Chapter 32: Chapter 30 –Consequences of moving forward.

Alex woke up Late that night, it's almost around 4 am now, he receive a call from Irimi. There's a place he needed to be and that's to keep up with the progress of Anteiku. One of Kaya's subordinates is waiting for him underground and they gathered there waiting for him, Alex went down and entered before the place opens up, they were just waiting around the area where nobody gathered here.

A man with a dog mask approach him and nodded at Alex respectfully.

" We have successfully routed all the Yakuza away from Sapporo and have set up a perimeter, no police are involved. The humans here are weaker than us, it's done in the early hours of the night"

Alex nodded and ask

" Any complications? Did you find the boss of the Sapporo branch?"

the guy nodded

"Here he is, what do you want to do with him?"

the old man was just sitting down on top of a bench nearby the closed subwy, seems like he isn't injured but his pride was wounded, He was the Oyabun that runs this side of Japan, the one responsible for Hokkaido, and yet a damn kid like him with a bunch of guys in a dog mask capture him so easily, the pride of the Yakuza and the name and pride of the Sapporo branch was tarnished. The old man notices him, his eyes still sharp, and shines dangerously at me full of malice and murderous intention, Alex doesn't blame him one bit for this. If he were a Yakuza boss, he too would hate himself.

" So you're the boss? It shouldn't even have to end this way if you would just accept my proposition old man."

Alex removes the cloth around his mouth.

"You captured me, what do you want? What does a bosozoku like you want with me? Do you even know the gravity of what you did to our town with-"

Alex  interrupted the old man by sitting next to the man startling him,

" On second thought, just listen. Number one, I ain't bosozoku old man, see any threads on me? Nah right? Look at me, Just cuz I'm blonde and have this golden hair doesn't automatically make me a delinquent, it just means I'm  half Caucasian and half Japanese, you got that?"

The old Yakuza tried to understand and didn't say anything. He knew too much about staying silent when needed, and he can feel that this kid doesn't mean him any harm, even if his alarms are blaring in his mind stating how dangerous this kid is. Personally? he wanted to run, frankly? he knew he wouldn't get far. Those people who cornered him? he can tell that they aren't ordinary people. This kid...he's special somehow.

" You're calm old man, perks of being a Yakuza boss? seen a lot of stuff in your lifetime?"

There was nothing, just a simple nod 

"Just the war, I've seen my share of unbelievable things during the war twenty years ago, I can still remember it like it was yesterday. Experiences like that won't dour even with the passage of time"

 in the wee hours of the morning at 4 am when the morning is still dark, that atmosphere was kinda eerie with relatively no sound of music, only the quiet sense of the surroundings on a train station that's just about to operate with the electricity from the tracks humming,

"As I said on the phone, I have a proposition for you. Work with me, will ya? I ain't here to drive your Yakuza out of town, not really...Hokkaido is a big place, it's just that, well now...Sapporo is off-limits got that? Your drugs, your illicit business, get that shit outta my town, cuz I have big plans for this place. It's a place where I'm running my business ya see"

Alex looked toward the towering Sapporo tower and smile

" If you want a piece of that, I suggest you play nice with me, Play nice while you're still in control old man"

Alex stood up and stare the old man's eye with a cold glint in his eyes, his eyes showed fire unlike any typical Japanese boy, This was Alex Walker, the hustler for 30 years, a self-made gangster and cartoonist who had to work his way up in the streets to get where he is today. a part of him was talking, and another part of him as the 18year old neet who scorned the world combined and bore through his malice upon this old man,

" Because if you don't, when I've grown bigger than you could ever touch me, you will regret it"

The old man showed fear for the first time in a long time, as an Oyabun saw many things, seen many evils upon the underworld they operate, some decisions he made weren't very morally sound but he had to do it, This guy gets it, this Japanese highschool kid knows what it means to make such morally grey decisions, and he wouldn't hesitate to do it. This is the eye of a man who's been through countless battles and experiences, who is this guy??

The old man didn't try to fight back, he was wary and of sound mind. He knew it would be futile to refuse this kid. The old man looks up to the kid and begrudgingly nodded, Alex simply smile and said

" What's your name Mr. Oyabun?"

The old man knew that the kid wasn't from the underground world at all, whatever he is, he's definitely ain't from around here.

" My name is Yamada Kishimoto, the current Kishimoto clan Leader under the Seiryukai banner of Hokkaido, what will you have me do young Alex."

