely explore the building. So naturally I went straight to the only place I hadn't been to yesterday: The top of the lighthouse. As soon as I was on there I could feel a VERY large amount of magic coming from a crystal in the middle of the room. Hasan told me it was for weapons to be used against the black mist, which does sound interesting, to say the least. 

When I was just about to leave, Hasan stopped me and asked me about my preffered blade length. I was correct in my assumption that he was actually talking about blades, you know, the kind that cuts stuff, and not his "blade". I'm happy to not add another entry to my list of ways men have inapropriately harassed me before being introduced to the pavement. 

The reason I know he wasn't being creepy is because he and Yorick actually made me a blade that was the length I specified. Appearently this one can damage these wraiths, which granted I wasn't REALLY having trouble with, but it can't really hurt, can it?

AND I am happy to report that I am now a sentinel of light. Kinda. Maybe? Nobody was really clear on that. Point is, I now have the gear and allies I need to neutralize the ruination. So I say it's about time we get started with this. 

...As soon as we're done here in Bandle-City. Which is where we currently are. Senna had hoped for Tilly to open up a portal, but that wasn't really needed on account of Vayne knowing a Yordle called Poppy. And I don't know how they know eachother, but Poppy seems friendly. I'm not going to go into details here about how we did get into Bandle, because someone who shouldn't know this might read this and I'm not sure if the portals move or just exist in the same place, so not taking chances. And if YOU are a person with not good intentions reading this, shame on you! Stop reading this immediately! This journal is not meant for you!

Note to self: Figure out how to enchant this notebook in a way it will set itself on fire if someone reads it without me wanting them to.

Regardless, we're in Bandle City now, we got to meet Tillys family, they are quite nice by the way. AND they let us stay at their inn for free. Not that I need to sleep, but it's pretty onvenient for everyone else. 

We also met the Mayor of Bandle. He's... He feels different from all the other yordles. I asked Tilly about it and appearently dude just showed up one day and announced he was the Mayor now and nobody questioned it. Safe to say I do NOT trust him. I don't know how to bring it up with the others though. Maybe I'm just imagining things, I don't know...

I guess I'll just not say anything for now but keep an eye out. What was it master Shen always says? Something like "If you're not sure wait for more information before making your move"? I don't know, he probably said something like that at some point. He always talks SO much. And I feel like he doesn't really say anything anyways...

Back on topic. The Sentinels, specifically Hasan, want to create a ward of sorts over the entire world other than the Shadow-Isles, to force the black mist and most importantly, Thresh to go back there and for that they need Beacons from Bandle-City. Well and some help from Yordles couldn't hurt either probably.

So Hasan is off doing that, Senna and Lucian in the meantime are running an earrand for the mayor and Skull, Aeran, Yucaton, Tilly and me are supposed to retrieve a box from the forests to the northeast and bring it to the mayor. Don't trust the guy but getting a box seems simple enough. We'll be leaving tomorrow and now I'll go meditate.

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