Chapter 89: [Arc 2] Chapter 35: The Suspicious Arch-Priest’s Offer

So, at the Guild's request, we had gathered at the Grandmaster's office. Though, it wasn't 100% an office. It looked like part of a captain's quarter from an old sail ship had been integrated into the room, making me feel like some pirate grunt answering the callings from the captain.

Bermuda was waiting for us behind his desk, and besides that;

"My deepest apologies, milady Garami! Please be satisfied with this simple life and spare the rest of our honorable religion from your dissatisfaction!" - Zelot

In the middle sat the priest from yesterday, clad in a pure white kimono, holding a shortswo-?! Wait a sec, seppuku?!

"Stop that old fart!" - Garami

Wakoku culture must have spread in this world, as Mira and Lily also reacted before I yelled at them. The first one who reached the priest was Blitz, who acted after the others. Then came the two ladies as a heavy finisher. You don't need to do a body slam on him. You're supposed to stop him, not finish him off. Carion only gave way for the other two.

"Thanks for stopping him. The room would be messy beyond belief." - Bermuda

"If you knew he would do that, why didn't you stop him?" - Garami

"As if I had the power to stop an Arch-Priest following Alvatria. Tell him to not try to do that, or the room will be sprayed in blood the moment those girls move away. And right now when I believed I could slack off a little with that knight-guy in town..." - Bermuda

"And you need to do that quick. The old priest may hold out, but that Shade of yours is about to be squeezed to death." - Carion

My Shade is... Blitz! Move, you damn, heavy vixens! Blitz, speak to me!



Race: [Shade]   | Level: 6

Karma Value: -14

Skills: 5

Titles: 0

Skill points: 2.5


HP: 5/30   | MP: 33/33   | SP: 28/28

STR: 12   | VIT: 13   | MAG: 12

RES: 54   | SPD: 68  | DEX: 63

INT: 101   | LUC: 90


Only 5 HP remaining! Medic, medic, healing magic-! Wait, that's what I can do! Light Heal! Light Heal, Light Heal, Light Heal!!

"Ooh, oooh! What graciousness! What kindness! To think not only sparing my life but also using your own mana to heal the inferior creature of shadows! This Zelot, cannot express his happiness over witnessing this splendid display of mercy!" - Zelot

Glad you liked it, 'cause you won't get any! If Blitz didn't have to stay corporal to stop you from messing up the room, then he wouldn't be close to dying himself! And why the heck are you here even?!


After setting up some tables and getting some tea served by Bermuda's feline assistant, we heard what the priest Zelot, who had changed back into his priest outfit, had to say.

Well, most of it was just declarations of Alvatria's greatness, and sometimes mine, going on for two hours, but after filtering the content, we got to know this: 

In sheer anger, I stood up from my chair and said: "You ain't here to help, you're here to sabotage!"

"Wa-wait, milady! Please let this humble servant explain!" - Zelot

"Let him do it. Or else he'll start gutting himself again." - Bermuda

Tch, fine. Wait, then why did he start doing it when we arrived in the office? 

"And try not to send him flying again. Even someone that's not part of their religion would take big damage from that, both mentally and physically." - Bermuda

That's true. I'll try not to... for the moment.

"And the oracle did not tell us to weaken milady Garami without a reason. Our goddess Alvatria's oracle was to lower milady Garami's level, then assist her with increasing it back to the state before the reduction, for as many times until the blessing expires." - Zelot

What good would that... ah, now I see. That's not a bad idea when you give it some time to think about it.

"Are you crazy? What good would it be to lower Garami's level?" - Lily

Not that everyone in the room takes time to think. She's not even catching on that kin of the Champion must be just as vulnerable for that blessing, or whatever it's called. Why else would they call on all of us? They must think Carion is part of the deal, not that I'm wanting him onboard. He's talented, but it would look like him having a harem. Ooh, the envy... Back to the case:

"Just to confirm, this level-down blessing, does it make the target turn back into the state they were at that level, or does it only lower the target's personal level?" - Garami

"Only the level, milady. Anything else will remain the same. The status boost obtained from the high level will be reset though." - Zelot

"? So what? You'll still get weaker from that." - Lily

"This slow glutton... If only the personal level goes down, that means skill levels and class levels will stay the same. And even if the stat-boost from the levels are gone, the stats that have increased for natural reasons such as exercising will remain, and that's the same for stats obtained from class-effects and skills." - Garami

"And increasing one's level becomes more difficult the higher that level is, meaning it will become more difficult to obtain skill points through level-ups. You can compensate by training the skills you already have to a high enough level, but that will become ineffectual in the long run." - Carion

"Then, Garami's getting free skill points then?!" - Lily

"They're not free. Didn't you listen? He said that he can only make the level go down. We must get the EXP for leveling up again on our own. And where is there enough monsters to cover up all that?" - Garami

"That is the second reason why I came to ask for mister Bermuda's help." - Zelot

The second? What was the first?

