Chapter 2: Arc I : Chapter 2 – Town Schlerine

Year 1235 of King Rainëdāll Calendar, Town Schlerine, Tciechianoer Kingdom

"It is now the season of autumn. The harvest of this year was again a good one like last year. My people's hard work, prayer and faith were all answered by our crops, the weather, the Rain God and above all the Light God. I don't believe in comparing our Gods in any shape or form, and comparing them is nothing but foolishness. But just like how a child must first and foremost be loyal to his or her parents, knowing that it is only the parents that have the best in their minds for their children, in the same way this town's loyalty and above all this Kingdom's loyalty first and foremost is towards our Light God. Loyalty towards one's own parents doesn't mean one is being disloyal towards their other relatives, such as their grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc.; And the grandparents, uncles and aunts too know that the child still loves them wholeheartedly despite being loyal first and foremost towards his or her parents. Neither do they stop giving their blessings to the child because of it. The same is true for our Gods, and especially true for those Gods who have a harmonious relationship with our Light God.

Which reminds me, my and Svoelline's child, our son Tetrdell, is really growing up healthily. He's just 10 months of age and the energy his little body shows is just fascinating to watch. I'm not sure if every child is like that since me and Svoelline are still inexperienced when it comes to raising a child, Tetrdell being our first, but based on what we have heard it's considered a positive sign. Well he's a boy so it's only natural."

Heindell closed his personal diary with a soft snap after writing today's entry, which he normally did after finishing his day's work. It was now evening, and after cleaning and tidying up his desk and office room, he walked out into the hall's first floor's corridor. Closing the door behind he proceeded to his left, walked downstairs onto the ground floor of the Town Hall of Town Schlerine where he could see people moving in and out of various rooms for work purposes, while some were resting in the chairs of the hall area. Seeing Heindell, everybody stopped their respective work, tidied up their respective work desks and office rooms, while the one in charge of the Hall's bell rang it to mark the end of today's work. They all neatly stood in front of Heindell, the Town Lord, waiting for him to speak.

Heindell noer Schlerine : [That's all everyone. This year's harvest was a good one. The Farmers Department, the Storage Department and the Tradesmen Department did an excellent work coordinating the efforts of the Farmers and the Tradesmen of our Town. Our work for today is over.]

Heindell watched everyone leaving the Town Hall through the entrance in groups, seeing them talking and smiling about today's work, their homes and about their families. When he was left alone, he took one last look around and then exited the building himself, locking the entrance door with a simple steel lock. Turning around, he took in the sight and air of the surrounding scene of his town, feeling contented and happy at the sight, and then proceeded to walk towards his home, the Town Lord Residence.


Children could be seen playing and running around along the streets and fields of Town Schlerine, with their medium long shiny light silver hair gently moving because of the autumn winds, and their shiny light blue eyes full of curiosity and life observing everything around them while simultaneously being absorbed in their games that they were having fun with. Their skin were as white as snow, and with beautiful features that were common place of all the people of Town Schlerine and in fact of all the people of Tciechianoer Kingdom. Some adult men could also be seen teaching the older kids, mostly boys, the skill of bow making. With their long light silver hair tied up in a ponytail, sharp light blue eyes, handsome features, white skin, and their big stature; all of which attracting the admiring eyes of the children on everything new they taught, which in the current case happened to be about bow making. The women could also be seen sitting in groups on benches near the orchard fields, with their long braided light silver hair waving along the winds, and their light blue eyes giving a warm and noble feeling to anyone who would meet their eyes. Their skin were similarly white with beautiful features. All of this marked the normal day to day routine of the people of Town Schlerine during the autumn evening, with the crops and fruits harvesting being completed not a long time ago. The present time was mostly of relaxation, meeting and talking with friends, and spending a lot more time with family.


At the time when Heindell had left the Town Hall for home, Svoelline was getting prepared for making today's dinner for her family. Since she was now aiming to wean her 10 months old son off her breast-milk gradually, she had already cooked a separate light cereal soup for him in advance, as her son had already taken liking to it after trying it for the first time when he was 9 months of age. Today's dinner was going to be a stew of boiled deer meat with boiled carrots and crushed Tunic (a special vegetable in the Tciechianoer Kingdom) in a broth lightly flavored with powdered herbs. Bringing the relevant ingredients to the kitchen, including the freshly chopped salted deer meat she got from her friend whose husband was a hunter, Svoelline became busy with her dinner preparation. After 1 hour had passed and her dinner preparation was almost over, she could hear the door knock coming from the house's entrance. Her husband's voice could be heard from the direction of main entrance door.

Heindell noer Schlerine : [I'm home Svoelline.]

Svoelline noer Schlerine : [Give me a few seconds Husband.]

After washing her hands with water and making sure everything was in place in the kitchen, Svoelline quickly walked towards the house's entrance with light footsteps and opened the main door, welcoming the sight of her beloved husband. With a smile she took the cloth bag from him, which had the vegetables and fruits that her husband had bought from the Town's Farmer's Family Shops selling them on his way home.

