Chapter 31: Chapter 29 – Anteiku International

Mike Chiyoda, Artist rapper, and a programmer at MIT came here to Japan with his band homies and MIT script kiddies for the holidays in preparation for the annual Comiket on a holy anime pilgrimage in two weeks, He has recently arrived here yesterday by flight and had to bunk down with his Japanese fans here in Sapporo, He knew a guy who could lend them his Condo for the week, Mike came here together with Chester Paddington when they arrive here in Sapporo Airport, a peculiar app came by once he installed a Japanese Simcard to his smartphone, something called "Anteiku App".

"What sort of app is this?"

He downloaded it, just like many thousands of people in Japan and the world, while the app is free and everyone is able to install it, they notice some rather glaring differences with everyone. Each region of the app is unique and catered to its own country, with Japan having most of the functions such as a delivery service, but what was most interested was its search engine. As if by luck, The search engine would list a top ten list of things you would always look into the internet.

It's a search engine..with its own algorithm and Optimization this world has never seen before. as a programmer from MIT this app intrigues him, so he booted up his computer and hook up the kernel to a virtual software within the PC, what he found was something quite unbelievable. A new language with a new script and even an Operating system behind the OS- something dubbed Android OS. 

To Mike, He couldn't understand any of this, an operating system this sophisticated? It certainly didn't exist in this world. Of course, it doesn't. That's because Alex uses Android from his old world, a mobile operating system based on a modified version of the Linux kernel and other open-source software, designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets that uses Java, and Phyton, C++ , GO XML and even Assembly usage. Something like this wasn't explored extensively in this world since everything in this world run on Swift and C+ and C.

"What on earth is this? who created this BlackBox masterpiece? "

Mike checked the app and in the Istore and saw that every information was blanked out in private and Open source.

"This is open-source?!"

Unfortunately, the source was nowhere to be found. -Ps why you no give the sauce!!

On the front screen, there was an ad about a manga and a pre-order button was prompting him to click on it. It was a sale of a digital and physical sales manga here in Japan. It even came in two languages, and best of all? the shipment supports the logistics to send them towards.

"Even a manga app as well?"

He bought the digital manga which is far cheaper than the paperback material that came, but when he check upon the paperback material. there are all sorts of goodies that weren't included with the digital manga...and it was also cheaper by 20%. Mike had never seen something marketed like this, not to mention using a paid app that directly charges you on items that he couldn't own until that certain date June 20th. Hence...he understood what the word "pre-order" meant. To Pre- Order the item before the date of release. Was he scammed? No..there was a refund button as well after he bought it, but there was an added addendum below

"Pre-order prices and exclusive items will be gone after June 20th, so pre-order your manga today to get your discount and free goodies!"

Mike was tempted to not press the refund button, it was cheaper after all, and he will get some free goodies like a discord title and an exclusive digital poster as well for the app.

"I'll just pre-order it"

That guilty feeling was gone. Only good feelings now.

Chester came into the room and saw his friend Mike sitting next to a computer with his phone wired to the laptop with a complicated face. 

"Hey Mike, what's wrong with you? "

"I uhh...just checking the kernel on this thing...looks like something came out of a science fiction."

Chester couldn't understand any of it and thought it was kinda cool.

"Cool, so why do you look kinda constipated? what's that on your phone? a new app? oh, it's that Anteiku thing. Yeah, I've pre-ordered it too, our band member posted it on dickscord, have you checked the prologue on this JAMP site? it was pretty dope, there was the translation version here on this site called bato and dex, come check it out...Yo Mike? Are you okay dude? Hello?"

That good feeling was gone.


Meanwhile- the bosozoku crowd of the recently minted Sapporo Revengers was delivering odd jobs from Ramen to packages and even groceries all over Sapporo with much gusto. The business was booming, At first, people were scared that a bunch of Delinquents was riding Zephyr bicycles? the image didn't fit right, but it was definitely odd, these kids run around with their bosozoku uniform with the lettering

"Sapporo Manji Gang"


they shouted every time a delivery was made. Since every transaction was made online, there wasn't much direct interaction other than their rowdiness. The delivery was always on time and the items are often nearly packed. It was surprisingly good service, not to mention the delivery charges were quite cheap.

"W..walk..I mean, cycle slowly young man.."

"OSU!! WAKARAIMASHITA! DAIJOBU! I uhh..I mean I will! Thank you!"

Shouted Matsutada san as he greeted the two old couples after delivering the ramen for them. Beaming and smiling stupidly, the old woman and the oldman can't help but smile back, these youths aren't delinquents at all. they are doing their best during the summer holidays to provide a service, and in Japan, The community values service above all else.