"This guy wanted me to find some great hunting grounds for monsters that you guys can grind with. It's a good deal for the Guild if the undead population goes down, so I'm giving you guys a hand in finding a good training ground." - Bermuda

"... Then, got a place in mind?" I asked, while still unsure if this was a good idea.

"You're lucky, 'cause a Haunt has recently spawned, not far from the city. The guys I sent in didn't last for long, so they made their escape on the first layer, but it's safe to say the rank of this Haunt is C, making it a great farming ground for EXP-grinding." - Bermuda

Wait a minute, doesn't that mean the thing's impossible to clear except for veteran C-rank adventurer parties? Like, the whole party being veterans? And even then, there's a big chance for the whole shebang being wiped out? 

"No way." - Garami

"Never." - Mira

"One more vote for no!" - Lily

"Declined." - Carion

"Please, milady! If you don't agree, I will not be able to fulfill my mission!" - Zelot

Didn't this guy hear what was just said? It's a freaking C-rank Haunt! It's something way over our level. We could handle a little peak on the place, but you only get the EXP after clearing the freaking thing!

"By the way, each time you clear a Haunt we at the Guild will register that as clearing a Quest of the same rank-" - Bermuda

"Group meeting." - Garami


We got to borrow a free room to talk things through.

"Alright, what are your honest thoughts here? And ignore that someone from that woman's church was the one who proposed this thing." - Garami

"Treating a goddess as some woman..." - Mira

"Shut it. That goddess' so un-goddess-like that I can't stop myself from acting like this. And why are people that afraid of the church? And the big bad one when we're at it." - Garami

I've yet to hear the public's view of Alvatria. Mira and Lily seem to think of her as a goddess of calamities, or an outer god of some kind.

"About the goddess herself, I would say she's the type to be scary to deal with when you're not a member of her religion, but a fair one. She only punishes those who break the law of the gods or those who try to trick her or her followers. The punishment is so frightening that people have gotten quite the dreadful image of her." - Carion

I can understand that. I have seen some of that fury of hers firsthand.

"The Umbral Church, on the other hand, can be described with three words: obsessed with money." - Carion

Hmm... huh? Say what?

"He's right. That church has the most fanatic believers of all the religions, and they won't shy from nothing except breaking the law, to a certain extent, to obtain money. From diligent work to down-right swindle, they will do anything to get even one more Sol." - Mira

"Are you a member?" - Lily

"No, I'm not!" - Mira

That's a shock. But then, doesn't that mean-

"And let me warn you, they don't hold on to the money they earn. They immediately use it, either to improve their beloved goddess' reputation by opening orphanages or hospitals, or whatever they do with it. The rest is offered to the goddess without hesitation." - Mira

"Ah, then you wouldn't fit there at all." - Lily

"Lily, do you know what happens when you mess with a sprite?" - Mira

Ignoring the two idiots, it seems that Zelot will never try to go against Alvatria. I mean, his status page talks for itself his dedication to her:


Zelot Recalitena

Race: [Human]   | Level: 43

Karma Value: -200 "Chaotic"

Skills: 71

Titles: 6


Main Class: Chaos Arch-Priest LV22

Sub Class: Chaos Acolyte LV41

Sub Class: Merchant LV17

Sub Class: Gambler LV47


HP: 150/150   | MP: 320/320   | SP: 102/102

STR: 46   | VIT: 65   | MAG: 109

RES: 284   | SPD: 87  | DEX: 266

INT: 111   | LUC: 102



[Title Page]

[Devoted Believer: Alvatria]   [Curse Master]   [Undead Slayer]   [Skeleton Slayer]   [Zombie Slayer]   [Ghost Slayer]   [Skilled Gambler]   [Honorable Merchant]


Priest spells don't get their powers from MAG, but from the belief they have to their god. And the Alocyte class is a healing-specialised priest class, which is something that could be helpful to have on our team. Recovery means are a lost for us, except first-aid with [Medicine Synthesis]. By the way, I'm using my Holy Magic based on what Raoul believes in. Not sure what that is.

