Rhystea woke first the following morning on the floor of the transport, an immediate reminder of their predicament. Sphaere and herself were still cuddled up to each other, wrapped tightly around Cekell. She heard Sphaere, whose eyes were still closed, whispering something in a soft voice. All Rhystea could make out was, “Kai…” and some mumbling.
Rhystea was stretching out the crick in her neck when she heard faint, scuffling footsteps on the metal siding of the transport that now served as her ceiling. She immediately froze up. “Hey!” She whispered forcefully as she attempted to shake Sphaere to consciousness. “Something’s above us!”
“Nnnnn… what?” Sphaere spat out as she was wrested from her slumber. Her eyes shot open when Rhystea repeated herself.
“There’s SOMETHING Above us!” Rhystea exhaled, pointing at the ceiling with her eyes. The three unraveled as Sphaere unlatched from Rhystea to reposition herself as she attempted to discern just what was going on.
As soon as he was exposed to the open air, Cekell awoke with an appalled chirp. His eyes went wide as, in unison, both girls clapped a hand over his mouth. “Shhhh!” They demanded at the same time.
More footsteps, at least two distinct sets. Something could be heard shuffling around above them and something else by the door. “What do we do?!” Rhystea was starting to panic.
“First, we stay calm.” Sphaere tried to reassure Rhystea with a soft smile and a nod before she inhaled deeply to get her own breathing under control, something her father taught her in order to remain cool under fire.
“What if it’s those giant bugs again?!” Rhystea fretted, unassuaged.
“Then Ceke’ll turn ‘em inta dust! Butcha’ve gotta keep it together; c’mon now, show some backbone!” Sphaere whispered sharply.
“How can I, how can you not be afraid?” Rhystea impugned, panic setting in her eyes.
“I didn’ say anything ‘bout not bein’ afraid, I said calm. C’mon, yer smart, ya should know it’s best ta have a level head. ‘Sides, look at the kid. The only thing ‘round here more accountable than this li’l guy is that annoyin’ rain!” Sphaere insisted with a gentle smile as she gestured toward Cekell.
Rhystea hadn’t realized it but Cekell was right next to her tugging on her shirt with one hand, the other balled up into a fist rubbing his eye. He looked up at her with a big yawn and chirped wearily.
Both girls’ eyes went wide as they demanded him again to, “Shhh!!!” to which he grumbled back at them in protest before climbing up on Rhystea’s lap and curling up in a ball. Rhystea drew him in tightly as he cooed happily before falling silent.
“See? ‘E ain’t scared ‘r worried at all!” Sphaere pointed out, trying to keep Rhystea calm. It was in vain, as right then, whatever it was that was above them found it prudent to start stomping around belligerently.
Rhystea ripped a hand away from Cekell to cover her own mouth in attempt to muffle a frightened squeak. This too was in vain as Cekell came alive with a loud, excited chirp as his probe fixated on her frightened heart, prompting the stomping to come to a halt.
In an attempt to get to the creature above him, Cekell stood up and started to dart off in it’s direction when the two girls quickly yanked him off the ground by his tendril. Quickly tying him up in their arms, they huddled together against the back wall and waited anxiously for whatever was to come next.
Cekell cooed contentedly before falling silent again. Anything but content, both girls’ chests heaved with their rapid, short gasps as they ineffectively tried to will the creature away. Whatever was above them remained silent.
The girls’ hearts were racing and Cekell took notice. Placing a hand over each of their hearts, he quickly got their attention as they both nearly jumped in surprise. Looking up with questioning eyes, he let out a curious chirp.
“Be silent now, little one. Please, just be quiet!” Rhystea pleaded, her voice cracking in fear. Probing her chest above her heart, Cekell chirped out a grievance before wrapping tightly around her and snuggling his head above her heart and letting out a long, aggravated chirp that rang throughout the transport. The girls’ eyes went wide as their bodies tensed up. “Please go away, please, just go away!” Rhystea started whispering over and over again.
Sphaere could feel her own heart racing as, whatever was out there slowly drew closer and closer to the door. Finally shattering both the silence and the tension, Sphaere uncoupled from Rhystea and Cekell. Racing forward to grab the handle on the door above her, she jerked it open a couple feet and retreated quickly back to the others.
Cekell didn’t move, keeping his head resting above Rhystea’s heart, but followed her with is probe.
A long, silent moment passed by, followed by another before whatever was above them scuffled to the opening. A shadow appeared in the light pouring in from outside. Everyone held their breath. Another moment went by before a turtle dragon lowered its head through the hole and let out an excessively loud squawk before a second head lowered its own head down and replied with a squawk of its own.
Their fears faded. Rhystea collapsed to the floor with a sigh of relief as she squeezed Cekell tightly. Sphaere cycled from afraid to embarrassed to annoyed to flat out angry.
Rolling forward and snatching up a circular lid to one of the containers they were using to catch rain water, Sphaere popped back up and threw it discus style - all in one motion. Masterfully catching one of them in the neck, the pair of turtle dragons let out a startled shriek before the struck turtle dragon fell into the transport as the other retreated at full speed. “Hmph!” She contended, turning towards and casually making her way back to her companions.
“Woah!” Rhystea declared, clearly impressed. “Remind me not to get on your bad side!”
Cekell instantaneously leapt with an excited chirp from the arms of a surprised Rhystea and bolted for the turtle dragon that was thrashing about on its back in a frenzied attempt to right itself.
“You gotta be kiddin’ me!” Sphaere called out as she lunged out and narrowly missed grabbing Cekell by his build in handle. Darting to the frantic creatures side, Cekell stopped just out of its reach and probed it with his tendril. The turtle dragon tensed up and ceased its flailing.
The girls stopped a short distance back, now peering at him curiously. “Whatcha think ‘e’s doin’?” Sphaere asked.
“He’s analyzing the situation.” Rhystea said with a confident nod.
“N…nevermind.” Sphaere sighed in dejection.
Cekell slowly reached for the turtle dragon, who responded by starting to flail again, somehow even more frantically this time. Cekell quickly pulled back and the poor turtle dragon ceased its panic and lay breathing heavily on the floor. With great speed, Cekell rushed forward, quickly planting a foot firmly on the turtle dragon’s chest and pinning it helplessly to the floor.
Rhystea gasped sharply, drawing her hands to her face and questioned him, “Cekell, what are you thinking?!”
“‘E’s takin’ hold o’ the sitchy-ation!” Sphaere stated sarcastically.
Keeping his weight on the turtle dragon so that it was pressed tightly against the floor, Cekell slowly reached out and took a firm hold of the poor creature before taking his foot off it, quickly turning it over and releasing it, much to the surprise of the turtle dragon, who responded with an uncertain squawk.
Cekell chirped with a smile before darting back to Rhystea and pestering her till she lifted him up. Realizing it was not in harm’s way, the turtle dragon started to curiously explore the transport.
“Well that don’ solve anything! How’re we gonna get it outta here?!” Sphaere questioned, not hiding the aggravation in her voice.
“Hmmm.” Rhystea said, taking one hand from Cekell, she reached up and adjusted her glasses. She set him down, much to his dismay, then walked over and took two bananas from Sphaere’s bunch before making her way to the turtle dragon. Peeling one of the bananas, she offered it to the turtle dragon, whose eyes lit up and immediately went for it.
Rhystea quickly pulled it away, then slowly led the turtle dragon underneath the door in their ceiling. Dropping the peeled banana to the floor directly beneath the door, she grabbed the handle and opened it further. Beckoning to Cekell, he quickly came running to her side.
Sphaere watched curiously as Rhystea picked up and set Cekell down near the turtle dragon, then held the other banana out so that Cekell could see her blatantly lift it up and, climbing up on a box they had used as a step stool for exiting the unit, set it outside the hole on top of the transport. She then pointed at Cekell, then over at the turtle dragon, then up at the hole. “Interesting’.” Sphaere thought out loud.
Almost understanding exactly what she wanted, Cekell pointed down at the turtle dragon with a chirp while looking up questioningly at Rhystea, who replied with an exaggerated nod and a confident “Yes!” as she too pointed at the turtle dragon.
