Chapter 33: Chapter 31 – Corruption and Trends

Meanwhile - time limit for the Black Dobers is up.

"is it time for you guys to go?"

Kaya nodded towards Alex it's time"

"Alright then, safe travels"

the rest of them were covered in glowing white light they are about to be transported back into their manga world. 

"Kaya, is this really necessary?"

The woman named Kaya simply nodded quietly. This world is too peaceful, far more peaceful than her bleak sordid world, and soon all that would have changed, the new Creator will do it, the Dreamer, he can change the destiny of a world with his pen.

"Kyoto, Sapporo, I've never actually traveled much even as a ghoul, once we're back in our world, remind me to do so, the rally and cries of the people here mirror our sentiments, the people are fed up of being hunted, bullied and taken advantage of, the people simply fought back. It will be peaceful soon, the Creator assured me, He will grant us our wish,"

the other members of the Black Dobers stared at the peaceful city, One of them even started to laugh and said

" It is, I can't wait to get back to our world, Perhaps this time my daughter will have a better time, I hope she will live through a normal life, isn't that something that we can yearn for?"

The rest agreed and nodded, they too look forward to the changes to their world, If today is their last day in this peaceful world of the Creator, today they would leave all of it and come into their own peaceful world, the New Creator said so, all they have to do is have faith in the new god

Kaya even said

" Even if the Creator decided to call upon us again, I wouldn't mind it. If what he said was the truth, if he truly could change our world for the better, I would serve him for eternity, and if he want all of Anteiku, I will try to persuade the rest, including the Tencho Yoshimura san the one-eyed Owl of Anteiku"

Kaya's eyes turned red in ghoul form and stood up straight, it was time.

" Let's go"

"As you command!"


And they were no more.



Back in JAMP HQ- Emergency JAMP meeting- 1 week later

"Kameda-san, your recent conduct was rather abysmal, we invested a lot into your Personal finances and growth, and you couldn't even get into the top ten of JAMP?"

Kameda Kura couldn't say anything, it was all that stupid kid's fault, if he didn't exist, they wouldn't have compared his works to theirs, After the competition, He was slandered, ridiculed, and ostracized in the anime and manga community, While his loyal fans stay true to him, they aren't exactly great paying customers, Kameda lashed out on social media, trying to smear Kyoto Ghoul after he found out that JAMP Magazine isn't going to serialize the series but it backfired. The man before Kameda Kura simply show him this twatter post he did that allow things to get out of hand so early in the morning.

Even within JAMP Editorial department, some people simply left the company, angry that this happened in such an institution, there was clearly something foul at play here, These are experienced editors, some stayed but two people left, two veterans of the industry leaders who are at the top of the Editorial JAMP Magazine simply couldn't take this injustice, those two are...the best Editors in the Kanto Region of Japan

One of the Editors of Jamp got up and left the room as he storm out of the room angry and fuming as he shouted at the rest of them,

" This is a waste of time! we should be out there doing damage control! It was a stupid Idea not to sign that kid in the first place! Didn't he win the competition?! why are the Upper suits bothering our work like this?! it doesn't make sense! and you!!"

Kameda san was simply startled as the buff old man pointed at him

" This is supposed to be a fucking shonen Manga Hub!! Safe for work people! It's for fucking Shonen for crying you punks! Did all of you know about this?! and no one did anything?! He's a goddamn NTR artist!! HOW the hell does it even pass the censorship?! who authorized this shit huh?! it wasn't my department that's for sure!"

The other Editors could only stay silent, they couldn't refute him.

" Nanami, are you coming with me? Screw this place! Jamp Magazine isn't what it used to be!"

The woman beside him simply nodded calmly and stood up

You are reading story Reborn a tale of a Mangaka with Cheats at

" I'm with Hojo sensei, this is getting out of hand, interfering with the Editorial work and our work ethics, I cannot stay here any longer, it's against my principal as well"

The rest of the group started panicking

"the two of you can't just leave!! Where is your loyalty, you bastards!!"

The two of them simply left, while Hojo-san showed the middle finger on his way out. Even though he is an old man almost reaching 70 years old, he is still fit and buff, Nanami was always loyal to Hojo san, being his protege, the two top Kanto region editors in charge of Japan simply left just like that.

The head of the Editorial Department Mrs. Sinomiya could only sigh at what just happened, she looked towards the culprit that started all this dumpster fire, the third rate Mangaka Kameda Kura, He heard that he even had an anime deal with Gainax and wondered how he even gets that deal, now? he isn't so sure. Perhaps there is something wrong with the department. There seems to be corruption, and he as the head of the department isn't aware of it. 

"You posted this didn't you Mr. Kameda Kura? What on earth were you thinking posting something like this?"

The man pointed toward Kameda-san

"This is your problem, You are no longer under JAMP. leave immediately!!"

Twatter post-


Has that Stupid Tochigi failed? He didn't even make the cut! haha! what a loser!

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OZY Replying to @KamedaKura-

Go Home Sensei Kameda, you're drunk, you need help.

1000 quote 5679 likes 

MasakaMasaka Replying to @KamedaKura-

Does this Ntr loser think he's better than Tochigi sensei? what a joke.

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Gazy144 Replying to @KamedaKura-

this Ntr bastard, get lost.

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You stupid bitch! That kid is nothing, Even JAMP decided to not extend their hand, so what if he won the competition? he isn't getting a serialization! Aren't you the idiot? Some Top Editor you turn out to be!

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AyaGozen Replying to @KamedaKura-

 Who are you again?

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Barbri12 Replying to @KamedaKura-

Shots fired! Anteiku assemble! protect our Queen Editor!

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