Chapter 71: Ship and pirate trouble

"Aye , good yer here come with me." bob said excitedly before quickly heading towards a small warehouse on the side of the ship yard. once they were all inside the warehouse bob checked to make sure no one followed them before shutting the sliding door and locking it. "lad tell me straight where'd ya get 'em materials?" he asked seriously. alastair smiled "nowhere you've ever heard of." he answered honestly. bob just shook his head at this but had a serious expression "don't know if these things are common wherever ya found 'em but those things are the kinda thing shipwrights dream about , right up there with treasure wood itself I'd say." bob said with a sigh.

Alastair was interested in this statement since even he knew about how special adam wood was in this world from his anime buff co-workers. "how does adam compare?" he asked curiously. bob looked at the group seriously "ya tell anyone i said this and I'll deny it to ma dyin breath we clear?" bob asked sternly. the group nodded in understanding before bob explained that adam wood had special properties such as its durability and vitality that made it the best for ship building.

Bob then went on to explain that it was the only wood anyone knew of that special properties like this. he then explained that every single type of wood alastair had given him each had special properties shattering that knowledge. what was worse in bobs words was that the properties were so pronounced that adam paled slightly in comparison. bob said that the ship he would be able to build with these materials would have no equal in the entire world until someone else found the source of these things. after saying all this bob showed them group the first draft of the ship he had in mind.

The type of ship according to the blue prints was a brigantine of very basic design which had an empty under deck for storage and a large captains quarters and small kitchen area. the group was fine with the shape of the ship but insisted on a larger kitchen with a built in storage area. they also wanted more rooms as well as a garden area made using the royal soil and beyond that they simply told bob to let his creativity run wild. once the rough details were hashed out bob told them how much material he needed and alastair said he would deliver it the next day.

The group left bob after that and the next day alastair found a secluded area on the island and used his creation magic to create planks of the woods while packaging a large amount of other materials before he stored the finished products in his inventory. alastair made sure to make a good bit of extra of the materials since bob said he would prefer that to money as payment. after dropping the materials off alastair went back to his daily routine.

Two days later when alastair was out enjoying himself a worker from bobs ship yard found him and in a panic told him how one of the pirates noticed his ship being built. he also told alastair how the entire pirate crew insisted that the ship would be their regardless of what anyone said even going so far as holding workers hostage to force bob to continue working on the ship. alastair thanked the worker and said he would take care of it  before heading to the local marine office with a plan in mind to teach these pirates a lesson.

Alastair was greeted by most of the marines when he walked in before requesting to talk to walter. after waiting for walter for fifteen minutes the man himself walked into the room from a door on the back wall. "Welcome my friend , i must admit i didn't expect to see you again so soon , whats the occasion?" walter asked with a friendly smile. alastair sighed "i wouldn't bother you if it wasn't important but a situation has come to my attention i think you should know of before i do something about it." alastair said apologetically.

Walter looked concerned "please tell me what has happened to bring you such trouble?" he asked seriously. "a group of pirates seem to think they can take the ship i commissioned from bob the builder and have taken hostages to make sure they get their way." alastair said with a tone of disdain when he said the word pirate before he continued. "i assumed you would like to know before i went down there to teach those punks a lesson in picking a fight with me." he finished. walter said he could deploy some marines to solve the problem but alastair said that the hostages might get hurt then so he just needed walter to keep the marines away while he handled it.

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