Chapter 6: Plans

"First of all, it's good to see you boys in good health. I'm glad nothing happened to any of us from the cave-in." I said in between bites of my breakfast.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's talk about the elephant in the room. What the hell was that down there?" Steve said clearly impatient to talk about the meteor.

"Fine, let's skip the pleasantries. First, what do we know about the thing?" I said to them.

"I think it's extraterrestrial." With this Steve and I both turned to look at Andrew. Steve looked at him like he was crazy, while I looked inquisitive.

"Like aliens and shit? You think they exist?"

"Of course I do. Just look at how big the universe is, you really think we're the only planet to develop sentient life. Besides, the thing looked alien. I mean think about an alien artifact in your mind. What are some of the things that come to mind?" At Andrew's question, I began to think about it.

"Well, it'd probably be glowy, noisy, and weird. Check, check, and check I guess." I thought out loud.

"You're not buying into this are you Matt? You really think that shit was from outer space?"

"Why not, the universe is ever expanding not to mention the solar system is on the tail end of the Milky Way Galaxy, which itself is on the tail end of a supercluster. If the universe is expanding outwards from a center, that means there are clusters of galaxies and planets that have been around far longer than we have. It'd be naive to believe we are unique."

"O-okay ignoring that existential crisis in the making, there has to be another explanation for what that was. It was probably a weird reaction of minerals that we know nothing about." Steve countered.

"Steve it glowed, made a really loud noise, so loud in fact that it made us bleed and then pass out. What else is it if not extraterrestrial?" whisper-shouted Andrew at Steve. "We almost died because of that thing! We're lucky I was able to stay conscious long enough to drag us out."

"Alright, alright just calm down Andrew. We know you saved us and both Steve and I are very grateful. There's no doubt about that. But we have to discuss any possibility about what that thing may be. Not that it matters much, I mean no matter what we say, it's all speculation."

"That's a good point." agreed Andrew, albeit reluctantly.

"So, I propose we just forget about the whole thing."

"What, why?" they both said clearly confused at my statement.

"Why, because we can't do anything about it. Anything we say is nothing but speculation. Even if we go to the thing and break a piece of it off, we can't do anything. We're not scientists. Did we almost die? Yes, but we didn't. All's well that ends well. Let's just forget about it and move on."

'They're too freaked out about almost dying. I can't tell them about the telekinesis just yet. I'll let them cool off for a bit before bringing it up. In the meantime, I'll try to help Andrew with his problems. Helping Andrew stops Steve from dying, two birds with one stone.'

"I think we should go back and check again. Maybe we'll find something this time." said Steve bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I agree."

"You guys are on your own this time. I don't really feel like going back there. Dying once was more than enough for me." I said knowing that tagging along would be nothing but a waste of time. Time better spent elsewhere.

"Oh come on, you're not curious about what it was?"

"Of course I'm curious, but as I said earlier it's all pure speculation. And I really don't want to drive all the way out there. Look, I'm of the opinion we leave it be. If something changes in the next few weeks, then we can go check it out. Deal?"

They both looked at each other then at me and said "Deal."

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"Good, so any plans for the weekend boys?" I said, happy I could try to make some headway with the missions.

"Not really, just hanging out with my girlfriend. Nothing different. How about you Andrew?"

"Just stay in my room, I guess." responded Andrew. Looking at him I noticed he looked despondent about his plans. Well, who wouldn't be with an alcoholic dad and dying mother. I should use this chance to invite him over and help him.

"Why don't you come over to my house tomorrow Andrew? It's been a while since we just hung out? I just bought Skyrim like a week ago and haven't had the time to play."

"Skyrim, is that a board game or something?" said Steve clueless as to what it was.

'Not surprising that he doesn't know what Skyrim is. A popular kid playing video games in 2012 is not common. It's not like the future where there was a video game boom where everyone played without being made fun of. Unless you played League that is.'

"You've never heard of Skyrim?" Andrew blurted out looking at Steve incredulously, "It's only the most popular game of last year. Everyone's heard of Skyrim. It's an open-world RPG where you go around slaying dragons with magic and swords! Wait, I didn't know you liked video games, Matt?"

"I've liked them as much as any other kid, but I heard Skyrim's storyline was pretty good so I decided to give it a try. So, you want to come over?"

"Wait, what about me? You're not going to invite me over?" said Steve before Andrew could answer.

"You have plans with your girlfriend. Don't tell me you'd rather hang out with two dudes than your girlfriend? Also, I don't want to be the reason your girlfriend gets mad at you."

"Fine, fine. We can hang out some other time." relucted Steve knowing I was probably right his girlfriend would blame us.

"So, Andrew, yes or no?" I said steering the conversation back on topic.

"Yeah, we can hang out tomorrow." Step one is done. Nice.

"Good gives me time to clean up my room. Haha. Alright, let me pay the bill so we can get out of here."

I was about to stand up to find the waitress when suddenly the pregnant waitress appeared.

"Thank you so much, hun. You were right. Thank you for letting me know." she said to me with a big smile on her face.

"You're welcome ma'am. I just did what anyone would." I answered with a smile. A smile for her and for being right.

"Could we get the check ma'am? It'll be all together."

"Of course. Let me go get it for you." she said before going to retrieve the check.

"What was that about? Why'd she thank you?" said Steve confusion clearly on his face.

"Oh, I told her she was pregnant turns out I was right." I responded with nonchalance on my face.