Chapter 1: Arc I : Chapter 1 – Birth

The Universe is an Idea

It is both the Subject and the Object

The Subject is what we know as the Consciousness or Awareness

The Object is what we know as the Physical

We try to explain the Physical with Physics

We try to explain the Consciousness with Spirituality

The Physical is divided into smaller physicals

They are the solids of various sizes and fluids of different amounts

The laws of forces governing their interactions belong to the realm of the Consciousness

The Consciousness is similarly divided into smaller consciousnesses

They are what we call the Gods, the essence of Demi-Gods and the minds of mortals

Such as Light, Heat, Gravity, Nature, Motion, Darkness, Time, Memory, Feelings, Senses, etc. for the Gods

 And the Wills for the Demi-Gods and Mortals

The Mortals and Demi-Gods borrow the attributes of the Gods, combining them with their Wills, to make their minds and essence respectively

The Mortals combine their minds with the physicals to become living

And the Demi-Gods with their essence govern the living

Nevertheless the Consciousness while being divided is still undivided

The Physical while being divided is also still undivided

Whether it is the Physical or the Consciousness

Both are two sides of the same coin

Neither can't exist without the other

Since in the first place the Universe is an Idea


Year 1234 of King Rainëdāll Calendar, Town Schlerine, Tciechianoer Kingdom

In midst of light falling snow and the sound of moving winds, in a particular single-storied medium sized mansion - the Town Lord Residence. A particular shrill cry could be heard in one of the mansion's bedrooms, which marked none other than the holiest of sounds a person could hear, the birth cry of a newborn baby. A loud sound of footsteps could be heard from the living room, sprinting and barging into the master bedroom, where the midwife could be seen congratulating the woman on becoming a mother, an important step and stage of a woman in her journey of life. The owner of the sound of the footsteps, the husband and now the newly made father, with slow steps moved towards his source of genuine happiness, the mother baby pair, with a jovial and happy look on his face.

Celtine Schlerine : [Congratulations Sir Lord. Your wife has successfully given birth to a healthy son. Now with this my task is over and may the gods continue to keep smiling on your family. I shall take my leave.]

You are reading story The Life of the Light Magician and the Path of Light at

Heindell noer Schlerine : [Thank you Miss Celtine for your help.]

Svoelline noer Schlerine : [Yes, Miss Celtine was really a great help. I'll be bringing a jar of Tunic pickle I made from this summer's harvest when I visit your home next time.]

As Svoelline, mother of her newborn son, said that with a warm smile despite the exhaustion that could be seen in her eyes, it brought a soft  and kind smile to the normally stoic looking Celtine, who currently acted as a temporary midwife for her childhood friend.

Celtine Schlerine : [No problem Madame. I just did what was expected of me.]

And with that Celtine gave a curt and polite bow to the couple and left the the Town Lord Mansion.

??? : [Ouu...wah..waaah!....]

Svoelline noer Schlerine : [There there son why are you still crying. Fufu, I forgot you're a baby so it's in your nature.]

With a teasing expression Svoelline began to rub her cheeks with her baby son's, causing the son to be confused between wanting to cry and silently observing the woman who he instinctively understood as his guardian. He then began to fall at ease, going into his sleep towards his dreamland.

Heindell noer Schlerine : [So it's now my turn to name him right? Let's see...]

With a thoughtful expression Heindell brought a nearby chair across the bed, sat on it, and began murmuring softly to himself the possible names he could give his son.

Heindell noer Schlerine : [Since it's Year 1234.... Right it's 1234! A perfect numerical order that can't happen for another ten thousand years. It's definitely a sacred number. I wonder if his majesty has plans for this year. Oh I'm getting sidetracked. Let's see. How about Tetrdell? Signifying the number 4 seems appropriate. Right, Svoelline what do you think?]

Svoelline noer Schlerine : [Merging the name of number 4 with the second half of your first name. Let's see.. In addition to what you said before, it certainly makes a good name. I like it Husband.]

Heindell noer Schlerine : [Then so be it.]

Heindell glanced towards his baby son peacefully sleeping in his mother's embrace, brought his right hand towards his son's forehead, and began chanting while closing his eyes in concentration. In the next moment his palm, resting over his son's forehead, began to glow softly with white light.

Heindell noer Schlerine : [I Heindell, using the power of my blood flowing through the veins of my son, hereby proclaim in the name of Light God, that from now my son will be known as Tetrdell across the world. May the Light God bear witness and give his protection to him as he may see fit.]

Heindell opened his eyes and removed his hand from his son's forehead. Light could be seen glowing from the veins under the skin of the baby's body for a slight moment and then returning to normal. Which meant the ceremony was now complete.

Svoelline noer Schlerine : [Looks like the ceremony is complete. Welcome to this world our son. And seeing how cute you look you definitely took your face from your Father]

Heindell noer Schlerine : [Isn't it because he took your face? I'm sure you are more beautiful]

Svoelline noer Schlerine : [Well that's because men always find women prettier in their eyes. But no. There are a few women as pretty as me in this village. But no man is more handsome than you here Husband]

Heindell noer Schlerine : [*sigh* Okay, let us just stop praising each other as this is not the right time. So how are you feeling? Do you still feel weakness anywhere?]

Svoelline gave a warm smile. She placed her son down carefully beside her on the bed in the direction opposite to where her husband was sitting, being careful not to wake him up. Then moving closer in the direction of her husband through her bed, she opened her arms towards him.

Svoelline noer Schlerine : [I am. That's why I need a hug.]

Heindell noer Schlerine : [My pleasure Svoelline]

Heindell stood from his chair, moved closer and sat on the edge of their bed, allowing his wife to hug him. He started brushing her hair with his fingers while closing his eyes, his lips curved up into a smile thinking about the new life he's going to have as a family of three since he was now a father and his wife now a mother.