Chapter 70: Special request and marines respect

Once the group had gotten everything they wanted they asked around for a decent shipwright. according to several local shop keepers they should go and find bob the builder near the eastern port of the town. alastair had to stop himself from laughing when he heard what this person was called but when his wives asked about why he explained and they also giggled at it. the walk to the ship yard was fairly uneventful with the exception of when one of the drunk pirate tried to grab one of alastairs wives only to be thrown into the sea by her.

The ship yard was a large open space filled with workers going about their business while the skeletons of ships stood waiting to be finished. asking one of the workers alastair found out where bob was and headed over. bob was a mountain of a man with bulging muscles and stood around six feet seven inches. he had a bald head and bronzed skin from long hours in the sun and was hammering in nails next to a ship in progress when the group found him. the group waited until bob stopped to observe his work before alastair cleared his throat to get his attention.

"Eh? who's 'at?" a deep rough voice asked before bob turned around. a pair of blue eyes observed the group and alastair noticed that the mans body seemed to tense up. "we were told to see you about getting a decent ship." alastair said neutrally. "you lot pirates?" bob asked seriously. "nah , just looking for a bit of adventure is all. maybe become bounty hunters if its interesting enough." alastair said honestly and the girls nodded along. bob relaxed at this "alright then what can i do ya for?" he asked in a friendly manner.

Alastair told bob about all of the unusual materials he had without mentioning where they came from and asked if bob could build a ship with them. the man seemed to ponder the matter for a good minute before he said that he would need to get his hands on some of each material before he could say for certain but that if they were truly like alastair said he could make a ship like no other. alastair handed the man a single unit of each material wrapped carefully so as to not draw attention before leaving with the girls.

The materials alastair handed bob were special in that they were elemental in nature. the list was as such : uber agate of evolution , avabranche , celestial skein , crimsonite , dragon hide , fire wood , goobricant , lucida shard , night stick , royal soil , spellbound bough , wyrmwood , and adamantium. why alastair chose these things as part of his ship was because he wanted a ship that worked with his erdrean origin while being unique in the world. bob was utterly enraptured by these mysterious materials and paid no mind to the fact that the group left focusing entirely on his study of the materials.

Alastair and the girls didn't expect to hear from bob for a few days so they rented a room at a local tavern. every morning alastair would go about his regular training by making laps around the town as well as high intensity exercises for two hours every day. this unusual habit was noted by the local marine captain in charge of logue town. on the third day the captain joined alastair for his workout along with a few other marines at the end of which they all held respect for alastairs dedication to training.

This continued for two weeks with alastair getting well acquainted with the marines in town having trained daily with most of them by this point. the captain who was a average looking man with brown hair named walter wanted to know if alastair had any intention to join the marines since his strength was quite valuable. alastair could only shake his head and explain about the corruption in the world government and how he couldn't bring himself to work for such people. walter sighed but said that he understood what alastair meant having seen the actions of the celestial dragons first hand.

Despite alastairs refusal to join the marines he still had a good relationship with the local marines a sort of mutual respect if you would. on the last day of this two week period bob finally sent someone to inform alastair and his group that he had completed the first draft for the blue prints for their ship. the group eagerly went over to the dockyards in order to see bob at this news with alastair apologizing to walter for cutting their chat short. it didn't take the group long to arrive only to find that bob himself was just as excited as they were.

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