Cekell then looked up at and pointed to the open door with another chirp before turning back to Rhystea with the same questioning gaze, who again gave a big, exaggerated nod and an excited “Yes!” Rhystea watched in astonishment as Cekell casually walked over to and picked up the turtle dragon, who was more worried about the banana Rhystea had set out of his reach.
Cekell carried the turtle dragon underneath the door and lifted it towards the opening with a questioning chirp. The turtle dragon was getting antsy as Cekell had lifted him so that the banana was just barely out of its reach - which should have been the poor animal’s last concern.
Rhystea couldn’t contain her excitement, literally hopping up and down in anticipation as Cekell was about to accomplish almost exactly what she wanted. Where not a single word had been said between the two, merely gesturing with their hands, which Rhystea was profusely doing as she reached her index finger out for the opening only to pull it back and stab it forward again for emphasis while her head bobbed up and down in an excited, exaggerated attempt to get Cekell to see that he was doing what she had wanted him to do… up to this point.
Sphaere too was rather impressed, she never imagined Cekell would be able to grasp such concepts so quickly. Neither girl anticipated what would happen next. Having confirmed it was indeed the turtle dragon that Rhystea needed him to deal with, and that outside the door was where she wanted it, Cekell peered up thoughtfully at the opening.
Repositioning the turtle dragon so that it was upside down with its carapace supported by both of Cekell’s arms, he reared way back. It dawned upon poor turtle dragon what was just about to happen, and he immediately started flailing. Rhystea’s eyes went wide at the realization of what Cekell was about to do sunk in. “Oh~no!” she gasped.
Sphaere’s eyes lit up at the sight of Cekell arching backwards to the point that he was about to fall over with a squirming turtle dragon held firmly just behind his head. “Oh~yea!” she heard herself whisper.
Giving Rhystea essentially what she wanted, Cekell catapulted forward and sent the turtle dragon hurtling through the opening, out of their sight and probably a good deal further. Turning around with a pleased look on his face, Cekell looked to a sorrowful yet horrified Rhystea and then turned to a doubled over Sphaere, who was fighting a losing battle in an attempt to hold back her laughter.
With a pleased chirp, Cekell bounced over to Rhystea’s side and held his hands up, reaching out to her as he wanted to be picked up. “Oh my goodness! Cekell! That was-” Rhystea started to say as she leaned forward, grabbed and lifted him up in her arms.
“AWESOME!!!!!” Sphaere interrupted, squealing with laughter.
Rhystea scoffed at Sphaere before turning her attention back to Cekell and asking, “What are we going to do with you?” To which Cekell replied with a happy chirp before wrapping his arms around Rhystea’s neck and hugging her tightly.
Regaining her composure, Sphaere declared, “Never a dull moment with the two o’ ya!” before asking, “I wonder what’s next?”
Rhystea opened her mouth to speak, but her tummy beat her to the punch with a growl. Turning light red, she uneasily answered, “Breakfast…?”
Sphaere grabbed a banana off the bunch and held it up and waved it at Rhystea with a smile, who just glared back at her. “How ‘bout today’s special? Tenderized turtle dragon!” Sphaere chuckled.
“Quiet you!” Rhystea grumbled as she tended to her glasses. “Now, let’s see to that breakfast!”
With that, the three made their way out and onto their functioning roof. Surveying their immediate vicinity, they could see the turtle dragon that Cekell had thrown a rather great distance was again upside down and trying to right itself, with another pair of nearby turtle dragons trudging towards their toppled kin.
Sphaere found it eerie, that the remains of the bugs from last night were all gone. She had hoped to get a closer look at them and maybe discern a soft spot to aim for. Not wanting to alarm Rhystea, she pushed it out of her mind.
Letting out a piercing cry as opposed to his usual chirp, Cekell startled the walking pair of turtle dragons, while the overturned one froze for a second before throwing all of its weight to the side. Managing to right itself, the turtle dragon immediately shot off into the trees.
Sphaere chuckled while Rhystea sighed and shook her head side to side. They climbed down their makeshift staircase and checked to see what remained of their water supply.
“See, one o’ them bigger containers made it through alright, an’ even has a decent amount in it!” Sphaere noted, pointing to the container in question. “Although, more wouldn’ hurt.”
“We need to boil that water first, and if we’re going through that trouble, we mind as well fill it up.” Rhystea stated with a sigh, repositioning Cekell so that his back was facing her to allow him to get a better view of everything. Instead, he leaned over, pressing his head against her shoulder and hugged her neck with his tendril. “Yea I think I’ll take one of your amazing bananas to tide me over.”
“Yer gonna eat it, right?” Sphaere inquired, reluctantly handing over a banana before lifting up the overturned shelf and returning the containers to once again catch the rains. Grabbing the last one, they made their way back to the hot springs.
Rhystea tried not to glare at her as she received the fruit, which she quickly peeled and devoured as Cekell peered curiously with his probe.
“I been thinkin’.” Sphaere said nonchalantly.
“Careful, unfamiliar territory!” Rhystea blurted out with a mischievous smile.
“The way ‘e jumped inta yer fire.” Sphaere continued on, causing Rhystea’s smile to fade. “An’ then how ya almost let ‘im drown in the hot springs.”
“Yea, yea, what are you getting at?” Rhystea said, her smile disappearing all together.
“Noticin’ any correlation on how ‘e’s actin’?” Sphaere asked with a questioning look on her face.
“I let him run rampant?” Rhystea asked, annoyed.
“‘E’s rather simple when ya think about it…” Sphaere trailed off again.
“What are you getting at?” Rhystea asked, squeezing Cekell tightly and prompting a chirp out of him.
“I think ‘e jus’ likes ta be warm!” Sphaere summed Cekell up almost entirely.
Rhystea paused for a second before taking a few quick steps to catch back up to Sphaere. “You know, I think you’re onto something!” She said, almost too surprised.
“‘E was even goin’ after that piece o’ wood ya were tryin’ ta cook with, now that I think about it!” Sphaere said, her face lighting up.
“And the way he made us pile on top of him before he would go to sleep last night!” Rhystea added.
Sphaere stopped and, looking at Rhystea out of the corner of her eye, and asked in a low, questioning tone, “Ya sayin’ that weren’ yer idea?”
“Whatever!” Rhystea said, rolling her eyes as she passed by Sphaere.
The girls continued chatting in this manner until they came out of the trees to the clearing where the rocks hiding the hot springs were visible. Making their ways towards the plume of steam rising all the way to the cloud at the top of the barrier, they were suddenly stopped.
Cekell tensed up and let out a low growl. “What’s wrong?” Rhystea asked, trying not to panic.
“Shh…” Sphaere insisted, dropping the container she brought to ferry water back with her before stepping close to Rhystea and cautiously scanning the area around them.
There was silence as the two observed their surroundings. Neither of them saw anything, nor did they notice whatever presence Cekell had alerted them to. Rhystea had just opened her mouth to speak when something came whizzing by her head. Shivers ran down her spine as Cekell leapt from her arms at the same moment that Sphaere tackled her quickly to the ground yelling, “Get down!”
Cekell ran a few steps in front of them and let out a piercing cry before standing up on two feet and reaching his tendril up in the air. Sphaere caught a flicker of movement between the rocks that kept the hot springs out of sight. She tensed up when she realized how exposed they were to an enemy with the advantages of good cover and higher ground. She couldn’t even tell how many of them there were. “We gotta get back ta the trees!” She suggested, nervously and too loud to really be called a whisper.
“Not again!” Rhystea moaned with her face in the dirt.
“On the count o’ three, we gotta get up an’ run, fast as we can ta the trees. Don’ run in a straight line!” Sphaere commanded.
“Where’s Cekell?” Rhystea asked, keeping herself pressed to the ground.
Sphaere lifted up just enough to see Cekell was a good way in front of them, stretching up as tall as his short self would allow with his tendril reaching even higher. She did not realize her mistake until something glinted in the sunlight.
Before Sphaere had a chance to gasp, Cekell projected a barrier around the girls and stopped a piece of sharp metal that was surprisingly thin and narrow for its length. It looked like a long and narrow thorn.