"Work with me, and I'll share the profits, it's a win-win for us, and it's legitimate, stop thinking like a Yakuza so much, think bigger than this, and I'll also resolve that issue with your son. why to stop for Hokkaido when you can get the whole Kanto Prefecture, yeah...I'm talking bout Tokyo, the capital"

The old man simply groan and said

" So you knew huh? About my son and how they did him dirty?"

Alex then gave him one of his drawings

" Same thing happened to me, so I'm taking care of things my way. Make an empire with me, help me create the biggest conglomerate mix media company in the world, I know you have contacts in the entertainment industry and other distribution networks, hook me up and I'll handle the rest"

"uh..? huh?"

the old man was simply perplexed at this question, he certainly knew about it, it's not like the Yakuza haven't tried buying an animation studio and trying to run the music industry in the past, they certainly did and tried to run it, but they utterly fail in the business, the fandom and finance are too complicated and doesn't react accordingly to the market trends, the anime industry is it's own thing, one that the Gokudou failed countless time to understand as for the music industry? that one is just a cesspool of a political structure, not even worth venturing into unless you're of the same cloth. And this kid is saying that he could do it? Should he do it?

Alex was standing there, just smiling without any expression, he simply want the old man to decide, if he won't help him so be it, it would take a long time but he knew he will eventually get there, but why waste time when he could do it in a years time? He would have Kyoto Ghoul out in a year if possible, not to mention he has some big ideas, ideas that don't exist in this world but were thriving in the world before him. He would use the system to the fullest and put a foothold in this industry, by hook or crook or die trying.

Life certainly won't get easier past this. Yamada san could only shrug and gave the drawings back to him, it was certainly good. Just like what his son drew a few years ago, unfortunately, that didn't pan outright. Being part of the Yakuza, the publisher found out and tried not to associate themselves with his son just because of him. He was ashamed of it.

" Just so you know, the Hokkaido Alliance from where I came from won't like this one bit, There are conflicting interests with several companies in the media industry kid, I hope you are aware that they will be our competitors in the coming months."

Alex could only nod and gave him a thumbs up.

" Not bad old man, you seem to know your way around the industry, I knew I had a good feeling about you when I saw that logo on the plat of your clan"

The old man started laughing because of that

"Silly kid, you actually noticed that huh? It's been a while..."

Alex took out the pin lapel that belonged to one of the Yakuza that he beat up yesterday, it was a pin with a certain logo that look similar to a certain anime he watched in this world. the pin with a cloud symbol is similar to Akatsuki, but in this world, that series didn't blow up into popularity like his previous world, It was simply axed prematurely within JAMP magazine, and it came much earlier in the timeline in this world. 

"Noruto huh? better believe it"

The old man could only smile sadly at what I'd just said. It seems there's a story behind it. Not that I minded a good backstory, but a Yakuza with ties to an anime? Perhaps this was fated if he truly believes in fate. Alex simply sat beside the old man and didn't say anything, he nodded towards the men as they gave him and the old man some space, they simply disappeared and went about their business. Alex could handle him, he's no longer a threat since he will be working with him now.

" Yamada-san, tell me more about this. There seems to be a story behind it, and I feel like you need to get it off your chest or something"

Yamada san could only laugh dryly as he look at me with pity,

" It was that obvious huh kid? I am getting too old for this"

Yamada son got up and straighten his suit, it was just a few minutes earlier than he was roughened up like a gangster, but gangsters...real gangsters like him adapt and move on. Alex admired that a bit, he remembered the time when he used to hustle back in his younger days during his time in the previous world, survive and adapt, that's how you face the world head-on. It's the only way he knew how back then, for some people, it works. Yamada seems to believe in the same things, we are similar people in that sense

He looked at the pin lapel I was holding on to and took his own out, it was far more intricate but it was worn out, it looks old.

" This was made by my son when he was in high school, He's currently in college right now, away from the Yakuza business mind you, but once upon a time, He's just like you Mr. Alex, or should I refer to you as Tochigi Sensei?"

Alex could only snuff him out in a small grin as he smiles

"Yeah, call me whatever you want. We are in the same boat now." 

The old man simply shakes his head

"I still can't believe you're the same person that drew Kyoto Ghoul, and that woman who's with you on the scene when you beat up my men, Aya Gozen, the only one she's been around lately are few, Her father is famous around here, then there's another person. the recently surfaced prodigy with the Same Name as a Mangaka artist that my son looks up to once upon a time, Hiro Tochigi Kenichi. the two of them have that sort of connection."

