Chapter 15: CHAPTER IV – When Might Makes Right, Weakness is a Sin

Before Rhystea or Sphaere could reply, there was a loud, familiar humming noise. Four pairs of eyes went wide. F120 looked up, Rhystea and Sphaere looked at each other as Cekell quickly reached out and erected a barrier to keep them all dry.

“It’s a good thing that rain ain’t warm, otherwise I don’ think ‘e’d help us avoid it!” Sphaere stated with a laugh.

“Hm…” Rhystea thought out loud as she peered down at Cekell, who was clinging tightly to her. “I think there’s more to it than that.”

“Whatcha mean?” Sphaere asked, curious as to what Rhystea had picked up on that she hadn’t.

“Well, I agree that if the rain was warm, there’s no way he’d assist with keeping us dry with a barrier. That being said, the rain isn’t exactly cold either.” Rhystea answered, still peering down at a content Cekell.

“So what, ‘e don’ like ta get wet?” Sphaere insisted.

“Well it would indeed require further testing… but, do you remember the first time he placed a barrier between us and that rain?” Rhystea asked, turning her gaze from Cekell to Sphaere.

“Ya mean after ya batted the hive an’ pissed off all o’ them wasps?” Sphaere answered with a sarcastic smile.

“Oh that’s right, you slept through it… it wasn’t until he went a little crazy with the fire that you woke up…” Rhystea spoke softly, turning her gaze back to Cekell and reaching up with her free hand to readjust her glasses.

Sphaere responded with a, “Hm…” and a contemplative look.

“When we were taking a nap around the fire, just before you woke up, that weird rain came down and Cekell put a barrier around us. Well he only placed the barrier around us, and when the rain hit the fire and nearly put it out…” Rhystea said as she snuggled up tightly to chirpfully happy Cekell, “This little guy got all worried about the fire and, well we’ll just say he rekindled it. That was when you woke up!”

“Aww, what’d ‘e do?” Sphaere asked with a smile.

“Heh heh...” Rhystea half smiled and half cringed at the same time. “He rained a great ball of fire down on it!”

“Well that fire didn’ go out, now did it?” Sphaere responded as she walked over and with her free hand affectionately scratched a very pleased Cekell on his noggin.

They were about halfway across the clearing on their way to the gates of F120’s ‘home’ when she stopped them, saying, “Please, wait here. We don’t get visitors very often and I don’t know how they’ll react!” And started to dash off.

Sphaere quickly called after her, “What ‘bout yer brother?!”

F120 slowed down just enough to half turn to them and shrug before darting off, calling back, “Well I can’t carry him!”

“Don’t get visitors often, huh?” Rhystea asked warily, her eyes following F120. “I wonder what they’ll say…”

“I wonder what they’ll look like!” Sphaere shot back with a laugh.

“That’s just not right.” Rhystea replied, not taking her eyes off of F120.

“How so?” Sphaere asked before quickly adding, “It’s not like I think any less o’ them!”

“Still, it’s rude.” Rhystea insisted snobbishly.

“Well, ain’t we proper?” Sphaere retorted with a sarcastic smirk. Rhystea rolled her eyes but otherwise didn’t respond. Sphaere plopped down on the ground next to her and started tending to Lucky. Rhystea stood in silence as she watched F120 make it to the walls around her home and call something out before stepping up and knocking on the gate.

It wasn’t long before Cekell took notice of Sphaere giving attention to his new rival, and he was none too pleased about it. Sphaere sat with her legs crossed and Lucky sprawled across her lap, gently running her hand down the length of his body. Her soothing words meant to comfort the shaken animal were tantalizing an envious Cekell.

Watching in almost a jealous horror, Cekell had climbed up to Rhystea’s shoulder with his daggered glare and probe aimed right at the innocent pup. Sphaere noticed Cekell and a devious grin spread across her face, and she started affectionately coddling Lucky as she lavished him with praise.

Cekell’s jealousy was quick to ignite his horror into a rage. Sending chills down an unwary Rhystea’s back, Cekell let out a blood curdling hiss before lunging at Sphaere and the unsuspecting pup!

Sphaere’s reflexes engaged and she jumped up, she saw him coming long before he leapt. Totally unexpected was the fervor with which his envy burned and Sphaere didn’t anticipate him caging her in a barrier!

Rhystea readjusted her glasses in confusion as she watched Cekell reach up and lower the barrier containing a surprised Sphaere to just a short distance from the ground. Placing a palm on the barrier, his hand started glowing. He was pressing hard, as if trying to reach into the barrier. Cekell let out a piercing cry as the barrier gave way and his hand pressed through to latch onto the ankle of a still surprised Sphaere.

Sphaere opened her mouth to protest, but her voice failed her as she instead gasped when the barrier seemed to give way and she fell literally through it with an “Oof!” to the ground. Looking up she could see a frantic Lucky still trapped in Cekell’s barrier.

Cekell wore a menacing smile as he glared up at the poor pup. He started to reach up, but Sphaere was quick to hop up, run over to and scoop up Cekell who let out an excited squeal. “No, no!” Sphaere said tenderly as she hugged Cekell affectionately, “That was my fault, an’ I cain’t letcha bash an innocent puppy!”

Rhystea had made her way to Sphaere’s side before asking in annoyance, “What did you do?”

“Heh…” Sphaere answered, still showering an ecstatic Cekell with affection, “I was teasin’ him, an’ ‘e didn’ like it! Didja Ceke?!” Cekell answered her question with an overjoyed squeal and wrapped his arms and tendril around Sphaere.

“Maybe we shouldn’t tease the Child of Mass Destruction, eh?” Rhystea asked sarcastically.

“Child of Mass Destruction? I like it!” Sphaere noted before sticking her tongue out at Rhystea and they both laughed. “Yer totally right though, ‘e shore cain’t take a joke!”

It was shortly thereafter that the girls heard F120 calling them. “Rhystea~! Sphaere~! Over here~!” She yelled from a distance while waving an arm in the air. A large person stood next to her, but it was hard to make out any of his features at that distance.

Rhystea cupped her hands around her mouth, “Coming~!” she yelled back. The girls started walking in her direction until Sphaere noticed that only one of the barriers were following them and let out a perturbed, “Oi!”

Turning to see what she was going on about, Rhystea too saw the barrier containing Lucky hadn’t budged but the barrier containing A212 was right behind them. They couldn’t hear it, but a really sad pup stood with its paws pressed on the side of the barrier whimpering its little heart out.

Sphaere faced the barrier so that it was in Cekell’s field of vision and gently said, “No.” While stabbing her finger towards the barrier. Cekell squawked obnoxiously and turned his head away so that the barrier wasn’t in his line of sight. “Pwease~” Sphaere requested in cutesy fashion as she crushed him against her chest.

Unable to do anything else but chirp with delight, Cekell yielded. The barrier melted into the air and the poor pup yelped as he plopped to the ground, landing on his adorable face. Rhystea gasped sharply and ran to scoop him up.

Cekell’s eyes went wide as he let out a choked gasp and started to wriggle but, Sphaere was quick to clamp down on him. “You leave that puppy alone! An’ dontcha worry, ain’t he nor anyone else gonna take us away from ya!” Cekell chirped softly in defiance but otherwise put up no resistance. 

Rhystea hurriedly caught back up to Sphaere after retrieving Lucky, and the four of them made their way to F120. As they got close, they could hear the cat girl talking with the person who was waiting with her. They were going on about how A212 had attacked first and rather aggressively at that, yet Cekell had still somehow managed to not only take him down, but carry him all this way in a barrier.

Presenting themselves before F120 and the lizardman standing next to her, Rhystea first introduced herself, followed by Sphaere and finished with Rhystea introducing Cekell. Turning to F120 with sudden surprise, the lizardman asked, “The tiny one?!” in a raspy voice.

“I said you wouldn’t believe me!” F120 insisted, staring at Cekell in disbelief herself.

“It matters not what I believe when they come bearing such… blatant proof.” The lizardman pointed out, peering past Rhystea and Sphaere at the unconscious A212 suspended in midair thanks to Cekell’s barrier.

Rhystea cringed but somehow managed to maintain most of her smile, admitting, “Sorry about that, he started attacking us out of nowhere and with no provocation, Cekell got a little rough with him!” Cekell let out a chirp when he heard his name. “Fortunately, F120 was more prone to discussion rather than aggression, and the fight did not continue after A212 was taken down.” Rhystea finished.

“So the little one fought an uphill battle to A212, and took him out… all by himself?” The lizardman asked, turning back to F120.

“Yea, and I was next! Thankfully he didn’t find me as a threat, it would have been over before I knew what hit me!” a wide eyed F120 declared, almost in excitement.

“Pardon me…” The lizardman said, turning back to Sphaere and Rhystea with a deep nod, almost a bow, “My name is R010… I just find it fascinating how one so small could best a hunter model, one of the Aves Series no less, let alone their heir apparent.” 

F120 turned to R010 and asked “Well what do we do now?”

“Well, if this is true, there is no denying they are strong. I don’t know how long that will be enough though, there are those who will most certainly be… dissatisfied.” R010 said, turning from F120 to the gates of their home.

F120 adopted a serious look as she asked, “You don’t think Aves will start something do you?!”

“Depends on how long your friends want to stay, I suppose.” R010 answered, turning back to Cekell and company.

“Excuse me…” Rhystea said, stepping forward as she said the words. “But why does it matter how strong we are?” She asked with a confused look.

“Well, we don’t have many rules here.” R010 had started to explain, but was interrupted.

“And they may come lookin’ fer a fight.” Sphaere interjected before sighing heavily.

“We’ve always had just one law, and so long as it is enforced, it will never be broken.” R010 stated. “The Law of the Strong dictates you can claim whatever you have the strength to take; and with your strength, you’ll have no trouble finding a place.”

