There it was. The crux of Yafu’s opportunity; Earth. Yafu knew he had no chance in a straight up fight. His skill level in the combat application of soul energy was high but only relatively so. Amongst the Fang he was hopelessly outclassed even without their numbers advantage. However, the Fang had one glaring weakness they could never compensate for. Their purpose. Like most people across the Biterrene they were followers of the gospel of the Immortal King. This mythological figure was the legendary founder of all civilized society across both planets of the Biterrain. Nowhere could you find a person who had not at least been told of his virtues. He was a man whose reign was as golden as his disappearance was mysterious. There was so much chaos initially in his absence dating about fifty thousand cycles ago that no one today could really fully explain how he had disappeared so suddenly. The only universally accepted surviving fact of his disappearance was his planned departure for Earth, a hypothesized third planet, shortly before he vanished. Many attempts to locate and travel to Earth in ages since had been brought about by the religious zeal of some of his followers. All have failed miserably. Most of these failures have been lethal or debilitating to those who try.
And yet, here gather the Fang. Their motivations were clear for them as they were clear for the men and women before them. The teachings insist that the Immortal King could not die and therefore a line of thinking emerged that he must still be on this Earth. Some followers and prophets had even preached that his promise of his namesake immortality as real for the common man and that it was waiting for those who could make it to Earth. Others claimed Earth is a cursed place for taking the King away from his Kingdom and his followers must someday liberate him so he may finish the process of during the Biterrene to paradise. Regardless of the spectrum of ancient interpretations, Earth remained a fabled fascination for the populace. Despite this iconic status within the culture, doubt has become the dominant attitude towards Earth in more modern times. Every passing century, failed attempts to prove even the material existence of Earth have piled up against the few old papers and documents preserved vouching for it. The more secular powers across the planets had all pretty much banned attempts to reach Earth for safety reasons a few generations prior. As a result, genuine attempts to reach the third planet now we're only reserved for the outcast and fringe elements of society. The Poison Fang were such fringe, extreme individuals. They were ruthless terrorists who were pariahs even in the more militant circles of their practice. But they were also true believers and determined to forge a path to the promised land despite the obvious risks. In Yafu amateur theological opinion, they were speeding towards predictable disaster. The aftermath of their folly tonight would be Yafu’s best and likely only opportunity to accomplish his long dreamt about goal; To kill Shen.
“Our time approaches.” Cirko's voice was plain and declarative as if he was trying to minimize his vocalization effort for the evening. It was likely he simply did not enjoy talking all that much,
Taia glanced at Cirko and then looked Shen in the eye with a shallow pleasantness that poorly maksed subdued hostility. “We give our lives as we always will for the dream. It is a shame that we may only have one life to give. It makes every action we do with our dedication inherently risky. We cannot afford poor advice or instruction.” She then turned her fierce gaze back to Cirko. Cirko kept his head oriented towards the center of the room where it had been since right after Shen walked in.
After a period of silence, Shen interjected, “So many before us have paid with their lives. A cruel irony, the ritual that has failed them was the correct one to get to Earth. Why then did they fail?” Shen began to turn himself to look at each member of the Fang as if to induce their heightened attention to his next words. “They failed because they did not anticipate an enemy lurking in the shadows. An enemy who wants nothing more than to burn those whose faith is strong enough to persist. A being of hatred. But also a being who is vulnerable once you know he is there. Cirko knows. And he has gifted me the knowledge so that I can now match his generosity many times over to all of you. The only unbeatable enemy is an enemy that we don’t realize exists. Now that his greatest strength is destroyed, his greatest weakness becomes apparent. A weakness we can only fully exploit at the place we are now, and at a time that is quickly approaching. Prepare yourselves to your roles on Cirko’s mark. He is our guide.”
On cue all eyes in the room turned to Cirko. There was no more conflict remaining in the eyes of those in the room, just an intense focus on their goal. Shen had rallied his troops. Cirko raised his hand into the air, paused for several seconds, and then clenched his fist.
Immediately the five Fang members furthest away from Cirko and Shen began to channel their energy. Four of them in a yellow thunder-like discharge, one with a red. They directed their output at the center of the semicircle they had formed by where they were standing. The beams of energy met at a central point and began to create a growing sphere of soul energy from this point. Shen and Cirko both started to glow, signaling they were beginning to focus their energy reserves as well. Shen glow was yellow like the majority of his comrades although his was a brighter more vibrant tone of the color. Cirko’s energy was a brilliant crimson red, by far the rarer of the two colors that were seen in the Fang and the Biterrene as a whole.
The two leading men began to move their hands and arms in unison. The poses were familiar to Yafu. He had never traveled outside of Revival City much less to the other planet in the Biterrain, but he had seen people use the ritual to do so. This one was similar but not identical. It made sense. The task was the same in every sense except the destination.
The ritual continued for several minutes. Each passing second Yafu waited for his opportunity. He did not know what exactly would happen. There were no accounts of survivors for this ritual that he had found in any archives within the city’s extensive collection. His best guess was a large explosion. In that scenario, he just needed to survive the blast long enough to make sure it killed Shen. This combination of attention and anticipation caused him to sweat and he could feel his muscles tense up. The sphere created from discharge from the five opposite Cirko and Shen began to swirl slowly and pick up speed. The mass of energy at the center began to froth like boiling water. Suddenly there was a quick flash of light from the mass. The members of the Fang did not flinch or break the process. Yafu on the other hand nearly leapt from his balcony reactivity but stalled himself before his feet left the railing. That moment of jumpiness was just enough to disrupt his concealment for a split second before he recovered.
Cirko and Shen both shot their heads toward Yafu’s perch. By that point Yafu had reconstituted his camouflage with the balcony, rendering him imperceptible once again to normal human senses. Yafu feared it might have been too late.
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