Alex could only laugh dryly and gave him a curt nod acknowledging it.

"Very perceptive, what else did you find odd about me?"

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The old man just look at him analyzing Alex from head to toe and pondered for a moment with a quizzical gaze.

" You're certainly not what I expected?, so his successor, the son who created Kyoto Ghoul, the name Anteiku, could be a coincidence but I trust there's a high chance that you're probably him. You're not even trying to hide it so it's no secret am I right?"

Alex simply stay quiet but nodded and said

" No use pretending, since I was going to go with a bang anyway, there's no way something like Kyoto ghoul would get a pass in JAMP Magazine and get a serialization in this current industry even if it passes the competition board, I'm assuming the manga series Noruto has to do with you? you had a similar problem, didn't you? What's happened back then?"

Yamada san was distraught for a moment as his hands cover his face for a second

" It was my son, Masahiro Kishimoto. "

Alex was stunned for a moment, that name was similar to the original artist and mangaka in his world he knew that his hunches were right but to think they are the exact same guy, the creator of the boy with the nine tail fox, Masashi Kishimoto, His father was a dead giveaway to the "Kishimoto" name but then again, he's an old man and a Yakuza. who would have put two and two, then he saw the lapel pin that is similar to the Akatsuki cloud design. His hunches and research on the internet paid off.

Who knew he would meet the legendary guy's father himself under a different world, it's no wonder a series like that don't get the cut, If I'm not mistaken the first draft of the series was pretty okay, but the ones that were published in this world was the darker version of Noruto, and it was a prequel to the series before Noruto the main hero was born, apparently, a story like that is too dark and too unpopular for this day and age. The editor behind him didn't see his potential and he submitted the original series without the shounen screening, I've read the version in this world, it's no wonder it got axed within the first six weeks.

But even if it was axed, A lot of people saw potential, there was a cult following the series, a small following, but the author simply disappear. Well, he didn't disappear, he simply quit the industry and went to College instead. to think a guy like that is with the Yakuza? Alex wondered why the setting in this world is all over the place. Also, he had an idea why it was axed. But perhaps this old man wouldn't understand why it was axed since to the normal crowd it does look like a good manga.

" Yamada san, did they axed your son's works because it's unpopular? that's how the manga industry works, good artwork doesn't matter if no one reads it, and in the case of your son, It's probably not entirely his fault, the execution was done wrongly by the people over at JAMP, they should have advised him on things"

Yamada san could only nod,

" It wasn't just that, I wanted to prove that my son wasn't wrong. I saw the earlier works, the son of the fifth Hokage, the story he didn't get to submit was rejected because...they wanted to promote another Sensei's work at that time"

"Did he wantedto submit a different manuscript with a more Shonen style?"

The old man was perplexed as to how Alex knew about it

"How did you know?"

"Just a hunch, the previous format was rather too dark for something he drew so casually and with a focus on action and catered to young readers"

The timeline after the war ended in 1988 is messing up the progression of society. This isn't the same world as my 2020 timeline but more along early 2000 when the Anime industry was still new and the Elitism of the industry controlled every aspect of Production. Piracy and fan translation run rampant and Anime is still closed off among the world, It is still a Japan for Japan industry even when the internet tech caught up, the culture and ideology and socioeconomic couldn't keep up to the times.

Alex could only sigh at the world history that differs from his old world.

" I see, it's too bad. If it were me, I would definitely see the potential, tell you what. Let me meet with your son, This college thing, is it serious?"

Yamada san nodded

" Yes, he decided to take up the family business by learning some business and management skills but, if it is possible, I wish my child world follow his dreams and create incredible stories, The Yakuza business isn't a good thing after all"

Alex would agree too, the hustling job is no place for proper work, even for adults. If he had to choose, perhaps in the past he wouldn't want to deal with the underground world at all.

"Yakuza is just another extension of an organization, it's only as bad as the Leader, you ain't so bad old man, so it can't be that bad right? ignoring the Hokkaido Alliance situation, your clan doesn't deal with drugs and all the illegal stuff?"