Meanwhile elsewhere-

Around Japan and Around the world, people began to Pre-Order the manga using the app, and the sales were coming in. the concept of Pre-order was new. Some were skeptical some weren't sure if it was a scam, but once they click the refund button, there were no worries. The money was indeed refundable quite easily, but most people still fall into the hook for that 20% discount and free pre-order goodies. It was a revolutionary marketing Idea in this world.

Dickscord of Anteiku has begun expanding as well as many people came into the chatroom and started discussing the new app and its features, the app also supports chat groups such as Twatter that sync with their phone numbers and their contacts so they are able to send messages and emotes to other people. There was also another function that was highly popular in Korea, China, and Indonesia.

a sub-app that is rarely used in the other regions, but these three regions saw the value in it. Short posted videos that one can record for themselves and edit. In his old world, Alex would call this a menace to society, an app created by the bite dance studio in China but later on became a worldwide sensation, Alex notices that such an app didn't exist here even if they had Utube. so why not incorporate such a function into the Anteiku app as well?

as an added feature. People from these three regions started posting dance videos, short skits, and viral trends all over the internet. these short videos are then shared to dickskord and twatter like wildfire, it caught on instantly Increasing the app's popularity and visibility in an instant.

"Hello, today my cat will do a dance-"

Cat dance for a few minutes with the owner holding the hand with the music background playing- Anime ost.

8 million views-

this silly video was then trending all over the sharing sites.

After only one day, Alex was contacted by many self-publish doujin circles asking if they could post their series up on Anteiku and put a pre-order for Comiket? Not just Doujin Circles, even novel circles in Japan contacted him directly for a piece of the pie, they wanted to get on the Anteiku hype train. Translation teams from all around the world wanted a piece of the action too, from the biggest sites such as bato and Dex to smaller individual groups, Alex doesn't mind it one bit. He changes the registration form of the App and includes an authorized Author comic/novel section for them to sell their works here, but it only applies in Japan. Logistic-wise? every item will be handled directly by local courier services.

Alex had introduced something else as well, A fan for fans sellers group. Cornering another slice of the market that hasn't existed or was largely ignored recently other than Comiket. Imagine if you could run comicket 24/7. selling your works original (Ichiji sousoku) or  Parody works ( niku sousaku) with a touch of a button online using an online marketplace. with Antieiku app optimization and search engine unique algorithm, He could do it.

If this is in America,this wouldn't work, imagine trying to monetize a doujinshi of Batman trying to push Robin and cannibalize him, or having yaoi relationship with him. that sort of work won't fly anywhere else. you try to print this Batman Robin yaoi fanfic and KA-PLOW! 

Suddenly DCed Comics came onto your ass with a super lawyer and beat your ass black and blue with a cease and desist. In Japan? that doesn't happen. If this were America, a budding comic career as a fan artist will be crushed by the foot of JUSTICE! and the law. everything goes back to normal, in the end. You live an ordinary life again. derivatives work are shot out easily.

In Japan? it's a completely different story. There will be no lawyers crashing down with a cease or desist unless someone actually makes a formal complaint from the rights holders, and let's face it, here in japan? Japanese right holders don't complain, they aren't allowing just a few fan works, they allowed ALL of it, and an entire industry was built around doujin creations, 

the Largest of these are the events called the Comiket. the definition of a doujin is pretty broad here in Japan. It's what allows the industry to thrive today. The point is, this is a gray area legally but no one cares to police it, it's bad for business. for one thing, there is Respect. Many professional Authors and Mangaka respect amateurs since they all came from similar circumstances and secondly? they want to retain a good reputation, litigation will alienate their customer base, and persecuting their most hardcore fans might result in destroying their potential and give any company a bad name.

Here in Japan acceptability is very important in society, everyone wants to fit in, and the Otaku culture fits with a pre-establish idea of conformity, not to mention such works will allow free publicity to the original author as well. Derivative works attract newer fans to the series, and it is a huge potential compared to the small trickle in loss of revenue into the pockets of the original creative works.

TLDR? - Doujins industry works, and doujin artists aren't worth the effort of suing, 70% of the revenue of pure doujin works actually run into a loss and not profit, only 15% of those attending will get to break even, so the major publishing industry just leave them alone.

But what if Alex takes it a step further?

Create this hobbyist culture, and provide them a platform to monetize, allowing the potential of amateur artists to go pro one day. Scouting talents in only Comiket? setting up booths? why not use an app too? Alex understands that these main publishers ignore copyright violations so they could harvest new talent into the industry and harvest them for themselves. Japan is unique after all. Alex was just speeding up the process a tad bit with his app and monopolizing the talent pool for himself later on.