Sphaere’s eyes went wide as the metallic sliver was repulsed by the barrier, mere inches from her face. It was eerie how there was no sound when the two connected, just a pulse in the barrier. She sat there, breathing heavily and staring up at the sliver, which almost seemed to be stuck in the barrier, though slowly being pushed away, eventually clattering to the ground.
“What’s going on?” Rhystea asked, panic filling her voice that was muffled by the ground she was clinging too.
“Cekell’s gonna... um, negotiate? I think ‘e wants us ta wait here…” Sphaere answered, trying to hide the uncertainty in her voice.
“What?” Rhystea asked, picking herself up off the ground. “What?!” she exclaimed again when she saw the barrier. Turning to see Cekell’s backside as he dashed towards the hot springs on all fours, she flat out yelled one final, “WHAT?!”
“NOW ya get fired up?!” Sphaere asked, annoyed, yet surprised.
Rhystea crawled closer to Sphaere and insisted, “But Sphaere! He’s just a baby!! We can’t keep tolerating this kind of behavior!!” She had grabbed Sphaere by the wrists and squeezed tightly to communicate her urgency.
Sphaere looked Rhystea in the eye and replied, “Rhystea, I don’ think we can stop ‘im…” before looking down and away, ashamed of her incapability.
Rhystea raised her arms up and slammed her hands down on Sphaere’s shoulders, who, startled, looked Rhystea in the eye again. “Unacceptable!” Rhystea yelled.
“Well what’re ya gonna do ‘bout it?” Sphaere inquired, as though she’d already given up.
“Give me your knife and I’ll show you!” Rhystea answered with resolve in her voice and a confident look on her face.
Stunned by Rhystea’s determination, Sphaere reached for her short blade and offered it without another word.
“Thank you!” Rhystea answered as she took the knife, then clicked her tongue as she opened her left hand and saw the wound left by the small incision from when she did this the night before. She winced as she scraped part of the scab off with the blade. Squeezing the wound, blood once again oozed out. She quickly went to work on drawing a sigil array on the barrier.
Verakry watched in anticipation from on high as Cekell darted off towards the hot springs. Pleased that the warborn’s caretakers would not be hindering him in this encounter, the shadow clad figure watched impatiently as Cekell sprinted towards not one, but two unknown opponents. Verakry was anxious because this would be the warborn’s first time facing off against not a mindless monster, but another sentient being.
Cekell raced forward at full speed, unburdened by doubt. He had taken time to probe the area and was well aware of the two hiding among the rocks not much further in front of him. They had taken no action since Cekell placed his barrier, and now it was their turn to be surprised when Cekell immediately homed in on the closer of the two - specifically the one that had thrown something at Sphaere.
Leaping up and over the last obstacle, a great rock that was between him and his target, Cekell focused his weight into his landing. Passing over the rock, he could see his target with its weapon at the ready. He swooped down in an instant and landed on his target’s head, giving them no time to react. Kicking off with great force, he slammed his target’s head hard into the rock it was hiding behind while simultaneously propelling himself towards his other opponent, who was still a distance away. Cekell didn’t want to give them any time to react either.
Reaching his second target just moments after departing his first, it was again his turn to be surprised. He was about to bounce over the final obstacle separating him and his next target when it offered itself up from behind the rock. Cekell was coming in hard and fast, and was very near when his target spotted him and immediately realized the impending strike. Cekell’s eyes went wide just as he was about to connect.
“Vast improvement…” Verakry said out loud, more and more amazed each time having seen the war born in action. “It’s as if he went from playing around to taking this seriously!” Verakry recalled Cekell’s first encounter. An attack that precise would only have been possible if he had taken measures beforehand, such as taking the opportunity to look beyond his obstacles. In a single motion, he had dispatched the first threat, going so far as to use it as a springboard and not letting it slow him down on his way to his next encounter! The dark figure was observing this encounter on pins and needles, yet as the warborn was even in mid strike, Verakry’s expression soured.
Sphaere was pacing back and forth, unable to stay still as Rhystea worked on her array. Rhystea was writing as fast as she could, but they were both anxious to get out of the barrier and hurry to Cekell. Sphaere let out a sigh in annoyance of her inability to do anything when Rhystea chimed in, “Not helping~!”
To which Sphaere responded by balling her hands into fists and apologizing through clenched teeth, “Sorry!” before returning to silently pacing back and forth.
“Patience is a virtue~!” Rhystea sang out with frustration in her voice as she attempted focusing on the placement of the next sigil in her array.
“Not one o’ mine~!” Sphaere chimed back in aggravation, rocking her head back and forth as she said the words.
“I’m working as fast as I can!” Rhystea insisted, almost annoyed herself.
“I’m waitin’ as fast as I can!” Sphaere snapped back at her.
Turning away from her work to face Sphaere, Rhystea asked with much frustration, “You want to do it?” While pointing at the sigils array painted in blood.
“No, sorry!” Sphaere growled the words at her.
“Then can it!” Rhystea grumbled. Before She could turn back to her work or Sphaere could resume pacing, a piercing cry could be heard from a distance. “You don’ think that was-” Sphaere started to say.
“I think it’s time to hurry.” Rhystea interrupted.
Sphaere was about to jump out of her skin. There wasn’t anything she could do even though she wanted to help. Unable to do anything else, she impatiently watched as Rhystea checked her work, popping her knuckles one at a time. Rhystea sighed and rolled her eyes before adjusting her glasses and continuing on with her checks.
Somehow managing to contain herself till that point, Sphaere all but cheered when Rhystea announced, “Finished!” And held her right hand out to the sigil. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and started to slowly exhale. She was about to command the sigil to ‘Sever’ when Sphaere cried out.
“YES!!!!” Sphaere yelled, “You go, girl!!” She articulated before charging off.
Peeling her eyes open to see the barrier was gone, Rhystea called after her, “Wait! It wasn’t me!”
“Whatcha mean it weren’-” Sphaere started to call back to Rhystea when she realized that someone was walking down from the rocks that were hiding the hot springs from view, and whoever that someone was, an erratic Cekell was bouncing up and down next to them. Cekell chirped loudly, as if calling out to them.
“What in the world?!” Rhystea cried out, giving voice to her confusion.
“Let’s…” Sphaere replied, never taking her eyes off of whoever it was, “…go find out.” Quickly snatching up the water container, Rhystea followed after Sphaere.
Sphaere and Rhystea cautiously approached the stranger standing next to their charge. Getting closer, they realized whoever or WHAT ever it was, They were not just wrapped in rags, but actually covered in fur! Getting closer still, they realized it was human for the most part, and yet not entirely. They appeared to be a young girl with many feline features!
Whoever this strange girl was, they were looking down, occasionally flashing them nervous glances. Getting ever closer, Cekell let out a loud chirp before dashing straight for Sphaere and Rhystea. The feline girl stopped and turned to look anxiously behind her.
Cekell charged Rhystea and jumped, intending to reach her outstretched arms, but was denied by Sphaere who plucked him out of the air. Grabbing him by the tendril, she shook him hard, demanding, “Why do ya do this ta us!?”
Rhystea rolled her eyes as she sighed. “And why are you so violent?”
“Cuz I got a short fuse!” Sphaere admitted, repositioning Cekell so that she was holding him out in front of her at eye level. Regaining his whits, Cekell let out a dizzied chirp before pointing at the girl who followed him from the hot springs while chattering excitedly as he dangled from Sphaere’s grasp.
“Um…” The young cat girl said without looking up. “Excuse me.” Cekell’s caretakers were stunned. Rhystea’s eyes were bulging out of her head and Sphaere’s jaw fell to the ground. Everyone fell silent except for Cekell, who looked from one girl to the next while chirping excitedly.
“Be still!” Sphaere commanded as she squeezed down tightly on him. This did nothing to silence him, as he chirped in delight.
“Apologies!” Rhystea finally blurted out. “We’re just… not from around here!” She announced with an almost uncomfortable smile.
“Um…” The cat girl spoke up again. “Sorry to have caused you trouble, my brother mistook you for a threat and lashed out without hesitation.” The girl spoke softly, bowing slightly as she apologized.
“Where’s yer brother?” Sphaere asked, clinging tightly to Cekell.