Yamada san could only agree with what he said, He doesn't do drugs nor does he peddle those stuff in his city, he might be under the Hokkaido alliance, but Sapporo is his city, as long as he lives, as long as his clan still controls the majority here, it would not fall so easily, until recently when Alex here brought in Anteiku into the streets of Sapporo. Overnight the dynamics of the power struggle between all of the Hokkaido branch family were disrupted.

and the culprit was just smiling around, not a care in the world, but he seems to know what he was doing. All he said was-

"Leave it to me, the plan is already in motion as we speak. The Hokkaido Alliance will fall one day. you will see. For now, set up an appointment with your son, in the meantime, I want you to acquire this warehouse at this address and forward me the contacts of a studio that I vetted, Give me your number so I can send you the email old man, It would be great if you could do it within today"

Yamada could only agree again as he took out his phone and exchanged the numbers. He already decided to work with him, immediately to business. He can't hate a guy who knows how to sort his priorities. It's hard being an old man when a young kid like this is acting like an adult these days.

" You seem to know your way around the Underworld, have you ever been exposed to it? is it your father?"

Alex could only smile at that notion of the old man digging around for information about his past, not like anyone  would believe him anyway

" Something like that, Tochigi ..the original my father was an interesting person"

Yamada san could only smile and nodded with pride

" I see, you do take over your father huh? If my son was inspired to take up the pen from such a guy, I can imagine how you turned up, perhaps the apple doesn't fall so far from the tree, an old man like me find comfort in that"

And just like that, Alex's business with the Yakuza was concluded. The plan to conquer Sapporo is already set in stone.

" Hey old man, get ready for what's coming. We go to war with the anime and manga industry, and perhaps you might already guess but.."

Yamada san butted in and cut him out

"The Yakuza is involved I know, especially those guys from Tokyo, do you really have a proper plan kid?"

Alex simply pointed at the old man's phone

"The details are in there, See that app? download it and understand its potential, for a smart guy like you, I'm sure you see the potential of this it up, and then call me when you decided to invest in the future"

The Anteiku app, it's something he wanted to focus too, moving forward.

Yamada san took out his phone and downloaded the app, Alex did some tinkering and then showed him a greyed out area on one of the application tab, it was a symbol of a car, Alex told him his idea and vision about how he wanted to move forward this matter and how it will help the yakuza here in Sapporo in a legitimate business.

"Cab driving? The Taxi Association won't like this as well, and it's being owned by the Hokkaido Alliance group"

" There is another association you're forgetting, that's the drivers Association, they are the ones that make up the laws o the drivers Code of Conduct here in Japan, and gives out permits and driving license towards drivers, All you need to do is approach those guys and give a share of the cut, work your yakuza magic and turn this into a legitimate business, they won't dare to say no when you submit the document and potential revenue I written up together with Aya"

The old man could only tremble as his phone dinged with a notification when a pdf file appeared in his email, a full document and proposal about this new project, It sounded so simple, and yet...why hasn't anyone in Japan done this before? Isn't this just a private congloromote? the pdf mentioned delivery, logistics, even fares that are competitive and fair for every user, no meter system, instead they use a kilometer per quota on how far the location is, there is also a tip system, a rating and it even supports online banking and mobile payment transaction. The Anteiku app support all of this?

"Amazing app this thing, and you're adding more features as well. This...Anteiku Drive thing is going to make a lot of money for us, leave it to me"

"I know, I made it myself after all, since even a person like you can see the potential, don't let me down now, Arrange that appointment with your son as soon as possible alright?"

The old man just nodded and bowed. The old man never bowed to anyone, not even the Hokkaido Alliance Leaders, but today..he would bow to this kid. This kid could change their future with limitless possiblities.

"Thank you, for what you have shown me and giving me and my son a chance"

That matter ended, and they parted ways, Alex was sitting in the Jitensha heading towards Tenkaichi street nearby his future place, he's about to head there now. Alex walked away and entered the train while he found an empty seat. He sit-downs and closes his eyes. He wandered into his mindscape, the system was there just floating around, he was browsing the system shop for what he was about to do next.

he look towards a small ATM in the system shopping mall, the system floated towards him and look upon the item favorably and simply smile in Gen Ganeki form, the main character of his series from Kyoto Ghoul.

" Hey system, can I exchange some of my points for real money? Won't this money be fake?"

The system replied in a sing-song tone

The amount of exchange is equivalent to the laws of equivalent exchange as Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. The money will be generated using random serial numbers as unmarked bills that have fallen within the banking system by the grace of the akashic records. All transactions are final. the exchange rate of an admin user is 1 to 1000 USD.

1 ooo points for 10 00 000 USD in cash.

so ten thousand points for ten million dollars. Money is not absolute, but the system will try to reduce the burden of fate, currency is 

just that. One can also exchange money for points and vice versa. Would you like to make the transaction Dreamer?

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