Chapter 14: dungeon adventure 13 – the end of the first arc

<ah where am I?>

<what is this silence it is too comfortable>

aya: <<hello there onii-chan or shall I say onee-chan now>>

<crap I know that sound>

Maria: <<why am I here aya-sama am I dead>>

aya: <<no onee-chan I just thought you have done enough to get your next skill>>

Maria: <<huh? that would be the best pleas give it to me aya-sama>>

I can fell my eyes shining I am getting a new skill from the witch vocation

aya: <<but this skill isn't a fighting one and cannot be used to harm anyone>>

Maria: <<huh? then what will I do with it>>

aya: <<as you have known witches has been hated by humans and they are the most common intelligent life form in this world for now and from a long time ago, so as a way to keep the witches alive in this life style a new skill has appeared I think you can what it do from its name>>

(new skill acquired 'witch disguise lv.MAX')

aya: <<this skill cannot be leveled and it will give you the ability to change your physique slightly, eye and hair color and at most growing parts or hiding it to mimic other races but it will take away your mana slowly the whole time at your current mana level you should be able to use it for three days without fights but in the case of fighting maybe for 20 hours or so>> 

Maria: <<but how to make it last longer>>

aya: <<either by using mana potions or leveling up your mana capacity which can be leveled up the more you use magic>>

Maria: <<then ho....>>

aya: <<I hope we were able to talk more but someone is trying to wake you up>>

Maria: <<wa..wait>>

aya: <<goodbye onee-chan>>

as i feel the world around me getting darker and suddenly a ray of lights appears and gets bigger in no time

darcy: <<onee-chan pleas wake up>>

carmos: <<sister you are stronger than that>>

Maria: <<mmm what is it kids I needed some sleep>>

darcy: <<onee-chaaaaan>>

<why is she crying>

Maria: <<can anyone explain what happened>>

gobal: <<you have been asleep for more than three days>>

<crap no wonder she would cry and can you be more emotional gobal you are like a mountain of ice there look even carmos is holding back his tears>

as darcy jumps on the bed and hug me

<did not expect that I better go with the flow>

as I pat her head 

Maria: <<now don't cry now I am here and I am alright>>

as she raise her head with tears in her eyes

darcy: <<are you really ok onee-chan>>

Maria: <<of coarse but I will need you to do me a favor>>

darcy: <<what is it onee-chan>>

Maria: <<pl..please give me some water>>

<I am like a dried mint here>

after darcy is back hold a cup of filled to brim with water

Maria: <<aaaahhh there is nothing better than cold water after all that time>>

<carmos is still there trying to hold his tears back>

as he dash out and say something outload

carmos: <<she is awake>>

as I can a lot of villagers enter the hut and start to thank me in so many ways

villager 1:<<thank you now the village is safe>>

villager 2:<<hoho thank you for the hard work>>

and so the thanks and compliments continue

<ah ah what the shit am i supposed to say>

I know better than everyone in the world that I am the worst in the world in receiving compliments

Maria: <<ah ah thank you all for your concern it wasn't a big thing really>>

akura: <<what are you talking about of coarse it was dear>>

as I here the familiar voice and a woman cut right through the crowd

akura: <<deny your achievements is no good dear>>

as she signal to one of the warriors behind

warrior: <<okay everyone out of here the chief wants to talk to her alone>>

as every is out of the room so only she is in

akura: <<so dear are you still thinking of completing what we agreed on>>

Maria: <<I am, actually I can start now>>

akura: <<how with that body>>

Maria: <<who are you fooling I think you should definitely saw sanguis lyashi there>>

akura: <<oh you mean that black blood it is a splendid spell for sure but I hope you won't use it in the village we will sink in that black liquid>>

Maria: <<oh then lets go out of the village first>>

as try to stand up but my whole body starts to ache I think I will be impossible to walk now

Maria: <<ouch>>

akura: <<oh dear I think I will hire someone to get you out of the village by the end of the day so don't worry>>

Maria: <<alright thank you chief>>

akura: <<so about the boulder how about the day after tomorrow>>

Maria: <<I have no problem with that>>

akura: <<I am so happy to hear that dear so see you later>>

Maria: <<goodbye chief>>

as she leave the children enter the hut again but this time they seem to be happier than before

carmos: <<so um.. sister I have a request>>

Maria: <<what is it??>>

carmos: <<now that you feel better can you show us that skull again>>

Maria: <<oh you mean lupus shield I can but you will have to wait to tomorrow I cannot summon in the hut it is so small and my body ache I cannot move right now>>

darcy: <<ehh but you said you were right onee-chan>>

<shit she seems about to cry>

Maria: <<I am alright someone will help me go out of the village at the end of the day so I can use my healing spell>>

carmos: <<huh but nothing in your battle memory seem to be a healing spell shouldn't they be about shining lights and so>>

gobal: <<how did not you recognize it carmos it is the one with black blood>>

<no you are the weird one how you a child can recognize that and stop it with the nerd composure he reminds me of class rep the one with glasses>

carmos: <<eh that black blood was a healing spell how so>>

Maria: <<that is because witches usually use weird forms of magic that has spells from different elements>>

darcy: <<after talking about this onee-chan are you able to change your eye color>>

