Alastairs foot struck the beast skull with a loud CRACK which forced it down so hard that the ground under the creature shattered in a ten foot area. "JOOOOOOOOOR!" the beast cried out in pain before bursting into mana with a bright beam of it leaving the rest and flying off into the distance. "so you have grown your foul power even further darkspawn." hendrick said seriously as he held his sword in front of him at the ready. it was at this moment that both of their feet were instantly frozen with a woman's laugh coming from nearby.
The following events played out just like in the game with the witch revealing that the person who freed her wore the same pendant as hendrick and had asked her to kill him as well as freeze the city. before the witch could finish off the two enemies she was ambushed by a fireball from veronica after which she fled undoing the magic on hendrick and alastair. the rest of the party circled around the weakened alastair protecting him from hendrick since it was clear the witches magic exhausted him. hendrick left after giving a threat just like in the game before alastair passed out.
Alastair woke up in a warm wooden cabin with an old scholarly man tending the fire nearby. "ah i see you are awake good I'll go inform your friends they have been quite worried you know." the man says after turning around and seeing alastair. the man left the cabin and alastair took a few moments to clear his head and try to remember what happened. he grew angry at the fact he passed out from the witches magic that seemed to draw out his stamina in its entirety in the short time he was frozen.
Uncovering himself alastair stood up and stretched out to loosen up his stiff body. after that he left the cabin to find the party all gathered around the cabin listening to the man tell them of his awakening. alastairs two lovers were the happiest to learn of this news for some reason he would only learn of later. the rest of the party were simply glad he was alright just as one would expect friends and family to be. once they noticed alastair standing outside the party all checked up on him but he assured them he was fine.
"Enough about me who are you?" alastair asked the old man. "ah , apologies my name is snorri and i am the grand counsellor of sniffleheim." snorri introduced himself politely. alastair was confused "if you are the grand counselor why are you all the way out here?" alastair asked curiously. "well as it so happened i was out of the city visiting a friend when the witch was released upon the city and so when i returned i sought to find out how to remedy the situation." snorri explained calmly.
"And there is a solution way out here?" veronica asked confused. "no no no nothing so odd sounding as that. to be honest the royal library is housed further in the snaerfell , though unfortunately many monsters reside in the surrounding area so i have been unable to reach it." he said honestly. "hmmm , if the library has something that could help us with this situation then i supposed we could clear the way for you." alastair said calmly. "that would truly be wonderful but are you sure you are up to the task since you only just awakened?" snorri asked seriously. "the magic used simply drained my stamina so i'm fine now." alastair reassured .
The group then set off for the royal library where they had to clear out close to two hundred monsters over the course of a week. the trip was fairly uneventful minus alastairs girls being extra frisky at night , not that he complained much. the group arrived in front of a massive circular building at least five stories tall and as wide as half a football field. the building was build in a very roman like many with the exceptions that there was no windows and the main doors were made of special ice resistant metal.
The inside of the building was surprisingly warm despite the lack of heat sources inside it for obvious reasons. the building was lit up with bright blue magic crystals that provided perfect visibility in the entire building. the center of the library had a small tower of bookcases that according to snorri had a reading room inside of it on the second story. alastair wanted to look for any special skill books that he could get a boost from but decided against it since doing so destroys the book used and some of these are the only copies.
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