“Jungle Law…” Rhystea said out loud as she drew Cekell in. 

R010’s eyes lit up and he said just one word, “Interesting…”

“Hm…?” Rhystea asked.

“Others have referred to our rules as such.” R010 answered, eying the girl. Rhystea didn’t say anything, instead just stared at him questioningly. “So where exactly are you from?” R010 asked, not taking his eyes off of Rhystea.

“We were brought here against our will an’ stranded. We came seeking' help, but we have no intention of takin’ it at such a cost.” Sphaere answered, politely bowing her head, as R010 had done earlier.

“You must be very confident in your strength if you intend braving these wilds all on your own.” R010 countered, looking from Rhystea to Sphaere with a curious grin.

“Ceke here’s all we need!” Sphaere assured him with a confident smile, followed by, “We take care of each other well enough!” From Rhystea.

“Interesting. Very interesting!” R010 insisted with a laugh. “Then I have a proposal.”

“What’s that?” Sphaere asked.

“There are other forms of aid we have to offer, from food to some equipment, even knowledge of the area.” R010 answered, still grinning.

“In return for…” Sphaere prodded him on.

“I just want you to make an appearance and prove that you were indeed the ones to take out A212. You see, you come to us at an opportune time.” R010 answered.

“Opportune how?” Rhystea asked as she adjusted her glasses.

“The Aves Series is trying to assert itself as the leader of all Series. While I would agree that uniting the Series’ would be ideal, an Aves rule would be beneficial to no one but the Aves-” R010 started to answer but was surprised when Rhystea cut him short.

Interrupting when matters of leadership were brought up, Rhystea quickly interjected with, “I’m sorry, but we do not wish to be involved with matters concerning the rulings of people besides ourselves.”

“I see, then you won’t mind us not meeting the needs of a few people who are not our own. As you are aware of these black insects, I’m sure you already know which way they came from as well as returned to.” R010 responded before turning away from Rhystea and starting off towards his gates.

“But we returned A212 to you, does that count for nothing?” Rhystea countered.

Stopping but not turning back, R010 answered, “You have returned an Aves and I owe you nothing. Go ask them for help. Oh wait, they don’t want you here!” before bellowing out with laughter.

“So it’s jus’ give an’ take, then?” Sphaere chimed in.

“I like to think of it as more of the furthering of each other’s goals.” R010 turned back to them with a shrewd smile.

“Sounds fair ‘nough fer me!” Sphaere insisted, turning to Rhystea who just rolled her eyes.

“Then, I can guarantee you at least a day of respite as a guest of our Series. Any more really depends on how everyone reacts to you I’m afraid. A word of advice, as I’ve already said, we value strength. You’re in a difficult position, as bragging about the defeat of an Aves would certainly invite a reprisal, yet acting modestly about his takedown will only serve to insult them.” R010 explained.

“What would you have us do?” Rhystea inquired.

“I think you should brag and openly insult them only to show your prowess by putting down any doubters.” R010 answered with a widening smile and a shrug as he held his arms out to his sides.

“We have no intention of starting a fight!” Rhystea declared.

“And what will you do when a fight comes looking for you? As I said, our law is the law of the strongest. Strength alone is how we resolve disputes around here. While you come bearing the evidence of your strength being comparable to, if not greater, than that of the Aves; they very well may demand more proof.” R010 explained further.

“Those are some pretty harsh laws, how do forager models such as F120 get by?” Rhystea pressed another question.

F120 answered Rhystea’s question herself, “I belong to the Aves, and I am one of their gatherers!” 

R010 followed up with, “In return for gathering food for the Aves, they protect her, thus she has a place.”

“Sounds like more give an’ take!” Rhystea said, sarcastically mocking Sphaere’s accent.

“It is… it is indeed.” R010 said, lowering his eyes. “Until you don’t have enough to give. Then the Aves just take it all. If they decide you aren’t doing enough or even if you were just wounded and ended up being a burden, they would cut you loose. They only care about the strongest and use that to justify cheating and stealing and even in some instances, killing their way to the top.”

“They’re not all like that…” F120 said softly, looking at a still unconscious A212.

“Aye, their Series Eminent forces it on the rest of them. Unfortunately, their brutal methods have proven rather effective. Most are too intimidated to do anything about them, and other Series are even starting to take after them. In fact…” R010 said as he lifted his eyes back to Rhystea and Sphaere. “Only the Reptilia Series would even consider going against them.”

“Hm…. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to at least see A212 returned safely to his Series.” Rhystea conceded with a calm confidence. “Then we can decide for ourselves what would be right.”

R010 smiled and replied, “I would ask for no more.” Before bowing his head deeply out of gratitude then turning around and proceeding to the gates of his home.

“Let’s get this over with.” Sphaere muttered looking down at a comfortable Cekell who was snuggled up tightly against against her chest, contentedly listening to her heartbeat.

Stepping up to the gate proudly donning a shit eating grin, R010 called out in a booming voice, “I present to you the rescuers of the Son of Aves!”

The gates slowly creaked open, but just enough for R010 to barely fit his enormous frame through. Following closely behind him, Rhystea and Sphaere entered the gates to find the mouth of a rather large cavern. Standing around the entrance were numerous and different demi humans, all of which were gawking at the two girls - with even more staring at them from a distance. No telling how many were even deeper down in the maw of the cave.

Bird like featherfolk, scaly lizardmen, furry cat people, clammy amphibians; they were all there and more, including types that neither Rhystea nor Sphaere could identify an animal to fill in what wasn’t human! 

Before anyone else could even open their mouths, a featherfolk squawked out his two cents, “You would have us believe that these… hairless monkeys took out a hunter model? An Aves no less?!” The demi human looked them up and down before making its insult, to which Sphaere grinned and Rhystea rolled her eyes.

“Not at all!” R010 said still grinning as he pointed at Cekell. “It was the infant they carry that put him in his place – your own forager will attest to that!” Before errupting into laughter.

F120 cringed as laughter broke out among the crowd, which was quickly silenced by the menacing glare of the Aves before them. After quieting the crowd, he affixed his gaze on F120. “Is this true?” F120 looked down at her feet before meekly nodding her head.

Rhystea and Sphaere were silently nervous. They had never as much as imagined demi people and yet here was a whole colony of them! Never having seen so many people of any kind, Cekell’s curiosity was piqued. Looking around with his probe, he starting climbing up to Sphaere’s shoulders to get a better view. 

“You can’t possibly expect any of us to accept that!” The featherfolk squawked. “A bare handed infant single handedly took out a hunter model? What kind of joke is this?!”

F120 didn’t say anything, she just kept staring at her feet. The featherfolk reached out to grab her shoulder and when she winced before she had even been touched, Sphaere slapped his hand away, insisting that he, “Leave ‘er alone!”

The featherfolk went speechless as a fire ignited in his eyes. “Just what do you think you’re doing?!”

“Whatever I’m strong ‘nough ta do, gotta problem with that, chicken boy?” Sphaere inquired in an agitated tone. Cekell backed her up with an excited chirp. Rhystea wasn’t the only one shocked by this, Even R010 wore a look of complete surprise.

Everyone had fallen silent, even the crowd. Sphaere had locked eyes with the Aves and she was the first to break the silence with, “You Aves shore are heavy, do ya think ya can handle ‘im from here, or perhaps maybe yer expectin’ delivery?”

The fire in the Aves eyes exploded, he didn’t so much as blink as he give pause before raising an arm and pointing at A212 and two Aves from the crowd stepped up to the barrier containing A212.

Sphaere snatched Cekell’s probe and pointed it at the barrier. When he saw the Aves were after A212, he dispelled his barrier, dropping the unconscious featherfolk into the waiting hands of his fellow Series members. Sphaere grabbed Cekell off her shoulder and cradled him affectionately and he cooed happily as he returned to listening to her ever beating heart.

The Aves before them silently glared down at Sphaere as his kin carry away the still unconscious A212, and before turning to leave himself, offered up these three words, “This isn’t over.” F120 trailed solemnly behind them.

R010 burst out in laughter as the tension seemed to depart with the Aves. Rhystea sighed in relief and Sphaere just stood there, unsure of what to do next. Ceasing his laughter just long enough to get out a few words, R010 declared, “He really wants to kill you!” And burst into another fit of laughter.

Sphaere laughed uneasily as she unconsciously clenched down on an overjoyed Cekell. Rhystea silently shot her a look that just begged, [WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?!?]

A young lizardman from the crowd stepped forward and first bowed his head to R010 before turning to face Sphaere with a look of admiration, or perhaps adoration; he stepped forward, saying, “Utterly fearless! Incredible! It’s as if-”

The young lizardman halted a short distance from Sphaere, rather he was stopped by an outstretched probe belonging to Cekell, who chirped sharply at him. Surprised, the young lizardman took a step back and bowed respectfully to them both before saying, “Apologies, I let my excitement get the better of me. My name is R208.” Before standing back upright and asking, “What are you called?”

Noticing that all eyes were on her, Sphaere froze up. Rhystea introduced herself first in a polite, refined manner, giving her full name of Rhystea Cromwell, her position as a University student of Sigilism, and bowing her head in the same manner as the demi humans.

Rhystea then turned to Sphaere, who was wide eyed and panicking in the limelight as she clenched down on an ecstatic Cekell. Quickly and much to the (momentary) relief of Sphaere, Rhystea introduced her next, “And this is Sphaere Hanada. A ninja of the Hanzo clan, and true master of the art of sarcasm!”

Sphaere’s eyes went even wider as she turned and gawked at Rhystea, but before she could get a word out; Rhystea, trying not to laugh, went on to introduce Cekell as their stalwart sentinel.

Having no idea about universities, sigils or ninjas, The demi humans simply listened quietly until Rhystea had finished introducing their little group and the crowed started to disperse, although a few remained behind hoping to learn more and even ask a few questions of their own. Of the dozen or so demi humans that remained, several immediately had questions.

