Chapter 10: Chapter 9

The next day started beautifully with a very filling and delicious breakfast. Poppy and her uncle got to enjoy the famous Ful Medammes, the most common traditional Egyptian breakfast made of fava beans and cooked with oil and salt.

Poppy looked at her uncle with pride and admiration. One evening, that's all it took for the others hotel guests to realised that uncle Joe knew almost as much about Egypt as the guides. Look at them, hanging onto his every word; yes, he is really bright, and he is my uncle.

She loved how knowledgeable he was about foreign culture, and she always noticed how impressed their fellow travellers were when he was teaching them something new.

Not wanting to be left aside, she added to the other hotel guests sharing their table, "This is Ful, a dish eaten with eggs, cheese and pita bread."

Her uncle tapped her hand gently and said proudly, "Excellent, Poppy!"

All the guests were now in the dining room having their breakfasts.

Where is he, she thought, realising that her new friend was missing.

Maybe he is just late. I'll catch up with him on the bus, she concluded.

After breakfast was over, she hastily made her way to the bus—no sign of Ius anywhere.

Ali the doorman was directing the hotel guests toward the transport buses.

Joe caught up to her, "Shall we?"

They all boarded the bus, followed by the other travellers and the guides.

First on the list was a visit to the pyramids. After an hour's journey, they finally arrived in front of the world's oldest of seven wonders, the Three Pyramids, including the legendary Great Pyramid of Giza or Pyramid of Khufu.

At first sight of such magnificence, Poppy started to feel better, letting go of her previous disappointment.

Joe stood next to her and put a hand on her shoulder, "Fabulous, isn't it?"

She turned toward him and smiled, "Yes, Uncle, absolutely fabulous."

"I'll see you later, darling! The adults are going in first. Our tour is a bit more detailed than yours. Have fun!" he walked away, waving at her.

She waved back with a poor smile on her face, and just like that I am alone again.

Selma gathered all the teenagers around her and started giving details about The Great Pyramid. They went in as soon as she was done.

"Blimey, it is not even half as big as I expected" she whispered to herself.

Right from the entrance, they seemed to be ascending and descending tunnels.

I am petite but I feel like I am Gulliver in a Lilliputian home. How on earth do adults manage to walk these tunnels? Not to mention a little scary.

She felt a tap on her right shoulder, jumped and screamed. A mad echoed throughout the corridor and she turned red, "Ius" she said while gently hitting him.

Ius was still in stitches, trying to compose himself.

He finally calmed down and said, "I am sorry, I did not expect you to scream so loudly."

"I am glad you had a jolly good time; you almost gave me a heart attack," said Poppy with half a smile

"I am sorry," he said while still giggling

She shook her head, her face lit up, and she threw her arms around him, "I am so glad to see you."

She let go of him, hit him on the arm and said "where have you been? I have been looking for you everywhere."

"My uncle and I got up early and went for a stroll in the centre. He insisted on showing me the bazaar and the souq," he explained. "Sorry I am late."

"That's okay. Did you like it?" Asked Poppy with a smile

He shrugged, "it was nice, but I wish you were there with me. You would have loved it."

She stopped and placed her hand on his shoulder "by the way, how the devil did you manage to catch up with us?"

A grin appeared on his face, and he moved his brows, "we caught a cab, dummy!"

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She laughed and pushed him with her shoulder

They heard some footsteps coming toward them and they froze. Their eyes doubled in size, and they exchange a frightened look. They heard a growl and turned around; it was Selma.

She said in an angry tone, "This is not a relaxation booth. Please re-join the others immediately and keep up."

She then realised that Ius was standing next to Poppy "and you," she said pointing at Ius

"Where the hell did you come from?"

Poppy and Ius looked at each other, wow, could you be any more hostile? Thought Poppy.

Ius frowned, his eyes widened, and he said to Selma in a shaky tone, "My uncle and I were late, so we came by cab. I'm sorry."

Selma made a face, grumbled something, then said, "the next time you are late, you will be sent back to the hotel, understood?"

Ius, who still had a frozen look on his face, just nodded.

Selma gave him a nasty look, grumbled something else under her breath and walked away.

"Ouch! Someone is about to get a one-star for their tour guiding service! "Whispered Ius to Poppy.

Poppy burst out laughing and said, "she is furious; I wonder why? It is not like you interrupted the tour or something. Anyway, ignore her. If she tries to send you away, I'll go too."

Ius smiled at her, and they made their way to the rest of the group.

The Pyramid was getting creepier by the minute. Poppy took a deep breath and murmured, "This place is spookier than I thought."

Ius nodded, "Don't worry, stay close to me, and you'll be fine!"

The group went through another narrow corridor. The descending tunnels lead them to an underground chamber where the pharaohs were typically laid to rest.

Khufu's Sarcophagus was in another section called the King's Chamber. After going up against some confined corridors, they arrived in a bare room, not a single hieroglyph on-site. Just a big rectangular hollow stone in the middle used to house the Pharaoh's mummy.

Ius came closer to her and whispered, "Hey, Poppy, I think I've dropped something. I'll be right back. Just wait for me here!"

"No" whispered back Poppy. She grabbed his forearm and asked, "what could you possibly have dropped?"

Ius smiled "I found a beautiful scarabaei pin in the Souq, but I can't find it anymore"

Poppy gasped. "A pin? Unless that pin is made of precious stones it is not worth angering Selma again"

Ius rolled his eyes "Poppy, it was the last one they had, and I really want it back. Just cover for me, I won't be long. Thanks"

Poppy threw her arms in the air and shook her head. "Okay but hurry up."

Poppy moved behind a group of teenagers much taller than her. Hopefully, she won't see me from there.

Selma finished her pitch and started to lead the group away, but Ius was not back yet.

I am not staying here alone, thought Poppy.

She took a few steps back, making sure that she stood at the back of the group and waited for the last teenager to follow Selma then made her way to the corridor they both were earlier.

She let out a sigh of relief when she recognised the way, but it was short-lived, she stood facing two corridors. In their haste, they had failed to notice it.

She clenched her fists and bit her lips, IUSSSSS, I am going to kill you.

A cold chill brushed up against her, and she jumped. Her heart started pounding really fast, and goosebumps appeared on her skin.

Great, with my luck, I am probably about to be a mummy's next meal. I should have stayed with the others, what was I thinking?

It did not take long for her to start hearing some scratching noises. She screamed and ran back to the chamber where she found herself alone. Tears started filling up her eyes; she started looking around frantically and crossed her arms on her chest.

Come on, Ius, where are you? Please come back, but her pleas went unanswered. She crouched in one of the corner of the room, a feeling of hopelessness slowly taking over her.

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