Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Yafu’s Revenge (Version 1.1) Part 1


Yafu leaned in from an obscured vantage point. There was no way he could be seen from below. He had his soul aura and energy were completely contained and indistinguishable from his surroundings. This level of excellence was his only option.  Detection was failure. Failure could not happen tonight. He had waited too long for this. He had no intention of making a mistake now.

Thankfully for Yafu, going unnoticed was a skill he had honed to a level beyond which the weight of the moment would disrupt his execution, even in the face of the fearsome enemies who had just now arrived.

Tonight was truly a great triumph for him. He had spent cycles (about eighteen months per one cycle) of research and investigation to reach this point. His obsession had peaked in intensity over the last few months, as the opportunity afforded to him tonight revealed itself. Here in this seldom used compound in a seldom visited sector of Revival City, the most wanted terrorists on the planet would gather. Despite his faith leading up to this moment, he had doubts about seeing them bear fruit on this chosen night. Papers, maps, and rumors had a superficial quality to them until he was able to see his targets physically appear in front of him. And yet, there was no mistaking the first guest to walk in after him to this place. Her name was supposedly Taia from his research, but more importantly her appearance matched a lead female member of the Poison Fang. He could not wait to meet her colleagues. 

Several more people made the entrance to the warehouse. Most shuffled in silently, a few were slightly more theatrical. Taia seemed unamused and focused her soul aura in scanning the meeting space. The room was a large circular atrium with several balconies about thirty or so feet above the ground level. There were no windows to be seen. Yafu squatted on one of these balconies. His superb technique rendered him invisible to the naked eye and all but the most sophisticated of soul aura gazes.

Taia continued her scan for any abnormalities. Her naturally blue eyes gained a faint yellow hue from her aura endeavor. A tall, raven haired woman with sharp angular features, Taia had a piercing presence about her that added to an intimidation factor felt by Yafu as he tried to avoid her detection. She was clearly a stronger energy user than him and a very effective detector but Yafu’s concealment was so great that it rendered this expertise superficial. His concealment mastery made him a bit of a savant when stacked up against his other still developing skills.

“We appear to have total privacy.” announced Taia, “Where are Shen and Cirko?”

Shen and Cirko. Yafu’s heart rate quickened at the sound of the first name. Shen was the leader of Poison Fang and Yafu’s primary target. He would accept failure for all the other members of the group if he could get to that man. He had to face the consequences of his choices tonight, one way or another.

“Shen is coming soon.” Everyone in the room directed their eyes to the balcony opposite where Yafu was hiding. Yafu felt a chill run down his spine. A pressure emanated from this new speaker. He was a lean, tall man, whose entire body was covered in black cloth except for white mask with two large red stripes crossing his face vertically at the eyes. His arrival caused even the members of the Poison Fang to tense up. Yafu thought this had to be Cirko. There was no one else who matched the description. Cirko, allegedly the newest member of the Fang, had begun appearing only recently in military reports and underworld rumors. His novelty explained why even the Fang, a group known for having a lethal sense of loyalty, lacked trust with this man as he made himself known. Yafu was unable to find much other intel on Cirko, except for more testimony to his raw power and ruthlessness. His origins were a complete mystery.

One of the male members of the Fang to the immediate left of Taia responded. “You should hope Shen arrives soon. His trust quells our doubts.”

Cirko descended to the ground level from his perch on the balcony. He landed silently on the floor contradicting the sound a near thirty foot drop should make. As he landed on the outer edge of the circle formed by the group, he replied coldly, “His trust excuses your doubts.”

Nothing was said after that for nearly twenty minutes. Cirko’s arrival pushed the number of Fang member to eight. Unless they added new members very recently, this meant they were waiting only for Shen now. A few of them paced around during this time. A few sat down or leaned on the walls. The only two who did not move were Cirko and Taia. Taia kept her gaze directly on Cirko. Cirko's facial expressions were obscured by his mask but it was highly doubtful to Yafu that he wasn’t returning Taia’s gaze. Then, all of a sudden, the main door opened and another man walked in. Yafu knew instantly who he was.

All the members immediately straightened their posture and turned towards their leader. Shen walked up to Cirko. “How are you feeling, my friend?” Shen was a short, stout man with a large torso and compact but wide limbs. His jet black hair was long and wavy and he had a thick full beard that gave him a grizzled look.

Cirko turned his head for the first time since he had last spoken to look at Shen. “Impatient.”

Shen nodded. “I hope we all can end the waiting for our dreams tonight.” Shen directed this reply to the entire group, a sense of importance and ambition accompanied every word he spoke. “Brothers and sisters of the Fang,” Shen continued as all around him these hardened deviants and criminals perked up like children, “we stand at an unlikely culmination of our impossible journey. For generations, we have been told that our destination must be unreachable at best, fantasy at worst. The impossibility of our goals have left us quite alone in our struggle, abandoned by the many who share our beliefs but let the frustrations of our forefathers temper their dreams. We are the ones who did not break. We are the ones who sacrificed so much and received only ridicule for our burden. But we may finally be able to show fruit from our labor tonight. And this fruit is truly the sweetest known to all those who walk these paths with us across the Biterrene. My friends, with Cirko’s help today, we shall finally find the fabled Earth.”

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