A barrage of, “Where are you from?” “What are those things on Rhystea’s face?” “Where did you get a Shadow Garm pup?” “Did the infant really take down a hunter model?” “What is the art of sarcasm?” And many more were about to overwhelm them when R010 thumped the ground hard with his tail, instantly silencing the crowd.

Rhystea was soaking up the spotlight while a timid Sphaere didn’t so much as make a peep. Cekell was almost asleep in her arms until R010 silenced the crowd.

R010 turned to R208 and ordered, “Show them to our den and see to it that any requests they make are taken care of as though they were my own.” Turning to Cekell and company, he added, “I’ll be along shortly, first I’ll try and contact the Aves Eminent…” Pausing and turning back to R208, he finished, “And send someone to the Amphibia Series to request a meeting with their Eminent as well.” Before heading off into the mouth of the cavern with a devilish grin plastered across his face.

“By your command, Eminent.” Was all R208 said before bidding Rhystea and Sphaere to follow him. Rhystea started after R208, but when she noticed Sphaere was still frozen in place, she grabbed her free hand and dragged the absent minded girl along. Sphaere neither resisted nor made a sound, she just stuck closely to Rhystea and clung tightly to Cekell.

“Aw damn, I wish I could have been there to see young Cekell put A212 in his place! I must admit, I can scarcely believe it’s possible; did you catch him taking a nap or something?” R208 asked in amazement.

“Actually…” Rhystea corrected him, “They got the jump on us!”

R208 suddenly stopped and in surprise exclaimed, “What?!”

Not being the center of attention, Sphaere peeked out of her shell and added, “Yea, we all but walked into an ambush with them having the high ground and us having no cover.”

“Ambush, eh? Definitely the Aves tactic of choice. They don’t have a tail big enough to take anyone head on!” R208 declared before spitting bitterly, as though the very word ‘Aves’ soured on his tongue.

“Yea, they had us pinned down ‘fore we even knew they were there!” Sphaere started before laughing haughtily and finishing, “O’ course Cekell blitzed ‘em an’ left a nice imprint of A212’s face in the side of a giant boulder, just lookin’ at that will tall ya how surprised that bird brain was!”

R208 burst out in laughter before continuing on with Sphaere and Rhystea close behind. “Now -that- would be a trophy! Damn, I really wish I could have seen it!”

The girls followed R208 into the mouth of the cave. Both of them started to get nervous as there was little light, but neither showed even a hint of fear. They were both relieved when they were led to the first part of the cave that branched off which opened up to a great room with several shafts of light shining down from the ceiling onto great, smooth rocks. It was plenty bright enough for them to see comfortably. 

There were several other Reptilia in the chamber, a few of which were basking in the shafts of light shining down on the smooth rocks. There were others as well, presumably of the Reptilia Series; although they weren’t all lizardmen.

“It’s not much, but it’s home!” R208 said enthusiastically, then proudly added, “Welcome to our Den of the Vanguard!”

Rhystea almost cringed at the thought of living in a cave but decided that the walls were thicker than the walls of their transport that the giant black insects tore through like cardboard. She was surprised when Sphaere spoke up, “Thank ya, we’re in yer hands!” 

“It will be a short while before our Eminent returns. In the meantime, is there anything you require?” R208 asked.

Sphaere spoke up, “I hope it’s not too much ta ask, but somethin’ ta drink and maybe a piece o’ fruit would be nice…”

“Not at all!” R208 insisted, “Anything in particular?”

“Uh, well..” Sphaere paused, “I dunno what you call them, but-”

Rhystea saw her moment and seized it, interrupting Sphaere with, “Oh, do you have any Persimmatos? They’re her favorite! And an Ambrosia Peach for me please, they’re delish!”

R208 paused, looking at Sphaere curiously before saying, “O…kay, coming right up! Feel free to go where you please, but I would request you stay in our Den until the Eminent returns.” And with that, he made his way further into the cave, calling one of his Series members over where only a few words were said before the one R208 called over disappeared further into the cavern.

“I deserve that, don’ I?” Sphaere inquired, shooting Rhystea a look.

“Karma what?” Rhystea asked back, wearing a smug smirk.

“Well at least you’re behavin’ yourself!” Sphaere spat out, turning her gaze down to the warborn lazing comfortable in her arms. “Ain’tcha? Yes ya are!” She started scratching the back of his neck and prompting him to chirp happily.

Rhystea shifted her focus to the garm pup in her arms. Lifting him up to her eye level, she examined him over before wrapping him back up in her arms and saying, “Poor thing, you haven’t so much as made a peep! And after what you’ve been through! We’ll have to see about getting you something to eat as well.” She started affectionately coddling Lucky, praising him for how soft and warm his fur was and going on about how adorable he was for a monster dog, when a low growl silenced her.

“Woah!” Sphaere exclaimed in surprise, “Ya better ease up over there, Ceke’s gettin’ jealous!”

“Well I’ll just have to have a heart big enough for them both!” Rhystea said, shifting the pup to her right arm, she reached out with her left to Cekell and called out to him, “Where’s my little shield?!”

Cekell was quick to climb up Sphaere to her shoulder, stand up and support himself by grabbing a tiny fist full of Sphaere’s hair, and let out an excited chirp. “Oi, watch it, you!” Sphaere articulated in annoyance.

“Well come here, goofy!” Rhystea called out to him again as she coaxed him with her outstretched hand. With a zealous squeal, Cekell lunged at her from atop Sphaere, nearly knocking the girl to the ground and planted himself firmly against Rhystea chest, quickly wrapping his arms and tendril around her as he chirped happily. Rhystea gasped sharply as she wrapped her free arm around him. “There’s my goofy little shield! I missed you!” She said, squeezing him affectionately.

Lucky, wrapped up in her other arm, whimpered and Cekell glared at him silently. “Oh now, don’t you be like that! I can hold you both!” Rhystea insisted as she squeezed down tighter on Cekell.

Instead of letting out his usual happy chirp when one of them squeezed him tightly, he instead continued to glare daggers at the pup. Sphaere watched silently as Rhystea slowly shifted them around so that she was holding them side by side in her arms with Cekell on her left side so he could listen to her heartbeat like he enjoyed. Instead, he just continued to glare at poor Lucky.

“Like oil an’ water!” Sphaere said with a laugh. Unwrapping his tendril from around Rhystea’s neck, he probed the pup before turning both his gaze and probe to Rhystea and barked out an angry chirp.

Rhystea insisted, “Well he’s not hurting you!”  This was not the thing to say as it must have given Cekell the idea, as he whipped poor Lucky with his tendril. One of them yelped and the other chirped angrily.

“Hey!” Rhystea half yelled at him. Before she could get another word out, Sphaere raced over and snatched him out of her arms by his tendril and with something murderous in her eyes, she turned her heart and viciously growled, “NO!” Cekell went limp and gave her the sad puppy eyes as it was his turn to whimper meekly. “Oh ya gotta be kiddin’ me!” Sphaere parried his bid for sympathy.

Dangling by his tendril, he curled up in a ball and looked up at her innocently and as though he were about to cry. His lips quivered as he whimpered again and Sphaere, helpless before this new attack, gushed before wrapping him back up in her arms. “Ya cain’t be mean like that! Yer not a bully, yer supposed ta be a protector!”

“More like oil and fire rather than water!” Rhystea insisted as she calmed Lucky back down.

“I know! What a li’l turd!” Sphaere agreed, giving Cekell a frigid look that quickly thawed as he curled up against her heartbeat.

“He really took out an Aves?” R208 inquired as he approached Sphaere and Rhystea, carrying what appeared to be a few small bags.

Sphaere whipped around to face him, surprised that he got that close to her before she noticed his presence. Her heart jumped as rare is the occasion she is snuck up on. Cekell noticed it and popped up to scan the area with his probe before curling back up to her heartbeat. 

“Ya saw the barrier he was carried in on, right? That wasn’t us, it weren’ yer cat girl, neither.” Sphaere asserted.

“Hmmm.” R208 expressed with a puzzled look as he pulled fruit out of the larger of sacs he carried and handed both a persimmato as well as one of the smaller sacs to Sphaere, who accepted graciously before handing a peach and what she found out to be a waterskin to Rhystea - who also accepted them graciously. 

Sphaere set Cekell down, who ran over and latched onto Rhystea’s leg. Rhystea set Lucky down, which sat down at her side. Turning to Cekell, who already had his probe pointed at the pup with a displeased look on his face and with a serious tone, insisted, “You play nice now, do you hear me?!”

Lastly, pulling out another persimmato out of the bag, R208 looked at it suspiciously before taking a drink from his waterskin. Eyeing the persimmato once more, he turned to Sphaere and questioningly asked, “These are, uh, really good for you… right?”

“Nothin’ healthier!” Sphaere insisted as she held the persimmato to her mouth. Rhystea smugly donned a smirk as she took a bite out of her peach and watched Sphaere intently.

Sphaere noticed Rhystea’s gaze before she took a large bite out of the persimmato. “Mmmm-mmm-mmm!” Shifting the food in her mouth to her cheek, she carefully said, “The secret ta long, youthful life!”

“Don’t talk with food in your mouth!” Rhystea grumbled as she looked curiously at her waterskin. 

Still eyeing his persimmato, R208 raised it to his mouth and took a small bite. The look on his face went completely sour. He barely chewed before choking it down and admitting, “A well-kept secret at that… One of our elders is the only one I ever see eating these… He has all he wants and never has to share.” He took another bite, larger this time, and did his best to keep a composed look on his face as he chewed quickly and swallowed hard. 

“Chock full o’ nutrients, oxidants an’ all that good stuff!” Sphaere said, grinning widely at Rhystea before taking another bite. “Mmmm~!”

