Kishimoto Residence- Ryukai Ishhin street.
"Father, I don't want to meet him"
Yamada Kishimoto is having a hard time trying to urge his son to meet Alex Kenichi since he got back home from college, He lives in a dorm on weekdays and only comes home during the weekends, despite how he looks, he's a very studious person and took his learning and education seriously, but now He is telling his son to go back to drawing when he had such a bad experience, Of course, he understood how his son felt, if possible, he wouldn't want his son to face disappointment again, but he owes Alex-san a lot, due to his latest business with the Anteiku drive app, his men from the Yakuza could earn a proper living doing deliveries and help police the neighborhood as well.
Their reputation is soaring and many people aren't afraid of the Yakuza, those Bosozoku boys riding those zephyr bicycles are also quite helpful and don't cause anyone trouble, Sapporo city has turned out for the better because of this application. So he must repay him.
"Try and see him, son, That boy isn't a bad person. I'm sure you will find great companionship with someone with the same interest as you"
His son could only refuse and said
"I quit drawing manga a lifetime ago, what good is that to me if I'm going to get rejected?"
Yamada san moved forward and hold his son's hands
"Please, try to see him. I'm sure he can help you.. as he helped me and our boys, Please Masahiro, do it for your father and your clan"
Masahiro stood there silently and simply nodded in agreement.
"fine, I'll see him tomorrow, is that alright?"
Yamada san could only smile at his son, still patting him in the back in jubilation. Masahiro almost coughs it out but bears the brunt of his slaps on the back
"Father, did he really create that application on his own?"
"You mean Anteiku? yes, he did" he said.
"Perhaps there's more than meets the eyes about this Alex Kenichi. His father the original Tochigi inspired me to take up the brush and create my own manga, him and gen sensei were master mangaka back in the old days, I wonder how his son is"
Yamada san could only nod and took out his phone with the app Anteiku
"I' the manga Kyoto Ghoul, it's very good, very deep and deals with oppression, discrimination of humans and ghoul alike... it's akin to our way of life as it mirrors the way of the Yakuza to some degree, somehow...i wish the world would be far more peaceful, eventually did"
Yamada san saw some of his men looking jovially as they got into their cars and rode off for a ride
"Our people are self-employed and self-sustainable, Perhaps a Yakuza isn't needed anymore because of him, but that's alright. "
Yamada san looked toward his son and said
"And it's alright to follow your dreams son, just believe in yourself"
Yamada san gave the Yakuza pin Lapel with the symbol of the Uzumaki clan from his manga, Masahiro could only nod as he look towards the pin lapel he made, the symbol of the Uzumaki clan in his hands signifies his past. Perhaps it is okay to start believing again.
Somewhere around the Tanuki shopping district
"Hey Alex, what are you searching for?"
Ueno asks so innocently as she looks around the store with Alex as he looks around the shop. Alex was rummaging around the video game store for some games but could look at what he was looking for, He didn't find it. He wanted to find a certain game that meets his standards but so far, none..the level of the video game in this world is at least 5 generations behind. Every game is still in pixel and some 3D motion art is still in FMVs and old cartridges. the best console the Praystation doesn't boast the best graphics, but other than that..none of the games he finds here are familiar to him in the old world. It's rather disappointing.
"I'm looking for some quality Japanese games, so's all quite disappointing"
"Muu... I thought we were on a date!" she pouted rather cutely.
Alex could only smile and said
"We are on a and you, together in store. That's a date right?"
"It's not what I had in mind!! we were here since this morning! It's been two hours!!"
Alex could only sigh and said-
"Alright...let's go get some food, the western area and do a little bit of shopping? would you like that Ueno san?"
"Hehe! alright! "
Ueno san grab his arm tightly and sauntered away dragging Alex towards a nearby bakery shop, there were a lot of sweets and confetti. Some of the food they are selling are cute little custards. There are even some crepes sold in the store. Alex paid the man for some strawberry crepes for Ueno and him while they walk around the shopping store and took in the sights.
"Are the crepes taste good? I can't taste the strawberry..this seems fake"
"It's nice, It's really sweet! Thanks, Alex!"
Ueno was still enjoying her food. girls like her really do love their sweets, For Alex, he couldn't taste the sweetness at all, he very much prefers something Ramen for example.
"Well, if you like some sweet stuff, maybe I'll make some pancakes, Mother and sister always said my pancakes are to die for"
Ueno could only look at Alex with a shocked expression
"You cook Alex? I didn't know that...I feel a little sad that you might not need me anymore, since I always come by to cook for you"
She looks dejected, perhaps that's a touchy subject?
"Nah...I suck at making dishes..just sweets. Like...cookies. Have you tried an American chocolate chip? I'll make one for you next time"
"It's a promise!"
Ueno san grab his arm and cuddled around him tightly, giving him unwanted stares from other people, some with hatred in their eyes as Alex walked around trying to ignore those stares looking forward blankly.
*Die you filthy reiaju!"
*Damn it! why can't I have a cute girl like her with me!"
*That guy is such an ikemen gaijin! kyaa! she's so lucky!"
They came up to the Tanikkikoji shrine inside of the shopping district, The both of them decided to pray to the gods for some extra luck, Alex certainly needs it especially when the world is trying to get rid of him. He paid some money and got a fortune. The things that the fortune says are mostly generic stuff like a blessing for your health, wealth, and relationship.
Ueno-san seems very happy about it, I guess it's fine.