Alex looked towards a building over the horizon, It was a plexi condo surrounded by a garden, a nice location if he were to build his new anime studio here.

"Still no response huh JAMP? are we playing chess? or are we playing a different game? well, at this're almost about to get checkmate"

The name of the building A1 pictures. the owner Mikihiro Iwata, Alex wondered if he would be interested in joining a joint venture with him. Alex entered the building and talked to the reception to one of the admin. The admin was a nicely dressed lady with a courteous look,

"It doesn't seem like they have a lot of staff, it seems like they haven't hit their stride yet, that's good."

Alex heard of an Ex-Director who bailed on Sony and created his own Animation studio, this famous building he knew from his past world, called the Aniplex. Recently they produce two anime, it was that shitty anime he was watching on morning cartoons with Yukari with that stupid frog, But he knew the potential of this studio, it will soon do great works such as the seven deadly sinz, Sword Art Offline, Furry Tail, and the Bluish Exorcist, and even the fate series.

"I would like to make an appointment with your Manager, My name is Alex Kenichi, you might know me as Tochigi the Creator of Kyoto Ghoul, I have a proposition for him, here's my number"



You are reading story Reborn a tale of a Mangaka with Cheats at

Anya Selztzaya was waiting for Yukari Kenichi in a cafe, the dickscord owner and boss of the open-source forum Red-it wanted to see her, she didn't even know the boss was someone she knew, a classmate of hers. a fellow genius, the one with the best test scores in the district of Sapporo second to her, Yukari is her rival, She never thought they would meet up and get to know each other over Kyoto Ghoul. Not to mention she received a dm directly from her that her brother is the Mangaka Tochigi. The same guy that brawled on the streets with those mysterious dog masked people that obliterated the Gokudou here in Sapporo.

What is a 12-year-old girl to do? she was curious of course. She would meet with this Yukari. black jeans, a black t-shirt, a cap and piercings, and a black bracelet, Anya was dressed in black everything. Her silver hair is too striking in public, silverfish platinum blonde just like her mother. She's rather tall for a 12-year-old, at 5,2 she's towering over all of the little girls here in Japan the same age as her, that includes Yukari.

the bell of the cafe rings,

there she is, Yukari Kenichi, a typical Japanese beauty, and yet, bright blonde hair just like her brother, it's that caucasian blood, just like their mothers.  Anya wondered if women are far more dominant in bloodlines, that none of these hafu's ever inherited their father's genes. Then again, who is she to say? Her father isn't Japanese.

Yukari was different here compared to her visage in school. She's serious, doesn't smile, and has a mean outlook, almost expressionless. For the first time, Anya might have seen her true persona.

" So this is Yukari's true self huh? I like her already"

Yukari entered the cafe wearing a white dress and top, a rather simple design with no accessories. just average, she came here to meet up with Anya to discuss the administration stuff, it has gotten way over their heads for a bunch of 12 years old, recently they have even invited Sanada,

whom they found out was an accountant with a daughter who goes to a kindergarten nearby here. He's also coming albeit a bit late together with Mika Nakagiri, a Gyaru in Sapporo college who happens to save someone in a domestic abuse just because, Royboy her boyfriend was into the dickscord admin thing for Kyoto Ghoul. 

" Yukari! comrade!! you look like shit! nyahahaha!"

"Shut up, I'm not in the mood, My brother just went out at six in the morning, after yesterday's event I don't even have a clue what he's planning, I'm not into one of your stupid jokes Anya, don't treat this like the internet"

Anya could only tease her for a bit, so serious

"Relax, with the two of us, this is nothing! Your brother is strong, he can handle himself in a fight, you saw it yourself didn't you Yukari?"

Yukari could only shrug her shoulders and hold her head in confusion and frustration, her mood immediately sour

"That's the thing that I don't get Anya, My brother was never a fighter, he's just a Neet who happens to idolize my father, nothing more"

"you look down on your brother comrade, that is not a good thing, back in Ukraine, my mother would load Kalashnikov into a grocery bag to the market, in the case of bears yes? this is same thing?"

"W..what? excuse me, but we're in Sapporo. there are no bears, and no! it's not the same thing! we don't have open gun laws here in Japan!"

Anya could simply laugh and said

" There ya go, all cheered up yes? My rival couldn't be this weak, Yukari being weak is not very interesting to beat, Kalashnikov or no Kalashnikov, if a bear comes now, we will deal with it. Papa always says that things can always go south anytime, but as long as you are prepared, Everything  will be ...Daijobu"

Yukari could only stare at her so-called "Comrade" for a few seconds to see if she was serious, her face did not betray her at all, she was serious, Yukari thought about what Anya just said, it sounded like good advice. 

