Chapter 2: Carmen

           In a very dark space and cold, there is Carmen, or most likely, her consciousness. She opens her eyes, and looks around her, wondering where she is and feeling frightened. Before she was about to say something, a small light appeared in her front, at three steps. The light levitates and remains still in position. The light flashes some green and grey colour all around it, but it levitates and remains in the same position.

           “What is this?” asks Carmen, looking at the light confused. “W-Where am I?”

           “This is your body.” says the light, and it starts to do something incredible.

           The small sphere of light transforms into a werewolf, the natural size of a werewolf. But it still has the composition of light, and the colour moving all around its body, not stopping even once. Carmen looked at the transformation, feeling scared and not having any idea what she could do to prevent it. The object of the werewolf says to Carmen after he has done the transformation.

           “We are living together now. One body, two souls.”

           “Wait, wait, wait.” says Carmen, confused. “What? What happened?”

           “You do not remember the accident?”

           “Accident? You mean the one when I was attacked by a wolf?”

           “That was not a normal wolf. It is a Vewolf. You humans always mistake Vewolf with werewolves. It is not even hard to differentiate us, but anyway, here is what’s going to happen. We will live together forever since you have been infected by my genes.”

           Carmen stood there, not knowing what to say. She is overwhelmed by the situation she has just got into at that moment. A Vewolf soul is living inside her, and she is forced to live together with him, until the end of her time.

           “B-But. Why? Why are you doing this?” asked Carmen asked, moving one step closer to the Vewolf soul.

           “It is the infection my kind does.” says the Vewolf soul to Carmen. “We cannot escape this infection. No matter what we do, or what treatment we’ve got. The only solution remains death. The death of a body. In this case, your body and soul.”

           “So, if I die, will you also die?”

           “My soul and consciousness will fade into the earth, and infect the nearest dog possible and compatible. I will not exactly die, I will most likely infect another thing and live forever. That is how infection works in the case of Vewolf.”

           “What is Vewolf? Are they like werewolves from the novels or series?” asks Carmen.

           “We are in the same family tree, but different species. As aspects and behaviour.” he looks around him. “Quite darker this room of yours you’ve got here?”

           “What?” asks Carmen.

           “This part of your brain. It is dark. It will need some light. But that will be for later. Right now, I have to tell you the difference between Vewolf and a werewolf and how you can control your powers.”

           “Hold on a minute!” says Carmen, raising her hand and feeling shocked. “You mean. I have super powers now?”

           “Yes. You do have my powers. That is the exchange of Vewolf infection. I will infect you, have to get your body for eternity, and you will have a longer lifespan. My super powers and a companion inside of you. Sounds a fair deal.”

           “What are these super powers?” asks Carmen.

           “You put many questions here, but it is understandable since this species of Homo sapiens think they know everything, but in reality, they know only 10% of the truth, and live in two different worlds. The thing is, now you are able to see the two worlds, the one where you humanoids live, and the one where “creatures”, you call us, live. We cannot interact with you. It is not possible, but if you are a half-human, we can interact with you. And this is you right now, you are half-human-half-Vewolf for eternity.”

           “I-I understand.”

           “Good. The difference between Vewolf and werewolves is clear as a sunny day. My kind has green-grey, green-red, green-yellow, or green-dark as a colour, while normal werewolves have the normal colours, such as black, grey, brown and white.” He takes a pause. “My kind possess numerous abilities which you will also have. But you will experience them with time when your soul will get accustomed to your body.”

           “How long will that be?”

           “Three or four weeks until you will get your first super power. Manual transformation.”

           “What is that?”

           “You can control your transformation. In the first three days, you will experience sudden transformation, so it would be better to hide before you go to your place called school to not cause a panic around everybody. And the transformation will only occur for one to three hours, and after that, you will start to fall unconscious and when you fall, you will most likely be coming back to me.”

            “Wow,” Carmen said, looking at her hands. “I can also grow long nails?”

           “Regenerate wounds, throw nails, camouflage, and many more. But all will come later with the evolution of transformation.”

           “You can also control my body?”

           “Yes. But when will it be necessary?”

           The light is starting to lose its brightness, and with her, Carmen is also about to leave this place.

           “You will be waking up,” says the Vewolf soul. “I am afraid we cannot talk more, but… You will be fine. As long as you do not interact with gold, silver and cooperate.”

           “What would happen if I did that?”

           “Your wounds will be slowly regenerating. Goodbye.” he says, and his soul disappears from her point of view.

           Soon, Carmen will be starting to wake up, and meet some new faces and a new world.


           After a while, Carmen wakes up again. This time, she is tied to what can be described as a metallic table, similar to one used in Frankenstein's movies where the Doctor is trying to revive the monster named Adam. The girl observes and feels she is strongly tied in silver chains. Her arms and legs are tied well, and it makes her feel weak like Superman when he gets near kryptonite.

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           “She is awake everyone!” says a male teenager in the dark room.

           Suddenly, the dark room started to light up, thanks to the 21st century lightbulbs, which are able to illuminate one single room. Carmen had to close her eyes for a few seconds in order to get accustomed to the powerful light this room possessed.

           When she opens her eyes, she sees all around the table four individuals that look like humans, but they are not. Except for a boy, who is the same age as Carmen, but he has albino skin colour.