Svoelline noer Schlerine : [Welcome back.]

Heindell noer Schlerine : [I'm home.]

You are reading story The Life of the Light Magician and the Path of Light at

The husband and wife entered their one-storied mansion house together, closing the main entrance door behind them. Heindell took off his hide shoes made of deer skin, and put it in a wooden shelf after cleaning off the dust with a cloth that laid on top of the shelf. He then took off his fur over-coat which Svoelline took as she moved ahead towards the cleaning room so as to put it there for cleaning it afterwards. Heindell then went to the master bedroom, took off his cloth headband that was  embroidered with the symbol of Sun (an accessory used, just like a King uses his crown, by the Town Lords of Tciechianoer Kingdom to represent their status), which he wore during work and hung it over a wall hook. Glancing around, he looked at the wooden cradle situated near the bed which he made for his son when he was 1 month of age, as he saw him trying his hardest to climb out of his wooden cradle, treating the surrounding "tall fences" as his mortal enemies. Tetrdell could be seen standing unsteadily on his soft legs , supporting the weight of his body by holding one of the "wooden fence bars" with his left hand, and hitting the other "wooden fence bars" with his other hand repeatedly. He kept on mumbling some incoherent cute sounds (maybe a baby's version of battle cries?) which looked like he used it to motivate himself up. Heindell then went and crouched down near the wooden cradle, showing an amused smile at the sight.

Heindell noer Schlerine : [Looks like my son is having a hard time. Are you thinking it is some sort of prison you don't want? Since I don't want my son to hate his parents because they were too overprotective of him, I'll try convincing your mother to give you more time out of the cradle. Okay Tetrdell, let's go and see mother as I think our dinner should be ready based on the delicious smell that is seeping into this room]

Tetrdell noticed his father's presence, stopped his actions, and looked up towards his face with curious eyes.

Tetrdell noer Schlerine : [uuhh...guu...Fatha?]

Heindell then gave a large smile as he stood up and took his 10 months old son into his embrace, carrying him out of the master bedroom.

Heindell noer Schlerine : [Well son, grow up quickly and you'll be free from that hateful cradle, since your mother won't have to worry too much about you getting injured at that time. Hmm... the smell is really good, looks like it's deer stew. She must have gotten the meat from that friend of hers, the wife of hunter Ervällder.]

Heindell reached the eating room, where he could see the wooden plates, spoons and bowls being neatly arranged by his wife as she was already half way through doing that. A large steel container filled with deer stew and a few loafs of cereal bread in a straw basket could be seen lying at the center of the table. The cereal bread was made by Svoelline, which she made in plenty beforehand in the morning along with vegetable soup and dried rabbit meat which she and her husband had as their breakfast. For lunch she packed her husband a box of the dried rabbit meat slices, fruits, cereal bread loaves and tunic pickle (which she made beforehand during the time of Tunic harvest at the start of autumn), and ate the same thing as her lunch during afternoon at home. The deer meat piece was what Svoelline got when she, along with her son, visited her friend Crisella, who ran her meat shop selling some of whatever her husband hunted during the day, by exchanging some of her Tunic pickle with her for it.

Heindell noer Schlerine : [It smells nice. Let me help you.]

Svoelline continued arranging the remaining tableware while saying in a calm voice.

Svoelline noer Schlerine : [No need. This is my job. Don't you think it's unfair as I can't help with your work and you're thinking of helping in mine.]

Heindell noer Schlerine : [Svoelline don't be angry. See even our son is getting nervous because of you]

Svoelline noer Schlerine : [Hmph! I don't see any of the nervousness on his face you're talking about. See his curious eyes? Where is any of that nervousness you're talking about? He's just like you, reckless and a zero sense of fear. Do you know how helpful the cradle you built was in protecting him from his own antics? It's so unnerving to even think when he might hurt himself one day and yes he's not getting any more free time than he already has from his cradle whether he considers it as his prison or not until the day I'm satisfied that he's mature enough to handle himself responsibly.]

Heindell murmured in his mind "Sorry son I tried." He knew what he said to Tetrdell at the room was heard by Svoelline. His son's energy was too good for them, a source of happiness and also a source of stress. Since Svoelline, as a mother, was the one who was most concerned about their son's safety and also the one who spent the most time with him, she was also the one most stressed out because of her son's antics. Wouldn't be good to poke the hornet's nest. Heindell had already known about the hearing ability of his wife's and with how calm and sweet she usually was, it was something very easy to forget. He silently waited for the the tableware to be completely arranged, and after Svoelline was finished with that task, Heindell gave Tetrdell to her, as he sat on the master chair (situated at the breadth end of the table of the size that could accommodate only one chair. Used by the family head of a Tciechianoer household). Svoelline took the chair nearest to the right side of her husband, sitting down and placing her son on her lap and keeping him in place with a hug, as her son was trying to reach the cereal bowl soup with his tiny hands. The husband and wife then closed their eyes in silent prayer (towards the Light God and Plenty God) for a few minutes and then proceeded with eating their food and helping each other with second helpings.