Anyway, despite his karma value and selection of classes, Zelot looks like he can be trusted with stuff related to Alvatria, so all this talk about an oracle must be true. I told the rest of them about this.

"It sounds like a good deal, but even if we can beat the Haunt with this line-up, it won't mean we'll be able to do that again after Garami's level drops to 1." - Mira

"You guys, except for Carion, will share the same fate you know? Kin of Avlatria's Champion sounds close enough to be affected by that level-down beam of his." - Garami

And there went their jaws down. Have some understanding of your position. 

"Then, do that priest believe that I am a kin?" - Carion

"Must be, but I'm not looking for any dudes." - Garami

"Now, now, think about it: What would you do if you were a healthy male adventurer who saw a small, all-female party in the Guild?" - Carion

In most cases, I would hit on them... oh.

"See? And if the rumors about your gender come out, then there will be jealous people to deal with, as they will think you are some harem-basta-" - Carion

"Hired." - Garami

A pest protector and strategist, all in one package. It's too good to say no to, and having some golems on the team will give us some living meat-walls to boot. They'll be made of mud or stone though.

"Then, all that remains is whenever to accept the deal or not. What're your thoughts?" - Garami

"I say no. Haunts are difficult to complete, specially when you're weaker than the assumed rank of the place." - Mira

"I am voting for it. Haunts may not give us monster corpses, but they do give out rewards like with Quests given by the World System. They may even be unique for that Haunt." - Carion

And you get a bonus skill point for clearing the place. That, and the Haunt Conqueror title which gives three more points.

"One vote for no! Haunts won't give us the monster corpses, so there's nothing to eat even if we defeat the thing." - Lily

Any Haunts in this area will be infested with undeads anyway, so there's no need to sulk over no spoils.

But to summarize, the Haunt would be profitable to challenge, but there's a problem with the difficulty of the place. Hmm...

"I think I got an idea that'll make us able to clear that Haunt while giving us those bonus points due to the leveling down. But even if this idea works, what do you say to challenge the Haunt today, just as a test round with our current levels?" - Garami

"Depends on the idea, but if it works, then by all means." - Carion

The other two nods along to Carion, while Lily still seems to be sulking. She'll brighten up with some more tuna to dinner. We went back to the Grandmaster's office and told them my idea...


And here we were, in front of a stupid-huge, but still normal cave. Except for the floating panel in front of the entrance.


Haunt: [Dead Man's Cave]

Rank: C 

Limitations: Party (1)

Current: Party: 0

Attributes: Cave, Undead

Monster Types: Undead (Skeleton, Ghost, Lich)

Do you wish to enter?



No descriptions, only unclear details of what's waiting for us. It also tells us that only one party can enter at a time, but tamed monsters are not counted.

We can leave the ghosts to Zelot who's joining us, which means the only real threat is the Skeletons. And the scary-sounding species that's also mentioned, but something that strong is probably just a boss-candidate.

But Skeletons... that's not good. And here Magnir the blacksmith was so kind to complete these special daggers I asked for in record time. It did prolong the completion of the T-Rex weapons, but since he completed the bison-ones, who am I to complain?


Item Name: Demon Blood Dagger

Rank: D

Type: Dagger

Durability: 150/150

ATK: 45

Weight: 10


Description: A dagger with a core made of crystalized demon-blood.

The demon whose blood makes up the core of this dagger can interact with it as if it was part of its body.


I got eight of these. Cause, the [Poltergeist] skill won't need to use any MP when I'm using something that's synchronized with my own aether signature. I found this out when experimenting with the skill on Orimaru. So, I ordered these babies when I delivered the materials to the blacksmith yesterday when I delivered the materials I got from the Guild's dismantlers. They can be controlled with a Parallel Mind when I'm not busy with magic.

They were made with being durable in mind, so they can double as bullets if needed. And yes, [Shooting] can be applied to them. Just tried it. Both practical, and cool. I love 'em! I can only control four at the same time right now, but that's just a question of practice. Using four from the beginning is awesome anyway.


