Chapter 113: [Arc 3] Extra Chapter 1: A Good Deed a Day? Nah, Make it a 100!!

What a great day in Baoshi! Even the air's tasty! As one would expect from a city in the mountains!


So why isn't it working on this guy?!

"Come on Marky, cheer up already. Why care about a little mishap at a bar? It's fine." - Lily

Seriously, cheer up already! 

"Haaaaahh. Sorry, Lily. I just cannot see any meaning in being cheerful..." - Marc

This is more serious than I expected! I-I gotta do something! At this rate, Marky'll commit suicide!

"Th-then how about seeing the city? I bet there's something that'll clear those mental clouds of yours. Besides, that elf lady didn't seem to mind that you proposed to her. If anything, I bet you're one of the better guys who tried that." - Lily

Argh! Why am I digging this up?! Anyone, shut this stupid mouth of mine!

"...It's not that. It's only that I will never have a girlfriend ever in my life..." - Marc

"N-n-n-no way... by the way, what's your type anyway?" - Lily

If I could figure that out, then finding a girl that can cheer him up is possible!

"...If I have to answer, then... maybe something like a Yamato Nadeshiko?" - Marc

"...What's that?" - Lily

"Well... firstly, she needs to have a feminine personality. This is a must-have. Also, they must have a modest attitude, behave like an intellectual, and be kind to everyone. Or, that's what I imagine a Yamato Nadeshiko to be like." - Marc

...Yeah, no way you'll find anyone like that in our group. Or, is there anyone like that without a man? Even I thought I would want a wife like that for a moment.

"...There's no one like that, is there?" - Marc

Crap! He's getting gloomy again! I can't stand people like that! I dragged Marky along with me to the ally, out of people's sight. Sorry boss, but I have to tell him about that case.

"Don't tell the boss that I told you, but one of our plans could end up with you getting that Nade-whatever of yours." - Lily

"...I'm listening." - Marc

You don't have a face that says you trust me though. Geez, this better work.

"Boss' planning on making a Dungeon." - Lily

"...Dungeon? Who are Garami going to imprison?" - Marc

"Not that type of dungeon! A Dungeon, with traps and monsters and bosses and treasures!" - Lily

"And how is that supposed to be of help?" - Marc

"Oh, for the love of Chaos... The creatures in a Dungeon are all monsters that the Dungeon Master can summon! While it's limited to the type of Dungeon and the Dungeon Master themselves, the boss is related to Succubusses! A humanoid demon! One of them could be someone that would want to be with you!" - Lily

"...But a succubus? It's not for that reason-" - Marc

"I never said that!" - Lily

"...Whatever." - Marc

Oh man, that's the eyes of someone without any reason to live on. What to do?!


We kept on walking through the city, but...

"Missy! Thanks again for yesterday!" - Food vendor

"Lily, please visit our store again." - Old lady shopkeeper

"Oi, Lily! Play with us again today!" - Local children

"Thank you, no prob. Yes, whenever I have the time. Sorry, not today. Phew, that was a lot." - Lily

"...You're well-liked despite being a newcomer." - Marc

"Yeah. Mira said that I was of no use yesterday, so I spent the time deepening my relationship with the townspeople. You get free food from that you know." - Lily

See me now, Lord Chaos! This dutiful chimera is doing her best to make you proud!

"...Just wondering, wasn't it you who didn't want that positive karma stuff? Isn't helping all these people just going to increase it?" - Marc

Eh? No way that's possible. I mean, you get an... notification... eh? Wait, wasn't my Karma Value stupid high before meeting the boss? And I never got to know about that. 

Boss told me about that. What was it... ah! The World System only tells about large changes to the Karma Value, not the small ones. I see I see... *sniff*

"Hey Marky, what's the point of being cheerful?" - Lily

"Who knows?" - Marc



Like that, the two of us walked around town with our heads in the grimy gutter. And here I was hoping to reach a negative value sooner rather than later...


Karma Value has increased.


Eh? Why did that... aaaah! Why'm I moving boxes around?!