Maria: <<no that was the effect of one of my spells but mentioning that I have got a new spell to change my outer appearance a little want to try it>>

darcy: <<yes yes I want>>

Maria: <<what what hair and eye color do you want to try first>>

darcy: <<how about red eyes and bleu hair>>

Maria: <<on it>>

<<witch disguise>>

as I can see my hair color changing in seconds

darcy: <<wow onee-chan that was cool>>

Maria: <<then how about changing my race appearance>>

darcy: <<you can do that??>>

Maria: <<I don't know>>

<<witch disguise>>

as I first return to bleu eyes and black hair so I can concentrate more on the race as I feel my hand changing and as I touch my head I feel horns instead of cat ears

Maria: <<so what do you think>>

darcy: <<SO COOL sister you shall teach me>>

<that skill will really be the dream of any girl huh>

Maria: <<I think you shall be a witch for that skill and being one is really dangerous and also the far I know you shall have a talent for black magic>>

carmos: <<sister what do you mean by a talent>>

Maria: <<just think about me and suraka we use different magics I use black magic that can include a lot of different spells but he can only control fire and wind magic he won't be able to use poison magic and so we call this a talent>>

<whew I was faster than you this time gobal>

carmos: <<oh but how to know my talent?>>

Maria: <<I think I can observe it for you but I shall recover first so how about we hold a magic lesson tomorrow in the village square??>>

carmos: <<that be really cool I am gonna tell all my friends so they can attend goodbye!!>>

<carmos really like fighting huh>

as I remain with darcy and have some talk as we try different appearance using my new skill

darcy: <<goodbye onee-chan>>

Maria: <<goodbye darcy and gobal>>

<I think I shall get some sleep>

I hear some knocking on the door

<oh he shall be the one that help me to get out of the village>

as I set myself on the bed

Maria: <<you can enter!!>>

as the door open I saw that bastard

Maria: <<wasn't they able to find anyone but you>>

suraka: <<listen I am sorry for how I treated you before>>

<hmm I think he really was worried about the village huh but still no reason to hate me that much>

Maria: <<ok I forgive you but I have one request from you>>

suraka: <<what is it?>>

Maria: <<you won't go hunting tomorrow>>

suraka: <<what why>>

Maria: <<I will be teaching the kids magic and you will help me too I won't get no for an answer>>

<so stop standing all surprised there>

suraka: <<haaah ok I will do it shall we go?>>

Maria: <<ok now give me your hand and support me while walkin..>>

as I fell my body going up suddenly

Maria: <<WHAT are you doing put me down>>

You are reading story Black cat witch at

suraka: <<I think this way is faster>>

Maria: <<I don't care put me down>>

<my pride as a guy I weathering away put me down you bastard>

suraka: <<I do care I have a lot of work and you already have used your request>>

Maria: <<you bastard>>

after a lot of arguing sadly I lost to him in the end as we pass by the village the villagers look at me and gives me smiles

<MAN I should be looking pathetic now f*ck I don't need your pity>

as we finally get out of the village

<<sanguis lyashi>>

Maria: <<hah finally I can move now you bastard why are you running>>

suraka: <<no need to ask you shall see you face you can kill anyone with that look>>

at the end I wasn't able to catch him as I return to my hut which is now in the middle of the village and sleep

<ok this is gonna be an interesting day>

as I got up and changed my clothes which still feels like doing a crime

as I change in the village clothes and go out of the house and so I started walking towards the house of darcy

as darcy open the door still sleepy

Maria: <<hey darcy go change and lets eat breakfast we have the magic lesson today>>

darcy: <<on it onee-chan>>

as she run away with her arms up


savo: <<oh Maria-san you are here>>

<oh the savo bastard>

Maria: <<and what is the problem>>

savo: <<nothing I am not used to see you in the morning and I have no problem if I do that everyday>

Maria: <<don't worry I will make sure you are out of the house before I enter it>>

savo: <<you are so cruel Maria-san>>

darcy: <<it is breakfast time onee-chan>>

Maria: <<coming>>

as savo follows

Maria: <<why are you following me>>

savo: <<what are you saying this is my house>>

<crap I forgot>

as I set next to darcy, say hi to taly-san and that old man and end my breakfast in thunder speed

