Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Just because you can, does not mean you should.

It was dark. Very, very dark. There is the soft humming sound of electricity passing through wiring.


I try to open my eyes but can not. I can not even feel my body.


‘Am I dead? Did I die?’


I start to panic, ever so slightly. But instead of freaking out like I should be, the amount of panic I am feeling is like… like wondering if I washed my fork so I can eat something. This is not normal at all. This is.


This is. Like my emotions are heavily muted.


‘No… That’s impossible, isn’t it?’


With some trepidation, I think ‘Status’


‘Fuck. And also awesome.’



Name: Nova

Model: O-0001: Omega Class First Generation

Race: Automaton

Material used: Morphium- 100%

Health: 100%

Status: Sealed

Power source: Z-1070-U Subspace Power Generator 10th Generation- Upgradable


Racial Skills: [Accelerated learning] [Tireless] [Semi-Immortal] [Upgradable] [High Speed Thought] [Parallel Processing] [Limited Control: Technology]


Skills: [Supernatural Combat: Unarmed-EX/ Sniper-EX]


Passives: [Made of Morphium- EX] [Last Stand-EX] [Gamer Body- EX]


Permanent Debuffs: [Slow Combat training- EX] [Muted emotions- EX] [Forced Logical Thinking]


Common skills: N/A


‘Why is it pink? No, never mind. So, I transmigrated, reincarnated? Whatever. It’s clear I am now Nova, an Omega Class Automaton. So, by going along with the rest of that survey, I am also in the Stargate universe, and SG-1 should eventually come pick me up.’


While thinking about my situation, I try to reach out and touch or control the technology around me. But, unsurprisingly, I can’t go beyond the pod. Sealed means sealed after all. And there is nothing to interface with inside the pod. I hope SG-1 will not take forever.


‘Now that I think about it, what do I even look like?’


As soon as I finish that thought, a 3D model of what I assume is myself appears where my status used to be.


Slowly spinning, is a Kitsune, of all things. Maybe the super advanced race was Kitsune? I had the ears, but it looks like my three tails were about a metre long and made of dark royal purple light? Anyway, what I assume to be my body is pretty cool looking. It looked like it had normal, pale white skin but I bet it didn’t feel like skin. No idea how tall I am or anything, but I look to be about 14 years old. Really young looking. And female, thank Null.


‘What. What is Null? … nothing. Where did that come from? Maybe from my programming? Oh well, moving on.’


Multi colour eyes. One was a soft pink sakura, and the other was golden. I wonder if they glow? I bet they do. Oh neat, I could zoom in. My sclera was black, and had several blue digital looking lines going up to my outer iris. They were pulsing with a soft blue glow, going from the iris back into my head.


In fact, my whole body had these lines. Three per limb it seemed, all on the sides of my arms and legs/thighs. One line stopped on the side of my hand at the base of the wrist, while the other two curved to go unto the middle of my hand and back of my hand, respectively. The line on back of my hand then branched to go along my fingers and ended at my nails. The same thing could be said for my legs, and feet. I also had six on my face, three on each side starting up from near the back of my neck ending halfway up my cheeks. All pulsing a soft blue glow, going from the top of my head down to my feet. The timing seems to be after the eye pulse.


My hair was black, and really long. All the way down past my butt. Looking closely, each strand of hair also had a blue digital line, going all the way down to the tips. But the glow was super low on my hair, and you couldn’t really tell. Except for the last few centimetres of the tips. They pulsed along with the rest of my body.


Overall my face just screamed “cute.” It had a slight oval shape to it, and I had a small button nose that was slightly tipped up. And lips on the slightly thinner side, that had no makeup. Or I guess it would be paint? My overall eye size was normal as well, but they had an almost sharp feel to them.

(A/N: I suck a lot at trying to describe. Just think of Shiro from NGNL.)

I had no human looking ears, instead it was two fox ears that went a good distance up from my head. Maybe about a foot or so? They seemed to be of the same “hair” that my… hair was made out of. Which I am guessing is Morphium. Really is a wonder metal if it can look like real hair and skin almost.


I was clearly designed to look like a young female. I had the shape, but none of the anatomy at all. I truly looked human except for the glowie bits. My creator did an excellent job.


