Chapter 9: Chapter 8

Dinner time arrived quickly, and Poppy was excited. She loved Maghreb cuisine and had been dying to try the famous Khoshari, an Egyptian dish made of pasta, rice, lentils, a spicy tomato sauce topping and a garnish of fried onions, all enhanced by garlic vinegar or chilli.

In the dining room, the atmosphere was joyful. The spread of food displayed on the buffet table amazed all the guests.

Poppy, pumped by her newfound self-confidence, gave it another go with the group of teenagers.

She courageously marched toward them and said, "Hi!"

They all smiled at her.

Peter, the boy she met earlier, asked, "Poppy, right?"

She smiled and nodded.

He then pointed with his chin at the signing sheets and said in a mocking tone, "Did you sign up for the camel ride? My uncle told me he almost lost his lunch the first time he rode one," and he let out a deep laugh.

"Oh! I wish I was there to capture everything on my phone. But maybe one of you will give me that pleasure soon enough," he added.

Poppy furrowed her brows. 

" Camel rides can be uncomfortable. You have to sway with the camel, not against it.’’ She explained while making the movement with her hand. ‘’

‘’ They have a particular way of walking, that’s why. But the experience can be very enjoyable.’’ She said with a smile.

The teenagers looked at her as if she was coming from Mars. She giggled. ‘’ I have ridden a camel before, but it was in Morocco. That’s how I know.’’

"You were in Morocco before coming here?" asked Lucy.

"Oh wow! Lucky you!" said another girl.

Poppy shook her head, "no, I went to Morocco back at Easter. My uncle was on a job there for a few days. It wasn’t a holiday, but it was a great trip."

The group giggled.

''Doesn't matter, who can complain about two trips under the sun in the same year?'' added another boy

Lucy then threw her arms around Peter's neck. ''I think I'm brave enough to try the camel ride.''

Peter made a face. "me, I am way too pale to attempt a camel ride. My skin won't survive that sun!" He said quickly, passing his fingers through his curly red hair.

Another teenager added, "Me too. And they stink!"

A girl with piggy tails grimaced. "You can wait under the shade if you want while surfing on your phone. No! Scrap that plan! There is no internet access where we are going. Those pyramids are dead spots!"

"Yeah!’’ Mumbled the girl standing next to her.

" Thank you, Mum and Dad, for the fantastic trip! " Said someone else, rolling his eyes while looking toward his parents.

They heard his comment, raised their shoulders, and continued eating their dinner.

Poppy was silently listening to them, complaining about everything. From the weather to the shape of the windows. She was disappointed. Most of them did not want to be there, and they were showing their dissatisfaction by being rude.

After a while, she decided she would rather be on her own once again. At least I tried! She thought while keeping a smile on her face to not alarm her uncle, who was watching her from afar.

Fake it till you make it, Poppy!

She finally found the right time to swiftly excused herself and walked to the buffet table to get some dinner.

"Inner Mongolia! "whispered someone into her ear while she was making herself a plate.

She jumped, turned around and saw Ius standing next to her with a smile on his face.

"What?" she said, confused.

He quickly glanced around him and repeated, "You wanted to know what country I was from, if I remembered correctly. I come from a region of China called Inner Mongolia!"

Poppy let out a chuckle, tilted her head slightly to the side and asked, "Why didn't you just say it when we were in the garden instead of playing that ridiculous riddle?"

Ius replied, "I talk in riddles when I don’t know how to answer. You caught me off guard."

Poppy giggled, "That is weird!"

"Yes, but it keeps the brain active!" said Ius, tapping at his temple. " And it gives me time to think of an answer.’’

She laughed. "I'm sorry I walked out on you. I, too, do stupid things when I am nervous."

" Who said that I was nervous? Just merely surprised. That’s all!’’ He said, making a funny face. 

‘’ But it is okay, your reaction was just human…itarian " said Ius quickly, trying to cover his slip of the tongue.

Poppy frowned and asked in a confused tone,‘’ Humanitarian?’’

You are reading story Magic Comes in Twos at

‘’ Yes, you know, in the sense of you being concerned about me.’’ He then let out a nervous laugh. ‘’ I am immature, rebellious and having a tricky time. Who am I?’’

‘’ Heyyy!!!’’ blurted out Poppy. She waved her finger in front of his face and said, ‘’ you are doing it again. You are deflecting.’’

He shrugged his shoulders. ‘’ I don’t know what you mean.’’ And they both laughed.

‘’ Tell me more about them.’’ He said, jutting at the group of teenagers nearby who were now making their way to a table. "Do you think we should join them?"

Poppy wrinkled her nose, "They are nice, but they are not too happy to be here. So, I'll leave the decision to you."

Ius looked at the teenager’s group again. They were in a deep and animated conversation. 

"Maybe another day. For tonight, we are better off being on our own. Don’t you think?"

Poppy nodded, "Yes. So, have you signed up for any of the activities?"

"What do they have?" he asked.

"A lot!" answered Poppy excitedly. "I'll show you."

She then started walking toward the table, where the signing sheets were left. No one was there. Most of the guests had made their choice already and were having their dinner.

"There are camel, felucca and kayak rides, a visit to the pharaonic village, a papyrus workshop and a few more I can't remember."

"Sounds fun. Which ones did you join?" He asked.

She blushed and responded while fiddling with her fingers, "All of them?"

And he burst out laughing. "Ok! Let me have a look."

He quickly went through the list, and after registering for all Poppy's activities, he asked, "Would you like to eat outside with me?"

"Yes, sure."

They returned to the buffet table and helped themselves.

Ius looked at Poppy as she was glancing at the arrays of starter plates. He came close to her and said softly, "Want to know something interesting? "

Poppy raised an eyebrow. "There is internet access around the pyramids. You just need to know where to stand. The bad news is that you will definitely get a sunburn to get it!"

Poppy smiled, shook her head and raised her chin, "I'm half-African; I don't get sunburned. And how on earth do you know we talked about the lack of connection around the pyramid?"

Ius threw his head back and gave her a cheeky smile. " You know that Black skin, regardless of how dark it is, does get sunburns, especially under a sun like this one. So please tell me you have packed some sun cream."

"Yes, I did; I am not a complete moron! But you still haven't answered my question about the connection"

He smirked again. " I must have overheard the conversation when I was passing."

She raised a brow. I very much doubt that. I am pretty sure he wasn't even in the room. Humm! To be continued....

"Yum! They have garlic shrimp couscous!" said a lady next to them in an exciting tone, bringing Poppy back from her thoughts.

She smiled and excitedly put a spoonful on her plate.

"What about you? You have blue eyes. Are you mixed race as well?" She asked inquisitively.

Ius looked around before answering.

Is it me or he is trying to make sure no one can hear us? thought Poppy with a frown.

Some guests had returned to the buffet table for a second helping.

"Something like that," Ius answered vaguely.

What on earth does that mean? 

She looked at him and noticed that he only had vegetables and salad on his plate. "Don't you want to try the koftas or the beef couscous?"

He shook his head. "I am a vegan. I'll be fine with the grilled vegetables and the cucumber and chickpea salad."

"Okay! Looks delicious too," said Poppy with a smile.

"So, are you finally going to tell me how you knew we talked about a lack of connection? And before you make up a story or a riddle, you need to know that I am 100% sure you were not anywhere near us. Actually, you weren't even in the dining room!"

"Shh!’’ Whispered Ius while putting his index finger to his lips. ‘’ A magician never reveals his secrets! Let's eat. Maybe one day, I'll tell you!"

"Ok then" said Poppy, and they made their way toward the terrace.