The girl first pointed up in the rocks behind her, “He’s up there, he was knocked out cold…” She said before turning and reaching her hand out to Cekell, “by this one…” Rhystea and Sphaere gawked at Cekell for a moment, both not entirely sure whether or not they should be surprised.
“This’s why we cain’t letcha run rampant you li’l devil!” Sphaere yelled as she pinched Cekell’s cheek, who let out a surprised chirp. After a few disciplinary tugs on Cekell’s cheek, she turned to the strange girl, and with a forced smile, apologized “Sorry! I don’ think Cekell here meant ta hurt yer brother, I guess they jus’ saw each other as threats!”
“Well…” The girl said shyly, “…I’m just glad it didn’t escalate any further… besides…” The girl turned towards and faced the rocks, “brother pulled his weapon first… Your actions were just to defend yourselves…. It easily could have been much worse…”
Rhystea casually walked to the girl’s side and gently placed a hand on her shoulder before asking with a soft smile, “How about we go tend to your brother and make sure he’s not injured?”
The girl’s cat-like ears perked up to this. Her face lit up, and turning to Rhystea, she stammered, “R-really?”
“Really!” Rhystea replied with a widening smile as she gently pushed the girl forward.
Excited, the girl dashed ahead a few steps before hesitating and slowing to a stop, she slumped forward and both her eyes and ears lowered as if ashamed. “But… But he tried picking a fight with you, going as far as to use his weapon… He could have-” The girl gasped and turned back to them, “He could have seriously wounded one of you! How… How can-”
Sphaere strolled forward with a smile and interrupted, “How can we blame a brother fer pertectin’ ‘is li’l sister? ‘Sides, we gotta show this little guy-” Holding out Cekell, she continued, “that might don’ always make right!”
Still looking away and in a small voice, the girl said, “Thank you…” before rubbing freshly forming tears from her eyes and straightening up. She looked Sphaere in the eye, then Rhystea, and this time with gratitude she asserted herself, “Thank you, so much!”
“By the way, I’m Rhystea and-” Rhystea was about to turn and introduce Sphaere when she was beat to the punch.
“An’ I’m Sphaere!” Sphaere blurted out, not giving Rhystea a chance to finish. “Pleased ta meetcha!”
“And I see you’ve already met Cekell here.” Rhystea continued on, trying not to dwell on Sphaere’s interruption. “How about we go take a look at your brother?”
Turning back towards the hot springs, the girl led them onwards. “Ahh, yes. He sure is fast! Brother never stood a chance! I never saw him coming until he was right on top of me! I thought I was going to get creamed myself, but somehow at the last second, he pulled his punch and smashed a rock instead of me!” The girl was actually excited as she said the words.
“Yea…” Sphaere said looking almost coldly down at Cekell and letting out a sigh. “‘E’s a sucker fer a purdy girl.”
“I think he could tell I’m not a hunter model. He came flying in, prepared to take me out, but at the last moment, he really went out of his way to make sure his attack didn’t land… on me at least, he turned that huge rock to dust though!” She said with enthusiasm, motioning wildly with her arms for emphasis.
(Hunter model?) Rhystea thought to herself, but didn’t ask.
Sphaere and Rhystea quietly followed the young girl as she led them to her unconscious brother. Sphaere got really excited when she noticed the strange girl had a tail and repeatedly tried to whisper to Rhystea about it, who denied her every advance as she politely listened to the young girl speak.
“I hope he isn’t hurt that bad… Although, he did ask for it! I can’t believe he resorted to his weapon when you had not presented any sign of being a threat! Now we’re going to be really late in getting home!”
“You live around here?” Rhystea queried, full of intrigue. “You don’t seem very surprised to see us.”
“What? Close to the water? Ha, I wish! No, I was out gathering during first light, as soon as the scarier beasts turn in. Brother A212 was to escort and help me carry back whatever we found – and we were on our way back home when I asked if we could stop for a quick drink. It feels so selfish now, but I was really thirsty and the trek back home is even longer when you have a load to your back!”
The young girl was lively and not at all startled by Sphaere, Rhystea or even Cekell - even though both girls were rather surprised with her. “And we were both surprised to see you, brother A212 just didn’t think we’d be able to leave without being noticed, and decided to make the first move. He’s quick on the draw, but tends to get ahead of himself.”
(A212? Sounds like some kind of designation, or maybe a code for something?) Rhystea wondered, but instead asked, “Why don’t you live close to a water source?”
“The scary ones make their nests closer to water, we only enter their territory when it’s safe, otherwise we might…” The girl trailed off and fell silent, slowing to a stop.
Rhystea was quick to console her, “Hey, there’s nothing to be worried about with Cekell here!” Hearing his name spoken, Cekell let out a quick chirp before settling back down in Sphaere’s arms.
“So them big black bugs make their nests near here an’ we disturbed ‘em jus’ ‘fore they got up that night, maybe we should consider movin’ our camp.” Sphaere stated matter-of-factly as she continued fidgeting with Cekell, who had been putting his probe right in her face so that she had to let go of him to push it away – much to his amusement – before wrapping her arm back around him - at which point he would dangle his probe right back in her face all over again.
Rhystea was at a loss, she hadn’t expected Sphaere to pay attention as she was more concerned with the girl’s tail or Cekell. She was about to ask the girl more about the bugs, when first the girl said something to surprise her.
“Bugs?” The girl asked, stopping in her tracks and raising her hand to her face as she thought. “The biggest bugs we have around here are the gravity wasps, and so long as you don’t disturb their nest, they will leave you alone… Shadow garms are what you need to be worried about! Whether by themselves or in a pack, they-”
Rhystea opened her mouth to ask, but Sphaere beat her to the question, “We ain’t met yer ‘shadow garms’ yet, but we were almost done in by these really aggressive an’ vicious, giant black bugs. Scythe blades longer than yer arms, an’ used ‘em ta tear right through our walls – an’ that was jus’ one o’ the things!” Sphaere was about to go on when she realized the look of fright on the poor girl's face, she could feel the glare of Rhystea’s burning gaze.
“Er, not that they’s anything Cekell here couldn’ handle, ‘e turned that one an’ three others into charcoal!” Sphaere continued, trying to console the girl as she held Cekell out, who responded with little more than a lazy squeak. “I mean, we’re still here, ain’t we?” She finished with a big smile, before drawing Cekell back in.
“Hmmm…” The young feline featured girl said, holding up just a moment to think before continuing on to her brother and finishing, “I’m not familiar with those, but they sure sound scary! Shadow garm’s will only come after you if you’re in their territory, and they’re only really active when it’s dark, unless you stumble into their den…” The girl trailed off as she walked around the side of a sizeable rock and stopped as she stared at a rather large crack in the boulder, then down at what was presumably her brother – another humanoid with animal like features, this one was like a bird - covered in feathers with wing like arms and taloned, bird like feet.
Plopping down on the ground next to him, the girl gently shook him in an attempt to wake him up. He briefly opened his eyes, only long enough to groan and turn his head before losing consciousness again.
“Wow, he really did a number on brother A212!” The young girl announced before asking, “You really think you can help him? It’ll be awhile before he wakes up!”
Rhystea noted in surprise, “You don’t seem all that worried about his head-!”
“His name is A212?” Sphaere interrupted Rhystea who turned and glared at her with a trembling, clenched fist.
“Yep, yep!” The girl said with an air of pride and a flick of her tail, “He is an Aves after all!”
“Wazzat?” Sphaere asked before Rhystea could open her mouth, who instead rolled her eyes.
Raising a single finger to her lip, the girl looked up and pondered a moment before responding, “The Aves are one of the strongest Series, not to mention the fastest!”
When she said this, Sphaere and Rhystea turned and gave each other a puzzled look; but both decided against asking.
A212 groaned, prompting Rhystea to plop down on her knees next to him and his sister. Turning to the girl with a smile, she asked, “My name is Rhystea, and this ghastly girl is Sphaere, what’s your name?”
“I’m F120!” She declared with a proud look that faded after a moment when she added, “Though I’m only a forager model…”
“You are you, and don’t let anyone tell you differently!” Rhystea insisted with a smile before turning her focus to the gash on A212’s head. She placed her hand on his forehead and thought back to the tutelage Verakry had given her.