"Thanks again, Lily, Marcus. We had way too few people to help with transporting the medicine until the two of you came along." - Luo Renmei

"No,  no, this much is to be expected, miss Renmei.♡" - Marc

Who's that?! And why are you helping out administrating medicines like you were born for this?! And why are people laying down on the street with broken limbs and other wounds like that?!

"What's happened?" - Lily

"Didn't you hear what I said? An outbreak of Bashe happened, and many of the adventurers got steamrolled by them. No wonders, as those snakes are big enough to kill elephants despite not having any venom. Again, thanks for helping us here. The Guild is short on manpower due to the festival and the increase of monsters lately." - Luo

"By all means, ask me if you need any help again! From cooking to accounting, I can do anything!" - Marc

"Really?! Then Lily, mind if I borrow Marcus for a while?" - Luo

"Eh? Ah, sure..." - Lily

"Then," was the Guild Master's only response, as she dragged Marky into the Guildhall. What was that anyway?

"Need an explanation?" - Orius

"Ah, the old dwarf." - Lily

"Don't call me old! Anyway, let's take this talk inside. We're getting in the way of the healers." - Orius


The old dwarf treated me to tea and snacks inside the Guild's cafeteria area while I told him the story about Marky. 

"Hmm, so he was still down because of yesterday night? Didn't look like it." - Orius

"I know that! What happened? And what's with the mess outside? Don't you have more experienced adventurers here?" - Lily

When I looked at the Quest Board yesterday, I saw that subjugating a group of four Bashe was equal to a rank D Quest, but with that many people on the job, they shouldn't have had that many casualties. Thinking about how they managed to get back to town, there must have been even more people fighting the snakes.

"You already know that the bridges have been under the assault of more monsters before? That phenomenon is happening on the Baoshi plateau as well. It first started in the north, which forced the previous Guild Master to step down to lead an expedition to the northern mountains to quell their numbers." - Orius

"Eh? Then what about the panda Master?" - Lily

"She's more of a stand-in. She was the adventurer with the highest rank amongst the people that could be trusted with watching over the city. Not that it means she can handle the pressure of both the Crafter's Festival and the increased monster populace. Your friend may be busy for a few hours. Lou's known for being a good leader, but bad with paperwork and cooking. That last part's also a reason why's she's still single despite her age." - Orius

Sounds like Marky's getting his wish fulfilled faster than either one of us would have guessed.

"But is it alright for you to be here? Boss' gonna get angry if you're slacking with the big snake." - Lily

"No biggie there. We just need to wait till the mess of the guys that tried to steal the Disaster is cleaned up." - Orius

He's the expert, I guess... the guys that tried to steal the Disaster?

"Look over there." - Orius

What's that supposed to... why are there people being brought out on stretches out of the Guild? Their eyes have rolled up so that only the white's visible, and they're foaming and twitching. 

"Tell Garami that we appreciate that she made that security magic circle thingy, but ask her not to involve Mindflayers next time. It hurts just thinking about what those poor fools had to experience." - Orius

Ah, sorry. My condolence, poor thieves. Garami's like your natural enemy.

"Well, guess that means I can get back to work. Your friend will probably be here for some time if he's gonna help Lou-" - Orius

"Thank you so much, Marcus! You don't know how much this means to me.♡" - Lou

"Hahaha! Please, call me Marc." - Marc

Down the stairs that led to the offices of the Guildhall was Marky and the panda Master, with the latter one embracing Marky's arm. They're getting along well.

Turns out that Marky finished all the paperwork that had stacked up in record time. Orius simply can't believe what he hears, about how Marky finished off all the paperwork that had been stacked up due to the latest events in this region. I snuck up to Marky and asked him what he did at the office.

"Nothing much. The stuff that I had to do back in my old world was way more complicated than this. Besides, this wasn't any of the more confidential works of the Guild, just the stuff that's alright for an outsider like me to see." - Marc

And then he went all 'wahahahaha'. Why was I even worried about this guy?


"What a beautiful day today is, right Lily?" - Marc

"Yeah, whatever... *gloom*" - Lily

Why does it feels like I've advanced, but also regressed with the job the boss gave me? *Sigh*

After leaving the Guildhall, Marky has been so happy that it looks like he could transform any minute. Me, on the other hand, is just a lousy excuse of a chimera... 

