Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Sorry no refunds. You opened it, you keep it!

Everyone was silent and just digesting what I had said. I just stood there, looking at everyone. My tails, which I confirmed were actually Hard Light and could be changed, swayed behind me gently. I couldn’t have more than three though. Wonder what dictates that?


Daniel let out a small cough, and awkwardly smiled at me.


Daniel: “Could you please repeat that?”


Nova: “Compliance: Okay. I said I was built for genocide, and to wage war against my creators race for the death of her other biological daughter.”


Jack: “Okay, that is just a tad extreme of a response.”


Teal’c: “Indeed. Did you succeed in that endeavour, Nova?”


Nova: “Negative: I did not. I was never fully activated. And judging by how long I was on standby, my creator and her race are long dead. That is most likely a dead directive now.”


Sam: “Wait? What do you mean fully activated? Were you conscious the entire time you were in that pod?”


Nova: “Confirmation: Yes. With time converted into your years, I was on standby for a little over 500 million years.”


‘Luckily I was only actually “there” for the last few hours of it though. Since I am a machine now, can I even go insane from boredom? Thoughts for later. Oh nice! Teal’c raised both his eyebrows. How rare.’


Sam: “Five. Five hun-hundred MILLION years?!”


I simply nodded at her outburst. I turned around and looked at the gate. Looks so much more impressive in real life than the show. But at the same time, it seems a little… primitive to me? Like I can tell my creator had access to something much better and efficient than this. Interesting.


Nova: “Statement: So this is the gate I learned about from your systems. Impressive technology, if a bit primitive. Your race clearly did not build this though. You are not nearly advanced enough. Which means you found it, and learned how to use and interface with it. That is impressive for your civilization's level of technology.”


At my comment Sam let out a rather large cough. Turning around to look at her, her eyes were wide.


Sam: “Primitive?! You think the Stargate is primitive technology??”


Nova: “Reply: Correct. The travel time is slow. The connection is one way. From the looks of it, you have no control over who can make a connection to it. The power needed to activate it is also horribly inefficient. Overall, it is a good first attempt at interstellar and beyond travel though.”


‘Well, even though I said that I can not fully scan the gate. It’s too complex it seems. I can only see the faults of it from all the data I currently have. I’d need to see the original blueprints and designs for it to fully understand and build and optimize my own.


Sam: “What did the race that created you use?”


Nova: “Reply: While I lack the finer details, they used spatial folding of some sort. It seems my creator was not able to fully program me. Or arm me.”


Jack: “Oh? What is your programming currently? And what toys are you missing?”


Sam gave Jack, who sounded a bit disappointed about my missing weapons, a little bit of a glare.. I don’t really understand why. It’s one of the SGC’s main points. To find new technology to fight the Goa'uld with.


‘Shit, I fall under that don’t I? Since I am a piece of technology. Well, let them try and force me to do something I don’t want.’


Nova: “Reply: I only have two prime directives. 1: Destroy the [REDACTED] race. 2: Grow and evolve as much as possible. As for my armaments, I am missing everything besides a bit of combat programming. My creator managed to fully program in Unarmed and what you call ‘Sniper’ proficiencies.”


Nova: “Report: Error in learning protocol for combat detected. Learning rate will be severely hampered. That is unfortunate.”


Jack looked understandably disappointed that I had no new toys for him to look at, or show. Daniel made a low hum, and looked back up to me.


Daniel: “Nope. I am still stuck on how old you are. How did you not go insane from being idle for that long with no stimuli?”


Nova: “Statement: Insanity is a failing for Organics, or badly coded Synthetics. If a Synthetic were to go insane, the creator would be put on trial to see if it was intentional or not. In either case, they would lose their right to build any more Synths. If it was found to be done intentionally they would be executed for what your race calls ‘inhumane practices.’


Sam: “Wait. I am sorry if this sounds rude, but your, uh. ‘Kind.’ Synthetics, you said, were recognized as citizens of your race, and had legal rights and protections?”