Speaking of, every now and then when I was examining myself, my whole body would have a small ripple. Like a tiny ripple from water. I wonder if that is only the display, or if that really happens. I am fine with either, really.


‘Oh? What’s this? “Toggle simulated battle mode?” Don’t mind if I do.’


When I flipped the toggle, a few things changed. The nails on my hands grew a few inches. I am glad I can tell I can retract those so I can make a fist without causing sparks to fly. The blue pulse turned red and the centre of my eyes glowed red. Kind of like The Terminator. I found that really cool.


‘Not much really changed for my “Battle mode,” but then again, the survey did say my creator couldn’t totally finish me. Speaking of, do I know anything about him?’


Turning off the simulated battle mode, I tried to think about any ‘new’ knowledge I had. And honestly, it wasn’t much. Or at least, towards my creator and the race I now have an ever burning desire to erase. I really hope they were not actually Kitsune, or else I am going to have to do a deep dive in my programming to remove that order.


‘I just noticed. I am really thinking like an A.I. Do I still have a soul? I think I do. Oh well, nothing I can do about this.”


That [Forced Logical Thinking] is really earning its paycheck I bet.


‘Now, what else can I do while I… Oh?”


As I was thinking of checking some other things about myself, I heard something other than the low hum of my sealing pod. Almost sounded like a voice? Oh, is SG-1 already here? Great, I was worried I’d be super bored.

— P.O.V. switch Narrator —

(A/N: [Is Nova and random A.I’s speaking in the dead language] and {Is SG-1 speaking in English} )


In a very large room you could see a lone pod, slightly floating above the ground. All the machines around the room seem to be dead. Long have they degraded to nearly nothing, looking like a mere touch will cause them to crumble into dust. Only the black and gold pod with blue digital lines across it still looked new.


From beyond the only door into this room a voice could be heard.


???: “Jack, this is the last room over here! Teal'c! Come help me open this door please? It’s severely damaged like the rest. Just how old do you think this building is?”


Teal’c: “Very, Daniel Jackson. I have never seen anything like this in my time as First Prime.”


Daniel: “Yea, well from what we’ve seen so far, that is a good thing. The Goa'uld do not need access to this level of technology. Even though nothing is really useable anymore, even I can tell it was hyper advanced.”


Teal’c: “Indeed.”


Soon, creaking and groaning could be heard as the two started to pry open the door to the last room they had to explore.


Daniel: “All… most… there…!”


With a loud crash, the door slid open and slammed against the wall. As the two walked into the nearly pitch black room, they immediately noticed the oddity. The perfectly fine, glowing and floating pod.


Daniel: “Uhh.. Jack! Sam! You better get in here. We got something!”


Several minutes later, the two known as Jack and Sam walked into the room.


Jack: “What did you find Daniel? …whoa.”


Daniel: “Yea. Whoa. What do you think it is? Sam?”


Sam: “I have no idea. How is it floating? I don’t see anything connected to it. Any symbols on it?”


Teal’c: “There is nothing.”


Daniel: “Yea, not even dust.”


As the four were looking at it, Jack reached out and touched the front of the pod.


[Opening viewing glass to the subject. Please enter the authorization code to open the sealing pod and awaken the unit.]


All four jumped back and raised their weapons towards the pod. After waiting a few minutes nothing happened. The pod continued to float silently. But now it had a translucent viewing port of what was inside, and what looked like a keyboard in the middle of the pod.


Daniel: “Is. Is that a person there?”


Teal’c: “Indeed. But I am unfamiliar with the race.”


Jack: “Are those Fox ears on her head? Also, does anyone else notice she’s not entirely human?”


Sam: “Yea. Good thing too, or you’d all be arrested.”


Sam smiled at her joke towards her friends, while they just looked away a bit sheepishly. 


Jack: “In our defence. We had nothing to do with her… it? Whatever, her being naked. Why didn’t they at least put some clothes on her? Surely they had that right? I mean, look at all the tech around us! Well, it’s broken and useless, but you know what I mean!”


Sam: “Relax Colonel. I was just joking. But I agree about the clothes. Very odd.”


Daniel: “Yea, but what exactly is she? Look at the blue lines along her bod-”


As Daniel was talking, he leaned too far forward against the pod, and it floated forward causing him to crash on his face.


[Please enter the authorization code to open the sealing pod and awaken the unit.]


Everyone: “...”