Rhystea welled up energy in her hand, and to keep it from stagnating, she circulated it separate from her main body. As her hand started to feel warm, she began pressing that energy into A212. She had finally grasped how to utilize her mana, and sighed in relief as the wound closed, confirming both her ability as well as her control over it.
F120’s gasped in excitement as the wound slowly closed itself so that not even a scar remained. “Wow! That’s AMAZING!” she declared, impressed.
Turning and eyeing Cekell with concern, Rhystea stated, “If you get hurt being reckless, you just get a bandage!” As she stood up from A212’s side.
“What ‘bout me?” Sphaere chimed in.
Rhystea looked up and away as she answered, “You’re on your own!”
Sphaere gasped and asked, “But who’d keep ya warm at night?!”
“I expect Cekell could pick up any and all slack left in your absence.” Rhystea replied almost snootily.
Lifting Cekell up to eye level, Sphaere asked him, “Didja hear that Cek? Rhystea wants ya allllll ta ‘erself!” Cekell chirped excitedly when, with a laugh, Sphaere turned both her and Cekell’s gaze to Rhystea and added in sing song fashion, “Butcha~ hafta~ share ‘im!~”
F120 laughed and with a smile, asked, “Are you two sisters?”
Rhystea and Sphaere both paused what they were doing to look at each other before simultaneously doubling over in laughter. “I guess we kinda are!” Sphaere stated, and Rhystea followed up with, “Sisters with a common cause!”
“Oh, what’s that?” F120 asked curiously.
“We’re tryin’ ta surv- er, get back home. Ya see, we got stuck here, but we really live a long, long ways away!” Sphaere explained.
F120’s eyes went wide, “And it’s just you three all by yourselves?!”
“Yup!” Sphaere insisted, “Cekell’s our… li’l bro, but ‘e watches out fer us!”
“Wow, it must be rough being away from home, but at least you have family with you! I don’t think I could do that…” F120 paused as she focused on Rhystea, “With abilities like yours, I bet you never have to worry about anything!”
“Yea, she’s gettin’ better. At least this time she didn’ set anyone on fire!” Sphaere blurted out with a laugh.
You are reading story Candle in the Rain, Inferno in the Wind at novel35.com
“I didn’t set him on fire! He jumped into the fire of his own accord!” Rhystea insisted, getting defensive.
“Then she almost drowned ‘im!” Sphaere added with another a laugh.
Rhystea scoffed, “I would never!”
F120 started laughing along with Sphaere as Rhystea stood there fuming. They had all fallen silent when A212 moaned and rolled his head over.
Sphaere asked, “Should we not be here when ‘e wakes up?”
“Oh, no! You must allow us to thank you properly… I know! Why don’t you come home with us? At the very least you won’t have to worry about any bugs!” F120 exclaimed with enthusiasm.
Sphaere and Rhystea looked each other in the eye with hesitation. “Pleeeeeaaaaase!” F120 pressed.
The girls nodded at each other and Sphaere announced, “Sure! That sounds great!”
“We should probably let him rest until he wakes up of his own accord.” Rhystea stated.
“What to do in the meantime…” Sphaere said slowly as she looked around. “Huh? Wazzat Cekell?” She said, lending him her ear as she leaned towards him. “You wanna take another dip in the hot springs!?” She let out an exaggerated gasp, “That sounds like a great idea!”
Rhystea eyed her in annoyance.
“Relax, I’m only teasin’! Dang, yer such a tight wad! I jus’ wanna try an’ determine whether ‘r not it’s the heat ‘e’s attracted ta, an’ I figure this way’s better than lettin’ ya set ‘im on fire again!” Sphaere stated with a laugh.
“I did NOT set him on fire!” Rhystea declared, stamping her foot in agitation.
Sphaere adopted a more serious tone and said, “Don’ forget, we’re here fer water; ‘member? Besides, we dunno when ‘er brother’s gonna wake up!”
Rhystea and Sphaere turned to F120, who smiled and said, “Go ahead and do what you need to do, I’m going to wait here with brother until he wakes up!”
“Suite yourself!” Sphaere said before heading off to the hot springs in a hurry.
Rhystea followed up with, “If you need anything, we’ll be down at the water!” Before chasing after Sphaere.
The girls made their way to the hot springs, Cekell must have remembered their prior trip there because as soon as they got near the water, he started making all sorts of excited chirps. “Wow Rhystea, you really must o’ given ‘im an eye full! Look how excited ‘e is!” Sphaere laughed as she set Cekell down.
Turning slightly red, Rhystea yelled back, “Shut up!” Having been set down, Cekell immediately turned around to face Sphaere and covered an eye with each of his hands before reaching out to her with his Tendril.
Seeing him cover his eyes like that was enough to cause both girls to break down laughing, which granted Cekell enough time to find Sphaere’s hand with his tendril. He chirped with enthusiasm before turning towards the hot springs and, with his eyes still covered, started dragging Sphaere in that direction.
“Woah! Stop! Hey!” Sphaere immediately protested, but to avail. It was all she could do to stay on her feet as Cekell was pulling her in a rush.
Rhystea nearly fell over from laughter as Cekell dragged a resistant Sphaere straight into the hot springs. Her laughter quickly subsided when, after making it a ways out into the water, Cekell turned and chirped loudly at Rhystea, careful to keep both his eyes covered even though both girls were still fully clothed.
“Well I’m not going in there! I’m just here for water, getting in was Sphaere’s idea!” Rhystea called out to him, turning away and crossing her arms while holding the container out to her side.
Cekell chirped back at her sharply before lowering a hand from his eye and slamming his balled up fist into the water, creating a rather large splash in proportion to his tiny body which cascaded down on an already saturated Sphaere.
“Oh yea? Well what are you going to do about it?!” Rhystea called back, grinning sarcastically.
Cekell let out a low, dull chirp as he glared back at her.
“Well squeal all you want, I’m staying right here!” Rhystea asserted herself, turning her back to them as she put her hands on her hips added a, “Hmph!” for good measure. She had underestimated how determined he was, and he wasn’t taking no for an answer. Releasing Sphaere, his body started to tense up.
“Uh-oh!” Sphaere said out loud, “I don’ think yer hearin’ ‘im!”
This caught Rhystea’s attention, who turned around to face them just as a barrier shot up around her. “Uh-oh!” She repeated Sphaere as her eyes went wide.
Pulling his other hand from his eyes to reveal a deviant look on his face and letting out a chirp to match, Cekell reached out as if to take a hold of something. Leaning back as if straining against an invisible rope, the girls’ eyes went even wider as the barrier containing Rhystea lurched forward towards Cekell!
“Uh-oh…” Rhystea said again, looking down to see the water was right in front of her.
Cekell reached forward again taking hold of something that didn’t appear to be there. “Oh, come on!” Rhystea pleaded in vain.
With another tug on his invisible rope, the barrier containing Rhystea came skating across the surface of the water and sending up a wide spray.
“OH NNNNNNNN-” Rhystea started, flinching at the impending soaking that… wasn’t coming? “-NNNNNnnno?” She finished questioningly, opening one eye and then the other to see the barrier she was in was floating on the water’s surface. Looking down she could see a smiling Cekell and an annoyed Sphaere as the both were pelted from the spray caused by the barrier.
“Ya gotta be kiddin’ me!” Sphaere grumbled.
Cekell let out a pleased chirp before attempting to crawl into Sphaere’s lap.
Having been quickly snatched up by his tendril, Cekell reached out to a glaring Sphaere who, with a wavering smile proclaimed, ‘I oughta pound you!” The look on her face softened and she wrapped him up in her arms as she adopted a more gentle tone, saying “But yer jus’ too cute!”
Cekell let out a happy chirp as Sphaere drew him in close. “Hey!” She said, flashing Rhystea a deviant smile, “Why dontcha drop yer barrier an’ let Rhystea join us?”
“Sphaere!” Rhystea cried out, tension rising.
Cekell looked up at her perplexed and let out an equivalent chirp.