Nova: “Confusion: Of course? Why wouldn’t we be? We are alive. We do not have the squishy bits you Organics have, but that doesn't make us any less.”


Jack: “Oh boy. That might cause some problems here. I bet a lot of the higher ups will only see you as a piece of talking tech. And they will try to force you into doing things.”


Nova: “Threat: I would suggest otherwise. I will respond very aggressively to anything of that kind.”


Everyone in the room and observation room sweat dropped a bit at that statement. As Sam was about to start talking again, the gate started to activate and diall.


Walter: “Unscheduled gate activation!”


Hammond: “Clear the ramp people! Nova, please stay in the gate room near the end of the ramp.”


Nova: “Compliance: Okay.”


As started to walk away from my pod, I suddenly got an urge to touch it. I placed my hand on the side and a wave of metallic looking water rushed out of my hands to cover the pod. Morphium I would guess. It took all of several seconds for it to cover the pod, decompose it down and reenter my hand. 


‘That was neat. But why was-’


Suddenly, I heard my creator's voice again in my head.


???: ‘New technology detected. [Anti-gravity: low] adapted and added. Metal is of an inferior make, with no new properties. Ignoring.’


Well that was interesting. Guess that’s the effects of Morphium the survey talked about. Sadly, while I did gain the ability to mildly affect the gravity around me, I did not learn how to make the generator the pod had. 


While it is a let down I do not just suddenly know how to make it, it is good to know that now before I carelessly absorb something else before taking a deep look into its systems and build. Not that I could understand how to make an anti gravity engine like the pod had just by scanning it. Much like the gate, I assume it would be too complex for me to just understand.


While I continued to walk down the ramp and stand next to the wide eyed SG-1 (Everyone but Teal’c. He only raised an eyebrow.) Sam asked a question.


Sam: “What was that? What happened to your pod?”


Nova: “Reply: I repurposed it.”


Jack: “Awe, we could have learned a lot from it. Maybe.”


Nova: “Mockery: It was not yours to use. Besides, the onboard computer did not have any information besides how to work the pod’s door.”


Daniel: “That is true, and a shame. I would have liked to know more about the race that created you.”


I simply nodded, and looked back towards the gate which had just finished dialling and forming the connection. Suddenly several things started to impact the stargate’s iris. Most likely weapon fire from the sound of it?


After several moments Hammonds voice came out of the speakers, “Everyone, SG-6 is coming in hot. Jaffa are closing in on them. Walter, open the iris and close the blast doors and window. Everyone in the gate room, prepare for stray fire and possible hostiles to follow SG-6!”


After he finished talking everyone got behind something or crouched down and moved to the sides of the room. I just stood where I was. There was no need for me to move.

You are reading story Do not take Eldritch surveys. Noted! at


Jack: “Nova! Get down over here, you risk getting hit!”


As several staff blasts flew around me and in every direction, I looked at Jack and asked, “Inquiry: Are these the attacks from the weapon he is holding?”


I point at Teal’c’s staff.


Teal’c: “Indeed. This is a Jaffa staff, and they shoot a–”


Before he could finish a staff blast rammed right into my face. It did nothing to me. Looking at my health percentage, it didn’t move from 100%. Again my instincts from [Supernatural Combat] were spot on.


Everyone's eyes opened wide when they noticed I took no damage, and was completely fine.


Nova: “Contempt: Such low level and primitive weapons have no hope of harming me.”


Daniel: “Yea. Noted.”


Just then several men came rushing through the gate. After the fourth man came through, Hammond yelled for them to close the iris. As the Iris closed, all the men collapsed to the ground on to their butts, breathing heavily.


‘I am glad I am beyond such weakness as stamina now.’


???: “That was crazy, man! Why the hell was there a battalion of Jaffa there? Wasn’t this supposed to be a basic recon?”


???: “Stop complaining Mac, we’re alive. And that is the whole point of recon. To check things out.”


Jack: “Welcome back SG-6. How was your vacation with the local Jaffa?”


