"Milady Garami! What an honor! Yes, what an honor!!" - Old (Cleric?) man
Even if you say that, how am I supposed to react when an old man covered in tears tells me that while kowtowing? Look, even the other adventurers are stepping back. Why can't I do that as well? Don't leave me with this guy!
"E-excuse me, but are you acquaintance with Garami?" - Carion
Carion! Good job mustering the courage to speak to this sobbing slug!
"Oh yes, excuse me. I kind of lost my reason there. Let me start from the beginning: My name is Zelot Recalitena. I am honored of being an Arch Priest of the Umbral Church and are currently on a journey as a pilgrim to meet the Champion of our gracious goddess, our lady Alvatria." - Zelot
Wow, instant comeback. Except for the remains of tears and snot on his face.
"The Umbral Church, ain't that..."
"And Champion, doesn't that mean..."
"Alvatria, meaning that..."
And even the mobs are starting to get what's going on. I can feel their stares on my back. This is bad. I need to escape. But how?
"Well, have good luck looking for that person. Bye." - Garami
And before anyone could register what I had said, I lifted Mira in a princess carry, jumped up on Levi, and made a beeline towards Velantas.
"Huh? Ah?!"
All the other adventurers, including Carion and that freakish priest, was standing there, literally eating our dust.
"Let me go! Let me-! Where are you touching?!" - Mira
"Shut it! If that guy wants me, then he's bound to be interested in you as well!" - Garami
"B-boss! Falling-! I'm falling-!" - Lily
Forgot about her. Lily was hitching a ride on Levi due to her too poor stamina not being enough for the trip home from the Dust Bowl. After putting down Mira, I helped Lily from falling.
"! Wait a sec, doesn't that mean WE're also related to that goddess?!" - Mira
"That's... not far from the truth." - Garami
If I'm her Champion, then these guys can be seen as, like, grand-Champions? Like grandchildren? Ugh, that's a nasty thought. Gonna forget that.
"W-w-w-why did that happen?! An aspiring Paladin such as me, related to the goddess of calamities?!" - Mira
Rave reviews, Alvatria. The part about 'calamities' caught my attention, but before that:
"You? As a Paladin? The incarnation of avarice? The one who would give their body if they got paid enough for it? The one who always bitches at me while being no better, no, way worse than me?" - Garami
"Way worse than-?!" - Mira
"And don't start telling me I'm wrong! You did nothing at the temple, except flushing away some cultists and getting stripped! And I heard from Carion that you were useless while escorting the hostages back to town! You may have been a little of use today, but who was it that triggered the damn trap Quest anyway?!" - Garami
"But! But!" - Mira
"And one more thing-!" - Garami
"E-hem. Something to declare?" - Hans
The old man. Why's he... oh yeah. I forgot that we were riding on Levi the whole time. We have reached the gate already. People made way for the Undead Dragon, as it should be a bloodthirsty monster normally when I think about it.
"Just two idiots." - Lily
"Alright then, have them take their lover's quarrel back to their room, then you can pass." - Hans
......I really hate that old mustache...
At the inn, the Happy Boar, after dropping the tuna catch of the year at the Adventurers Guild
"And one more thing; you're too open with that sword-fetish of yours!" - Garami
"Says the one who keeps on glancing on my chest and legs! If you are that hungry for sex, go to the red-light district! Bet there's a few dirty scoundrels that want a night with you!" - Mira
They waited till they were at the inn before starting up again. But why couldn't they just stop fighting at all? Why not eat dessert? Ah, delicious pudding......
! I almost lost grasp of reality. Or, I was willing to let go of it there. Owner, is it alright to have those two fight it out inside your tavern? Don't polish those steins, help me out!
"Okay, that's enough!" - Mira
"Same here!" - Garami
W-w-w-w-whoa! Now they've taken out weapons as well! Owner, you have to... stop trying to ignore this! The whole inn's gonna be crushed, tavern and all! Come on, help me here. I'll give you truffles. I got enough pocket money from the tuna hunt to even buy myself back, I can treat you to some truffles, just help me!
"And it's always 'uncle', 'uncle', 'UNCLE' WITH YOU! GROW UP ALREADY!" - Garami
"You-! Little-! TAKE THAT BACK!" - Mira
Wha-wha-wha! They've started to seriously slash at each other now! And Mira's in the lead! She's forcing Garami towards the exit! Outside, she's got the advantage with her sword over Garami's shortswords!
"?!" - Mira
They... stopped? Or, Mira froze up? And, 'a dead man'? Does that mean...