Item Name: Crimson Blood Cleaver

Rank: C+

Type: Sword

Durability: 250/250

ATK: 155

Weight: 35



Description: A cleaver-knife made by using the horn of a Stampede Bloodbull. The knife has inherited the monster bull's raging spirit, granting it blunt-attribute and fire-attribute properties in addition to its already high strenght.


This one is more for undead-hunting. Fire to burn zombies, and blunt to crush Skeletons. But my [Daggermanship] is too low to use it! Need to train it to LV15 during this training arc. Just kidding.

It's kinda heavy for a knife, heavier than Mira's cobalt sword, but the ATK is higher as well. She had that envious look in her eyes that made me give her own bull-weapon pronto.


Item Name: Crimson Blood 

Rank: C+

Type: Sword

Durability: 300/300

ATK: 200

Weight: 50



Description: A one-handed sword made by using the horn of a Stampede Bloodbull. The sword has inherited the monster bull's raging spirit, granting it blunt-attribute and fire-attribute properties in addition to its already high strenght.


Yeah, this one can be called a bullheaded weapon. That Magnir sure knows his stuff. The Mademoiselle too. Just take at the gloves I asked her to redesign. I only wanted them to become fingerless gloves, but look at this:


Item Name: Dark Blood Gloves Alternative

Rank: C+

Type: Clothing Armor [Arms]

Durability: 250/250

Weight: 5


Description: Gloves made for those who kill for a living. Increases the users proficiency in the arts of killing in the dark.


Getting Undead Bane as a bonus made it worth the money I payed for it. And it was just as great in getting this grand-class chaperone.

"Okay, ladies and gents, ready for some Haunt hunting?" - Bermuda

The city is guarded by a Champion and all, so the Grandmaster was looking for an excuse to stretch his limbs after many months of desk work, so, why not have him bodyguard us these next six days? This is gonna be great!


Garami and co's current stats:



Race: [Kur Kigal]   | Level: 10Went up 2 levels during the brawl in the Dust Bowl

Karma Value: -200 "Chaotic"

Skills: 94

Titles: 24

Skill points: 2.0


Main Class: Assassin LV21

Sub Class: Black Mage LV9

Sub Class: SummonerUsed 7 skill points to upgrade Tamer LV10 to Summoner LV1

Sub Class: none


HP: 262/262   | MP: 590/590   | SP: 320/320

STR: 250   | VIT: 140   | MAG: 328

RES: 273   | SPD: 403 + 65  | DEX: 402 + 40

INT: 120   | LUC: 150



You are reading story A Reincarnated Demon’s Tales of Wonder (Prototype) at


Ability Skills: [HP Enhancement (Small) LV4]   [HP Auto-Recovery LV2]   [MP Enhancement LV22]   [MP Reduced Consumption LV12] UP1  [MP Auto-Recovery LV4] UP1  [SP Enhancement LV5] NEWUpgraded [SP Enhancement (Small) LV50] with 1 skill point. The proficiency came from jumping down the Tuna King and walking back to the city.  [SP Reduced Consumption LV6] UP1  [STR Enhancement (Small) LV8]   [VIT Enhancement (Small) LV5]   [MAG Enhancement (Small) LV22] UP8  [RES Enhancement (Small) LV2]   [SPD Enhancement (Small) LV13] UP3  [DEX Enhancement (Small) LV14] UP3

Attack Skills: [Sword Arts LV2]   [Dagger Arts LV5] UP1  [Katana Arts LV1]   [Assassin Arts LV27]   [Mana Burst (Darkness) LV2]   [Steal LV2]   [Bind LV1] NEWAqcuired it after asking some Thief adventurers for advice.