"Thanks for the advice, didn't think I needed it...comrade"

"There ya go, now let's talk. This thing with Anteiku has grown into something far different than before, I believe we should leave the main administration over to someone far more competent than the both of us, for example, Mr. Sanada is a consultant for corporate law, He can advise on liabilities and other grievances within the group if such a situation arise."

" Leaving it to the adults? I hate to admit it, but being a minor in Japan is such a liability especially when it comes to the law, at this rate sooner or later the police and government will get involved"

Anya could only nod as she sips her ice tea,

" It could be worse, they could trace this back to your beloved Onichan, Sensei Tochigi behind bars? Your Mother would weep, I would weep, it would be such a loss to this world"

" Do you like my brother or something?"

Anya shakes her head

" I'm twelve, what do I know? Well, maybe a little..your brother is very strong. I like strong boys and men, just like Papa."

Yukari could only shift her eyes away and sigh that it wasn't it. She could have sworn that Anya would fall for her brother, what a disaster. She already had trouble trying to stave off Ueno and this new Manager Aya, if they add in this crazy Anya she would go crazy and just stab them all...maybe.

"My brother is off-limits, anything else sure"

"Okay, maybe...let me be his assistant! I have ideas! really really good ideas! with big bears, guns and loads of bombs! it could be a masterpiece!"

Yukari could only smile and said

"Why not, Big brother could use the help, he did all that alone, not even that Aya girl his Editor helped in making Kyoto Ghoul"

" Yes! so exciting! Kyoto ghoul! I could ink Gen Ganeki and Touga his waifu! My art is number one! at least better than yours nyahhaha!"

Yukari could only scoff in annoyance,

" I'm not a bad artist, I'm just not that good at it"

"Nyahahah! Don't be a tsundere Yukari! it doesn't suit you"

"Hey, Anya! we aren't friends! stop laughing like that! what is wrong with you?!"

Anya sips her tea faster and grin at her menacingly

" Your panties in a bunch Yukari-san? You need vodka, come to my place and play. I give you good potato vodka, my parents would allow it, not this stupid childish cafe with ice tea and fluffy crepes and sweets, this is real me no persona, the real Anya Selztzaya, I am crude, loud, crazy into anime culture and guns...lots and lots of guns"

Yukari was simply caught unaware of what she just said,  Anya then continues as she finishes her ice tea, she look at her seriously and said

" Which is the true Yukari, this little mean devocka I see before me? or that stupid dumb fake Japanese ahogirl I saw in the class for the past two years? You tell me"

Yukari could only smile deviously, Anya saw that smile, it's similar to how her brother used to smile during the fight with the delinquents in front of the Konbini store, the same exact devious smile just like him, Like brothers and sisters.

" You talk too much Anya, come on, I just got a text from Mr. Sanada to meet up at the kindergarten nearby, he's already here. Royboy and Mika are already there"

Anya got up and put her arms around Yukari like it was the most natural thing to do.

"Let's go comrade, don't worry yes? I got your back now. It's all good, Anya takes care of her friends"

"Shut up and let's just go! You're too loud! control yourself!"

"Nyahahaha! you're loud as well comrade! oh, by the way, did your brother really created the App? that was rather incredible"

"Ugh..don't mention it, I never knew he even know how to program it, let alone only by using his broken PC to do it! I don't know what sort of vaporware he runs it on, sounds like some Winhex bullshit if I ever saw one- It was too complex! even for a genius like me, humph!"

"right, I forgot you're such a nutter for this tech stuff, Your whole family is a rather weird one huh comrade? hahaha!"


The two girls left the cafe giggling and smiling away, on the roof, a woman wearing a dog mask watched over the eyes of the public, she took her mask off and her red eyes stares into the back of those two little girls, she too began to smile genuinely in a long long time, Kaya Irimi was looking towards the peaceful sky in a daze in the alone afternoon. Today was supposed to be the last day she would stay but for some reason, she was reluctant to leave this place. It was a short 48 hours.

"This world is so peaceful"

There is one more task at hand for her Creator, find the Yakuza Oyabun of the Kishimoto group under the Seiryukai clan. After that...her comrades and she would vanish and return to their world, hopefully, the Creator could change their fate.

"It would be great if humans and Ghouls could co-exist peacefully like this, A peaceful life is worth fighting for"

The rest of them stood up, Kaya Irimi at the helm of the group as they stood high on the building of Sapporo, finally found their target. It's time for them to act.

"Contact the Creator, we have found our target"