"Well i hope you can put up with it enough to get some food in your belly so the healing spell doesn't make you exhausted." she said calmly. alastair was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but ask. "healing spell?" he questioned out loud obviously confused. his mom was astonished at his question and worried that his head injury messed with his memory. "dear can you tell me what you remember exactly?" she asked worriedly. alastair knew he had given away that he was not the same as the previous occupant of this body so he decided to play the amnesia card.
"I can't remember much its all foggy mum" he said acting confused. his mom looked horrified at what he said but calmed slightly when she realized that since he recognized her he might just need to be reminded of is in his head already. "i suppose i aught to give you a bit of history to try and jog those memories of yours." she said before speaking when she saw how attentive he was. "magic has always existed on erdrea and is found everywhere though it is usually unnoticeable."
"This magic can be used by most folk to do all manner of things even if they don't have the talent to do powerful magics. this same magic was used by the dark one to create monsters to try to destroy the world long ago before he was stopped by the luminary. these monsters always return after they are killed in some form or another however they sometimes leave behind materials that can be used to make strong equipment when used correctly." she pauses to make sure alastair is still listening. "the magic also entered into plants and animals turning them into odd things every now and again such as the weather cows that roam about."
"for plants they gained medicinal properties as well as unique traits useful for crafting as well." she looked at alastair who nodded to show he remembered what she said. "alright then since you remember that I'll move on to world history now. first is that there are seven great regions in the world and they are heliodor , dundrasil , snaerfell , Gallipolis , zwardrust , altera and joor. in these regions there many different villages as well as the capitals each of which are named after the region they occupy."
"Our village is found in the region of heliodor and is called cobblestone and is the second closest village to the capital after faust village to the north a days ride from here." she said. "well i think that enough about that for today , lets get you fed and fixed up before we go any further with it since we need to jog your memory of everyone in cobblestone since everything else isn't important to a seven year old just yet." she said before slowly feeding nick and using a weak healing spell that made her palm glow slightly and caused the pain in alastairs head to ebb away.
It had been a year since alastair was reborn on erdrea and during the first month he was reintroduced to the fifty people who made up the residents of cobblestone including the reason he could be reborn here Emma. after making a full "recovery" alastair spent his time looking through any book he could find in the village absorbing their contents like a bottomless sponge. this extreme thirst for knowledge prompted a joke around the village that the fall on his head seemed to have done him some good. the second month was spent learning the basics of chore magic which was the lowest kind of magic that exist.
Alastair quickly grew annoyed that the most anyone in the village seemed to know about how magic functioned was that everyone had a pool of refined mana that was used to cast skills such as spells but as to the actual principles of how it worked no-one knew. alastair experimented with his small pool of mana and managed to get a basic idea that magic worked on a principle of equivalent exchange meaning that you spent a certain amount of mana to use an equally powerful skill.
On the third month alastair experimented based on this principle and learned that he could increase the strength of a skill if he pours more mana into it beyond what was used automatically. he also learned that most skills fell into a few different elements the main ones being fire , thunder , water , light , dark and neutral. most skills fell into these elements with the only known exceptions being time and space skills and that's is because they are always present whereas they other need to be created somehow. neutral element is the most popular kind due to its versatility followed be light element.
The fourth and fifth months were dedicated by alastair to training his body heavily to increase his combat potential. during these two month alastair did basic strength training as well as flexibility training like yoga which ironically became popular in the village do to its calming ability. the biggest gain for alastair was that he gained a body extremely well suited to combat since he trained out the pieces that become detrimental to fighting after your body grows set in its ways. now alastair doesn't need to worry about straining himself to get fit later when he grows up.
The sixth and seventh months alastair maintained his body training as well as started learning how to use weapons , of course he could only settle for wooden replicas because no adult would trust a child with an actual weapon. alastair learned that he was most talented in archery and small weapons like swords as he grew better at using these things faster than any of the other ones. by the end of the seventh month alastair was capable of accurately hitting where he was aiming half the time no matter the angle he used with both archery and swords and while this is not very good in truth it was better than someone who had never touched a weapon before.
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