Magic Skills: [Light Magic LV23] UP1  [Darkness Magic LV25] UP2  [Shadow Magic LV33]   [Illusion Magic LV1] NEWObtained from Raoul.  [Holy Magic LV0]* NEWObtained from Raoul. Unusable.  [Ash Magic LV2]   [Gunpowder Magic LV1]   [Basic Magic]   [Summoning LV8] UP3  [Sigil Creation LV5] 

Crafting Skills: [Thief Tool Creation LV9] UP1  [Assassin Tool Creation LV5]   [Weaving LV5] UP1   [Poison Synthesis LV30]   [Medicine Synthesis LV30]   [Thread Synthesis LV30]

Active Skills: [Stealth LV16]   [Silence LV10]   [Shooting LV22]   [Super Acceleration LV1] NEWSkill from Quest Reward.   [Aerial Movement LV4] UP2From the free-fall off the King Tuna.   [Taming LV7] UP2  [Sandstorm LV1] NEWSkill from Quest Reward.  [Poltergeist LV6] UP1  [Ghost Step LV12]   [Bloodlust LV7]   [Thread Control LV50]   [Ultima Thread LV24]   [Thought Acceleration LV40] UP1

Passive Skills: [Swordmanship LV2]   [Daggermanship LV6] UP1  [Dual Weapon]  [Disarm Trap LV1] NEWAqcuired it after asking some Thief adventurers for advice.  [Surprise Attack LV35]   [Acrobatic LV22] UP2  [Riding LV8]   [Climbing LV4] UP1  [Excavation LV1]   [Magic Talent LV24] UP1  [Battle Continuation LV4]   [Dismantling LV20]   [Parallel Minds LV3]   [Auto-Mapping LV2]   [Golden Rule LV5]   [Golden Ratio]   [Language Adaption]

Resistance Skills: [Darkness Resistance LV10]   [Paralyze Resistance LV25]   [Charm Resistance LV1]   [Pain Resistance LV14]   [Faint Resistance LV4]   [Heretic Immunity]

Perception Skills: [Magic Sense LV26]  [Sense Foe LV27] UP2  [Appraisal LV8]   [Detect Trap LV6]   [Detect Treasure LV2] UP1From discovering the Golden Skull  [Judging Eye] 

Leadership Skills: [Tamer's Command]  [Commander LV5] NEWNeeded 2 skill points.  [Teaching LV2] UP1Taught the mob-adventurers when directing them.  [Cooperation LV1] NEWTamer LV10 bonus skill.

Racial Skills: [Albino]   [Kin Creation LV5] UP1  [Kin Promotion LV11] UP4  [Demonic Vault LV6] UP1The Tuna King was way to big.  [Lewd Demon LV1]   [Transformation LV15]   [Body Replica LV3]

Unique Skills: [Hydra, Dragon of Poison LV4][Poison Breath] was integrated into it.

Elements: [Light Element LV1]   [Darkness Divinity]   [Shadow Element LV22]   [Holy Element LV0]* NEWObtained from Raoul. Unusable.  [Ash Element LV1]   [Poison Element LV10]   [Gunpowder Element LV2] UP1



[Title Page]

[Arch-Demon]   [Serial Giant Killer]   [Daredevil]   [Poison User]   [Mysterious Serial Killer]   [Thread User]   [Monster Slaughterer]   [Beast Slayer]   [Pinch Breaker]   [Dark Hero]   [Medicine User]   [Fear Bringer]   [King Maker]   [Dragon Slayer]   [Dungeon Conquer]   [Ultimate Slayer]   [Slaughterer]   [Skeleton Slayer]   [Undead Slayer]   [Dragon Tamer]   [Achievement Collector]   [Thief of Criminal] NEW  [Ruin Breaker] NEW  [True Chaos] NEW


* Due to lacking any belief in the gods, and not being some sort of divinity herself, all of Garami's Holy-attrubute skills are unusable. They can still be used with Raol.


Mira Aureola

Race: [Water Sprite]   | Level: 19

Karma Value: -97

Skills: 34

Titles: 4

Skill points: 4.2


Main Class: Swordsman LV35

Sub Class: Spy LV13

Sub Class: none


HP: 102/102   | MP: 230/230 +20   | SP: 82/82

STR: 191 +100   | VIT: 122 +50   | MAG: 69

RES: 68   | SPD: 108 +50 | DEX: 92

INT: 130   | LUC: 95




Ability Skills: [MP Reduced Consumption LV4] UP2  [MP Auto-Recovery LV2] UP1  [STR Enhancement LV6] UP1  [VIT Enhancement (Small) LV4] UP3  

Attack Skills:  [Sword Arts LV39] UP2  [Magic Sword Arts LV5] UP1  [Mana Burst (Water) LV3] UP1

Magic Skills: [Water Magic LV11] UP2

Active Skills: [Super Acceleration LV1] NEWCoaxed an adventurer to trade for a [Swimming] Scroll.  [Espionage LV2]   [Silence LV7]   [Aerial Movement LV2] UP1  [Dried Earth LV1] NEWTraded with Carion.  

