Chapter 13: dungeon adventure 12 – living in the village


as I wake up in the morning

<wow the lights here work in a day and night cycle>

then I go change my clothes for the first time in this world I was kind of uncomfortable with how my body became so continued dressing with closed eyes

<and that is it what am I gonna do I don't know anyone here what if they hated me like that bastard what if...!>

carmos: <<hey nasty monster>>

Maria: <<monster??>> as approach the door I hear some small boy sound

gobal: <<hay carmos did not suraka tell us to not come here>>

and a girl sound respond to it

darcy: <<yeah he said that the thing from yesterday was a very dangerous monster that they tamed to beat the floor monster>>

as I open the door

Maria: <<so that what he think of me>>

gobal: <<ahh it can talk>>

carmos: <<listen here miss monster I am carmos and I am not afraid of you like the village, and I am here to defeat you!!!>>

as he try to hit me using a wooden sword but he is just to slow for the cat folk agility

carmos: <<waaah>>

as he is about to fall I catch him from behind by the collar

Maria: <<and do I look like a monster to you>>

darcy: <<uuuuhhh miss monster can you pweas leave carmos>>

<oh she is about to cry>

Maria: <<now now calm down I am no monster I am just a normal person like you>>

darcy: <<but but how do you have this things on your head>>

Maria: <<no no there is a lot of other forms a person can appear in more than your form and we call this another race and this is my ears you can touch it if you want>>

darcy: <<can I??>>

her eyes is full of stars

<man even in another world kids love to touch animals fur>

Maria: <<of coarse>>

as I go down to her level still holding carmos from behind

darcy: <<ahh it is too soft>>

carmos: <<hey I am still here>>

Maria: <<oh you what was your name?? carmos right? why do you think I am a monster?>>

carmos: <<because suraka said so>>

Maria: <<and what is suraka for this village??>>

carmos: <<he is the strongest one here and can use magic like fireballs>>

Maria: <<he really don't like me at all hah, so children is magic something rare here>>

gobal: <<you can learn it but it costs a lot of time to cast and in hunting we don't have time>>

Maria: <<but I am always using magic in fights>>

carmos: <<huh?? how?? lair only suraka can do that>>

Maria: <<I can but I cannot show you as my magic include poison>>

carmos: <<huh then you are a liar>>

Maria: <<but what if I cast a spell in less than 5 seconds>>

carmos: <<huh huh??>>

Maria: <<it is not a fighting one though>>

carmos: <<but if you cannot I will take your head>>

Maria: <<but if I win you shall apologize>>

Maria: <<ok I agree>>

carmos thoughts: <this will be impossible to this monster I will take her head to suraka and then he will take me as his student I will be the village hero>(child fantasy)

as I grin and activate my spell

<<glass craft>>

as crystals appear and make a glass bottle in less than 3 seconds

Maria: <<here you are>>

carmos: <<.....!!!! but ho.. HOW>>

and the children is standing there unable to talk

as the girl talk

darcy: <<wow onee-chan is strong>>

Maria: <<so kids what are your names>>

it seems the girl is darcy and the short boy gobal and finally the leader of the group is carmos

Maria: <<hey kids what if we play a game you come for me with a glove and some sticks and i will show a good spell>>

darcy: <<on it onee-chan>>

<it seems darcy is opening up to me but I really hate this onee-chan not onii-chan>

after some time they came with just what I needed

Maria: <<ok now shall we start take a distance and cover your eyes if you feel the light is to intense>>

<<forging materials>>

as a new glove no I think I shall call it wooden gauntlet

Maria: <<as you can see I can improve tools by this spell, how about you try it carmos??>>

<yeah I saw your eyes shining there>

carmos: <<thank you very much mon.. I mean sister I feel much stronger now>>

Maria: <<yeah but don't use it to harm good people>>

carmos: <<that is for sure who you think I am>>

Maria: <<someone trying to hit an innocent person in the morning>>

as his expression hardens

carmos: <<I am sorry okay>>

Maria: <<so kids how about playing some games for some time >>

as we play some games that was known in my native world not here and with every game I can feel their eyes shining more and more and as its still about 9 am we became tired

darcy: <<goodbye onee-chan>>

Maria: <<goodbye kids>>

after the kids returned to their houses it shall be a long way from the border of the village

