"What? How'd you know she was pregnant?"
"Ugh, don't really want to explain the long version so the short version is she was showing symptoms pregnant women have. I put two and two together and voila."
"Okay, but how'd you know to look for that?" continued Steve with his questioning.
"I want to be a doctor so I've been reading some books. You know, to get a headstart." I lied, but I suppose this is as good a time as any to tell my friends about my future career path. Lay the foundation as it were.
"That's cool. So where do you want to go to college? Harvard, Stanford, Princeton?"
"I don't know if I have the grades for that, it would be pretty sweet to be admitted to an ivy league. I mean I'm going to try my hardest to get in but if not I can settle." It was the truth. Before I took over, Matt Garetty was by no means a genius. He had decent enough grades, but to get into a school like Harvard or John Hopkins would be difficult.
Thankfully when I was looking through the shop I saw something in the Uncommon category. An item that would take most of my troubles away, not to mention save me a lot of time.
[Background Creation]
- Creates the user's desired background
- Only able to work to a certain degree
- May work better in conjunction with other items
By creating a background of a genius that's already been through both undergrad and med school, it would allow me to become a doctor without all the hassle. It can't make me president of the world or anything like that. At least not the one in this category.
Besides fun, there would be no point in going to college. The House Character Token has everything I need to become a world-renowned doctor. Of course, I'm not going to be a fool and slack off. I still need to be up to date with the latest going on in the medical world. Another admirable thing about House, he never stopped improving. Medically that is.
"What about you Andrew?" said Steve snapping me out of my thoughts.
"I don't know. Don't think I can afford to go to college." said Andrew trying to hide his sadness about the reality of his future. Well, old future. This time I'll help him be what he wants to be.
"Meh, forget about all that. We still have time. Live in the now and all that." I said steering the conversation so as to not make Andrew feel awkward.
With that, I saw the waitress coming with our check which she promptly handed to me and then left but not before giving her thanks again.
"Alright, let's get out of here." I said standing up. Knowing I had more than enough money, I decided to leave a 300% tip for the waitress. A little help for her pregnancy. Being alive is expensive after all.
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"Ohh, nice to be laying down again." I was back home after stopping at a store to buy Skyrim for when Andrew comes over. I decided to buy the collectors edition for the PS3 seeing as I always wanted it in my past life. I mean who wouldn't. It's a statue of Alduin, the World Eater.
'It would be pretty cool to one day go to Tamriel and see Skyrim with my own eyes. Treasure hunting, banding slaying, sweet roll eating. Sounds like a lot of fun. I'll think about it some more when the other members are finally invited.'
Snapping out of my daydreams I decided to think up a training plan for my telekinesis.
'I need to think up two plans. One for training my control and one for training my power. Well, the power one isn't that hard to train. I just need to pick up heavier and heavier things while moving them around.
Working on my control will be trickier, but it should pan out in the long run. In the movie, Andrew used his camera to train his finesse. He also used his powers to build legos pretty quickly. I can try that and see how it works out. If that fails, I'll have to think of something else to do. Maybe threading a needle would be good too.
It's safe to assume in the beginning I won't be able to use my telekinesis for long periods of time. It would be best if I used them before I slept so I can rest right after tiring myself out.
Well, I don't particularly have anything to do until my training. Might as well read up on the latest medical breakthroughs. It'd be dumb of me to let House's character token go to waste.'
With that, I got up, went to my laptop, and started reading through some medical journals.
'Whew. I'm glad to see that this world is normal besides the alien artifacts. It would be a waste if I had to learn a whole new slew of medical knowledge to be able to use House's abilities. Also, it seems this world's technology is pretty on par with my old world. Development seems the same as well.
This means this is as good a time as any to make some investments. I'll do that later. For now, let me get some food and then start my training.'
I went to the kitchen and saw a note from my "new" mother, with whom oddly enough I haven't interacted yet. The day before I came in late so I missed her, I left early in the morning today so I also missed her. I need to talk with both of my parents to avoid suspicion. Also, it seems that my inhabiting Matt's body along with getting his memories makes me see them as my real parents.
'I wonder if that was intentionally done by the DGC so as not to cause problems. Well, no reason to dwell on it, c'est la vie.'
I read the note informing me that my parents were having a date night so I decided to make myself a sandwich.
'Okay, now that I've eaten let's do this! Training montage, begin!'