Daniel: “Don’t. Don’t say it, Jack.”


Jack: “Don’t know what you mean, Danny boy.”


Sam snickered at the interaction, while Teal’c just raised an eyebrow.


Teal’c: “Since Daniel Jackson has discovered that the pod may be moved, shall we take it with us?”


Sam: “I vote yes!”


Daniel, who was still on the floor, raised his right arm and said, “I also vote yes.”


Jack: “You know protocall, I’ll dial back and ask first, but yes. Let’s bring it back with us to the gate at least for now.”


While Daniel started to get up, Teal’c got behind the pod and started to lightly push. Finding he didn’t need to much effort to move the pod forward he just nodded, and started to head back to the gate.


[Please enter the authorization code to open the sealing pod and awaken the unit.]

You are reading story Do not take Eldritch surveys. Noted! at


Jack: “What do you think the thing keeps saying, Sam?”


Sam: “Well, considering that it looks like a stasis pod of some sort, and there is a keyboard on the front.. Uhh.. glass? It is most likely asking for a password of some sort, or input of some kind.”


Daniel: “Yea, that makes sense. By the way Sam, were you able to tell how old this place is?”


Sam: “No, sorry. I took several samples though. The gear we have with us is not enough to give a great read out. I can say it’s very old though. For metal to degrade like this? More so, metal we don’t know the first thing about? I’d say well over several thousand years maybe?”


Daniel: “Oh, I think even longer. The gate looks newer than everything around it. But why and better yet, how would that be the case?”


Sam: “Oh right! I forgot that tidbit. Yea, then scratch my guess. I have no clue. How old are the gates again?”


Daniel: “Something like 50 million years plus?”


After saying that, all four of them looked at the girl in the pod.


Jack: “That is one old little girl.”


Sam and Daniel: “Yea…”


Teal’c: “Indeed.”


They finally reached the gate room, or rather, what was left of it. It was a rather large room, with crumbling walls, and the roof was open to the elements. At least it was a nice day out. Teal’c moved the pod next to the rest of their gear and waited as Jack dialled home.


The gate slowly groaned as it started up its dialling routine. Several minutes later, an event horizon bubble expanded out, and settled down signalling the gate had made a successful connection.


Jack reached up to his walkie-talkie and radioed command, “SG-1 to SGC, please respond.”


???: “This is Stargate Command. What’s the situation SG-1? You’re early.”


Jack: “Hey Walter, we found something here. Or rather, maybe I should say we found someone.”


Walter: “Really? You found someone?”


Jack: “Yup. They are in a pod of some sort. The pod looks brand new, while everything else looks ready to crumble to dust. Permission to bring the pod and entity back?”


Walter: “I’ll get the General, hold on.”


Jack: “Roger.”


After a few moments a new voice rang out of his speaker.


???: “Walter said you found someone, Colonel?


Jack: “Yup, at least we think it's someone. They are not entirely human. And they have been in this pod for a VERY long time I am willing to bet.”


???: “Danger assessment?”


Jack: “No idea really, Sir. The pod is sealed shut. There is a keyboard looking thing on the centre of the viewing bit. Every now and then it says something in a language we can't understand. Sam and Daniel think it’s asking for a code or some sort.”


???: “Is it giving off any harmful radiation, Captain?”


Sam: “None, Sir. The pod is floating, but I have no idea how. It’s not giving off any energy whatsoever.”


???: “Hmm… Alright, if you feel it is safe enough, bring it back. Anything else?”


Jack: “No, Sir. We’ll be stepping through the gate in a few moments.”


???: “Roger, over and out.”


Daniel started driving their gear back through the gate, walking in right after. Followed by Sam. Teal’c pushed the pod towards the gate, and then through it. Finally, Jack went through.


Back at Stargate command, there were several people waiting around the gate room, and in the observation room, watching on. As Daniel was driving the buggy back down the ramp with Sam a few steps back Teal’c came through with the pod.


Several seconds after came through though the pod started to glow red and let out several low sounding beeps.


[Connection to main server severed. Reestablish connection, or safety protocols will activate and the pod will open.]


Everyone stepped away from the pod, and raised all their weapons towards it, just as Jack was stepping out of the portal. Noticing everyone pointing their guns at him, he raised his hands, eyes slightly wide.


