Darkness, nothingness, and pressure those are all I feel as I spend an indeterminate amount of time slipping in and out of consciousness. The time I spend there is both unbearably long and all too short. I assume soon after regaining consciousness that I am in my new mother's womb. But it's hard to tell as, as soon as I'm wake my mind wants to go back to sleep.
Then suddenly the walls around me started trying to push me out by all means possible. I start going head first to a light that is way to bright for my liking. Then pain, stinging pain all across my body, and against my will I start crying and screaming from the pain and noise around me. It's all too much stimulation for my new baby body. Then I feel as a blurry figure starts to wash me with some water then dry me and swaddle me. With that the figure hands me to someone else, upon being handed to this new person and being brought close, my body unconsciously starts to relax and I start to feel drowsy. Who ever this person is they are calming like no other. As my vision fades from blurry to black again I hear voices start to talk in a language I don't know.
When my eyes open again I'm staring at a dark wooden ceiling, with gray marks running through the wood and a similar wood making up the crib at the sides of my vision.
As I'm assessing my surroundings, my stomach starts to demand food and I am not one to argue. With that desided I do the only thing a baby can do scream.
In the middle of my screaming and crying a woman with dark blank hair like ink and the ears of a cat with skin like that of cream, opened the door to the room and with fast breaths, She see me and then quickly comes to me and picks me up while still crying. She looks at me then something dawn's on her as she removes a breast from her shirt and start to feed me. As soon as I'm brought close my instincts kicked in with a vengeance. I latched on to her and started to feed with no reservations.
After that a man came walking in, knocking on the door frame he look at us with a warm smile. He had the same ears as the woman but with brown hair the color of the Earth and skin the color of polished bronze from the sun, then said something indecyclable to me.
"Er, ca'sha ta la ane ts nasen?"
The man said to the woman in a low voice that made my ear drums feel like an earthquake had happened.
"Nasen Sarin na ta."
The woman holding me said with a voice like the sounds of tinkling rain on glass.
Then the man smiled with a joy that was undeniable and with exuberance he rushed over faster then humanly possible and hugged the woman while being careful not to crush me.
After a brief moment he let's go and then says something more to the woman then walks back out.
After I finished feeding and start to pay attention again I notice that this woman is the same one with the pleasant feeling about her or is it her smell? But whatever it is she is soothing to me.
Once she notices that I'm done she slowly puts me back in my crib and fix's her clothes. Once she is done she starts to clean me while humming a slow, soft tune that is something I have never heard. When she start to wash my back she suddenly stops and then her ice blue eyes go wide and she starts yelling in that unknown language.
Then I hear heavy foot steps coming from somewhere else in the house suddenly start running here as fast as they can. Then the man from before bursts through the door panting.
(Urnen's POV)
She's here, my beautiful baby girl. She was born yesterday and she is so cute that I can barely contain myself. But I have to let Esha handle her. And while I can't wait to see my baby right now all I have to do is let my wife rest and let the baby rest. I know the healer we hired is the best and known for her experience with child birth but I was still nervous.
However, both Esha and my new baby girl are fine and healthy. At that I felt like a wight I didn't know I had melted away in an instant.
Thank, Ero that they are both happy and healthy.
According to the healer, Esha just needs sleep and the baby is already out like a light the moment she was held by Esha.
That night I made dinner and helped my wife eat. She looked worse then when we fought that fanged tiger together. But she eat a little then went to sleep too.
The next morning when me and Esha where making breakfast we heard the baby screaming. Esha was off like a shot and I was right behind her after I turned off the mana stove. When I got to the room I saw Esha holding our baby and feeding her. I knocked on the door frame to get her attention. Then asked
"So, what are we going to name her?"
She looked up and smiled gen looked down again at our baby girl and said
You are reading story Wind’s Champion at novel35.com
"Her name will be Sarin."
I couldn't help but smile.
"That's perfect."
Then turn around to go back and finish cooking breakfast.
As I was setting the table and serving the food. So I could go and get Her and start breakfast. I heard her yelling.
At that, my finely hound instincts kicked in and I start running to the room at top speed.
When I round the corner and see Esha hold Sarin and starring open mouthed at her back and the first thing out of my mouth.
As I'm saying that I start walking to her as fast as possible with disturbing anything. When I'm about half way to Esha she looks up and says.
"Sarin, she is blessed as the champion of Arnia."
As she is saying this she turned Sarin's back to me and points at the base of her neck, where the symbol of flowing wind and change is emblazoned in a brilliant Emerald green, that matches Sarin's hair. With that there is no doubt, Sarin is Arnia's Champion.
This also implies that Sarin is reincarnated as all champion's are. However we do not know if she has her memories yet or if they will be unlocked when she gets older. But one thing is certain, Sarin's life will not be easy and she will face many hardships.
Then I remember something i never thought I would need to know, Arnia the Goddess of Wind and Change has never had a champion before in history. So we have no idea what her powers will be like. There are champions for most of the other Gods but until now but both the God of Fate and the Goddess of Wind have never had a champion. This is going to be a problem.
I hope we can be the family she needs for her life's hardship.
(Esha's POV)
Staring at the back of my daughter's neck I see what I never thought would be there. The mark of a champion. Specifically the mark of Arnia the Goddess of Wind and Change. How can my daughter of all people be the first champion of the goddess. A normal champion is hard enough but the first. It is said that a first champion is only called when there is a problem so large that the God of fate has to intervene. All but Arnia and the God of Fate have made their first until now. And now in front of me sits a my daughter the first champion of the goddess of Wind. Fuck.
This can be seen as a good and bad thing, good because the Gods are starting to take action and they are not doing things half heartedly. On the other hand this means that something is such a large pain that the Gods have to take such drastic action.
The only thing I can think of is the Argon Empire, but while they are aggressive and powerful, but that wouldn't be enough for the Gods to send down a first. Maybe if the Empire got a little bigger then a normal champion would be appropriate. but if a first is here than that means something vary big is happening and something vary bad at that. To the point that the Gods are pulling out the all the stops. This concerns me heavily.
Sadly the only option we have is to train and raise Sarin to be strong enough to over come whatever this problem is. Looking down at my sleeping daughter, I smile.
'She really is the cutest baby.' I thought to myself.
With that decision made, we will do all we can for her and be the loving parents she needs.
This I swear.
(Jess's corner)
Chapter 2 up and out!