Maria: <<ok I will be waiting for you out darcy can you tell me which house is for carmos>>

darcy: <<oh the house on the right of ours>>

as I go and knock on carmos door but the one to open the door was that bastard

Maria: <<isn't that carmos house?>>

suraka: <<yes it is>>

Maria: <<and what are you doing here>>

suraka: <<it is my house also>>

carmos: <<who is it suraka ne-san>>

suraka: <<it is Maria>>

carmos: <<sister!>>

as carmos is here in just one moment

carmos: <<will we start the magic?>>

Maria: <<yes now call all your friends and suraka you will be coming with me>>

suraka: <<why shall I?>>

as I grin at that question

Maria: <<don't forget the request>>

<serves you right huh>

as we walk to the village square I can see about 12 children there already

Maria: <<so kids shall we start our lesson first may all of you stand in a raw>>

the children with shiny eyes stand in a raw

<time to use some witch knowledge of magic type and uses>

Maria: <<so first come here carmos and give me your hand>>

carmos: <<here>>

<I think this shining will make me blind>

Maria: <<I will be passing mana throw your hand just imagine collecting glowing dots around you in one big dot>>

carmos: <<ok>>

and after sometime I can see a fire ball formed from his hand and his emitting an aura and after I tried it, it make my arm feel lighter

<oh witch knowledge recognize that!>

Maria: <<congratulations carmos you have a talent for the fire and support magic>>

carmos: <<woooooooooooow I can use magic yes yes>>

Maria: <<easy now the next>>

as for darcy she was able to change the color of thing and grow plant

Maria: <<darcy you have got a nature and color magic i think you can use a skill simelar to mine in the future>>

darcy: <<yay yay thank you onee-chan>>

Maria: <<easy easy now no time for hugs there are other children too>>

Maria: <<now gobal>>

gobal: <<....>>

Maria: <<oh you have a talent to healing and building magic>>

<at least show some reaction>

<oh I am seeing some weird types of magic today like that color one>

as we end the talent determination 

Maria: <<then after all of you have known his talent now time to practice on collecting mana, listen kids if the body isn't getting in fight daily I mean like the hunting trips for example you shall start collecting some mana you can master moving mana more accurately because no mater how your skill level is high you shall practice this and now everyone sit on the ground and close you eyes and start imagining about something that resemble a spell from your talent and start getting the dots towards it>>

kids: <<...>>

Maria: <<now everyone that feel warmth don't panic this is from the mana aura oh and suraka can you distribute your mana on the square so the kids can collect it>>

suraka: <<huh but there are 12 kids I will take half a day to recover from this>>

Maria: <<and that is why you are here for the request>>

after some of time

<I think all of them shall have known how to collect mana by now>

Maria: <<so kids that was all for today don't forget to practice daily>>

suraka: <<can I go home now please I am tired>>

Maria: <<yes you can>>

<now time for the gauntlets upgrade>

as I knock and enter the chief hut

akura: <<oh dear I assume you came here for the material right??>>

Maria: <<exactly so what is it>>

akura: <<here dear we call this rogva rock it is incredibly hard but it is rare because it is made of earth mana so it will weather away after one or two uses as its mana is consumed to give it hardness>>

Maria: <<ok now time to try if I can add it>>

<<forge materials>>

as the gauntlets are covered with this stone on the finger joints

Maria: <<that might be enough>>

akura: <<ok wait for you in tomorrow morning dear don't disappoint me>>

as I go out of the hut towards my hut to sleep

ok time for breakfast

as I eat my breakfast at the house of darcy again and started walking towards the square as the chief called the whole village

<man I think the whole village is here>

as akura explain the whole story of their and this place origins to the whole village

akura: <<but today we might be able to break free from this prison with the help of Maria>>

<crap a lot of pressure>

as the whole village walk to the first floor and it was hard enough to make them safe the whole way

darcy: <<hey onee-chan is what chief said alright? does that mean the world in bedtime stories exist>>

Maria: <<you guys tell stories of this world for the bed?>>

darcy: <<yeah onee-chan but is it real>>

Maria: <<yeah darcy every part of it but you better stay with village for now you are to young for travelling and exploring>>

darcy: <<no problem onee-chan I just want to see a little part of it for now>>

Maria: <<and that is what I will be doing>>

<can everyone stop adding pressure I mean if I failed what will I do>

as we reach the old friend MR. boulder

akura: <<now dear time to work>>

Maria: <<on it>>

as I drink a speed and strength potions take a distance and started to charge as I hit the rock with both my hand as the rock disappear as the rest of my gauntlets is in a good shape

Maria: <<huh?>>

<why did not anything happen>

akura: <<don't worry now dear I stopped planning to hurt you if you failed a long time ago>>

Maria: <<but but>>

<shit why is every one out of spirit>


as we look towards the boulder again as it cracks and eventually fall apart 

and finally I can see the world of light again as I dash out of the cave at thunder speed

Maria: <<I cannot believe it a normal sun>>

<what is this sound>

hah I wasn't the only one to think to run out of the cave

darcy: <<onee-chan onee-chan thank you>>

carmos: <<wow is this what we call sky it is bleu and beautiful>>

Maria: <<as I said kids we are only beginning>>

akura: <<now people we can mark this as the start of a new era were we return our land>>

as akura said this is only the beginning of my story