Rhystea sighed dejectedly before correcting, “Antioxidant!” then proceeded to uneasily uncork the waterskin and lift it to her mouth for a drink just as R208 had done earlier.

Having waited for this moment, Sphaere quickly chimed in, “These waterskins are pretty big, where didja get ‘em?”

R208 choked down the bite of persimmato he had just taken before nonchalantly answering, “Steel Fleece bladder.” And finished off the rest of his persimmato in one bite.

Rhystea went pale as she slowly lowered the waterskin. Sphaere giggled before taking another bite of her persimmato. “Mmmm!~”

Choking down the last of his persimmato, R208 washed it down with a large draw from his waterskin before looking down at Cekell, then up at Sphaere and casually asking, “Is he yours?”

Sphaere coughed, almost choking on persimmato. Quickly uncorking her waterskin, she took a big drink and a deep breath before answering, “What? No! More like… Adopted big sister?”

R208’s eyes lit up when he heard this, but before he could say anything more, the large frame belonging to R010 entered the den.

“Pardon me.” R208 started with a bow, “I must speak to the Eminent.” Before rushing off to R010. R010 had spotted them upon entering and headed in their direction, meeting R208 in the middle. His large steps quickly closed the distance between them. He reached up and scratched his head before sighing dejectedly.

“What did the Aves say?” R208 inquired.

“They say only a fool would believe an infant could take out a hunter model.” R010 said, his eyes focused on Rhystea and Sphaere. 

“No surprise there, but what are they going to do about it?” R208 questioned further.

“They say they would believe it when they see it, and invited us all to Lion’s Court for the judgement.” R010 explained with another sigh, still eyeing Sphaere and Rhystea. “I told them our guests have no intention of fighting and would rather avoid any unnecessary friction during their stay.”

“How’d that go over?” R208 replied.

R010 stopped and lowered his eyes. With a solemn voice he answered, “They expected our guests wouldn’t want to back up their claims. To settle the dust… F120 will stand trial.”

Rhystea gasped, dropping the peach she hadn’t even taken a bite out of as well as the waterskin; then balling her hands into fists, she cried out, “They’d punish one of their own just to cover up an unpleasant truth?!”

“The truth makes them look weaker and the only one backing that truth is the poor girl. This is how intolerant of weakness they are, and as the girl belongs to them, no one else has a right to stop it.” R010 said, never raising his eyes.

“Unacceptable…” Rhystea said softly. “That’s just…” her volume escalated rapidly, “UNACCEPTABLE!” She all but yelled. Looking down at Cekell, she clapped her hands to get his attention, then held her arms out to him. “Cekell!” With an excited chirp, he leapt into her arms and she bolted out of the den without another word.

No one expected this as the evidence was plainly painted on the faces of everyone left behind. “Dammit!” Sphaere called out as she gave persuit, Lucky trailing behind her.

“Wait!” R208 called as he reached out, then hesitated. He turned to look at R010 who folded his arms, closed his eyes, sighed and nodded slowly. R208 bowed respectfully before pursuing the girls.

R010 sighed, almost in relief. “These outsiders…” He said with a growing grin, “…how fiercely they burn! ALL RIGHT YOU TOOTHLESS EGG SITTERS,” He bellowed at his den, “LET US SEE WHO BURNS HOTTER!” With a wild smile, he turned and headed after them.


Rhystea didn’t know where she was going, just that she had to put a stop to what was about to happen. F120 didn’t have anything to do with the attack A212 launched at their group, in fact the young cat girl had done her best to help them - and now she was about to be punished for a mistake that wasn’t even her own. “Unacceptable!” Rhystea repeated, tightening her grip on a chirpfully excited Cekell.

Rhystea charged out of the Reptilia Series Den and headed deeper into the cave, not knowing specifically where she was headed. She rushed past several demi humans, all of which stopped whatever they were doing and gawked at her in surprise.

Fortunately, Rhystea didn’t have to go very deep in, as the Aves were already on their way out. F120 was bound and being led with an Aves on either side of her and two more closely behind. The two in back seemed to be arguing, one of which appeared to be A212, the other was larger and far more imposing.

“HEY!!!” Rhystea cried out to them without as much as slowing down, “Beak for brains!” The Aves all stopped simultaneously and glared menacingly at her. “Yea you, big ugly, let F120 go!” She demanded to the intimidating Aves behind the cat girl.

“OR WHAT?!!!” The large Aves roared ferociously enough to slow a resolved Rhystea’s pace.

“Or… You’ll regret it!” Rhystea insisted forcefully, not giving herself much time to think.

“Now why would I do that?” The large Aves asked, glaring down a still approaching Rhystea.

“Cruelty will NOT be tolerated! Not in our presence!” Rhystea asserted herself, squeezing down on Cekell and prompting him to chirp loudly. A few more moments and she had reached them, stopping a short distance before their group.

“Then why don’t you do something about it?” The Aves said gruffly. 

Before Rhystea could get another word out, A212 started to plead his case again. “Eminent, please, F120 has not lied. I foolishly bit off more than I could chew. They had done nothing to instigate the attack and out of uncertainty of who they were, I alone incurred their wrath and I should be the one to-”

“SILENCE!!!!!!!” The Aves Eminent commanded with fire in his eyes. Turning to A212 he followed up with, “You are our future! These are not befitting actions! Weakness will NOT be tolerated!”

“And killing an innocent makes you stronger? Ha! I don’t acknowledge you as strong! You’re just afraid of being weak!” Rhystea yelled, glaring back at him. “I won’t let you hurt her!”

“You? What can YOU do? No claws, and I don’t see a weapon. I have no intention of striking down a child that can do little more than bark loudly.” The Aves Eminent said angrily. 

“Eminent, please, see reason! Yes it is unsightly and unforgivable, but you don’t need to try F120 for my weakness!” A212 beseeched his Eminent.

The large Aves growled, reaching over and striking A212 to the ground. “You didn’t have a single scratch on you, how do you expect me to accept that an infant took you out?!!” A212 silently climbed back to his feet, he had no answer for his Series Eminent aside from an angry stare.

“Yea, sure I’m pathetically, unacceptably weak! But I’m not so unforgivably awful that I’d take my weakness out on a lone girl!” Rhystea yelled at him, Cekell backed her up with a tense chirp. The Aves Eminent grinned and slowly walked towards her as he produced a long, thin blade which he brandished with a seething anger. Rhystea started to take a step back and it was as though lightning had struck her spine. (No, I can’t back down here!) She thought to herself, willing herself towards him.

“We make for Lion’s Court to settle this. Will you stand for a forager?” The Aves Eminent asked with an unflinching confidence and a razor glare.

“You’re the one forcing my hand, how about we settle this right here, right now?!” Rhystea suggested, meeting his glare.

“Ahh, even better. This will save time,” The Aves admitted before turning to A212, “not to mention your forager. Any complaints if I take the Stand?”

“None whatsoever,” Rhystea answered for him. “As long as you don’t mind me holding the infant. He hates the cold floor, you see.” Rhystea retorted with an almost baleful grin, and Cekell chirped in agreement.

You are reading story Candle in the Rain, Inferno in the Wind at

“That’s just fine, so long as you don’t mind me cutting the both of you down!” The Aves countered, stabbing his blade into the ground and walking towards Rhystea.

Sphaere and Lucky, with R208 close behind, had just caught up to Rhystea. “The hell’re ya thinkin’?!” She berated Rhystea. “I thought we weren’ gonna get involved!”

Without turning to her, Rhystea insisted that she, “Stay back! Cekell started this mess, now I’m going to let him finish it!”

“I’ll even give you a handicap, I’ll take the Stand barehanded!” The Aves boasted, walking with an air that exuded confidence.

“I don’t care what you bring, just bring it already!” Rhystea half yelled at him as she reached for and grabbed Cekell’s probe and pointed it at the infuriated Aves.

“Then, are you ready?” The imposing Aves asked her, as he stopped a short distance in front of the defiant girl and took a stance.

“Waiting on you, feather brain!” Rhystea shot back at him.

“On the count of three-” The Aves started.

“Two, one, go!” Rhystea cut him short.

“Ahh, shit!” Sphaere groaned as she scooped up Lucky and retreated back a few steps.

“Eminent…” A212 muttered under his breath.

Many of the Reptilia Series were only now showing up, R010 included. In fact, a rather large crowd had gathered; the whole cave had probably heard their quarrel and no doubt wondered about the truth of the outsiders. They were about to find out.

The large Aves before Rhystea let out a loud, feral howl before charging. “Cekell!” Rhystea said, holding his probe out towards the Aves Eminent and commanded, “KICK HIS ASS!!!!!!” and released his probe.

Cekell let out an irate chirp as some invisible force pried him from Rhystea’s grasp and lifted him up into the air directly in front of her. Rhystea could merely watch from the grip of panic as, still in the air, the warborn clenched up and struggled against something she could not see.

A shiver shot down Rhystea’s spine. She had no idea what she just unleashed. She started to reach up for Cekell when he brushed away whatever he was struggling against. The Aves before her was just a step away, mid strike, intending to subdue the warborn with a raging uppercut.

They weren’t at Lion’s Court, and yet, the King of the Jungle rendered his judgement for all to bear witness. 


Verakry let out a gasp as it turned from the small, liquid silver tot that was standing before the shadowy figure. As though it was looking to a distance none of the people around him or even the warborn in front of him could begin to see. If he indeed had skin, it crawled. If he had a spine, lightning would have been racing down it. Even the warborn in front of him was wide eyed and reeling from the same feeling. In the blink of an eye, Verakry was gone from that place.

The long, slender and dark object the warborn was holding shattered in his hand and crashed to the floor with dull hum, similar to a tuning fork. Pooling together into a dense bead of blackness that reflected no light, it slowly rolled forward, creating a gash that was left on the floor in its wake as it returned to its wielder. It seemed to flow into the motionless warborn, and spread out like a drop of dye as he stood in place. He was in awe of a distant feeling, almost as though something were calling out to him, a yearning welled up from within him that he couldn’t explain. 

