The meeting between 10 leaders is about to commence. All of them were teleported on short notice. They are all from separate kingdoms allied to one another. Once the messengers delivered the notice and the time of the meeting as imminent, all of the leaders were teleported by their court wizard or mages council. The countries that couldn’t afford to teleport were allotted a chance by Leo Kingdom. This meeting was of great import.
2 of the leaders stand out more than the rest due to their white robes that show affiliation with the church. The lavish white robes with gold trimming and a hat with the same white and gold pattern belongs to Pope Anelis, the leader of Leo Kingdom. He is old and wrinkled with a bald head. Spectacles can be found over his eyes that almost look closed. He wears a smile as he stares out over the room. The second affiliated with the church is Archbishop Mcdonnel, the leader of Wulnir. His robes are trimmed with black inlaid gold patterns. He is a much younger individual than the pope with black hair and eyes. The only signs of aging are the slight wrinkles near his eyes. The previous Prince Eren, now the King of Ender, is also one of the members of the group. The first person to speak out is the Pope who heads the meeting. He speaks slowly, the age and wisdom evident in his voice.
“I must thank you all for coming today. The contents of this meeting will not be easy to digest, but I must thank you all, nonetheless.” Pope Anelis looks over all of the gathered members as he stops speaking for but a moment. “As I am certain you are all aware, this world is headed towards destruction. It is the job of our alliance to correct the balance. Eliah the Usurper is back, and it is our duty to quell the fire. Bound by our ancestors, we are. The time is nigh to stop that vile thing in its tracks.”
“Excuse me, but what proof do we even have that this ‘vile’ thing is back in the first place?” The leader of another kingdom speaks up. He is an unassuming individual wearing a white and red robe. He looks to be the second youngest of the group. King Eren takes the first place at the youngest.
“Archbishop, if you will?” The pope glances at the archbishop. Then the archbishop signals for the servants in wait. After whispering something to one of the servants. The servant leaves the room. When he comes back he is followed by a new figure. Looking nervous as ever, Axcl enters the room. “Now now, I told you. You don’t need to look so nervous.” The pope speaks with a smile.
“Tell them your report that you gave me. I just want everyone to know…” The pope looks over the room, his expression going serious. “If Axcl can’t be trusted, then the very foundation of the church is not to be trusted.”
Axcl begins explaining his circumstances all the way up to his comrades meeting death at Eliah’s hands. The people in the room grow completely silent as he finishes his story. When Axcl finishes he is dismissed by the pope, and as he exits the room he wears a slight smirk. The only person to notice is the pope, but the pope only raises an eyebrow and smiles as Axcl exits.
The meeting continues this time growing in ferocity as all of the members pitch in their ideas and schemes to take out Eliah. All of this is happening while Eliah sleeps aboard her old companion. The companion is a giant turtle housing a fortress. The turtle’s name is Nobrak.
In my dreams I see memories. They are appearing one after another like a jumbled mess. It is hard to make sense of one before the dream turns into another. Like a flickering light, the dreams keep changing. In one I see a castle. In another I see a school. It is like the memories of both me and Eliah are mixing together. A dream finally becomes concrete, holding for longer than the others.
I am sitting on a swing set in the playground of my elementary school. I sit there swinging slowly while eating a red popsicle. It is weird that I can see myself in third person. Isn’t this my memory? How is this even possible? As I ponder those questions, the child version of me starts to speak to no one in particular while looking up in my direction.
“I know you are there. I know you have been there. Who are you? Why are you following me? Other kids think I am crazy because I talk to you. I can tell you are there even when you hide yourself away in my heart.” The kid version of me smiled wryly at me. “I just want to know what you want from me.”
As the memories began to change again. I could tell that the dream hadn’t been an illusion. I remembered now. There was always a sense of someone being with me, even back in my old world. As I got older, I learned to tune the feeling out. Then what exactly was that? Was Eliah with me the whole time? Why don’t I know anything?
Another memory came of me playing a different MMO before Tales of Fantasy came out. My current self was angry that the character creation sliders weren’t working how I wanted. “With this shit customization, I can kiss the perfect vampire creation goodbye.” The me in the dream sighed at the screen that wasn’t heeding my wishes.
Why did I want to create the perfect vampire? Why did I search and search for an mmo just so I could make my dream character a reality? What was I doing with my life? What am I even doing now? What is my purpose in this world? The dream jumped to a mirror, but reflected in it was Eliah. She started to open her mouth without me doing anything.
‘You wanted to create me. That is why you searched. That was your whole purpose. Your purpose in this world… You should figure that out on your own. I won’t give you all of the answers.’
Why did I create you? Actually, who even are you? Who am I? Nothing that has happened between us has made any sense to me. Before she could respond to my questions the mirror shattered, and then my eyes shot open.
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