"What? Did you think I wouldn't figure it out? Divine Blacksmith Wayvol is a famous name. Anyone that can question the guys at the guild can learn about him and that he succumbed to the wounds he received when he was attacked a few years ago, in that attack by the Balos gang. Are your head that occupied by sword and money that you couldn't... consider..." - Garami
*drip, drip*
"*sniff* Whueee..." - Mira
"Huh? What?" - Garami
And with that, Mira sat down on the floor, crying rivers without caring about people watching.
"Huh? Why? You, crying? Why're you crying? Eh? Eh? Eeeeehh??" - Garami
"......" - Lily
"......" - Terd
"Hey, this ain't... well, it's my fault. But, that's no reason to look at me like that!" - Garami
"......Bully." - Lily
"UGH!!" Boss looks like she's suffering. Even so, not gonna stop staring at her. The owner's the same. Not before poor Mira stops crying.
"Wueeee!!" - Mira
"Milady Garami! I heard you from the outside-["Black Bomb!" - Garami]-gypuiiii!!" - Zelot
"We don't need any more disturbances! Argh, what shall I do?" - Garami
"Wuuueeeee!!" - Mira
"Nnnggg... hey, Mira. I'm sorry for saying that about Wayvol. I was bad. That is... I mean... I am so sorry." - Garami
And here's the boss is bowing in apology!
"*Sniff* Really?" - Mira
"Urgh, really! Really for real!" - Garami
"Then, *sniff* you'll take back what you said about me not being able to be a Paladin?" - Mira
"That's... well... I can't-" - Garami
"Wuueeee!!" - Mira
"Boss..." - Lily
"Argh! This ain't the place to talk! Terd, put those desserts on my tab! Now, come along!" - Garami
Boss then took Mira and me under her arms, as if we were bags of potatoes! Owner! Is she allowed... stop polishing that stein already! It's to the point of rivaling a light elemental!
"Alright then, now for the grand reveal!" - Garami
After throwing the two doubters into my rented room, I took out the key to solve this "strange-o-meter at max" situation.
"...What's this? *sniff*" - Mira
"Now then, ladies and... chimeras? Here's a question: what does Champions of the Ultimate Gods have in common?" - Garami
"They are all bullies?" - Lily
"No! Or, I haven't met anyone else, but no! I'm talking about this thing here! A special item received from that god who's sponsoring that Champion." - Garami
It took them a few seconds to comprehend what I said, and then... they backed away in a hurry.
"I get your reaction, but you're hurting my own feelings in the process here." - Garami
"Th-th-that b-b-b-book isn't gonna make slippery tentacle monsters out of us?" - Mira
"What? No way it can do that!" - Garami
"Th-then wh-wh-what about cursing us to only be attractive to orc!?" - Lily
"What?! No, I said, NO!" - Garami
"...Wasn't Alvatria the goddess who once cursed a town so that all its inhabitants turned into stuff from nightmares, just because they used pyrite as an offering instead of gold?" - Mira
"I heard she made the whole town turn into monster-attractive substance and let lose a living hell on the place." - Lily
She did what?! Note to self, do not be so daring when talking with Alvatria anymore. And ask for some tentacle-related advice. Sounds interesting.
"No worries. The only tentacle-related stuff about this book is the pages explaining them. This is the Kigal-Note, an all-knowing grimoire that has almost everything about Terra Sol recorded into it. It was through this that I found out what happened to Wayvol." - Garami
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"That's all?" they both asked. I wanted to keep the absorption power a secret, but I almost spoiled that secret as well when I saw Mira's redden eyes. Why is my consciousness working overtime today of all days?
"Anyway, the question was why I couldn't accept Mira as a Paladin, and the answer lies here." - Garami
I found the page showing the Paladin class, and had to survive another round from the cry-baby. Paladin did require the Swordsman class, but it also needed the Priest class and a positive karma value of 75 or more. That's something to cry for... right?
"Wait a sec, why the fixation on Paladin anyway?" - Garami
"...I wanted to be a hero...to make amends for telling that guy..." - Mira
"...So that's the reason. The Balos gang, the criminal group that attacked Wayvol, didn't strike without meaning then. They specifically targeted the Disaster of Life." - Garami
Mira nodded, with her head towards the ground, and started to tell me the whole story, while trying to keep her tears from spilling.
"...Mhm. He called himself 'the Black Baron'. He was covered in a black militia uniform that's not related to any country in this world, along with some headgear I have never seen either. All of his body was covered up, not letting people guess even his species.
"One day, 13 years ago, he suddenly appeared in the town we lived in, getting on our good side with the many revolutionary inventions he produced every day. Equipment for fishing, digging, commerce, anything. From what adventurers use to save their own lives, to simple toys given to us children. Every day, he came to the markets to show off his new inventions to the public, and before long, he had turned into a local celebrity.