He was suddenly jerked out of his stupor. “Devose, continue.” An almost mechanical voice droned out coldly from an intercom.

“Yes, Commander.” Devose whispered, barely audibly. The dark dye that was slowly diluting through his liquid silver body started to swirl before slowly pooling towards his left arm. Condensing in his hand, he produced a black bead that slowly expanded in a single direction, extending outward to a long, thin instrument that the warborn then grabbed with his left hand.

Closing his eyes, he started to strain. The object in his hands started to compress, thinner and thinner untill it was down to little more than an extremely long needle. His hands started to tremble and his eyes clenched down as the energy rebounded, throwing the warborn back as the object crashed to the ground and again pooled to a dark bead.

Devose slammed into the wall, slid down and crumpled to the ground before slowly climbing to his feet and dragging himself back towards the black bead.

“Again.” The intercom droned out, as though it was annoyed with waiting.

“Yes, Commander.” Devose whispered, as the dark bead returned to him.


The large Aves lifted upwards, his fist tearing through the air towards Cekell. His eyes went wide. He was in the presence of something he couldn’t comprehend, but his pride wouldn’t begin to let him back down. A bright flash radiated from his target. Like a small animal caught in the headlights of oncoming traffic, the Aves never knew what hit him. 

With a piercing hawk scream, Cekell reached out his hand to block the attack that the Aves Eminent drove into him. Clenched fist met open palm. For an instant, they both hung in the air. Silence. Rhystea and Sphaere both held their breath. 

As if the momentum carrying him upwards simply evaporated, The Aves started to drop as gravity reclaimed him. His eyes rolled back into his head as he went limp and dropped down without a sound. As he approached the ground, the energy Cekell had crammed inside him made a violent escape, and arc flashes of furious lightning dug into the ground.

The Aves Eminent silently erupted into flames. Everyone in the crowd gasped and the squeamish ones cringed away. Rhystea, faint of heart, couldn’t bring herself to turn from the sight. She was overcome by the sheer weight of what she’d set into motion, intentions were inconsequential, she never wanted it to go this far… She felt shame, regret and the urge to flee all at the same time, but she couldn’t manage to so much as blink, let alone take a step. She looked on in horror as the downed Aves was incinerated.

Cekell let out a barrage of excited chirps as he floated down and snuggled up to Rhystea’s heartbeat. He was quick to find it was racing. It was then that he took notice of the growing crowd that had surrounded them…

The poor girl was swallowed whole by the severity of the situation, and, unable to cope with the sight of an immolated person, slipped from consciousness and slowly crumpled to the ground. 

Dropping Lucky, Sphaere cursed the situation as she shot forward, “Dammit all!” Falling to her side and sliding forward to break Rhystea’s fall, she caught the girl. Cekell again shirked gravity as Rhystea collapsed over into Sphaere’s waiting arms, whose eyes went wide as a barrier engulfed them.

Cekell lit up like an enraged thunderhead. Electricity arced out and shot into the cave walls around them. Thankfully the crowd was at a distance, which most opted to increase. “Stay back!” Sphaere demanded. Lucky didn’t want to be there, but the only part of him to escape the barrier was a whimper.

Cekell hovered just above the barrier and crackled like a frenetic bolt of wrath with nothing to lash out at. “Cekell!” Sphaere cried out, closing her eyes and flinching away from the light.

Verakry appeared in front of them as if stepping out of the walls. “Fascinating! Capable of channeling his energy to this extent already! The other one can barely lift or shape its own mass… I feared I was beginning to overestimate you, and yet again you have taken my expectations and exceeded everything I’ve hoped for! In a matter of time that can be measured by how long it takes for this piece of dust to spin around, You’ve given me hope that Deacon may yet be freed from his confines within the Umbral Point.”

“Yea, ‘e’s really lettin’ loose! I cain’t do much about it stuck in here, though!” Sphaere cried out, surprisingly relieved to see him.

“He has tapped the Astral Point in a way I hadn’t thought possible, especially considering how the rest of your kind can barely interact with mana. If he keeps growing at this rate, it’s scary to think of his potential! I’d ask how you managed this, but I watched you run from dire situation to dire situation. The way you claimed he was going to be a shield, I was worried you were going to stifle his growth.” Verakry explained with a demented smile.

“Yea, ‘bout that… I don’ suppose ya’d help me with ‘im?” Sphaere asked.

“Me? I mean, yes, I guess I could. Being an umbral, this would be a good experience for him. Do you really think he’s ready? Even if I held back, if he attacked me recklessly… Then again he’s capable of prying Legatus from the Astral Point... If you want me to, I did leave him to you.” Verakry misunderstood.

“Wait, what? No, no-no-no! I’m wantin’ ya ta help me get ‘im ta knock it off, not toughen ‘im up!” Sphaere cried out in futility. Lucky responded to her frustration with a panicked whimper. 

Verakry liked the idea, and didn’t even register her trying to get the dark shadow to stop it’s lesson. The crowd had been surprised at Verakry’s arrival, and fortunately already given a good amount of space to the fulgurating warborn. With excitement, Verakry formed a small black pellet and shot it at Cekell.

Cekell was not prepared for Verakry to attack him. The pellet hit him like a cannonball, smashing him into the a barrier he quickly emit in order to catch himself. He shrieked before concentrating his energy and leaping back up into the air, this time fixating on Verakry. 

Excited that Cekell not only survived the encounter, but reacted with defiance, Verakry launched another pellet. This one wouldn’t take Cekell by surprise, and he actually caught it - to some extent. He latched onto it magnetically as it shot by, pulling it back as he tried to reign it in, although it also pulled Cekell back a short distance. 

Forcing his energy into his hands, he held them close together forming a circle around the pellet that hovered in the air in front of him. His energy latched onto the pellet and slingshot it back at Verakry, who simply caught it with the gravity field generated by the shadow clad figure. 

Verakry was surprised. Most Astrals couldn’t begin to handle dark matter, even of this low grade. The dark figure had softened it as much as he could, but the stuff just drinks energy like a desert drinks a drop of water. That Cekell could lob it back in that manner showed both raw power as well as refined control. Verakry returned the attack, this time putting some force behind it.

Cekell noticed this time it was coming faster. He placed a small barrier up blocking it’s path, but it was shattered like glass by the pellet. The barrier did slow it down enough for Cekell to catch it, though it did pull him backwards through the air. He formed his hands in a circle around it and prepared to serve it back, but this time he rotated his energy, causing the pellet to spin. Straining hard, he slingshot it forward again.

Verakry smiled as it received the pellet. “Raw power, technique, and strategy. You are young, but your adaptability is frightening! Alright, this time I want you to dig deep, and really show me what you can do!” Verakry called out to him with enthusiasm, and conjured a great number of pellets. 

Cekell let out a displeased chirp. He was doing alright with one, but with this many he was forced to change tactics. Verakry’s smile widened, and Cekell retreated to his barrier. Quickly hopping from the side of a still unconscious Rhystea up to the shoulder of a surprised Sphaere, he hung in the air and focused his barrier, which grew thicker. 

Sphaere was left with her head spinning as Cekell darted to, then on, and finally over her. She wasn’t sure what was going on, but intended to ask. She opened her mouth as a swarm of cannon balls pelted the barrier. While their individual impacts made no sound, the cracking of the foundering barrier reverberated through her bones. Lucky let out a frightened yelp, and she quickly snatched him up.

Cekell threw up another layer to the barrier, this one smaller and on the inside of his original, which he still held and concentrated to maintain, albeit not for long. A moment passed and the outer barrier shattered, giving way as the attack swarmed the inner layer.

The inner barrier did not crack, at least not right away. When it did show signs of succumbing, Cekell shrunk down closer to Sphaere and Rhystea and erected another layer. “Amazing!” Verakry cried out. “I really should be getting back soon, let’s wrap this up. Your brother clearly needs my assistance more than you ever did!” The shadow enshrouded figure stated as it molded the pellets together into a large dark cannonball.

For a moment, Cekell wavered. He turned and saw Rhystea still laying on Sphaere’s lap, who was clinging tightly to the shadow garm pup as she looked up to Cekell with panic stricken eyes. He didn’t like the look in her eyes, something about it made him angry. With renewed resolve, he turned and concentrated his barrier into a small plate before him.

Reaching out and grabbing onto it with both hands, he flooded it with energy. The barrier crystalized and fragmented, spreading out around him. He concentrated and forced it back together, folding it back up into a small shield that he held out between Verakry and the ones he desperately wanted to protect. 

Laughing maniacally, Verakry launched it’s attack, sending the black orb hurtling ahead with incredible speed. Cekell leaned into the attack as he received it. The barrier shield cracked, but did not yield. Cekell was pushed back and dropped to a knee, but did not fall. He expanded the energy from his barrier around the dark orb and prepared to send it back alongside his anger.

Verakry could scarcely believe it. It was little more than a game of catch to him, but it spoke volumes about Cekell’s infantile capabilities. The warborn sent the attack back, yet again. This time he sent it with something extra. He had heated the dark orb! This was no simple feat, as Cekell was on the verge of turning it into something else entirely. 

Receiving the attack, Verakry laughed. Cekell’s growth was something unfathomable to the dark figure. The more Verakry thought about how the warborn had come from humans, the less believable it seemed. The shadow shrouded figure vanished into the cavern walls with his laughter still ringing out.

Cekell dropped to the ground and looked around nervously. He couldn’t tell if Verakry was gone or had simply changed tactics, and he wasn’t about to get caught unaware. After a protracted moment of calm, he turned and leapt at Sphaere.