Passive Skills: [Swordsmanship LV50]   [One-Handed Swordsmanship LV6] UP2  [Swordsman's Knowledge LV4] UP1  [Magic Talent LV9] UP1  [Battle Continuation LV2] UP1  [Dodging LV29] UP2  [Sand Walk LV1] NEWCoaxed an adventurer to trade for a [Swimming] Scroll.  [Hiding LV19]   [Swimming LV16]   [Fishing LV11]   [Golden Ratio] 

Resistance Skills: [Water Resistance LV22]   [Poison Resistance LV4] UP3Punished for trying to flee the other night.  [Heretic Immunity] 

Perception Skills: [Appraisal Blocking LV8]   [Night Vision LV4] UP2The punishment lasted all night.

Racial Skills: [Mana Conversion LV20] UP2  [Demonic Vault LV1]   [Lewd Demon LV4] 

Elements: [Water Element LV28] UP1  [Heretic Attribute LV1] NEWFrom [Kin Promotion].



[Title Page]

[Haunt Conqueror]  [Monster Slayer]  [Sea Slayer]  [Kin of Garami] NEW




Lily Terity

Race: [Growth Chimera]   | Level: 8

Karma Value: 64

Skills: 17

Titles: 1

Skill points: 3.2


Main Class: none


HP: 55/55   | MP: 32/32   | SP: 66/66

STR: 23   | VIT: 25   | MAG: 13

RES: 17   | SPD: 25  | DEX: 16

INT: 88   | LUC: 88




Ability Skill: [SP Enhancement (Small) LV24] UP2  

Attack Skills: [Poison Bite LV5] UP1  

Crafting Skills: [Poison Synthesis LV1] 

Active Skills: [Stealth LV1]   [Shooting LV2]   [Aerial Movement LV1] 

Passive Skills: [Acrobatic LV1] 

Resistance Skills: [Sand Resistance LV1] NEWFrom the Desert Tuna  [Poison Resistance LV2] [Heretic Immunity]   [Physical Resistance LV1] NEWQuest Reward Scroll.  [Hunger Resistance LV50] 

Leadership Skills: [Cooperation LV1] NEWQuest Reward Scroll. 

Racial Skills: [Growth Chimera]   [Formless Chimera]   [Demonic Vault LV1] 

Elements:  [Darkness Element LV1] 



[Title Page]

[Kin of Garami] NEW




Carion Verde

Race: [Forest Elf]   | Level: 23

Karma Value: 76

Skills: 17

Titles: 3

Skill points: 1.5


Main Class: Earth Mage LV39

Sub Class: Statue Maker LV6

Sub Class: none


HP: 85/85   | MP: 221/221   | SP: 77/77

STR: 50   | VIT: 40   | MAG: 202

RES: 145   | SPD: 59  | DEX: 102

INT: 125   | LUC: 105




Ability Skills: [MP Enhancement LV4] UP2  [MP Reduced Consumption LV4]   [MP Auto-Recovery LV1] NEWFrom [Kin Promotion].  [MAG Enhancement LV5] UP2  

Magic Skills: [Earth Magic LV50]   [Darkness Magic LV1] NEWFrom [Kin Promotion].  [Illusion Magic LV1] NEWFrom [Kin Promotion].   [Sandstorm Magic LV1] NEWQuest Reward skill scroll. Got it by trading the [Dry Earth] scroll with Mira. [Basic Magic]   

Crafting Skills: [Statue Creation LV7] UP3  [Clay Creation LV15] UP1  [Medicine Synthesis LV1] NEWFrom [Kin Promotion].

Active Skills: [Thought Acceleration LV1] NEWFrom [Kin Promotion].

Passive Skills: [Staffmanship LV6]   [Magic Talent LV32] UP1  [Mage's Wisdom LV17] UP1  [Swift Chant LV5] UP1  [Paralell Thoughts LV2] NEWQuest Reward Skill Scroll. Got it by trading one [Sand Walker] scroll.  [Auto-Mapping LV1] NEWFrom [Kin Promotion].

Resistance Skills: [Earth Resistance LV4]  [Heretic Immunity] NEWFrom [Kin Promotion]. 

