Chapter 3: Chapter Two

As the sun rose the next morning Aleksander was awoken by the feeling of a delicate hand wrapping around his cock and a nimble tongue running across its head.

Both his lower body and the figure positioned in the space between his legs with her face at his groin were obscured by the bedsheet.

In response to being woken up in such a way, he propped his upper body up with one hand and used the other to lift the bedsheet.

The sight which greeted him had the ability to inspire within a man the desire to commit ruinous acts.

Asna had placed a single hand around the base of his cock and was playfully teasing its head with her tongue, occasionally taking it into her mouth up until the point where the head hit the back of her throat, while her other hand was teasing her own folds and she released soft sounds of pleasure.

As he took in the sight before him Aleksandr could feel the pressure build up along the base of his cock and his balls gradually tighten.

He placed the bedsheet in such a way as to reveal his groin and her upper body, but also leave her younger body obscured so as to leave something to the imagination.

He placed his now freehand on her head, entangling his fingers with her thick head of long and wavy auburn-colored hair, tugging on it and revealing her facial features to his line of sight, thus allowing him to appreciate the healthy blush adorning her usually milky white cheeks.

In response to his actions, her mouth full, she lifted her gaze and her brown-green eyes met his pitch-black ones.

As a result of that instance of eye contact Aleksandr once more spiraled into climax and released his seed down her throat.

After he was done she released him from her mouth and proceeded to lick him clean.

Once she was done Aleksandr used a single fluid motion to tug her upwards lay on his back and sit her square on his face.

"Hold on to something." He commanded, his warm breath tickling her wet folds.

"Okay." She obeyed with zero hesitation, using both of her hands to grab onto the headboard.

Having felt her stabilize her positioning he parted his lips and extended his tongue outwards immediately bringing it into contact with her warm folds and eliciting both a small tremble from her body and a yet another small moan of pleasure. 

[As sweet as I've come to expect.] He momentarily thought to himself as he tasted her before proceeding to engage in yet another in-depth exploration of her folds which lasted several tens of minutes, completely obliterating her and forcing her to experience several orgasms.


[The Divine Order] serves as a, if not "the", trump card unit of The Empire of Dark Luminance, the nation encompassing the Baltic Isles and surrounding seas.

The Empire formed and inhabited by True Dragons is currently one of the highest-ranking Superpowers of Sumeria and one of the Clear Sky Empire's two staunchest allies, the other being the Empire of Macedon. 

You are reading story The Resurgence of Luminance at

The Divine Order is composed of True Dragons of special circumstance.

Each of them belongs to the same generation, which consisted of several thousand but incubated for 9,000 plus years a huge deviation from the average True Dragon incubation period of 1,000. This alone would be an indication of their astronomical talent as the longer a True Dragon requires to incubate the higher its innate potential and the stronger and purer its Bloodline.

They were also all born within 10 years of each other and raised together undergoing regimented training due to perceived talent. As a result, they reached maturity within a century of birth, a process that typically takes a True Dragon approximately 10,000 years.

After reaching maturity they were sent to Avalon. The Divine Order was officially formed after the group returned from Avalon.

And in the intervening years encompassing their return from Avalon to now they were tasked with undertaking countless tasks relating to both the security of the empire and the development of its strength. 

The Order currently possesses seventy-two Base Members, twelve Team Leaders, six Squad Leaders, two Captains, two Lt. Commanders, six Hashiras, and a Commander.

Both Aleksandr and Asna are members of The Divine Order; the latter serving as the organization's Commander and the latter as one of its Hashiras.

The Order's six squads are positioned in different regions around Sumeria and each possesses fifteen members, while the central headquarters is the Emerald Inn located in the Emerald Forest of the Pandorian Continent and typically houses the Commander, Hashiras, Lt. Commanders, and Captains.

After the brief episode mentioned previously, the two got dressed and left Aleksandr's bedroom, making their way toward the briefing room for their weekly operational meeting.


As they approached the living room Aleksandr's HALO emitted the sound of a call coming through.

In response he stopped walking, motioning Asna to walk on ahead, before lifting his arm to viewing level and partially pulling up his sleeve to reveal his HALO.

Once he did a holographic image rose up indicating that a call was coming in from his Uncle Alaric.

In response, he motioned to answer the call, and a full-fledged holographic image of his uncle took shape before him.

"What has you visiting me at this time of day Uncle? Shouldn't you be enjoying your beauty rest, or better yet conducting adult activities with Aunt Dawn so as to produce a male heir besides myself?" Aleksandr asked with the slightest hint of a playful smirk, being the only thing that betrayed his otherwise studious and impassive expression and tone once the image fully took shape.

All his words elicited was a small chuckle from his uncle before the latter breezed past his latter questions and spoke, "You are well aware that there's only one thing that would have me calling you this early in the morning."

"What's the assignment?" Aleksandr asked pointedly, his expression now one of genuine impassivity and zeroed in on his uncle's following words.

His uncle then looked him square in the face and spoke, "I have received word from a friend of mine within The Rouge Order that a request has been placed for your head alongside those of every individual within The Divine Order's Central HQ at this moment."