           The first person next to Carmen is a woman, dressed in a red dress, having long red and black hair, her eyes have the colour of blood, her fangs are able to be seen, she is a woman due to the way her body is shaped like a normal Homo sapiens female gender. That person wears a lot of bracelets with a cross and has a bite mark on her neck, revealing she might be a vampire, or a very weird person with the kinky stuff from the Internet.

           The second person is not a human, nor a creature, it is what can be described in terms of modern culture, as a ghost. He levitates, wears 19th century English clothes, he also wears a big hat to show the class to the population of the second dimension or half persons. The thing is a ghost, and it is the one Carmen saw before she was fading away into the dark to talk for a moment with the Vewolf inside her.

           The third person appears to be a young child, probably the same age as Carmen. His albino skin is the one that makes him appear in the spotlight. He wears a hood to cover his face and body. He has on his back a large amount of storage to keep his arrows. Carmen also saw that person before she was about to fade away, and she could feel him carrying her there while she was talking with Vewolf from inside.

           And the last person, present at this table, is described as an old-looking adult in his 30’s or 40’s. He has long dark hair with a long black beard to give him mostly the appearance of a pirate, rather than one of the mages portrayed in MOBA’s games, used to gain popularity and for horny girls to spend their hard-working parents' money on useless and pointless skins (in some games). That person can be described as a mage because he is levitating with his hand a blue cube object next to Carmen, and as the thing continued to levitate, that man decided to ask Carmen.

           “Have you seen your virus?”

           “What?” asks Carmen, confused.

           “Have you seen the creature who will be living in your body?”

           “…Yes.” says Carmen.

           “What did he tell you?” asks the man to Carmen, while the others are slowly backing away.

           “H-He told me there would be no way to take me out, without me being killed.” says Carmen, feeling frightened and scared.

           “I understand,” says the mage. “Now. We will give you three choices for you. Are you listening?”

           Carmen nodded and said “Yes!” to the mage that moved a few steps to the other side of the table where her feet were. The mage looks into Carmen's eyes as the sphere continues to levitate and show that astonishing blue colour.

           “Your choices are the following. The first one consists of your memory getting permanently erased and having a new identity, plus a new aspect.”

           “If I choose this I will lose every memory of dear ones?”

           “We will also delete the memories of the dear ones,” says the man, not being surprised at the fact that someone captive wanted to get the first choice. “The second one consists of you getting killed, and we held Vewolf captive.” He takes a pause, looking at Carmen, who seems extremely terrified of considering the second choice. That man decides to carry on his negotiations. “The third option is you being held captive for eternity, in the second dimension, with no way out and no communication in your first dimension.”

           “The first dimension consists of the one where we live?” asks Carmen.

           “So, you do know about the two dimensions. By whom?” curious man.

           “T-The soul o-of that that thing told me.”, Carmen tried to say, not sounding too crazy.

           “Ah,” says the ghost to the man. “The soul of Vewolf is lurking in her. It is already too late to try the fifth choice.”

           “Fine,” says the man to the ghost, feeling a bit sad. Then he looked at Carmen. “Your last choice. It is probably the safest you can get, and it can give you and us some benefits we need at the moment. You join our hunting group as a trainee for at least three months, then, you become a full-fledged hunter. This will benefit us, but it will help you control the Vewolf superpowers.” surrounding he looks around him for a moment, to see if the people looking at Carmen are acting calmly. Only the woman shows happiness and excitement. “You made this choice?”

           “What are my benefits?” asked Carman as the first question, feeling uneasy when the man approached closer to her face.

           “Ah…” says the man letting Carmen have her personal space. “Your benefits may vary. You can control your superpowers. Be able to protect everyone, dear you, from the creatures coming from the second dimension.”

           “Which is a lot,” intervened the woman.

           “Aham!” says the man to the vampire woman.

           “Sorry,” says the woman, feeling a bit ashamed about being too excited about this.

           “You can also get a salary of money. It may be small at first, but with time you will get greater. You can use gadgets that humans don’t know about their existence, their concepts or any technical engineering of them. And many more benefits in your case.”

           Carmen stays silent. She is thinking and checking the choices she has. She weights them. She compares them. Carmen concludes, the only choice of who can help her and keep her alive will be the fourth choice. The first choice seems impossible to take, since she has some memorable moments with her friends and family. She cannot lose all the cherished memories she has accumulated for fifteen years. Plus, this situation makes her feel a bit excited about adventures like a main character in a Japanese novel or in a Netflix show for teenagers and young adults. She had fantasies of her being popular, rich and having a great family for a few minutes, before she came back to reality after the man snapped his fingers three times at Carmen to awake her from day dreaming for three minutes straight.

           “I take the fourth decision,” she said to the man.

           “Very well,” says that man with a serious look. “Kyle. Sedate her.”

           “Right on.” says the teenager, taking the injection from the table with wheels and injecting a substance into Carmen's neck.

           After the substance travels to her interior, Carmen starts to slowly fall asleep. But she manages to get a glimpse of the faces of the people surrounding her, because the woman from the room turned on the light, and their faces can be seen clearly, but the ghost disappeared when the light was turned on. Maybe Carmen's eyes weren’t able to see the ghost, camouflaged in the light.

           The girl was also able to hear one last conversation between the people in that room.

           “Lucian and Kyle,” says the man with the beard and long hair. “You two are the ones who will be evaluating Carmen for the next three months.”

           “Why us?” asks the teenager.

           And that was the last thing Carmen heard before she passed away, and woke up the next morning in her bedroom.