Perception Skills: [Mana Detection LV42] UP1  

Leadership Skills: [Commander LV1] NEWFrom [Kin Promotion].  [Party LV14] UP2  [Cooperation LV22] UP2The level-up does not come from using the skill scroll he won. He sold it to buy clay to level up his Statue Maker class.  

Racial Skills: [Natures Blessings LV7] [Demonic Vault LV1] NEWFrom [Kin Promotion].

Elements: [Earth Element LV30] UP1  [Darkness Element LV1] NEWFrom [Kin Promotion].



[Title Page]

[Monster Slayer]   [Undead Slayer]  [Kin of Garami] NEW





Race: [Undead Dragon]   | Level: 5

Karma Value: 12

Skills: 9

Titles: 2

Skill points: 3.4


HP: 190/190   | MP: 130/130   | SP: 186/186

STR: 155   | VIT: 145   | MAG: 79

RES: 156   | SPD: 170  | DEX: 71

INT: 95   | LUC: 115




Ability Skills: [SP Reduced Consumption LV4] NEW

Attack Skills: [Claw Arts LV11] UP7  [Poison Breath LV1] NEWQuest Reward.  [Drain Touch LV3] UP2  

Magic Skills: [Shadow Magic LV1] NEW

Active Skills: [Stealth LV3] NEW  [Aerial Movement LV1] NEW  [Rolling LV1] NEWQuest Reward.  [Sandstorm LV1] NEWQuest Reward.  [Poltergeist LV1] NEW  [Ghost Step LV1] NEW

Passive Skills: [Running LV11] UP6  [Magic Talent LV1] NEW

Resistance Skills: [Magic Resistance LV1]   [Death Resistance LV2]  [Heretic Immunity] NEW  [Bodily Status Resistance LV1]

Racial Skills: [Undead Dragon LV2] UP1

Elements: [Darkness Element LV1] NEWFrom [Kin Promotion].  [Death Element LV3] UP2  [Lesser Ghost Element LV5] UP3  



[Title Page]

[Undead Dragon]   [Kin of Garami] NEW




Name: Orimaru

Race: [Living Cursed Kodachi]   | Level: 1The level was reduced from the beginning, as it didn't matter for the Living Weapon.

Owner: Garami

Karma Value: -10

Skills: 12

Titles: 1

Skill points: 0.0


HP: 150/150   | MP: 40/40   | SP: 0/0

STR: 150   | VIT: 50   | MAG: 10

RES: 60   | SPD: 80  | DEX: 100

INT: 80   | LUC: 100




Ability Skills: [ATK Enhancement LV5] NEW

Attack Skills: [Dagger Arts LV1]   [Katana Arts LV1]   [Mana Blade (Darkness) LV10] UP9

Active Skills: [Stealth LV5] UP4

Passive Skills: [Critical Enhancement LV6] UP5  [Surprise Attack LV5] UP4

Resistance Skills: [Curse Resistance LV5] 

Racial Skills: [Living Weapon] [Assassin Blade] [Mode Change (Blade)]

Elements: [Darkness Element LV1] NEW  [Curse Element LV1] 



[Title Page]

[Kin of Garami]




Name: Raoul

Race: [Treasure Mimic]   | Level: 1The level was reduced from the beginning, as it didn't matter for the Living Weapon.

Owner: Garami

Karma Value: 25

Skills: 14

Titles: 1

Skill points: 0.0


HP: 100/100   | MP: 230/230   | SP: 0/0

STR: 0   | VIT: 70   | MAG: 80

RES: 70   | SPD: 0  | DEX: 10

INT: 100   | LUC: 110




Ability Skills: [MP Enhancement LV3] UP2  [MP Auto-Recovery LV7] UP6

Magic Skills: [Light Magic LV1]   [Holy Magic LV12] UP7  [Illusion Magic LV1]

Passive Skills: [Magic Enhancement LV5] UP2  [Holy Enhancement LV5] UP3  [Concealment LV1]

Resistance Skills: [Holy Resistance LV1]   [Curse Resistance LV5] 

Racial Skills: [Living Treasure]   [Holy Rosary]   [Transformation LV2] UP1

Elements: [Holy Element LV10] UP8 [Heretic Element LV1] NEW



[Title Page]

[Kin of Garami]