Even if she didn’t have her keen reflexes, Sphaere knew that if he was on the ground, Cekell was liable to leap at her at any given moment. Shifting Lucky to her left hand, she received Cekell with her right, almost surprised that he was cold to the touch. She wrote it off, not giving it much thought, and instead focused on tending to Rhystea.

Cekell wrapped himself around her neck, shoulder and arm, latching on with arms, feet and tendril. Sphaere noticed his glare aimed at poor Lucky, all but quivering in her arms. It was better than having him run wild, so she let him be and shook Rhystea gently, who groaned as she was roused.

Rhystea opened her eyes for a moment before closing them again. As everything came to her, she shot up, fully awake. Noticing the distant crowd still there gawking at them, she grabbed Sphaere’s shoulder and as quietly as she could though not as tactfully as she intended, demanded, “What happened?!?!”

“YOU HAPPENED!!!” Sphaere articulated through a teeth clenched growl. “What happened ta not gettin’ involved!” A panicked pup whimpered as she yelled.

Taken aback, Rhystea tried again, “Er, what happened after I happened?!”

“Well after ya got Ceke ta fry big bird, ya passed out. That set ‘im off, like ya wouldn’ believe!” Sphere rasped, trying to be silent but unable to contain her discontent.

“Well I couldn’t let them punish F120!” Rhystea insisted.

“Yea, yea!” Sphaere retorted. “The real craziness didn’ start until after ya blacked out. Cek flipped out and lit up like a ball o’ lightnin’ straight outta hell an’… well, Verakry dropped by ta say ‘hey,’ ya ‘member ‘im, right? Well we played ourselves a game! Verakry taught Cek ta catch, and they had themselves some father son time. Poor Lucky left a puddle right where yer laying! At least I think it was Lucky-”

“Ugh!” Rhystea scoffed as she interrupted Sphaere, rolling her eyes and insisting, “Look, I’m sorry I got involved! Yes, in hindsight it was a bad idea, but I couldn’t just let that happen to the poor girl, not after she helped us out! You don’t have to be mean about it, ok? Can we just try to be friends here, I realize this isn’t a good situation for either of us and I’d very much like to try and get out of this -alive- together!” She was utterly distraught and in disbelief. 

Sphaere trembled before taking a deep breath. Closing her eyes, she faced forward and exhaled slowly. Clearing her mind, she realigned herself. Reaching deep down and finding her center, she turned back to Rhystea. Gritting her teeth as if caging something back from deep within, she flaunted the inferno in her eyes at the girl before extinguishing the flames with a slow blink of her eyes as her visage softened into a well-practiced, not-at-all forced, somewhat seductive, somewhat devious smile - a charm of hers that her father claimed she inherited from her mother. 

Choking out her anger, she answered with an inner tranquility, “That’s really what happened. Except by ‘game,’ I mean that Verakry tried ta kill us.” Sphaere relished the look of shock that spread across Rhystea’s face as her pupils dilated and she went pale. Suddenly an excruciating annoyance was lifted from her shoulders. She set Lucky down in Rhystea’s lap as she focused her attention on Cekell, who was quick to give his chirp of approval.

Rhystea wrapped the pup up in her arms before turning to Sphaere with a puzzled look. “Wait, what?” she inquired before grimacing and shaking her head. “What did he say? What’s going on?” Rhystea started to get frantic. She slowly leaned in towards Sphaere and subconsciously reached out to her with a hand she unclasped from the panicked pup she was holding, when she continued, “Where did Verakry go? What are we supposed to be doing here? I…” She paused and started to calm down, “I killed someone…”

“I ain’t gotta clue!!!” Sphaere insisted as her head sunk low. “Most of it was way over my head! None o’ it were relevant ta gettin’ outta here!! I guess Cekell is like Superman, but ‘e’s so strong he can snort kryptonite fer a head change! Look, Verakry weren’ here fer long. ‘E jus’ wanted ta test Cekell, ‘r thought I wanted ‘im ta test Cekell, I dunno. It’s kinda hard ta tell what’s what in Cekell’s barrier, in a dark cave, when dark shadow guy is tryin’ ta blast us!!!”

Both girls fell speechless as their hearts dropped. Whatever they landed on seemed to wake Cekell up as he snapped to attention and quickly analyzed what was going on around him with an outstretched probe. Discerning that nothing dangerous was nearby, he let out a curious chirp. Sphaere shushed him tenderly as she rested her right hand gently on his forehead and smiled softly down at him. This seemed to comfort him as the tension within his infantile body relaxed and he curled back up on her shoulder and closed his eyes.

There was a lull in their conversation. The curious crowd drew closer, now that all the craziness had subsided. “I’m sorry… I mean, this whole situation is just… nuts!” Rhystea both apologized and explained. Lucky looked up at her and whined out his grievance.

“Tell me ‘bout it.” Sphaere countered sarcastically.

“I know, you’re here too, I’m sorry. I’m just trying to process it all, you know? I don’t know what to do here, this is ridiculous! We were both snatched out of our lives and forced to come to this hellatious jungle and babysit super boy! I don’t know where to go from here! I can’t plan this out, it has me all flustered, and scared, I mean-” Rhystea apologized as she was cut off.

“Ok! Ok. I get it. I’m not tryin’ ta be mean, sarcasm is a defense mechanism ya know, please don’ take it personal. I dunno what ta do neither. I’m jus’ playin’ it by ear as we go. We’ve made it this far ain’t we? Lighten up, ya cain’t make calm decisions when yer a tense bundle o’ nerves! Talk ta yer therapy dog, ‘e’ll listen! This ain’t easy fer anyone! At lease we’ve got Cek here, ‘e ain’t let us down!” Sphaere interrupted before turning her attention to the warborn wrapped around her. “Even when they deserve it, let’s be a little more careful about who we sic ‘im on, kay? ‘E’s a shield, not a sword, ‘member?”

Rhystea rolled her eyes, “Got it, no more mishaps! He did single handedly save F120, don’t forget that! And that Aves guy was bad news! He was clearly prepared to kill us, Cekell just went overboard with self defense! We’ll teach him better, and then he’ll know better. That being said, we shall take proper care to ensure that no one else gets accidentally incinerated.” Rhystea droned. She turned her attention to the pup in her arms, “Isn’t that right, therapy puppy?! Incineration bad!”

“So what do ya suppose we should do?” Sphaere asked.

“That really depends on these people, hopefully they’re by and large more like the open minded scalekin and not those bird brained featherfolk!” Rhystea answered.

“Worse comes ta worst, I don’ think it’d be impossible fer us ta escape, even if we hafta force our way out.” Sphaere said confidently.

“What? Force our way out, surely you don’t think these people are that barbaric do you?” Rhystea fret, but her Lucky therapy dog was there to help.

“Hope fer the best, prepare fer the worse.” Sphaere stated with a shrug. “Ideally, we can come ta an agreement an’ maybe stick ‘round here fer a while. Seems ta me this is the safest place we’ve found since we got here.” 

“That would be nice. We won’t have to worry about those big black bugs here for sure. They seem to have a secure source of food and water as well. I’m just worried about how those Aves goons will react to us wanting to stay.” Rhystea voiced her concerns.

“Well, don’ think we broke any o’ their laws. ‘E was willing ta kill, if not you than F120. ‘E wanted a fight an’ ‘e got one.” Sphaere articulated in attempt to reassure her companion.

“True, and I could see where more reservation on my part would have been prudent to make this all much smoother…” Rhystea admitted.

Cekell suddenly sat up wide awake from a seemingly dead sleep. Sphaere snapped to attention and Rhystea almost jumped back.

“What’s wrong Ceke? Why dontcha go back ta sleep?” Sphaere suggested as she pulled him from her shoulder and reeled him in. She smiled when he let out a familiar happy chirp. He tried to wriggle from her grip, but she clamped down tightly on him. No longer resisting, he let out an aggrieved chirp and a barrier sprung up around them.

The crowd, larger now, was still surrounding them with R010 standing directly before the barrier with R208 just behind him. R208 snapped to attention as the barrier shot up around the warborn and his caretakers staring up at them. R010 cocked a little smile before bowing lightly and announcing, “That was an incredible display!” Sphaere turned red as her heart jumped, to which Cekell suddenly turned to check what the matter was. 

“We must apologize for doubting you.” R010 insisted. “Had we known you were acquaintances of the Writhing Shadow, I can assure you, you would have received a warmer welcome! That aside, you’ve already proven yourselves not once, but twice over…” The look on his face soured as he finished.

“What’s wrong?” Rhystea asked, subconsciously tightening her grip on Lucky. Not enjoying that as much as Cekell did, he wriggled in her grasp to remind her he was there.

“Our guards have spotted at least four of those giant black bugs you warned us about, they are currently watching us from the tree line. Not long ago, a wounded scout returned with rather unfortunate news. We lost eleven hunters to them in the night, the one that made it back isn’t exactly out of the woods himself…”

Rising to her feet, Rhystea insisted, “Where is he? Take me to him, I think I may be able to help!”

R010 was astonished, the surprise was written all over his face. Not for long though, his expression once again soured as he replied, “He… is an Aves.”

With great annoyance, Rhystea replied, “I don’t care who he is, I asked where he is!” Lucky could tell she was getting angry, and whimper to calm her down, not at all because she was about to smother him.

“Understood!” R010 answered promptly before walking past them and deeper into the cave a few steps before turning back and asking, “Coming?”

Turning to the warborn, Rhystea ordered, “Cekell, barrier!” Cekell chirped curiously, and the barrier stayed put. She pushed on the barrier to try and get her point across to no avail. It wasn’t until Sphaere started to set him down that he chirped in discontent and dropped his barrier.

“Does threatenin’ ta put ‘im down count as tough love?” Sphaere laughed as they followed R010 deeper into the cave system that the demipeoples used as a home. Passing by a few sections of the cave system that branched off in different directions, an occasional small hole in the ceiling served as the only light source, making the cave rather dark. It wasn’t long before they heard the frenzied squawks of an agitated Aves series.