"Still, does the Xiongmao Forest really have to be on the top of the hill? My legs are killing me. And with the hill being this big, I'm regretting letting Garami have that skill-whatchamacallit." - Marc

We're going to the artificial forest inside the city, which doubles as an artificial habitat for pandas and a tourist attraction. There are several carts called rickshaw that one could catch a ride with to easier scale the 1-kilometer long hill. Marky's in such high spirits that he said he didn't need it though.

"Why're we going here again?" - Lily

"I need to know what panda people like to eat, so I can treat miss Lou to dinner one of these days." - Marc

Get a room already! Geez, he's not gonna bust anything to that lady. My animal instincts tell me she's good and all, but still...

*crash* *bang*

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"Did you hear that?" - Marc

Ehm, think so, but where's it coming from? The sounds of destruction kept on coming closer, but from where? And what's causing-*CRASH*-that was a rhetorical question!

A massive... 'something', came crashing outta one of the houses, or, through the house may be better told. That's-?!

"A golem?" - Lily

"A robot?!" - Marc

Huh, robot? It looks like a golem made of metal, but a better look at it revealed that it was made of many different parts rather than one clump of dirt formed into a specific form, just like the golems Carion makes.

This thing looked like it was a deep green lizard made of metal plates. But it's as big as our carriage! Where in the name of Chaos did that come from? 

*clack!* *clack!*

What're those things that came out of its shoulders? That's... guns?! I hurriedly pushed Marky outta the way while jumping for cover at the alley on the other side of the street.


I was right! And I'm not happy about it! They had a different design than the ones the boss owns, with these being simple pipes that stuck out of the metal lizard's shoulders, but they had the same air around them.

"Be careful! That thing attacks anything in sight!" - Adventurer

Several guards and adventurers came after the metal lizard in hot pursuit. I jumped outta the alley when it stopped shooting for a moment, then I started running around its legs, trying to confuse it. Alright. I've gotten behind it. One nice Leg Sweep-!


My-my leg!! What's up with that lizard?! It's too hard!!


Oh, cra-!

"Cover Move!" - Adventurer

Before the bullets could hit me, some armored adventurer had suddenly appeared, taking the bullets' hits with his massive shield. How did he move that fast? 

"Lady, are you an adventurer?" - Armor guy

"Y-yes?" - Lily

"Then please help us take this thing down. It suddenly appeared from an abandoned building, destroying everything in its path while it was targeting the weakest guy in the area." - Armor guy

'The weakest guy in the area'?

"Not only's it stupid solid, but it's also protected against any magic spells with some sorta barrier around itself. We need to figure out a way to stop it in its tracks, but it's stupidly high strength doesn't help our case, not to mention those ratatata-thingies." - Armor guy

"Hey... by 'the weakest guy'... do you mean-" - Lily

I couldn't finish my question, as just then-


The lizard had smacked away an empty rickshaw, sending it crashing into a building, And below there-

"H-HELP! MOMMY!" - Bear beastkin child

A kid?! I, the armor guy, and the adventurers behind us all paled when we realized the situation... and we turned even paler when the lizard noticed it as well!

"Shit! Provoke! ...Provoke! It doesn't work?!" - Armor guy

The armor guy tried to use some skill, but the lizard was completely unfazed by it. Crap, it keeps on coming closer to the kid! I need-it hurts!! My leg, the pain from my leg-! Damn, the lizard's gonna crush the kid! All the other adventurers, the armor guy included, rushed towards the kid who had frozen in fear, but it's too-!


The lizard slammed its front limb at the kid, but after the dustcloud had settled, there stood...

"M-Marky?!" - Lily

Marky was holding the bear kid in his arms while shaking like a newborn deer and having tears and snot covering his face.

The lizard, who was obviously pissed off due to Marky's interference, started to move towards him and the bear kid. ignoring or walking over the adventurers who tried to stop it.

"Run Marky!" I shouted, but who am I fooling? Marky's too slow to escape that thing. But Marky, while looking so terrified that he could faint any second, had a different meaning about that. 

