Chapter 2: Rebirth and new beginning

Alastair finally tracked down the final bobblehead he needed to officially complete one hundred percent of fallout three after a grueling but enjoyable fifty hours of gameplay. he smiled when a platinum trophy appeared at the top of his tv screen congratulating him on his accomplishment before he saved the game and closed it out for the last time in a long while or so he thinks. ejecting the disc from his fully backwards compatible PlayStation five he carefully places it into the case it belongs to next to the system. standing up alastair stretches out trying to rid himself of the soreness he felt from leaning forwards for so long.

Placing the case for fallout 3 in an empty slot in his game rack alastair decides to use the restroom and grab a quick bite of food before he tackles another game he had acquired just recently dragon quest 11: echoes of an elusive age. walking across his single room apartment alastair opens his refrigerator and looks towards the freezer section before reaching out and grabbing a buffalo chicken mac bowl and following the directions on the package for cooking it.

Five minutes later alastair was munching on the steaming hot cheesy bowl while trying and failing to not burn himself by eating too quickly. after he cleaned up his mess alastair walked back over to his gaming setup and reached towards the pristine copy of dq11 grabbing it gently and lifting it up so he could unwrap it without damaging it. right before he began opening the cellophane wrap alastair was hit with a blinding white light and lost unconsciousness. when he came to alastair found himself floating in a strange grey room with four walls but no doors or windows with a single dull grey desk in the middle of the room.

Behind this desk sat what could only be a god as the being was glowing a faint gold with long white hair flowing as though underwater but no facial feature at all was on the head. the being opened a manila folder and looked at the contents seemingly ignoring alastair who remained quiet for some reason he couldn't comprehend. "name alastair williams , age 20 , karma slightly above neutral , habits was fond of video games and had very little social interaction with others beyond work place interactions. proudest of completing fallout 3 at one hundred percent completion." the being spoke in a neutral uncaring male voice before closing the folder and looking directly at alastair.

"You may speak" the being said flatly and suddenly alastair found that he could speak again if he wanted. "am i dead?" he asked sadly. the being nodded and alastair sighed depressed. "i wish i had gotten to play dragon quest 11 at least before i died." he said sadly. the being nodded which confused alastair before he felt an increasingly greater suction coming from the wall to his right. "so be it and take a gift from your proudest moment with you." the being said before waving its hand and sending a orb of light into alastair who stumbled before he could ask what the being meant and fell into the wall losing consciousness again.

Alastair opened his eyes groggily as he felt pain on the back of his head like someone had hit him with a baseball bat. looking around alastair saw that he was in a fairly large stone building made from a bunch of large stones mortared together. alastair was confused at how primitive the walls look as from what the being said he should be back in the modern times since he had wanted to play dq11. there were a few selves with clay jars and dried herbs on them against a few walls and the bed he was on was made of wood and covered in rough cotton blankets with a feather pillow.

Alastair moved his hand to grab the blanket covering him up but froze when he saw that it was a childs arm reaching for the edge of the bed and at this moment the memories of the previous owner of this body flooded his mind making him disoriented for a moment. 'i was reborn as a child? what sort of divine fuckery is this?!' he complained mentally. at this moment a large women with wrinkles on her cheeks from smiling walked into the room carrying a tray with a clay bowl of some sort of steaming soup.

"oh you're awake i see , had a terrible tumble earlier you did and landed on your head no less." the woman who according to his bodies memories is his mother said worriedly. his new mom walked next to the bed and set the tray of soup on the wooden nightstand before turning back to alastair. "had me worried to tears for a good while there as the medicine man said you might not make it so don't you go doing foolish things like that again you hear." she said scolding him.

Alastair didn't realize but the memories of this body had fused with him completely at this point making him not even want to argue so he just nodded his head embarrassed. his mother pulled up a wooden stool next to the bed and grabbed the wooden spoon on the tray and filled it with soup before blowing on it to cool down and tried to feed him and as much as his rational mind wanted to deny her his body moved on its own and opened his mouth. alastair felt betrayed by his body and it showed on his face making his mother have an upset expression.

"Is something wrong with the soup little one?" she asked concerned she might have messed up the soup in her worry earlier. alastair shook his head and for the first time since being reborn he spoke. "no mum my head just ached a bit when i moved is all." he said in his childish voice. his mom looked thoughtful for a moment before speaking again. "no wonder you made such a face , pain has a habit of souring most things after all."

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