<that bastard left me here in the border>

You are reading story Black cat witch at

<ugh I am hungry time to search for some food>

as I go to the center of the city and I found a market their

<wow they have meat here and cooked mushrooms>

I can feel my salvia filling my mouth as a woman call my name

taly: <<hey you there you are the chief guest right??>>

Maria: <<I think>>

taly: <<come with me please you shall be very hungry>>

<do I have some special treatment here or what>

Maria: <<excuse me miss do I know you>>

taly: <<oh sorry for the late introduction I am taly the chief told me to take care of you>>

Maria: <<I am Maria a cat folk>>

as we reach the house of taly can smell a really good scent from here thanks to the cat folk powers

as we enter the house

darcy grandpa: <<taly did not I till you to leave the stranger alone>>

Maria: <<but father the chief she is not a bad person>>

darcy grandpa: <<no matter how she appear to be she still can be plotting something>>

<excuse the f*cking drama you are living in>

and here is carmos

taly: <<father I am sorry but if we left her alone she will starve>>

darcy grandpa: <<and how did she eat up till now>>

darcy: <<mmm mom grandpa what is going on>>

as I can see the familiar small girl figure still sleepy

darcy: <<oh onee-chan why are you here>>

Maria: <<I thought that I can eat here, I don't have any food really>>

as the girl look towards her grandpa

<man she is very quick witted>

darcy: <<grandpa can you please let her eat with us she is a very nice person she even told us stories please>>

<man this innocent child look is totally a cheat skill note for me don't tease darcy at any rate>

darcy grandpa: <<but darcy I cannot she might be a... a danger>>

darcy: <<pweas>>

darcy grandpa: <<ok she can eat>>

as I high five darcy

Maria: <<good job there darcy-Chan>>

<and stop staring on me like that old man you are gonna make a hole in me>

as I eat the food that was just too good

<ahhh haven't eat proper food sense I came to this world>

carmos: <<oi darcy I am want to watch a memory??>>

as I see carmos entering the hut

carmos: <<si... sister what are you doing here>>

Maria: <<nothing really what is this in you hand>>

carmos: <<o.. oh this is a memory crystal it can capture moments so you can see it later it can be also be connected to another crystal as a connection crystal>>

<it is like a camera or a cell phone>

Maria: <<and what are you doing with it>>

carmos: <<and why should I tell you?>>

darcy: <<he love to watch memories of suraka hunting>>

<thanks darcy>

Maria: <<oh that might be entertaining what do you think darcy-chan want to watch??>>

darcy: <<yes onee-chan>>

as carmos set next to us silent and starts the video

I am not gonna deny it he is a pretty good fighter he uses wind and fire magic at a beginner level but i think he can improve not to mention that crazy spear arts

<but that make me hate him more why did he leave me alone in the front lines I shall beat him up later>

Maria: <<that was pretty good if you ask me>>

darcy: <<yes onee-chan I cannot wait for your video tomorrow>>

Maria: <<wait my video??>>

carmos: <<it is just that the village chief keeps memories of every battle so we can learn from them how to fight or something like that>>

Maria: <<oh but I don't think my fighting style will suit you>>

as we talk for hours like this i lost the feeling of time

ok time to leave

Maria: <<bye kids>>

darcy: <<bye onee-chan>>

as I was going to the door but something or someone block the door

savo: <<oi mother I am back>>

<shouldn't the males be hunting now!!>

savo: <<oh what is the cute girl doing here>>

<I am f*cking killing you>

Maria: <<excuse me can just leave me alone I am going out>>

as I go out of the house as I see taly welcoming that man seems he is her son

as I leave to get some water from the well and return to my house to take a nap

-after some time-

Maria: <<who is it?>>

I hear knocking on the door it appears that suraka has got the ingredients i needed

as I open the door but he is already zoning

Maria: <<hey you what do you want>>

suraka: <<hey you take this bag and start making your potions>>

Maria: <<at least call me by my name bastard>>

as he leave and I spend the whole day making potions 

as I heard from akura the boss is some sort of purple golem that make the whole area around it and acid lake and it can harden any part of its body in no time like a transformation skill

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