Shakingly running away from the lizard while holding the bear kid, Marky jumped onto a free rickshaw and went into a brake-free fall down the hill... eh?

"What the-?!"

Who said that? Probably everyone. Even the lizard looked like it would have said that if it could speak. The hill's too big to expect that one will come safely outta a control-less rickshaw that's rushing down from it. The lizard didn't stop and stare too long, as it started to run after Marky and the bear kid in the rickshaw.

"O-oi! Stop that scrapheap already!" - Adventurer

Easier said than done. Still, I tried to ignore the pain of my leg, while I ran as fast as I could to the armor guy.

"Gonna borrow this!" - Lily

"Huh? My shield?!" - Armor guy

I jumped on the big shield and used it as a sled to catch up with the lizard. I kept my body as close to the ground as much as I could and reached the lizard in no time. However, what now? I can't move around unless I wanna sacrifice my speed. Isn't there anything... that's it!

Please, be in time...



Lily has obtained the skill,

[Rolling LV1], from the skill shop.


Yes! And here's the lizard tail! I jumped off the shield with my good leg and imagined how Levi did it when I used my new skill. 

I'm getting dizzy... not? And I'm fast! And this ain't the time to be impressed! The guns on the lizard's shoulders are aiming Marky!

*Crash!* *Splash*

Before that happened, a barrel of something had crashed into the lizard, spilling all of its content on it. That's... plain old water! Marky, try to use something like poison instead of -*zap!*-water? The lizard started spewing smoke all of a sudden. And is that lightning that comes outta its body?! 

More importantly, its body's turning slower! This is a chance! While rolling, I tried to get as close to the lizard, and jumped! 

I turned off the skill while I was above the lizard. Now!

"Chimeric Possession!" - Lily

My legs were wrapped in dark fur, my feets turned into goat hooves, and on my right arm appeared a goat head that looked eerily like that of the Baphomet. With this-!

"Take this! Echo Fist!!" - Lily

I used the Demon Goat's abilities of mana manipulation to enhance the strength of my arm through [Heavy Strike] and [Demon's Wrought Arms]. My full-force punch broke through the previously impenetrable metal armor like it was butter or something. The lizard stopped moving after that, which meant it collapsed right there. And isn't there more smoke now?

"Lily! It will explode!" - Marc

Eh, seriously? I'm outta here! 


The lizard went sky-high right after I had jumped off it. Talk about close. Now we just need to stop... Marky? AAAAH!! There are no brakes on the thing Marky and the bear kid's ridding on!

Just as I was assuming the worst, the rickshaw was suddenly lifted in the air. That's-?!

"L-Looouuu!!" - Marc

The panda master?! 

"I heard there was something crazy going on close by the forest, but why are you guys involved?" - Lou

It's better for us all if you don't know that.


Karma Value has increased.


Following requirements:


Class, Capoeirista, has been unlocked in the Skill Shop.


Requirements cleared.

Acquired title [New Hero]

Through acquiring the title [New Hero], skill [Light Magic LV1] is obtained.

Through acquiring the title [New Hero], skill [Lesser Light Element LV1] is obtained.


EHHH?! You gotta be... [New Hero]? That sounds... not bad.


Unknown location. Somewhere in the Yanxiong region

"Sir Black Baron. Sir Black Baron. Model 'Lizard Dragoon' has been defeated." 

"What, already? That was a prototype that wasn't even waterproof, but to think someone would hit it with physical water after seeing the anti-magic shields it had." 

"Maybe they just couldn't use magic?" 

"Hmph, then the Lizard Dragoon was no good anyway. Did it fulfill its task before it went ka-blooey?" 

"Yes, sir. The Adventure Guild's own Guild Master has made a special Quest after that, asking as many adventurers as possible to help the city guards patrol the city on the lookout of more robots. Even the Guild's personal guards are taking rounds now."

"Excellent! Then, it's time for phase 2 of my ingenious plan."

"As you say, sir." 

"This Crafter's Festival is going to be one for the record books! When the greatest inventor of all time, the Black Baron, gains the control of two more Ultimate Disasters! A total of three of those beasts! Who can stop me then? No one! Ohohohohoho!"