The monsters in the library all shivered simultaneously as alastair vented his anger on them for being almost done in by that witch earlier. none of his companions said anything though since they could understand how he felt. the mechanism to reach the reading room was the same as in the game with several switches on various levels needing to be flipped. once the group reached the room alastair had calmed down considerably at which point rab patted him on the shoulder. "good that ye get that anger out of yer system , believe me lad its nothing but poison." he said.
Alastair looked at rab with a lost expression "how did you deal with it? the anger of losing your whole family and even your kingdom?" he asked seriously. rab sighed "ma first thoughts were of grief after that night soon followed by an all consumin' rage that led me to kill monsters much like what ye are experiencing but far deeper. at the time poor jade had been following me on my rampage quietly." he paused. "but then i had to be stopped by her because i had seen someone who should ave been dead." he looked sad for a moment.
"It was a guard that had been in the castle that night , he ad been drinking away his woes in a local watering hole since that night , i snapped at the poor lad in ma rage." rab sighed. but then he chuckled lightly. "that lass over there slapped some sense back into me before i went to far and i realized i was becoming little more than a mad dog." he said seriously. "from that point on i focused on learning the truth of what happened that night and the rest is history." he said calmly.
"What i'm saying lad is that its alright to be angry but you should always know when to stop." rab said before walking over to a chair to rest. the events followed the game were snorri found the book describing how the witch was sealed and how her power was split into a great beast. the party soon realized that the beast alastair killed was that same beast meaning he had just powered the witch back up to her full strength. the book had a description of the spell that had sealed the witch away originally as well as a depiction of the book she was sealed in.
The party was shocked to learn that the book in question was in fact the same book that the queen was holding when they met her earlier. "looks like we have to have another chat with that queen if we want to get to the bottom of this." veronica said seriously. the rest of the party agreed with her and alastair teleported the group back to sniffleheim where they camped outside the city for the night so they are in their best condition when they confront the queen about the book she is holding.
The next day the party entered the frozen city and made their way to were the queen stood by a fire with the book held in her hands. veronica wasted no time and immediately yanked off the scarf around the queens neck revealing bandages. "ha! i knew it , those are from the burn i gave you back in the snaerfell , aren't they witch?" veronica asked rhetorically. the queens voice changed "looks like the cats out of the bag huh?" before she changes form to reveal the witch was impersonating the queen the entire time and jumps onto a floating broom.
Alastair holds his hand out in front of him and begins charging a spell that starts as a small orb of white energy. the entire group as well as the witch can feel their survival instincts flaring up at the attack. the party retreats behind alastairs back since they recognize the spell he was using. the witch grows nervous with the spell pointed at her "you wouldn't killed a helpless little thing like me right?" she asked while acting weak. alastair smiles "just returning the favor" he says with that calm smirk followed by a single word. "cero"
The side of that orb of energy facing the witch krystalinda burst as a beam of white energy flies towards her so fast she only has enough time to set a single barrier in front of it. the beam strikes the barrier and it immediately begins to crack from the force of the attack causing her to panic. thinking quickly krystalinda pours her mana into the shield reinforcing it with every thing she had. the beam lasted for an entire minute before dissipating to reveal a panting but still intact krystalinda who immediately used her broom to hold herself up from the exhaustion.
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