"hey would you keep it down over there." said the person across the hall before pausing slightly. "what did you do anyway to get thrown down here anyway, must have been pretty bad to earn you three meals and a cot here." the stranger wondered out loud. alastair decided there was no harm in it and humored the stranger. "apparently the king thinks the luminary brings the dark one into the world so he threw me down here until he executes me." he said with a sad sigh. the stranger immediately sat up straight at the mention of the luminary.
"You're serious? about you being the luminary i mean?" the stranger questioned seriously while staring alastair down. alastair nodded to which the stranger looked lost in thought while mumbling just barely loud enough for alastair to hear. "just like the seer said huh." the stranger mumbled before looking back at alastair "if you really are the luminary we need to get you out of here." the stranger said seriously. at this moment a set of heavy footsteps echoed through the near empty dungeon before a guard with a tray of food walks into view and stops in front of the strangers cell.
"One bowl of delicious gruel for the mister in the cell." the guard says while bending over to place the tray into the slot at the bottom of the cell door. alastair watched as the stranger walked silently up to the door and the guard finally noticed him when he stood up but it was too late as the stranger grinned and punched the guard in the gut knocking him out. the stranger then frisked the guard taking the key ring and opening his cell door and dragging the unconscious guard into the cell.
The stranger then walked over to alastairs cell and unlocked it. "follow me and we can get out of here but first lets see if we can find anything useful nearby." he said before walking to the end of the dungeon where a large chest was located and opened it. after removing everything from the chest the stranger handed alastair a familiar set of equipment. "i'm guessing this stuff belongs to you , but for me i just got back this little baby." he said while showing a rather nice looking dagger with a red leather handle wrap and sheath.
"With this i'm invincible but enough about that follow me now." the stranger said before heading back into his cell past the knocked out guard and over to a reed floormat where he crouched down. "you know i have been digging this tunnel for months now and you just so happen to get thrown down here the same day i finished it , what are the odds of that right?" the stranger asked no one in particular. "after you." the stranger says and alastair entered the hole without hesitation before the stranger also entered and covered it with the mat behind them.
The tunnel was dark but very straight at a downward direction that soon started to brighten up with torch light. after crawling through the tunnel for about fifteen minutes alastair rolled out of the tunnel into a handstand before flipping onto his feet. the stranger who was right behind alastair saw how he exited the tunnel and was amazed at how fit alastair was. the stranger went to grab a torch off the wall but alastair stopped him and used his self created spell cats eye that gave him night vision before using the spell on the stranger as well.
"Now that's a handy spell right there." the stranger said amazed at the effects. "i know right it surprised me when i found out no one had created a spell like this yet or rather if they did they didn't share it." alastair said honestly. "how do you know the spell then?" the stranger asked curiously. "i used cats as the inspiration and after a bit of trial i ended up with this spell as well as a few less then friendly spells." alastair said proudly before grinning at the strangers amazed face.
"Enough about that though we need to get out of here before we really get to know each other." alastair said seriously to which the stranger nods. the two quickly but silently walk through the aqueducts under the castle looking for a way out when they come across heliodoran guards who were looking for them and managed to escape thanks to the darkness and lack of light on the two of them from alastairs spell. soon the two reach a bridge that has guards on the other side that notice them and when they try to back track more guards show up and trap them on the bridge.
Apparently the bridge was very old and incapable of holding so much weight which caused it to collapse into the underground lake bellow. thankfully alastair and the stranger didn't have any extremely heavy things on them so they could swim to the distant shore however the guards were all in heavy armor meaning they sank to the bottom of the lake permanently. after reaching the shore alastair dried the two of them off with some magic before they followed the only path left to them that went further into the cave.
Soon the duo entered a large cavern that had a huge black dragon living in it that took exception to their presence and angrily chased them through the cave system including over a semi large drop off before they lost it by passing through a large crack that lead back into the farther down aqueducts. immediately the two were seen by the guards because of the fire breath the dragon shot through the crack after them making them flee towards the only peace of sunlight they saw which was a waterfall cliff high above the ground. the two jump off the cliff to escape and alastair passed out when he hit the water below.
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