???: “Haha, very funny Colonel. Next time why don't I invite you–”


He looked up to Jack to make a joke, but stopped when he saw me standing next to Sam and Daniel observing them.


???: “Uhh.. who’s the little fox girl? The NAKED little fox girl?”


Nova: “Reply: I am Nova. An Omega Class First Generation Automaton. I do not have a wardrobe because I was never fully activated. Synthetics are given their first set of clothes when they are first activated. As that is essentially our ‘birthday.’ I, however, was never fully activated so I did not receive any.”


???: “Uhh?”


Daniel: “Interesting. Then are you technically considered a newborn since you first fully activated right now? And we really should do something about your lack of dress…”


Nova: “Amused: No. My ‘birthday’ would be considered when I was partially brought online, as that was when I became aware. And if my lack of dress distresses you, give me one moment.”


My whole body ripples like a pebble hit a clear lake, and clothes start to form around me. I just used the same design as SG-1 uses for their away missions, but dyed black with some pink highlights here and there. Instead of the SGC badge, I had the Omega symbol with fox ears. I really like it, honestly.


‘I may not be able to add super complex stuff like shield generators or laser cannons, but a simple set of clothes is no problem. I wonder if I can make a gun after I fully learn about them? Thoughts of later.’


Jack: “Whoa. Okay, that was neat.”


Teal’c: “Indeed.”


Everyone was just nodding their heads at my display. Suddenly Hammonds voice sounds out.


Hammond: “SG-1 and 6 please come to the briefing room. Nova, I would like to have you escorted to an observation room for now. Will you be willing to accept that?”


Nova: “Acknowledge: I will comply.”


Hammond: “Good, foreman, can one of you please escort Nova to Observation room one, while everyone comes up to be debriefed.”


Everyone: “Sir, yes Sir.”


A stern looking man came up to me, and saluted for some reason.


???: “Ma’am. Would you please follow me to the observation room?”


I simply nodded my head and followed behind him as he led me out of the gate room. While we were walking through the halls I noticed I am actually rather short. If my guess is correct, I am about 4’10. Damn! I am a small girl!


While I was being shocked at my short stature, we stepped into an elevator that started taking us downward. 


Nova: “Query: Just how far down are we?


???: “I am sorry Ma’am, but I am not at liberty to say.”


Nova: “Disappointment: I understand.”


The door opened up, and we exited and took a left. While walking we passed a few scientist looking people, and some other guards. They all looked at me with great confusion. Their looks were amusing to me.


We walked up to a large door, to me at least, that had the letterings “Obv: 1” on it. He swiped a card in a reader next to the door, and with a beep the light on it turned green, and the door opened.


Walking inside, I look around. There is nothing inside but a large space, and an observation window covered in what must be reinforced glass near the roof of the room. It was located to the right of the door as you entered.


???: “The General and others will be with you when they are done. Do you require a chair or anything Ma’am?”


Nova: “Reply: No.”


He nodded his head, and swiped his card, closing the door. Now that I was alone, I took the opportunity to look at exactly what my [Anti-Gravity: Low] ability did with my UI.

[Anti-Gravity: Low]

With the current model of the generator you have absorbed, and the power output you can sustain, you may use Anti-Gravity to ‘lift’ an object of 5 tonnes. Must be touching the object. May also simply ‘remove’ 5 tonnes of weight on the object to let you lift it with your natural strength.



Find a better generator design, and/or power supply to up the amount of weight and range you may affect.


Well, that is pretty awesome. Five tonnes is quite a lot for a low rating. I also decided to see if I could use it on myself. I sat back, and started to float like I was in a recliner chair.


‘Yup, this is great. And dare I say: Relaxing? Heh. Not like I can get uncomfortable. I don’t exactly “feel” for what passes as my skin anymore. I am aware of sensations, but it’s not anything like how I was when I was human. Much like my emotions, a muted sensation I guess I would say?’


I got as comfortable as I could while I waited for SG-1 and the General to finish up and come talk to me. They better not leave me in here for days without speaking to me. If so, I’ll go on a spree with their systems…