Chapter 1: 1. The end and the beginning

I walk the down town streets, the two or three blocks from my work at a run of the mill office building that I started working at as a secretary about two years ago to my apartment. Walking down the same path as most work days. With the sun just past the tall buildings and setting fast. As I'm on the way home I see the mexican food place that is across the road. 

'That sounds good for dinner' I think to myself as I wait for the cross walk to let me cross.

I make it to the restaurant just fine and order my food and sit down to wait. I wait about twenty minutes till my food is ready and I pick it up and walk out, then as I'm walking back I feel an intense pain and my vision goes black for no more then a second. When I regain my balance and my vision clears, all I see is a pure white space. 

"Please take a set." A voice like a chime from behind me calls.

I turn to see a beautiful woman with crystal white hair dressed in a dress suit and pencil skirt, sitting behind a oak table and a chear in front open for me to use. 

Seeing this, I being my fantasy book loving self catches up pretty quick and I figure it is better to listen and sit then give this mysterious woman reason to dislike me. 

Sitting down I say to the woman.

"I don't want to assume but I am guessing that I am either dead or at least not in Kansas anymore?" 

"Fufufu, No, you are vary much not in Kansas anymore Toto." She says with mirth that sounds like she enjoyed the quip. 

"Well then, where am I then. If you don't mind me asking?" 

"You dear fated, are in the space between worlds." She says simply as if to state the obvious. 

"O-ok, um why am I here exactly?" I say with no small amount of apprehension.

"Well to say it simply, you are here to be my champion." 

"And what is a champion?" 

"A champion is the chosen of a God or Goddess on a plane, so they can fulfill some objective they have without having to break the rules of the godly realm. You will have the chance to by my champion. If you accept I will bless you and send you to be reborn in the plane of my worship and do a task in exchange for my help. Also if a champion succeeds in their task they will be giving a reward depending on the God or Goddess they are connected to." 

"That is a lot to take in." I say while my mind is racing with thoughts of how hard this task is going to be if the gods are getting involved and why out of everyone why me?

"I know but I have forgot to introduce myself, how rude of me. My name is Arnia the Goddess of Wind and Change. I am one of the 6 main Gods on the plane of Iner." 

"Oh, damn that sounds important."

"Fufufu, it is." She said simply

"However" she continued "The world has become stagnant and one empire is dominant however the current emperor is trying to asend to a God and doing so through less then savory means to say the least." 

Oh, that does not sounds good at all. 

"So, how am I going to fit into all of this?" I ask with no small amount of apprehension in my voice.

"You, are going to be my champion and do your best to defeat and dethroned preferably kill the emperor of the Empire. To that end I will reincarnate you and give you my blessing so that you can go about doing your task. Also I will let you pick two more elemental affenities so you can learn where to start. Also your new parents are former adventurers and good ones at that, that way you will have enough training to have a decent chance of success." 

That doesn't sound like a bad deal, this is Goddess isn't being over baring nor is she forcing me. Plus she seems nice. Also this is like a dream come true for a fantasy bookworm like me. 

"Alright, but what are the effects of the blessing and will other people be able to tell I'm your champion?" 

Waving a hand she says "The blessing is there to make your wind magic more powerful and also let's you control wind and sound its advanced version instinctually and be extremely fast at learning magic spells and light weapons. However you will probably have a hard time learning to use heavy weapons and plate armor. Also of the Elemental affenities you can pick Earth is going to be weaker as a result, so I suggest against picking it. And about the question of others being able to tell if you are my champion, it won't be easy but you will have a birthmark on the nap of you neck in the shape of my symbol. It will also shine if you use extra magic that can only be used by the champion of that element." 

As she explains I start to release just how powerful being a champion is. 

Stunned I look at the smiling goddess open mouthed. Is she really going to give a blessing like that to me? That's  insane! 

"Well, I'm not going to say no but why me? I mean I'm just an office worker, a secretary. There has to be a reason?" I say in a half daze, almost automatically. 

"To answer your question, your soul has a naturally high Wind affinity anyway and I have looked at your life through your soul's memory and seen what your like, and by my estimate you are a lovely person if a bit airheaded. That and you have your fated person in my plane." She says with no small amount of excitement as if waiting for that exact question.

You are reading story Wind’s Champion at

"Wait, fated person?" I say a little surprised by her answer.

"Yes, the one you are destined to meet and love. And to be completely honest I don't know who it might be but the high God of fate and Space/Time said that they are here.  Also he sounded rather happy about it for some reason, but he is almost always trying to help people so I am going to trust him on this." She says while shrugging her shoulders in a 'what am I gonna do' pose.

"That sounds, pretty good to be fair. Meeting my fated love is kinda nice, I've never been one for romance. I hope they turn out the be as nice as you." I say the last part as a low whisper try in to make it as quiet as possible. 

Almost as if in response to my words the Goddess smiles the most dazzling smile I have ever seen. I could have sworn she was also she was the goddess of beauty in that moment. Before it felt more like a business smile and a little forced but still mostly natural but now she looks as if she smiling with no reservations at all.

"Sense you have asked the most pressing questions, can I have you answer or would you like some time to think?" She asks with the same smile on her face.

I pause, as my mind catches back up with the situation. Well there isn't much to think about the offer is great and I don't mind helping her. Plus this task seems to be rather open in the method and action. It seems like a good deal. 

"Ok, one more question." I say after constipating the offer a little more.

"And that would be?" She asks in a gentle caring voice that sounds as if I'm listening to the melody of a lullaby.

"When I get reincarnated will I be able to talk with you again?" I ask almost to too fast for my voice and I sounds as if I'm pushing the words out.

She looks at me a little stunned. She was obviously thinking I wouldn't ask that.

"Well, since you are my champion you can go to any temple to me or pray to any symbol of me to talk but to see me you must visit the grand temple of Wind in the Elfen kingdom of Everwood." She says with no small amount of joy in her voice. 

After some thought I ask one more question "does the symbol on my neck marking me as a champion work for us being able to talk to each other?" 

Now it's her turn to stare open mouthed at me. She is clearly surprised by my question. And just looks at me for a moment then stands up from her chair in a hurry. And says.

"That is not what I was expecting but I'll have the ask Fate if that is possible. But It be depending on what he says. But for now I can't answer." She says slowly sitting back down obviously trying to calm down. 

"Then with that out of the way, I think I have come to a decision about your offer. I will accept. This is a vary good deal for me and I have no qualms with being you champion." I say with a soft smile trying to calm her down. 

She then breaks out into a large smile and sharply nods at my words before she motions to me and says.

"Then all that's left is to decide your elemental affinities. You will have two more then the preselected Wind affinity. Of the others you can choose there are Earth, Fire, Water, Light, Dark and Space/Time. Of those I advise you to stay way from Earth and Space/Time for the reasons of difficulty and time. You are going to have a lot of challenges and while Earth is useful it is weakened by my blessing and Space/Time is the most complicated and difficult element to use and costs and absurd amount of mana, that makes it only useful as utility and transportation." She explains while pushing up glasses that weren't there a moment ago.

After some thought. I have my answer.

"Light and Dark please." 

And with that our deal is set and light starts to glow around me. I look up in a panic to see a serene goddess looking at me. 

"Good look in your new life my champion and may you find happiness and joy in all you can." 

Then my vision goes black.

(Jess's corner)

I hope this first chapter is good and I can't wait to see how you like it! Please let me know how you feel and what you think. Any help is appreciated ????☺️