Pausing as they got closer, R010 made them aware that, “They’re probably not going to like this…”

“Well that’s just too damn bad!” Rhystea asserted herself as she walked right past R010 and into the section of the cave system that housed the Aves Series as though she owned the place. Marching into a rather large chamber, none of the panicked Aves seemed to even notice her or her little dog. They were all aside themselves quibbling over their fallen Eminent. R208 shrugged to his own eminent as he followed after Sphaere. R010 shook his head as he continued on with them, tailing R208.

Walking just through the entrance of the section of cave that housed the Aves, Rhystea cleared her throat. With only one or two Aves turning their attention to her and doing little more than falling silent, she didn’t get the reaction she wanted and blatantly coughed out an “A-HEM!”

Their squawking ceased as they all faced Rhystea, Sphaere just behind her with Cekell in tow, and the two Reptilia Series after. Turning her gaze from one Aves to the next until she locked eyes with A212, she asserted herself with a loud voice, “Yes, it is I, the abhorrent one. Glad we could get that out of the way. Where is your wounded?”

Immediately, and almost all at once, they started squawking at her, some mentioning their fallen Eminent, some commenting on revenge, some asking where she got a shadow garm pup; most seemed to just be curious what the hell she was thinking. Holding her hand out with her palm perpendicular to her arm, they all fell silent. “Not interested!” She insisted before repeating her demand, “Where is your wounded?!”

Speaking over and, for the most part, silencing the flock of furious featherfolk; A212 answered her with, “This way.” As he stood up and started to slowly walk deeper into the Aves chamber.

Ignoring their annoyed comments and sharp glares, they proceeded to walk through the group of Aves. When two of the larger ones stepped in front of her to block her path, before she could respond, Cekell let out an angry chirp. In truth, it was the look in his eyes that caused the two Aves to back down.

“Easy!” Rhystea attempted to calm him with an elevated volume as she turned to the silver infant. Where normally he’d let out a happy chirp, he instead continued to glare icily at the Aves that attempted to bar her path. 

Stopping and cracking a mischievous smile, Rhystea admitted, “Please be careful, you already know what this little one is capable of. You should also know that even we couldn’t stop him if he were to go berserk again.” Then continued after A212 through the group of Aves, who suddenly gave a wider berth to the strangers trespassing into their home.

Following A212 into another, smaller chamber, a few Feline series that had been adopted into the Aves were huddled over a still featherfolk that was laying on a large, flat, table like rock. As they approached, one turned and revealed herself to be F120.

Her eyes lit up when she saw them and came darting over to their side. Turning her gaze from A212 to Sphaere, to R010 and R208 behind her, then to Cekell before raising her eyes almost shamefully to Lucky, and then finally Rhystea’s, she admitted, “There isn’t anything we can do…”

Rhystea reached up and handed Lucky to F120, who’s eyes lit up as she received him. Smiling, she assured her, “Don’t worry, that’s why I’m here.” She made her way over to the injured Aves. The remaining Feline Series stepped out of her way as Rhystea stepped up to her patient and started looking over his wounds.

Making his way next to Sphaere, R208 asked, “What’s she doing?”

“It’s way over my head!” Sphaere admitted, “But she’s doin’ what only she can do!”

A few Aves burst into the room in an uproar and immediately protested against Rhystea’s treatment. “How can you permit this?” “She was the one that slew the Eminent!” “Why is she even here?!” “Is that a shadow garm?” “How do you know she isn’t going to make things worse?!” They squawked amongst themselves.

Without turning to them or even so much as blinking, A212 replied, “Because she used the same technique to heal my own wounds.”

“You may have been the next in line as Eminent, but this is intolerable!” “You better hope she knows what she’s doing!” “We won’t accept any more of these outsiders here!” They each had their own reply.

A212 scoffed before turning to them and putting them in their place. “If you can’t help, then stay the hell out of the way of those that can.” When the group that was protesting turned in disgust, A212 seemed to snap. Reaching out and latching on to one of the group’s arm, A212 flung them around. In a rage, he bellowed at them, “You will NOT offend our guests! You are the ones causing trouble here, they are just trying to help! If you can’t see any further past your own crooked beaks than our previous Eminent, I’ve no doubt you’ll find a similar fate! I will NOT abide his ruthless cruelty! Weakening the other Series does NOT make the Aves stronger!”

He took a deep breath before continuing with, “And I will NOT tolerate ANYONE who gets in the way of strengthening the Aves! You may not agree, but I find what these strangers are doing to be nothing short of beneficial! They cut down our twisted Eminent, and strong though he was, all he accomplished was turning our series into a bunch of ‘might makes right’ zealots! Not one of you has the strength to save our wounded brother! He wouldn’t have been able to neither, nor can I. Without us asking for their help, they went out of their way to come save one of our brothers! How dare you try and stop them! How can you be so misguided as to see them as the weak ones?!”

Turning away from his fellow Aves, he walked up to R010 and glared at him. “I hope you’re enjoying this, you slack jawed idiot. I’ll tell you what, it sure is foul, the taste of crow - even more so when it was cooked by another. Unlike our previous Eminent… unlike my father, I will not be short sighted or closed minded. Muscles won’t be my only strength, and I have not only the power but also the common sense to reach out and ask for help when it is needed. I don’t want to see people turn in disgust at the mention of my Series. Will you help me?” As he finished, he reached his hand out to a stunned R010.

R010 stood in shock for a moment before he reached out to take A212’s hand. As he did so, A212 spoke up. “Before you agree, there is something you should know. Father thought the only way to beat you was with a contest of brute strength.” He stood there, still holding his hand out to a yet again stunned R010. “Don’t think me as foolish as him, I will not repeat his mistakes. If you or any of your series looks down on us, I will let them all know why he was such a ruthless and malicious Eminent. He was never interested in carrying a grudge. He was just slowly tearing himself apart trying to overcome you.” 

His expression soured as he continued on. “He always said that your cold blood gave you an edge, lizard. He would never admit to it anyone else, so very few now know how he looked up to you as an older brother. Fewer still remember how close our Series’ used to be.” Turning his gaze over to R208, he finished with, “I wonder if you ever told your son about the night of the Proving where you showed them all just what kind of a hunter you are.”

“He has.” R208 said as he stepped forward. “Before you make my Eminent out to be, what was it, cruel and ruthless? Perhaps you should be aware of the numerous times he reached out to your father, who was always blinded by the grudge he didn’t want to carry. Before you go judging him, maybe you should, oh I don’t know, maybe weigh out your options? Everyone is going to see this as a huge blow to the Aves. The only one stronger than your father, after all, is mine.”

R208 paused for a moment of thought before adding, “With friends like the Rodentia series, who are probably ecstatic at the thought of surpassing you Aves, you certainly don’t need enemies! I can only imagine how some of the other series are foaming at the mouth at the thought of taking you out! Your gatherers will be quickly assimilated into other Series and it would just be you Aves alone with the chip on your shoulder. Then again, you do know what they say about birds of a-” He was cut off.

“Enough.” R010 silenced him. Reaching out and firmly taking hold of A212’s hand, his gaze pierced right through A212 as he insisted, “The Reptilia Series would welcome such an ally with open arms. That makes us both stronger!”

It was A212’s turn to be shocked. Eating his own words this time, he played the part of the slack jawed idiot. Before he had a chance to say anything, their attention was shifted to the stone slab with the injured Aves as Rhystea had finished her examination and began healing his wounds one at a time.

Confident in her abilities, she first healed the long gash across the Aves’ back, then tended to the minor defensive wounds scattered across his arms. The cat girls around her, F120 included, let out a surprised gasp. A212, disregarding everything else, and flew to her side just in time to see the hewn flesh weave back together, leaving not so much as a scar. 

“I…” A212 hesitated when Rhystea turned to him with a smile. “…thought he was lost… with everything that’s happened, I can’t even begin to thank you…”

Placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, Rhystea offered these words before returning to her companions. “Help when you can, so it will be offered when you need it!” Rejoining her companions, Sphaere lifted a finger to her lips indicating that Rhystea should be quiet. She was swaying back and forth, gently rocking the sleeping warborn she had wrapped up in her arms. “He slept through all that yelling and you think I’m going to disturb him?” Rhystea asked in annoyance.

Before Sphaere could respond, Cekell lifted his head up with a yawn and a stretch before surveying their surroundings with his probe. “I’m going to shut up now.” Rhystea sighed in dejection.

“Ya might not o’ realized this, but ‘e’s pretty much not concerned with anyone that ain’t you ‘r me.” Sphaere replied, her aggravation written across her face. 

R010 erupted with his bellowing laughter a few moments before asking the girls if there was anything they required. When they declined his offer, he requested that they come with him to the outer wall, that they might want to check up on the situation with the mysterious giant insects that seemed to be watching the Demipeople’s home.

R010 then turned and headed out of the cave with the others behind him, including a distant A212. Proceeding through the main Aves chamber, they still caught every one of the Aves’ glare, but none of them made so much as a peep. R010 just faced forward and didn’t seem to notice them, the rest of the group followed suit.

F120 chased after them, Lucky in tow. “What about this little guy?” She called after them.

Sphaere stopped and turned to her, “Why dontcha hold on ta ‘im fer me? Ya’ll keep ‘im safe fer me, wontcha?” The cat girl nodded back with excitement. “Teach ‘im ta play fetch,” She started, but was quick to detail how, “Find a stick, throw it, an’ have ‘im go get it an’ bring it back ta ya! When ‘e gets bigger, ‘e can help hunt and watch yer back!”

F120’s eyes lit up at the thought of having her own pet shadow garm. “I’ll take really, really good care of him!” She insisted, before turning and running off, asking if the pup was hungry or thirsty or needed anything else, such as to go to the bathroom, then to explain the importance of where to go to the bathroom before their little group had made it out of earshot.

