Chapter 58: Chapter 33

Going back to when I had just summoned Nobrak the floating turtle leviathan, everyone was surprised including me. I didn’t expect him to have Halloween skin. There were holes in his shell from the bottom showing bones, and he had bat wing protrusions sticking up out of his back. I maybe shouldn’t have left the skin on him, but I admit, I had forgotten about it. Everyone was looking at the arrival of the flying fortress in awe or fear.

The turtle itself was as large as a city. The turtle landed and opened his mouth. People were hesitant to walk inside of his mouth at first, until I assured them that it was okay. I walked in the mouth first, and then I was followed by my subordinates. Marqus Solus was quivering the whole time, but he followed on to the leviathan. The little beastkin girl rushed in as soon as she could. I have to say, she was quite brave.

We stepped over the leviathan's tongue. As we entered his throat there were stairs which led to a hole in the ceiling. In the game the hole would be there for access to the building portion of the leviathan. It would be there regardless of the halloween skin, but the skin made the hole look like it had been taken by a bite from a large beast instead. We got to the top of the leviathan, and the fortress was easily spottable. It was also surrounded by trees everywhere.

The fortress was made out of black obsidian stone that glowed a purple hue, and it was large enough to house everyone in our group with a little room to spare. There was no regular entrance to the fortress. When I got close to the wall of the fortress, I placed my hand on it. It shone even brighter purple before words appeared on the surface. “Nothing truly has it. Mortals crave for it. It is the perfected evolutionary state of being.” The words were wanting an answer. I cringed at the simple puzzle that I created to enter my fortress. I wanted to roll over and die as everyone looked over to me with question marks on their faces. I spoke softly at the wall. “Immortality.” More words shown on the wall starting the next part of the riddle. “Everything has it. Mortals hate it. Lucien will never satisfy it.” This one was also super easy, as I whispered “hunger”. 

“It moves with only an order. Amassed by blood puppets, it is. Human troops will all become.” I actually didn’t know this one as I stared at the wall for a second. I had only come up with the first two riddles. It wasn’t hard for me to guess what it was though. It was easy to guess just by spell names, if I was being honest. “Legion” the wall started parting before me with the final solution revealing the inside of the fortress.

There were several different buildings all composed of the obsidian stone. They were all for different professions. There was a black smith, tailor, stonemasons, carpenters, and many more buildings. The beastkin’s eyes lit up as they viewed the inside of the fortress. Several of their tails were wagging. With a nod of my head they all went off in separate directions. The only place they didn’t go was the tower that held two banners with twin snakes coiled around a sword staff. 

I walked over towards the tower, and I entered the large doorway. Inside was a giant table with a map at the center. Hanging on the walls were different ornaments and symbols. As I looked at the sight tears started to form in the corners of my eyes. I had no idea where it was coming from, but they just began to flow. When I started to cry I felt Rela hug me from behind. “We will retrieve your castle, master. I can promise you that.” She whispered into my ear.

I nodded my head as she separated from me. I then walked over to the wooden stairs leading to the next floor. They were right next to the fireplace. I ascended them as I started to feel tired. I entered the lavish bedroom that was decorated in black and crimson. I knew this wasn’t home, but it felt like the closest thing. I dismissed the others following me, and I told them to tell the beastkin that they are free to use any of the rooms for sleeping. They could also use the facilities in the fort however they wanted. No one else was using them after all. I flopped on the bed, and sleep took me almost instantly.

The memories that came to me in my dreams made me have a massive headache as I awoke in the middle of the night. The fortress was still floating in the same place, unmoving. I bet the residents of Marqus’ city were terrified right now. I quickly got up and headed down the stairs. When I got to the large table there were several people talking.

The large seat at one end of the table was left open, and I took it. I flopped onto the wooden chairs sideways and dangled both of my feet off of the side before gripping my head. When I looked over at everyone they had stopped talking and were staring at me. I guess it was my turn to speak.

“You can keep your conversation going. I will give my input if needed.” The few beastkin looked at me with disbelief at my casual attitude. The people in the room currently were all of my subordinates, Marqus Solus, Aria, and 3 beastkin of different races. I imagined that they were all representatives of their races. The beastkin races I could see were a male wolf , a female cat, and a beastkin with what appeared to be bear ears. Marqus Solus was the first to speak up.

“We were actually wondering about you. First of all, what is this thing?” He gestured all around with his arms. “This is not a thing. His name is Nobrak. He will be our traveling companion for this endeavor. If you want to start calling my beautiful summons ‘things’, then perhaps I should feed you to Kurneer or Lucien?” I said with my normal bored expression. He rapidly shook his head as sweat beads started to form on his head.

“You don’t need to look so frightened, that was what you would call a joke.” Rela bursted out laughing. Everyone else looked confused, but Rela and Emma were laughing. I didn’t even think it was that funny, but their laughter brought a smile to my face. “Please don’t make such jokes, y-your majesty!” Marqus quipped back. My face turned dead serious. “You don’t need to call me that; in fact, I find it quite gross when you say it. Eliah is fine.” Ilya looked like she wanted to argue that point, but Marqus nodded his head. “Eliah then…” 

“This is enough of useless prattling. We have a nation to conquer. Unless you wish to go back on your word, ‘my lord’?” I emphasized the last part causing me to receive a glare from Aria. He put his hand up before Aria could speak. “Indeed, it is time we started talking about the future of our rebellion.” 

“Actually about that… We were wondering if you would allow us to speak on the issue… your excellency?” The cat beastkin spoke up. “You may call me queen or your majesty.” I smiled at the beastkin. In return, she gave me a wry smile. “You may speak your mind.”

“Y-yes, your majesty!”

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