Sphaere reached out her hand to Rhystea in an exaggerated motion so that Cekell would see it. When her hand had his attention, she dropped it so it landed with a splash in the water.
Cekell smiled and let out an excited chirp.
Rhystea let out a half panicked, half furious, “Don’t you-” before the barrier disappeared and she landed with a splash to finish with, “-…dare…!” She turned and glared at Sphaere, who smiled back as she held Cekell affectionately.
“Ah, well…” Rhystea said as she removed and wiped off her glasses before replacing them and admitting, “It could be a whole lot worse.”
“Ain’t that the truth?!” Sphaere added, still grinning.
Rhystea smiled innocently before intentionally splashing Sphaere, who returned both the smile and the splash, prompting Rhystea’s smile to sour and splash harder - and in turn getting a larger splash back from Sphaere, who’s smile only widened.
It was then that Rhystea got angry with her splashing and shortly thereafter when Cekell took interest in their game of who could make a bigger splash. The girls were completely unaware that Cekell decided he would take part, and both jumped to their feet when Cekell squealed in joy as he caused repeated towers of water to rise high into the air before gravity pulled them back to the hot springs.
Pillars of water shot up all around Sphaere and Rhystea, though none were close enough to hit the girls with more than a spray. They were taken completely off guard and it took them a moment to realize Cekell was the cause of these immaculate geyser blasts, chirping with zeal as each would rise and fall.
These towers of water continued to rise and fall until F120 came rushing to them in a panic, trying to figure out what was going on. It was around then that Sphaere had finally gotten Cekell’s attention with an almost angry, “NOO!!!”
Cekell immediately ceased all splashing and in almost a panic himself, slapped his hands back over his eyes and hesitated before chirping coyly; he managed to get them both to smile and laugh when F120 made her presence known.
Having seen that they were all laughing where it didn’t appear as though anything had attacked, F120 half demanded, “What’s going on?!”
Sphaere pointed at the drenched girl in front of her and claimed, “Rhystea started it!” Before sticking her tongue out at girl, inciting Rhystea to glare back at her before removing and realizing she didn’t have anything dry to wipe her glasses with.
“Sorry about that, Cekell got a little carried away. Has your brother awoken yet?” Rhystea replied.
“No, he’s still out…” F120 answered, looking around uncomfortably.
“What’s wrong?” Sphaere called out to her.
“Well there’s been quite a bit of noise in the area with recent events… I find it hard to believe that something hasn’t taken notice of us by now…” F120 said warily.
“Should we think about gettin’ outta here?” Sphaere asked, pulling Cekell in tightly. She caught a hint of fear in the F120’s voice.
“But… What do we do about brother?” F120 asked in a small voice.
“We wouldn’t leave him behind.” Rhystea responded reassuringly as she smiled warmly.
The girls started making their way out of the hot springs and their way over to A212 while debating what would be the best way to move him. Sphaere put Cekell down in order to help Rhystea lift A212, much to Cekell’s chagrin.
Chirping repeatedly in protest, Cekell fell silent as the girls simultaneously shushed him. Undeterred, he tensed up before projecting a barrier around A212 that floated up and followed a short distance behind him.
This barrier was slightly different than the barrier he used for defense. This one was thinner, more like a bubble; and he had little trouble moving it around unlike the immobile barriers he used for protection or to keep his caretakers caged up in one place.
Rhystea was quick to snatch him up and shower him with affection and praise, thankful that Sphaere and herself didn’t have to carry the unconscious A212, and Cekell couldn’t have been happier. “He really doesn’t like anything getting in the way of him being held!” Rhystea noted with a laugh before adding, “You can tell he’s going to be really clingy!”
“That ‘r ‘e’ll skip from…” Sphaere paused before thoughtfully adding, “Heat source ta heat source!”
Rhystea gasped sharply before saying, “Not my Cekell! He’s a one flame moth! Isn’t that right?” She reeled him in tightly, prompting an excited chirp.
“Ooh, seducin’ ‘im outta wanderin’ from flame ta flame, eh? What’ll happen when ‘e finds a... warmer fire?” Sphaere questioned with a sly grin before adding, “Though ‘e’s certainly drawn like a moth ta the flame…”
“Only~ if he~ wanders!” Rhystea said in singsong fashion with a menacing smirk, squeezing Cekell tightly again for another excited squeal.
Sphaere laughed before replying, “Ya better keep ‘im good ‘an warm!”
Rhystea started laughing too, even Cekell started chattering enthusiastically when F120 silenced them both - asking, “Can I hold him?”
“Hm…” Rhystea said after a moment of hesitation. “I don’t see why not-”
Sphaere quickly jumped in, stating, “I dunno, she looks warm and fuzzy… give ‘im ta ‘er an’ we may not get ‘im back!” with a devilish grin.
“Oh, come now! Cekell isn’t that shallow!” Rhystea responded as she handed Cekell out to F120.
Realizing what was about to happen, Cekell quickly latched onto Rhystea’s arm and let out a chirp somewhere between panicked and discontent in protest.
“Color me surprised, long as they were warm, I wouldn’ expect ‘im ta be picky!” Sphaere spouted.
F120 had been excited, but was hurt when Cekell made it clear that he didn’t want her to hold him. Without saying anything, her smile softened into a frown as she slowly lowered her expecting arms.
“Li’l turd!” Sphaere accused.
“Oh now, he’s just shy. He felt threatened the first time I tried to touch him, let’s wait until he has a chance to get to know you.” Rhystea explained as she wrapped Cekell back up in her arms, exiting the springs with Sphaere.
“I guess I wouldn’t really want to be handed off to someone I didn’t know very well either.” F120’s smile returned as she tried seeing things from his point of view. “I do need to pick up what we foraged earlier, don’t want to go back empty handed!” She stated cheerfully as she lead them all to where she first laid eyes on the trio. It wasn’t long untill they reached the assorted fruits, root, leafy vegetables and even some mushrooms kept in two large cloth sacks that F120 had gathered earlier that morning.
Sphaere smiled and offered, “Hey, I’ll carry one o’ them bags fer ya, if ya’ll gimme one o’ the sweet ones!” Then, noticing the brown tomato like fruit she had already encountered, pointed at it and added, “An’ one o’ them fer Rhystea, ‘er favorite!” as her smile turned devious.
“That would be great!” F120 answered with a smile before looking down and pausing before selecting a white, round and almost fuzzy fruit and holding it out to Sphaere with one hand and grabbing one of the brown tomatoes to hand to Rhystea. “Only other person who will willingly eat a persimmato is Proto3… They’re really… healthy!” She commented, half smiling, half grimacing.
“Willin’ly?” Sphaere asked with a puzzled smile.
“Well, they are on occasion used to keep the younglings in line. The threat of getting a meal of nothing but persimmatos is rather effective. Some will go hungry before eating them… or rather, they just can’t stomach them.” F120 explained.
“Rhystea’s a gen-you-wine health nut!” Sphaere shot back.
Annoyed, Rhystea snatched up the Persimmato, saying, “Oh yea, they’re great for your immune system, just chock full of antioxidants!” before taking a large bite of the fruit and doing her best not to lose it. (Just keep chewing) repeated over and over in her mind.
“What’s this called?” Sphaere asked, doing her best to contain her laughter.
“That’s an ambrosia peach!” F120 answered with excitement, “Everyone loves them! The skin is a little thick compared to the meat of the fruit, but it also holds most of the nutrition. Some will peel it, but others claim that’s wasteful.”
Sphaere spun the fruit in her fingers as she examined it before raising it to her nose and closing her eyes as she inhaled its fragrant scent. Smiling at the sweet aroma, she took a bite - skin and all. “Mmmm!” She said with much exaggeration before adding, “Howzat tomato, Rhystea?” Rhystea just kept chewing and gave her the stink eye.
A212 was still unconscious, floating inside the barrier Cekell had prepared for him. He hadn’t so much as twitched since Rhystea mended him. F120 led the way as the group traveled to where she lived. They had been talking about the various fruits and vegetables the area had to offer, Cekell putting in plenty of his own input, when F120 slowed to a stop and started looking around.
“Somethin’ wrong?” Sphaere asked, stepping to her side.