Heading back through the cave to the entrance, they noticed that many Demi’s were in a hurry, eagerly approaching their destinations as they passed by, only paying little mind to the strangers within their home.

“What’s going on?” Sphaere asked.

“It’s almost time for the midday shower, our rain catchers are preparing to collect.” R010 answered as he pressed forward.

“Is there a water shortage or something?” Sphaere inquired.

“No, but with these bugs having us surrounded, we can’t afford to miss this opportunity to replenish our stores.” R010 answered. When there wasn’t another question, he posed one of his own. “What can you tell me about these Insects?”

“They’re tougher than they look!” Sphaere answered without hesitation.

“How so?” R010 requested.

“They don’ seem ta react ta pain, an’ they’re completely unafraid o' death. They will fight ta their last, don’ expect mercy. That might make 'em sound dumb, but they’re capable o’ pulling off a coordinated assault, almost as if they can communicate...” Sphaere explained with a grim look.

“How thick are their hides?” R010 asked on.

“They have a durable exoskeleton that can regenerate rather rapidly, and very large, sharp claws. If you’re considering contending with one, speed will be your best defense. Don’t let them group up on you, they will attempt to coordinate, such as to catch you in a pincer attack. They’re strong, but not unbeatable.” Rhystea replied, solemnly at first, but finishing with confidence. 

"How many did you face, and how did you take care of them?" R010 asked, looking ever forward.

"Four..." Sphaere hesitated before continuing, "It's shameful ta admit..." She trailed off again, directing her gaze to a peacefully sleeping Cekell before finishing, "There jus’ weren’ much we could do. Cekell took care o’ them on ‘is own." She looked up to catch R010’s intense stare. “They were taken out ‘fore we could do anything, really.” She added sheepishly.

"He really is something else, isn't he?" R010 replied softly before turning to R208 and ordering him to, "Have everyone who isn't busy gather at the gate!" Without a word, R208 bowed respectfully before darting off to carry out his Eminent's will. Without slowing his pace, R010 turned to A212 and asked, "What will you do?"

"I will... The Aves will..." A212 fumbled with his words, unsure of himself before remembering his conviction. Sighing from his own indecisiveness, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath and affirmed, "I will observe a true leader."

By now they were at the mouth of the cave with the great, gated wall in view. This area was bustling as it was the most open area within the confines of the walls. Many demi's were working to set up barrels and spreading out what appeared to be plastic sheets to gather the rain. The top of the wall was lined with several demi's monitoring the situation with the black insects. R010 led them past the gate.

Rhystea and Sphaere stood side by side looking out into the jungle. R010 and A212 aside, there were several other demi's that were there prior to their arrival. They were discussing the insects, notably their location and how they appeared to be observing them back.

Rhystea couldn't seem to spot any of them and Sphaere took notice. "Those glasses yer always finickin' with don' seem ta help much!" She announced with a smirk.

"Well that's because my glasses don't affect my sight." Rhystea declared, still scanning the tree line in an attempt to discern the locations of the insects.

"Really?!" Sphaere was flabbergasted, "Then, what're they fer?!" She questioned in surprise. 

"They protect my eyes." Rhystea answered nonchalantly.

"They're... safety glasses?" Sphaere asked disparagingly.

"For the most part, though they do have bifocals to help with smaller sigil arrays." Rhystea replied, squinting and looking harder at the tree line in vain.

Sphaere fell silent. With a shrug, she shook her head back and forth before reaching out and grabbing Rhystea by the shoulder with her arm that Cekell wasn't occupying, then pointing into the trees. "See that big tree straight in front o’ us?"

"Mmhmm." Rhystea answered, looking in the direction Sphaere was pointing.

"A little ta the left an’ back a little bit further, do ya see that thicket o’ small shrubbery?" Sphaere continued.

"Mmhmm." Rhystea repeated.

"Do ya see the thicker, black appendages stickin’ out, almost like bare limbs?" Sphaere went on.

"Mm... kind of." Rhystea admitted.

"Keep focusin', 'e's in there keepin' real still. There's another that's all the way on the right side layin’ against a fallen log..." Sphaere changed what she was pointing at, and then again pointed out another, "An’ all the way on the other side is another, that dummy climbed part way up a tree. There's not much wind here, so ‘e’d probably be the easiest ta spot. When ‘e does move, ‘e shakes the whole limb!"

"Wow Sphaere, you've got some good eyes! I don't think I ever would have noticed them hiding like that... Makes you wonder though, what are they doing just watching us?" Rhystea worried.

"No tellin', could be scouts keepin' an eye on us, could be waitin' fer reinforcements; whatever they're doin', they're lookin' our way an’ tryin' ta be sneaky about it. Makes me uneasy..." Sphaere replied, equally worried.

R010 spoke up, questioning, "You think so?" 

"Well, there's more out there than necessary ta jus’ keep an eye on us. Ahh, I spy another jus’ barely poking up behind that rock over there!" Sphaere insisted, aiming her finger right at it.

"There's over a dozen out there." R010 announced stoically. "They're not masking their presence, just keeping to the shadows, watching... and waiting. There were three out there when we first took notice, but more have been slowly showing up."

Sphaere fell silent, Rhystea asked, "What do you think they're doing?"

"Waiting till it's dark, I'd imagine." R010 answered, peering ever forward. "Resting maybe, perhaps passing the time. If I didn't know any better, I'd say they were sleeping." He bellowed out in laughter. "Sure are confident bastards, I'll give them that! Makes my blood hot, all this tension!"

"What should we do?" A212 asked calmly.

"Well, we could wait for more to show up... or we could do something about them now!" R010 answered, cracking a smile.

"Wait!" Rhystea and Sphaere cried out in unison. "You said there was over a dozen!" Rhystea insisted. Sphaere followed up with, "These ain't opponents ta be underestimated ‘r trifled with!"

"Waiting for more of them only compounds the problem!" R010 insisted.

"I cain't imagine them climbing over yer gates!" Sphaere countered.

"We will not cower behind our walls, not when they've already spilled our blood." R010 retorted.

"But-!" Rhystea started, but was interrupted by Cekell who came alive with an aggravated chirp. A barrier shot up around them. Before Cekell could be questioned, a low humming preemptively answered them. A heavy rain poured down for a brief moment, and not a full moment after it ceased, the barrier containing them was dispelled.

The forest around them seemed to come alive. All at once, every insect that was... waiting? Stood up and shook off the rain. Trees trembled. Shrubbery shook. Then all at once, everything quietened down again. There were at least twice as many insects as they had previously noticed.

Jaws dropped and eyes went wide. The only ones still composed were a content warborn and a grim R010. "We are already beset!" He admitted, eyes narrowing as he attempted to hide his alarm.

Not a moment later, R208 and about half a dozen other demi's, each of which were armed to the teeth and hungry for action. Three Lizardmen brandishing a crude axe, two lighter armored toadmen with spears, and single giant turtle lugging around what could only be described as a wall of a tower shield, lagged a short distance behind the rest.

A212 was checking his supply of throwing blades, and was accompanied by a seemingly out of place catman that didn't appear armored at all, rather just clothed. 

R010 stared down at them as they lined up in front of the gate and coldly stated, "We need a scout..."

"You can't be serious!" Rhystea exclaimed.

"I'm dead serious about protecting my home." He said, softer but still coldly, not looking up from his son.

"And you'd seriously send someone to their death?!" Rhystea cried out.

Before he could respond, A212 spoke up. "I'll go."

"What?!" Rhystea started, but was cut short.

"You have your series to think about, without you they certainly won't make it very far without you." R010 advised.

"My series name is not remotely respectable. If I am to lead them, I'll lead by example. We have a great many sins to pay for and we start today. I have no intention of dying, I'm lighter and way faster than any of your scaley hided goons, I'd fly circles around even this furball!" A212 insisted as he gestured at the catman standing next to him.

"Admirable..." R010 responded. Hesitating, he followed up with, "However, it's as Rhystea here says. If you go out there, you most likely won't come back."

"I'm aware of the risks!" A212 insisted. "I'm also aware of the fact that we are surrounded by a foe we know next to nothing about. Such information won't just offer itself up! We must act before their numbers grow any greater."

"But, how can you-" Rhystea started again, and again was cut off.

"Rhystea!" Sphaere exclaimed, commanding her attention. "They're fightin’ fer their homes, their backs are already against a wall an’ there's nowhere ta run..."

"Is fighting... really the only way?" Rhystea responded meekly.

"I won't return empty handed." A212 stated matter-of-fact. With a slight bow, he turned from R010 and started off towards the closest of the insects. “I’ll show them all what it means to be an Aves!”

"Wait!" Rhystea cried out before giving chase and attempting to dissuade the resolute A212.

"Thank you." R010 spoke softly to Sphaere.

"A li'l early fer that, ain't it?" Sphaere replied, holding Cekell tightly against her chest.

"Not at all. You not only put us on our guard but knocked our arrogance down a peg. We never would have taken a few of these insects to be a true threat, and in reality would have taken to hunting them for sport. I can't imagine how many you saved by circumventing that alone." R010 explained with a weak smile. 

"We also may’ve been the ones who led 'em ta yer doorstep..." Sphaere admitted shamefully.

"If you did, you did it in trying to save not only A212, but even their forager- which you went so far as to protect yet a second time. Hold your head high, I don't like seeing my friends all down in the mouth." R010 assured her, smiling with a hint of reckless abandon.

Turning to face the treeline and all the insects waiting there, she posited this question: "What exactly have I saved ‘em from?"

Before R010 could respond, Cekell came alive in Sphaere's arm. She wasn't expecting it, so he had little trouble escaping her grasp and, with a dire squeal, charged after Rhystea. “Crap!” Sphaere cried out as she gave chase.