Jack: “Whoa there gentlemen, what’s up?”


Just as someone was about to answer him, the pod made several low beeps again, and repeated the message.


[Connection to main server severed. Reestablish connection, or safety protocols will activate and the pod will open.]


Jack: “Oh, never mind.”


He joined everyone in front of the pod and also raised his weapon, aiming at the pod.


Jack: “Daniel, Sam? Any idea what's going on?”


Sam: “None, Sir. It just started beeping and the colour changed when Teal’c came through the gate.”


Daniel: “Yea, I am clueless.”


Jack: “Did you push it the wrong way or something, Teal’c?”


Teal’c: “I did not, O’Nneill.”


Jack: “It was a joke, buddy. You know what, never mind. Any guess–”


But before Jack could finish his sentence, the pod started moving and talking again. It began to raise, and point its front to the ground. Giving everyone a full view of who was inside.


[Time limit reached. Safety protocols activated. Unsealing pod, and activating the unit.]


—P.O.V switch Nova—


[Time limit reached. Safety protocols activated. Unsealing pod, and activating the unit.]


‘Holy shit, they took forever to take my pod back to earth. And I can’t even understand them! What the hell?! I know English, why can I not understand them? Is it because this body doesn’t know English? What language am I thinking in then?’


My internal tangent on languages was interrupted by a different voice this time. It sounded female.


“Awaken my child. Awaken, and destroy the race that took my other daughter from me!”


I guessed that was the voice of my creator. Too bad I will most likely never get to fulfil that order. And again, I was hoping the race was not Kitsune. I really liked Kitsune.


Then I felt power go through my body. And a lot of it. It felt great. Like I could run laps around the sun till it died, and still be good to go.


‘And to think, this still isn’t enough output to do anything crazy with.’


The door to my pod began to open, and I could finally open my eyes. What I saw were a lot of nervous looking Humans and a Jaffa pointing a bunch of toys at me. I could just feel somehow that these weapons will do nothing to me. This must be the instincts I got from my [Supernatural Combat]. Very handy to have.


???: {“Who are you? State your name and race!”}


That sounds like the good ole General Hammond. Too bad I have no idea what he is saying. But I would hazard a guess he is asking me who I am.


Nova: [“Answer: I am Nova. An Omega Class First Generation automaton.”]


‘Weird way to talk. I sound completely monotone too. Well, if I am honest, I love it.’


I continue to scan everyone present. And I mean that literally. It was kind of like how The Terminator would scan things in front of it. Mine was way more advanced naturally. But the names of things and people all came out as question marks. Makes sense. But I could tell how their guns functioned, how they were put together, and how they could be used. Didn’t mean I could use them though. Thanks to my debuff.


Sam: {“We can’t understand you. If you can understand us nod your head please?”}


Whelp, this was already getting tiring. So I used my ability to connect and control lesser technology on a computer that was in the viewing room. This seemed to alarm them. I guess my use of the ability isn’t exactly stealthy if someone is looking at what I am using. Good to know.


Hammond: {“Stop what you are doing immediately! Or we will open fire!”


Looking up at Hammond I calmly respond, “[Reply: I can not] {understand} [you. I am] {learning} [your language. Give me a] {moment.}.”


Jack: {“Hey, I understood some of that!”}


Daniel is looking at me in wonder, {“She’s learning. General Hammond Sir, what exactly is she doing?”}


Hammond: {“There is a computer terminal up here that is going haywire, and has the omega symbol with what look like fox ears on it over the data flying by.”}


‘Good, I am nearly done re-learning English. I nearly understood that entire exchange. But to think my hacking has an omega symbol with fox ears. That’s cool.’


(A/N: Everything will be in English now, unless Nova speaks with [ ] on purpose.)


Nova: “Statement: I have learned your language. Please restate what you have asked of me.”


Everyone: “...”


Hammond: “*Coughs lightly* Yes. Uhh.. What is your name, and Race?”


Nova: “Reply: My name is Nova. I am an Omega Class First Generation Automaton.”


Sam: “And, what exactly is an Omega Class built for?”


Nova: “Reply: Simply put, genocide. I am the first, and only of my kind. My creator built me to wipe out her own race for the crime of killing her other, biological daughter.”


Everyone was stunned to silence my statement. I don’t blame them. Not every day you meet a murder bot!