“Hm…” F120 said, scanning the area. “Usually, the one leading us home…” She paused, as though something familiar caught her eye. Focusing on whatever it was for a moment before looking elsewhere and finishing, “…is someone else!”
“Are we…” Rhystea started to ask as she play Cekell’s now-favorite game of dangling his probe in her face to have her push it out of the way so that he could chatter and return it for another round. “Lost?”
“No…” F120 stated with literally no confidence in her words, “I know home is that way…” She finished, pointing through the trees in the direction they had been heading.
“What’s the problem then?” Sphaere asked, continuing on in the direction they had been.
“Home isn’t the only thing to be found that way…” F120 said, almost solemnly.
They all stopped. “What does that mean?” Rhystea questioned, pushing Cekell’s probe away and holding it there, Cekell did not like this.
“Means we tread carefully.” Sphaere answered, still looking forward.
“Will we be ok?” Rhystea asked, panic taking root in her voice. She was still holding Cekell’s probe out of her face when he started tugging on it.
“If we move quietly and with purpose, we should be alright.” F120 explained, before losing the confidence in her voice and adding, “If… if you hear the howling of the pack, run up a tree… a tall tree.”
“B-but!” Rhystea stammered before she was stopped by Sphaere. She was still holding Cekell’s probe, belligerent of his growing aggravation.
Holding her arm outstretched with her palm out and fingers pointed up, Sphaere firmly commanded, “Be still.” She could tell Rhystea was starting to get frightened. Rhystea closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she tried to follow Sphaere’s advice.
“It’s been bright for a while now, if we’re quiet, we shouldn’t disturb anything. Let’s just keep heading towards home, it’s not a very long walk.” F120 said, pointing in the direction of ‘home.’
Tired of being ignored and not about to be denied any longer, Cekell yanked his probe out of Rhystea’s hand and let out an excessively loud screech. Rhystea’s eyes shot open and she crushed Cekell into her chest to muffle his squealing lest he alert every hungry creature within miles.
F120 cringed. Sphaere reached out for Rhystea, but it was too late.
Rhystea panicked. A look of fright twisted her visage. Not knowing what else to do, she ran, bolting off in the direction F120 was pointing. Sphaere was quick to chase after her with F120 not far behind.
Rhystea ran as though she were being chased. Her heart was racing, blood surging through her veins and everything felt numb except for her feet pounding across the ground. She squeezed Cekell with a frightened might who was squealing for reasons other than annoyance as his tendril whipped through the wind, trailing behind them.
It took Rhystea a moment to take notice of the snapping limbs and other sounds of a large object crashing through the trees not far behind her! Every nerve in her body tingled, she couldn’t breathe fast enough as her adrenalin peaked and she charged ahead as though death itself were hot on her heels.
Sphaere was astonished. She herself was rather fast, and she knew she was slow compared to someone who was truly fast, but Rhystea was exhibiting speeds on another level as sheer terror fueled each step. She didn’t know how, but she knew she had to catch Rhystea. Even if Cekell’s spectacle hadn’t gotten them some attention, the barrier carrying A212 that was currently tearing its way through the trees at the same speed certainly would!
Rhystea kept running. She didn’t stop, she didn’t slow down. Not when the muscles in her legs started hurting, not when her heart felt like it would burst - she ran through the pain. She ignored the burning in her chest as her diaphragm ripped breaths from the air. She never looked back. She ran forward. Cekell’s barrier chased closely behind, plowing through anything that got in its way as it spurred Rhystea onward. She never even heard Sphaere calling out to her.
Sphaere ran hard but wasn’t closing any distance on Rhystea, not loaded down with the sack her new companions had gathered – though, she didn’t take the time to think about it, or she might have discarded it. She was heading in the right direction, thankfully, and there was no chance of Sphaere losing her as she’d only have to follow the wake of the barrier plowing over trees. She continued to call after Rhystea in vain.
Rhystea wasn’t about to stop as she ran all out. She didn’t know what she was running from and she had no idea where she was running to, she just ran with all her might. She wasn’t about to stop, at least, not until she tripped over her own feet.
Rhystea knew she was going down hard, so she shifted her weight to keep from landing on Cekell while simultaneously squeezing him tight. Tensing up the shoulder she intended to land on, she braced for impact.
Cekell let out an ecstatic, muffled squeal as he caught the both of them with a barrier. Rhystea lay there clinging to him and gasping for breath.
The barrier containing A212 wasn’t far behind them, which came to a silent halt. Sphaere and F120 weren’t much further behind, who rushed in, aggressively gasping for air.
“Well she... deff’nately... ran with a purpose!” Sphaere wheezed out before toppling over next to Rhystea on the barrier Cekell made.
F120 fell over nearby them and gasped for breath a few moments before stating, “At least... we covered... a lot of ground.”
“Ya took off like a bat straight outta hell! What were ya runnin’ from?!” Sphaere asked between gasps.
Rhystea was still gasping as she answered, “I panicked and didn’t know what else to do, so I just ran! It sounded like something was chasing me!” Sphaere didn’t say a word, she just kept breathing heavily as she pointed at A212 contained within Cekell’s barrier.
Rhystea leaned forward a bit to see what Sphaere was pointing at, and couldn’t help but to cough out a hoarse laugh before sputtering and gasping for more air.
Sphaere started laughing too, and F120 looked at them like they were crazy. She was about to suggest they continue on, just in case something was after them, when a soft whimpering from relatively close by caused them all to fall mostly silent, aside from the heavy mouth breathing.
Sphaere heard Rhystea let out a panicked gasp, worried she might pull another crazy stunt out of fear, Sphaere reached over and grabbed her shoulder. “Be still!” she commanded firmly.
“But-” Rhystea barely got out.
“No buts! Ceke ain’t letcha get so much as a scratch, has ‘e?” Sphaere interrupted her, trying to talk quietly.
Rhystea fell silent as she tightened her grip on a quite content Cekell, who rather than being afraid in a tense situation, was simply enjoying being held tightly.
More whimpering could be heard from not too far ahead of them. This time, as they were listening for it, it seemed as though whatever it was, was in pain and afraid. Sphaere and Rhystea simultaneously leaned up and looked at each other. F120, appearing to have noticed it as well, slowly crept over to the edge of the barrier that Rhystea and Sphaere were sitting on with her cat ears perked up.
Only the sounds of their still heavier-than-normal breathing could be heard as they listened on. Tired of waiting for something to happen, Cekell prodded that something on by announcing his presence with a rather loud, yet low and dull chirp.
Rhystea, horrified at what attention that might have brought them, clamped down on Cekell in a successful attempt to shut him up. At least one more very tense moment past before they heard the whimpering again.
“I think it’s wounded…” F120 said with a look of uncertainty.
Rhystea inquired, “What exactly is ‘it?’”
“I think it’s a shadow garm…” F120 responded, still peering in the direction of the whimper.
“Is it dangerous?” Sphaere asked.
“Well…” F120 started, never looking away from the direction of the whimper, “…a single garm poses little threat, it’s a pack you have to worry about. The problem here is that they are crafty. They would be aware that we are in a group and could be trying to lure us into an ambush. You’ll never know how many of them there are until it’s too late!”
“Should we turn back and go around it?” Rhystea asked, trying to stay calm.
“That would probably be the smart thing to do, taking chances isn’t something I like to do. Although…” F120 stated calmly, but she still hadn’t taken her gaze away from the direction of the whimpering.
“Although?” Sphaere asked, looking in the same direction.
“They’re usually asleep by now, I only hear the one, and it sounds… more like a pup.” F120 answered, turning to look at Sphaere.
“A pup…?” Sphaere’s eyes lit up as she asked, “As in a baby?”
“Yea, but I can’t imagine why a pup would be injured and by itself…” F120 replied, turning back to look towards the whimpering.
“Well we cain’t jus’ abandon it!” Sphaere blurted out as she snapped to her feet and started sprinting towards the whimpering that wasn’t too much further ahead of them.
Rhystea and F120 were both shocked and took a moment to collect themselves before giving chase, Rhystea trailing behind. It didn’t take them long to catch up, as Sphaere had stopped not too much further ahead of them. “What… happened here?” She asked, just before they reached her.