"Good luck?" Alex asked innocently
"Yeah! this month is my lucky month! It says my wish will come true!"
Alex could only smile at that fortune-telling, in a way, it isn't technically wrong. Alex knew some sort of foreshadowing that he wasto planning ahead
"Well, wanna know why I was in the game store for 2 hours? It's because I'm trying to make a game for Comiket"
Ueno san was surprised as she asked
"Oh, a game? Do you know how to make a game Alex? you don't even have a computer"
"I do have my father's laptop, but it's old...I need to replace it, which I'm gonna do later"
Ueno-san nodded and finish up her crepes.
You are reading story Reborn a tale of a Mangaka with Cheats at
"Do you want to buy one? the electronic store is nearby"
"Hmm..what if we're stuck there for another two hours?" Alex could only smile as he teases her
"Muu! buy me more crepes!"
"You're gonna get fat with all that crepes"
"I Do not!! you're not very nice Alex! buuu!!"
She pinches his stomach hard but could not do it because there isn't a place to pinch, she then resorted to simply punching his arm.
"Ouch! what a violent girl, you're not gonna get a boyfriend like that"
"Oh..oh yeah, then why are you hanging around me for? Why not go with your precious Manager! Buu!"
"hmm..Aya? maybe I will next time"
Saying that she almost teared up after what Alex said, Perhaps that's going too far, she started to hold her tears back as she couldn't even say it, Alex felt guilty for trying to tease her too much.
"It's alright, even if no one wants your fat-ass, even if you don't have a boyfriend I'll be yours"
"You Jerk!"
She smack him harder in the arm, this time with the full brunt of her punch. Alex forgot that Ueno san is actually a martial arts practitioner...if she wants to, she can really deal some damage, the punch will probably sore his arm now, Alex winched in pain for a bit, seeing that Ueno stop what she was doing and became a tad bit panic
"I...I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"
Alex could only smile and pat her head slowly to comfort her, Ueno san could only blush at that reaction.
"Feel any better now?"
She could only nod in embarrassment.
"Come on now. Our date isn't over. I'll be at the electronic store in a jiffy, then let's have some food before we go back, I need to start recording some dialogues for our game"
Ueno san forgot about her shyness and ask
"Our game?"
Alex only nodded and said
"Yeah, I need you to voice over as one of the characters..well, maybe several characters, I'll pay you of course. Wanna be in my game? This will be a good start for your portfolio if you wanted to become a proper Seiyu later on"
"I'll do it!"
there was no hesitation in her voice when she said it.
"Alright then, I guess I'll buy a good microphone as well, we probably need to sound insulate the new sound studio later. Perhaps the hardware store?"
the two of them went along the mall looking for the stuff they need to build their game. Alex even played a crane game and won a plushie for Ueno san, she seems really happy to receive a small little toy. it was one of the anime characters in some anime he didn't watch in this world. He wasn't privy to whatever it is. It kinda looks like a dog..or is it a dragon? he can't tell the difference, a dog with horns perhaps.
Alex went to the Electronic store and look into some of the laptops there, but they weren't up to par with what he needed. In the end, he only bought the microphone and some other accessories and paraphilia and some monitors. Ueno san was perplexed as to why he didn't buy a laptop or even a computer desktop for himself.
"I uhh..don't worry about it, I'll source my parts elsewhere, there's a certain spec I needed in order to make our game"
"uhuh..sure, whatever you say, Alex, I never even heard of a gaming laptop called Alienware..are you sure it exists?"
" exists, maybe in the USA. It hasn't arrived here yet"
"Ohh, Alex sure knows his stuff well! as expected of an Otaku! hehe! you're such a nerd!"
"You're bullying me Ueno... you deserve some punishment for that"
Alex took her dog dragon thing and runs away
"Ahh!! get back here Alex!! what are you doing to my mofumofu!"
Alex hold up the little dragon dog doll and paraded it around as he threw it up in the air and catching it, making Ueno san far more nervous than it should, She is scared that Alex would drop the fluffy toy.
"hahaha! Nothing? i thought it would be fun just to tease you again!"
"Get back here you jerk! Stop bullying me and my Plushie!"
Ueno almost trip trying to chase after Alex but he caught her in time, holding her gently in the waist and grabbing her close to him, The crowd stopped by and swoon, some even blushed at that very gentlemanly gesture of sweeping the girl with excellent timing and their gaze came closer and Alex face came close to Ueno's panicked one.
With a pleasant smile he said,
"Has anyone told you that you're so adorable? I can't help but want to bully you constantly."
her face instantly reddens up in embarrassment from that unexpected bomb he dropped on her. The rest of the crowd in the shopping mall began to clap for some reason, clearly impressed by that cringe worthy line, some even sneered at him, some girls look at him with envy, one of the Auntie shouts "smooth one kid!!" the older crowd could only smile with happiness at the two young couple playing lovey dovey so openly in a mall, "Ahh youth" they said..
Ueno-san could only close her hands with her face refusing to face the public after that scrutiny, what is this Alex thinking? since when was he this sweetlip? "Ahh! why does he gotta go and say that! Wawawawaa! What if someone from school saw us?!"
Alex fixes her crumpled clothes and kept moving away like it's nothing ignoring the crowd as his smile foolishly with that stupid grin on his face
"Today is a good day! I can already feel it!"
"Shut up Alex! Ahhh! that's so embarrassing! Meanie!"
just an ordinary day for the two of them. nothing out of the ordinary here. Someone from school did saw them, but that's a tale for another day.