Chapter 3: Kyle and Lucian


           On that night, the teenager with a crossbow and with arrows kept safe in a backpack designed for these things, carries on his back a young and beautiful girl of the same age as he is. The teenager who is doing this thing was forced to do it, by the leader of his Hunter Team, and by Lucian, the ghost of Brighton.

           “Why can't you possess her?” asks Kyle, carrying the woman on her back for almost five kilometres. “Or. Why did we not take the portal gun?”

           “Number one, she has become a half-half thing.” says the ghost, levitating on the right side of Kyle. “And number two. We cannot do it. Louis took it to investigate London.”

           “London?” asks Kyle. “What is he doing there?”

           “Probably had a hot date.” said Lucian. “Who do you think I am? His mother?”

           “Hah! What normal human woman would bang something invisible?”

           “Aren’t we in the 21st century?”

           “Fair point.” says Kyle after a while, continuing to carry Carmen on his back.

           After a while, Kyle and Lucian managed to carry Carmen to the address where her house address was shown on the ID card and on the monitor, after them. Later, they connected her brain to the monitor and analysed every memory and information about her. Including the awkward ones or the ones that would make humans either barf, kill themselves or feel lucky.

           Anyway, after they get her to the front of the door, the two hunters decide to sneak the girl into her bedroom, rather than call her parents and tell them the whole truth, then erase their memories, change them with new ones, and let them take care of her. Sounds simple and fast enough. But it will become complicated, plus you need to refill some papers. Plus, the battery of a “Memory-Gone” gun costs almost the entire salary of a trainee.

           Lucian remembers the room where Carmen was supposed to be. It is situated on the ground floor. And he also remembers which window her room is at. He goes after that window. Lucian finds it in almost one minute. He decides to enter the window and check it. The ghost opens the window like it is nothing, and Kyle sees the bed. It is situated very close to the window, so he just throws her into the building via window. And after that, the ghost leaves the window closed, and before they are about to leave, the ghost asks Kyle.

           “Can I take the first watch?”

           “Sure,” says Kyle. “It is better, I have an English test tomorrow and I need to study harder in order to gain those credits.”

           They say goodbye to each other, and they carry on with their lives. Mostly Kyle, since the Lucian- Ghost of Brighton, hasn’t had a life since the 18th century. Kyle leaves the ghost alone, standing outside Carmen's house for her safety, and in case the monster tries to do something violent while she is sleeping peacefully. And the ghost of Brighton, can’t even do much, rather than try to keep the creature or any human awake at twenty-first o'clock in Bodian Avenue.


           Inside a dark room, Carmen opens her eyes, breathing faster and faster. She observes the same figure she witnessed in her first interaction with the soul of Vewolf.

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           “You awake, little girl.”

           “Little girl?” asks Carmen. “I am fifteen.”



           “Hah laughed the soul of the Vewolf. “To my race, fifteen years, it is the age of babies.”

           A moment of silence arrives, where Carmen looks around her. She observes the same room having a black colour to hide anything. Nothing has changed since their last interaction, which happened a few moments ago.

           “You saw something different?” asks the soul of the Vewolf towards Carmen.

           “Nothing,” says Carmen. “Everything is still black.”

           “That is because I have not become accustomed to you. It will take a few more weeks, or months until I- We. Will be able to share our superpowers.”

           “…Have you heard?”

           “The conversation between the Hunters and the choices you’ve made? Yes. I have heard everything. And I also accept the offer of working with them.”

           “Really?” asks Carmen. “Why?”

           “My business,” says the Vewolf. “Now, you must rest and leave my place.”

           “How can I do that?” asks Carmen.

           But before Vewolf could give her answer, the girl suddenly disappeared into a blue flame. As that thing happened, the Vewolf sighed, and he looked up with an evil smirk.

           “A bit more… A few more months and I will be free...”

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