"...I was one of the regulars to his demonstrations, but not because I fancied his inventions. I was trying to steal any information about his inventions for uncle, but instead..." - Mira
"Instead, you were the one who had their secrets exposed, then that Black Baron fellow attacked your uncle's workshop with his four colleagues, 9 years after that. Then, you think it was your fault or something?" - Garami
"Huh?" Mira finally looked up, surprise obvious on her face. Was it that strange of a question?
"Unless sprites are a species with an appearance mismatching their age, then you should be just a brat at that time. It would be stranger to believe you could keep something as important as a Disaster hidden." - Garami
"You're telling me that uncle-["Wasn't in the wrong." - Garami]-?!" - Mira
A less than ten-year-old brat (approximately), overly proud of her uncle's invention, against some sort of unidentified criminal inventor? I would bet on the bad guy. Looking at how this girl found the secret lair to the cultists (the Empty Temple) on her own, she would have figured out that Wayvol had the heart even if he told her or not. It was just a bad match-up with them all; Wayvol bein weak to Mira, and Mira being weak to that Black Baron guy.
"If anyone was in the wrong here, it would be that Black Baron, that BB fellow. Don't beat yourself up for that. And would that uncle of yours really want you to go after such dangerous guys? It sounds more plausible that he wanted you to keep away from them." - Garami
... No comments. To be refusing her uncle's last wish, despite all that idolizing of him, what a naughty sprite. Can't say I hate it. No, quite the opposite.
"Listen, I've got my fair share of troubles dealing with a Baron myself. Help me get that guy down, and I'll help you take out that BB-jerk AND get back that thump-thump. Give-and-take, with no threads attached." - Garami
"...What do you get out of this then? You have no reason for going after them, the Balos gang, yourself." - Mira
"Sure I have. If I let them, and their little Draugr friends, around, I'm gonna get killed by them. That what was prophesied anyway." - Garami
"Prophesied?" - Mira
"Yeah, given by the goddess of darkness her-. Hey! Don't think you can escape now! You know more of my secrets than any other being in this town, so don't think you're getting away!" - Garami
"Nooo! I don't wanna be cursed as well! Everyone knows that getting on that calamity goddess's bad side is equal to being sentenced to a living hell for the rest of one's life! And more!" - Mira
I grabbed the coward sprite while she was trying to make a run for it. O-oi, she's more ferocious than the bison. I can barely keep a grip on her. Need. To. Use. Webs!
"Let me go! Let me go already! I knew stuff related to that calamity goddess was bad news! If I stay around, I'm gonna get cursed myself!" - Mira
"It's a prophecy, not a curse. Even if I can understand your feelings, no, sympathize with them with all my heart. However, that doesn't mean I'll let you run on your own!" - Garami
"Then I'll take Lily with me! And stop groping everywhere! Lily! Save me- Lily?" - Mira
Ha! As if I would fall for that old 'make them look back'-ploy. Still, Lily has been unnaturally silent this whole time. Just a little peek with [Magic Sense], and... see Lily collapsed with steam coming from the top of her head? O-oi! Medic! Is there a doctor in the inn?!
The next day
"...and then, after nursing Lily who's brain couldn't comprehend, or didn't want to believe, all the events we talked about yesterday, me and Mira had to nurse her back to health. And over the night, I convinced her to stay in the party, for a price." - Garami
"That must have been one heck of a prize." - Carion
Oh yes, it was. Along with 20% of the total party funds from now on, she also wanted a private area in the Dungeon I'm planning to make. She wants her own peerage of handsome demons to serve her. It's the third dream she wants to make true, after taking revenge against the Balor gang and getting all the magic swords in the world.
"And, I get to borrow this fancy note whenever I want! Ku-ku-ku. What famous sword is waiting for me to discover?" - Mira
"Don't forget to study up on future classes you want to take up." - Garami
"I-I-I know that!" - Mira
Then, things are all good. Not getting chewed on for her lack of knowledge is a reward in itself. Boosting the affection levels are another plus.
"But the one thing I'm not okay with is that." - Garami
I pointed towards the front of the Guild, where a competitive eating contest was underway, as part of the Tuna Festival that the western district started to celebrate the massive haul we low-rank adventurers came back with.
"And contestant nr.34, little miss Lily is currently on her fifth whole Desert Tuna! Where does she fit it in that small body?" - Announcer
She was K.O-ed from overheating just yesterday, and now she's a food fighter of the highest level? Don't joke with me!
"OOHH! Contestant nr.66, the great Champion of Kishror, the Continent Knight, Galleth Dreormd, has fallen! After finishing four-and-a-half Desert Tunas, his stomach's finally waving the white flag of surrender! We have a new Food King, no, Food Queen in Velantas!!" - Announcer
"Why the heck can she go head-to-head with a Champion?! And why's there someone like that even doing here?!" - Garami
"I heard he came with the caravan when the rumors that the drought was supposedly over. He's the help the Avalar Kingdom is giving so that Velantas can rebuild themselves." - Mira
What, he's gonna make the soil fertile again? Or is he gonna go on an undead massacre?
"Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! Can anyone stand against the descendant of the strongest beast, this Growth Chimera, Lily Terity?! Those who don't value their life, or stomach, step forth!" - Lily
"... What was that?" - Carion
"That was the traditional way for Growth Chimeras to challenge any opponent. The guy who made Lily a debt slave forced her to stop using that lingo and that order was erased when she bought back her freedom yesterday." - Garami
"Oh yeah, debt slaves can buy back their freedom if they work hard enough." - Carion
Let's keep it a secret that she was only worth 3 silvers.
"I won the bet, so I'm gonna pick the Quest for today." - Mira
Take something easy, please. I beg you, milady Mira. Whenever she heard my mental prayer or not, Mira went into the Guild in search of a Quest that we should aim for today.
At the same time as Mira went inside the Guild, a long, black hand, sticking up from a shadow moving on the ground, came out from it, holding a tray with roasted tuna and beverage on, came and delivered it to me.
"Oh, thank you." - Garami
I took the tray with the dish I had ordered, and the arm sunk back into the shadow.
"...! What the heck was that?!" - Carion
"This? This is Blitz." - Garami
As I referred to it, the Shade named Blitz, came up from the ground. If I had to describe him, I would call a human-shaped shadow, with a white light showing his mouth and eyes. Blitz bowed elegantly to Carion as if covering up his lack of voice.
"No, what I meant is, why the heck's a Shade here?" - Carion
"After we had nursed Lily to some extent, Mira started to look through the Kigal-Note and found a class fitting for me. But one needs the Summoner class, so I did a marathon summoning session with Summon Elements in the evening, to get Tamer to LV10, which allowed me to evolve it to the Summoner class. Blitz here was the final summoning I needed, so I thought, why not?" - Garami
Still, to think that the demon-monster Shade could be classified as an Element. Or maybe the summoning spell could call any monster with a strong connection to an element? I got even a Living Bog on one of the summonings. That one gave everyone present then a shock. Poor Levi almost destroyed the inn's backyard out of freight for the Bog.
"......" - Levi
Speaking of Levi, she's been in a bad mood since I added Blitz to my team. Is she the jealous type? Relax, you're still monster nr.1.
"And why does it have that unfitting name then?" - Carion
"What about it is unfitting? Blitz here is lightning fast. He managed to run away from Levi with ease when she started to chase after him right after I tamed him." - Garami
And Levi, I still haven't forgotten that you almost destroyed the whole backyard when you did that. Don't even try to ignore that.
"Anyway, the real reason I wanted to meet you wasn't to talk about me and Mira, nor about Levi being jealous. The Summoner class does not give skills when they level up, like with other classes. They give out summoning spells for the Summoning magic skill." - Garami
"Mhm, and? What's that have to do with me?" - Carion
"Advises, mister experienced magician class. I got a list over spells I could take when I got Summoner, and there's a little problem." - Garami
As I said that, I picked up the list attached to the Summoner class listed on my status screen and showed it to Carion.
Available Summoning spells:
"I've got a little too many options to chose from. Got any ideas?" - Garami
"Who's that even close to 'a little'?!" - Carion
Say it, don't shout it. The explanation for this list rivaling a kid's Christmas gift list is that the summoning spells obtainable through Summoner are for any monster one has a relationship to, one way or another. With me, who have evolved several times already, and having summoning spells that can bring out tons of different guys, well, you know the drill. And I can only take two at the moment. Sob, sob...
"But seriously, which one would you, the laziest mage in Velantas, vote for as a useful summoning?" - Garami
"Aw shucks, don't praise me." - Carion
Did he take that as praise?
"Praises or not, I am not so sure when it comes to these kinds of monsters. My specialty lies in-" - Carion
"Oh yeah, you are aiming for Golem Maker after all." - Garami
"*urgh* How did you know? *Collapse*" - Carion
What? Did I forget that the Kigal-Note had info on all the classes on Terra Sol? The only thing that one can get out of Earth Mage and Statue Maker is the clay-doll making Golem Maker class.
While Carion was trying to stand up, Mira came running out of the Guild.
"Garami! We have trouble!" - Mira
Damn. What is it this time?
"The Grandmaster has asked for our party to meet him at his office. Lily, and even Carion, are all to be present." - Mira
"Me too?" - Carion
"And so? That's nothing to panic about?" - Garami
"Yes, it is! Because that priest you sent flying yesterday is gonna be there too!" - Mira
... Why do I have a feeling so bad, it can be compared to when I made Mira cry yesterday?