Rhystea gasped when she realized what Sphaere was asking about. Situated before her in a small clearing was a small hill, a mound really, with a gaping crevasse just big enough for a person to pass through if they got on their hands and knees to crawl.
It was a den. A couple dozen medium to large size dog-like creatures could comfortable call it a home. Now it was more of a graveyard… one with the look of a gruesome massacre scene. The former occupants had been slashed to ribbons and left in what could only be described as a large scale, bloody mess.
Rhystea covered her mouth as the smell of blood invaded her nose. She winced and turned away, muttering, “I think… I’m going to…”
Using her lithe agility, Sphaere was quick to grab Rhystea by the shoulders and pulled her backwards as her knees buckled when she passed out at the sight.
Cekell started chattering in a panic as she dropped him to the ground. He hopped down and turned to see Sphaere slowly lowering her and observed intently with his probe while letting out low, worried chirps.
Having laid Rhystea down after she blacked out at the brutal sight, Sphaere turned back to the wake of carnage and asked, “Are these yer shadow garms?”
“Yes,” F120 answered She was shocked, still taking the sight in herself, “individually, they’re not the strongest, but in packs this big...”
“It happened recently. All the cuts are really clean, only somethin’ sharp an’ powerful could slice ‘em up like that. Anythin’ come ta mind?” Sphaere asked before returning her attention to Rhystea, who was still unconscious and beset by a worried war born.
“I don’t know anyone or anything capable of… This…” F120 answered, still surveying the slaughter.
Sphaere continued her inquiry, “An’ ya ain’t seen any huge, black insects with scythes fer claws…” as F120 turned to her and their gazes locked. They stood silently for a moment, peering at each other and pondering what could have done this. That moment was shattered when something close by let out a whimper.
Sphaere snapped to attention and darted to the opening of the den, next to the remains of a rather large shadow garm and paused, listening intently and expecting the next whimper to come from within the maw of the den.
Sphaere was thankful that F120 hadn’t followed her over, Rhystea certainly couldn’t have handled the hellish sight at the opening of the den. There were deep claw marks gouged into the ground, each bloody as though the very earth had been wounded. Whatever it was that had done this, had reached back into the den and no less than raked out its inhabitants with a sharp blade.
She forced herself to look at the scene, one pup was alive enough to whimper and she was determined to find it. Even if it wasn’t wounded, alone it wouldn’t last the night.
Sphaere was instead surprised when a whimper came from the corpse right next to her. She hesitated before shoving the remains of the large garm next to her over and off of a small garm pup. It must have survived because the big one protecting it died on top of the greatly shaken pup. She immediately scooped him up and carried him away from the massacre, over to where Rhystea was lying unconscious. To her, it looked like any other dog. Specifically a black dog. Nothing special about it’s appearance suggested it could virtually turn invisible, as she could clearly see it. It didn’t do much good against the giant insects.
“Poor thing!” Sphaere said softly as she coddled the pup, “They must’ave fought ta the last ta protect ya, leavin’ ya all by yer lonesome…”
“We shouldn’t waste any more time here than we need to…” F120 answered, looking at her unconscious brother still floating in Cekell’s barrier.
“If she don’ wake up soon, I’ll try an’ get Cek ta make another barrier…” Sphaere said, tending to the pup.
“Everyone would be safe behind the walls, but I’m still worried…” F120 admitted.
Sphaere winced at the thought of the giant black insect tearing through the metal siding on the transport as though it were no more than cardboard. “I’m sure they’re ok, yer family should know the dangers out here better than anyone!” She consoled F120 with a weak smile.
Before F120 could respond, Rhystea let out a moan and reached for her head. Cekell started jumping up and down, chirping enthusiastically before leaping up on her abdomen.
“Ooof! Easy there, I- I…” Rhystea said, removing her glasses to rub her eyes before replacing them and turning to Sphaere with a puzzled look, “I saw red and-… why am I on the ground?”
“Easy!” Sphaere said firmly to her, “Make sure yer all there, then we gotta get movin’ again!”
Rhystea climbed to her feet with Cekell wrapped in her arms and asked, “Why? What happened-?”
Sphaere stopped her before she turned around and caught another sight of the gory mess. “Look, it’s jus’ been one crazy sitchy-ation after another since we got here, right?”
“Yea…” Rhystea responded, growing concerned with how insistent Sphaere was being.
“Well, surprise! Surprise! There’s a big crazy present thatcha don’ even wanna open. I think one o’ those big bug things got ahold o’ some o’ F120’s shadow garms... an’ it ain’t pretty.” Sphaere stated in a very serious manner before adopting a lighter town and adding, “We gotta go.”
“What?” Rhystea said, confused. She started to look around and figure out what was going on, but Sphaere clapped her hands gently on Rhystea’s cheeks, commanding her attention.
“Don’ look that way, those monster bugs made mincemeat outta a bunch o’ these dog things, an’ ya DO NOT wanna go there! Now, follow me an’ let’s get ta where we do wanna go!” Sphaere insisted as she started pulling Rhystea away from the massacre and on towards F120’s home.
“Oh my!” Rhystea said, taking Sphaere’s words for true and following her lead, she tightened her grip on a relieved Cekell and vacated the area with great urgency. F120 was in the lead again, worry hastening her steps with Sphaere and Rhystea trailing side by side just behind her.
Rhystea was tightly holding a content Cekell until the shadow garm pup Sphaere had in tow started to whimper, drawing Rhystea and Cekell’s attention.
Rhystea gasped and with a puzzled look, asking, “Where did you get a puppy?”
“It was… the only one that was left alive…” Sphaere answered solemnly. “It was no small miracle that ‘e survived!” She finished, forcing a smile.
Cekell didn’t know what to think about something else being wrapped up in Sphaere’s arms and was quick to investigate with his probe. “Ya’ve got competition now!” Sphaere stated teasingly as she snuggled up to the puppy.
Cekell’s eyes went wide and he let out an almost choked gasp. Both girls laughed as Cekell glared daggers at the pup. “Ooooh, the jealous type, huh?” Rhystea laughed and squeezed him tightly. Instead of letting out his normal happy squealing, Cekell just glared menacingly at the puppy.
Sphaere laughed, “Yea, ‘e really don’ like this!”
“What should we name him?” Rhystea inquired thoughtfully.
“We?” Sphaere asked questioningly before articulating, “YOU was takin’ a nap when I found ‘im!”
Rhystea rolled her eyes and reformed her question, “Well then, what are you naming him?”
Sphaere held the puppy out in front of her as they walked briskly toward their destination. She smiled as she looked at the shadow garm pup that was looking back at her with its big, curious eyes. “Kai!” She declared.
“Kai, huh?” Rhystea asked inquisitively, recalling Sphaere mentioning the name when she was asleep. “Naming him after… someone else perhaps?”
“Kai... had a troubled childhood. ‘E went through somethin’ similar ta this guy here!” Sphaere explained as she reeled the pup back in, prompting Cekell to emit a low, dull chirp which both girls laughed at. She stopped and thought about it for a moment changing her mind. “Nah, ya know what, this guy was lucky ta have been spared, an’ lucky fer us ta’ve found ‘im. Lucky is ‘is name!”
Rhystea knew how fortunate she was for still having both of her parents and the childhood they had provided her, and was about to ask Sphaere about her own family and childhood when F120 spoke up, “Ahh! Back in familiar territory! Not much further now, we may even make it back before the next watering!” As she further increased her pace to more of a jog.
“Ya ready fer this?” Sphaere asked Rhystea with a strained smile.
“For what?” Rhystea asked.
“Fer… whatever’s next?!” Sphaere announced before sticking her tongue out at Rhystea.
“Pfft! NO!!” Rhystea scoffed, “I haven’t been ready for any of this!” She added with a light smile and a soft laugh.
“You an’ me both!” Sphaere agreed.
With the pace F120 was keeping, it wasn’t long before they made their way to a clearing where the trees gave way to a great rock wall with a large cleft that was sealed by a crude timber gate. “We’re here!” F120 said with much relief, “Let me be the first to welcome you!”