Chapter 114: [Arc 3] Chapter 9: Research and the Alchemist Exam (First half)

Five-hundred and ninety-eight, five-hundred and ninety-nine, six hundred! That's all folks! My poor hands...

"That's them all. Sorry for not delivering them yesterday." - Garami

"No, no. If you had not helped us here, the whole Crafter's Tournament would have been canceled." - Jilreg

The sudden Quest that I was semi-forced to participate in for the search of mechas of all things had forced back my schedule a day so that I had to deliver all the tags on the day of the exam instead of the day before. It must be only me who had to deliver their practical test with just two hours before the final one. The only good thing about it was that there weren't any casualties, except for some buildings. They were remade the day after.

Thank god that Levi and Blitz could help me transport all this stuff. If I get my hands on the guy who brought out that fucker that made that robot, then I'm gonna this, then I'm giving some that, for a finishing touch with everything else!

"No need to look like you are going to murder someone. The whole Guild was too busy with testing the samples of the objective Automata, better known as robots, to be irritated over the tags. The deadline was before the day of the tournament anyway." - Jilreg

"Easy for you to say. I had a death match with Hades to get these finish." - Garami

"You obtained a Unique Skill just to complete these?!" - Jilreg

"Eh, no? And why did you know that thing that attacked Marc and Lilu was called a robot?" - Garami

"Many Migrants speak of tales about then when they learn about Automatas. Was it not your Migrant friend who taught you that?" - Jilreg

"Something like that. " - Garami

He did tell me about the buckets of bolts, but I've read sci-fi before.

Still, there are two hours left before the exam. What to do?

"...Why're you looking at Levi like that?" - Garami

Jilreg, and lots of other workers of the Guild, was sending questioning looks at Levi.

"Sorry about that. There are not many opportunities to study a real dragon after all. Even more so when we are talking about an Undead Dragon." - Jilreg

"...So he says. What do you think?" I asked Levi. 



After that, the Guild turned busy for the next hour. Especially in the cafeteria where we had relocated to, according to the wishes of Levi.

"Undead Dragons likes sweets! Write it down!" 

"A sudden urge for biting those who have lewd books! Get it down!" 

"A new discovery! Dragons can make pottery like master artisans!"

"...But ain't this just sorts of personality tests?" - Garami

"We get the remains of hunted from time to time, but that only gives us knowledge about their body, not their psyche." - Jilreg

Don't see the reason why the Alchemist Guild should care for that. Maybe they're just research-idiots? The Adventurers Guild did call them the Crafters Guilds' R&D department.

Blitz who was also being tested (Darkmens are almost rarer than dragons after all) and did so painlessly. The researchers looked like they wanted some samples, but that's a no-go. Blitz hid in my shadows when he saw the syringes.

...Abandoned by her parents, huh... Levi's lived a rough life too.

Glad they didn't ask about stuff related to their skills, at least. Even if I wish they didn't ask that last one just now.

Monsters aren't supposed to get classes after all. Hey, how did they get theirs when we're on the subject? 



Race: [Undead Dragon]   | Level: 24

Karma Value: 61

Skills: 30

Titles: 8

Skill points: 24.2


Main Class: Hunter LV7

Sub Class: none


HP: 306/306   | MP: 229/229   | SP: 376/376

STR: 302   | VIT: 276   | MAG: 167

RES: 268   | SPD: 338  | DEX: 199

INT: 95   | LUC: 115




Ability Skills: [SP Reduced Consumption LV14] UP6  [DEX Enhancement (Small) LV21] NEW

Attack Skills: [Claw Arts LV18] UP5  [Fire Breath LV11] UP5  [Poison Breath LV7] UP3  [Lightning Breath LV8] UP6  [Drain Touch LV9] UP3

Magic Skills: [Shadow Magic LV1] 

Crafting Skills: [Clay Creation LV13] UP7  [Pottery LV13] UP8

Active Skills: [Stealth LV7] UP3  [Aerial Movement LV10] UP5  [Rolling LV25] UP9  [Sandstorm LV1]   [Poltergeist LV7] UP3  [Ghost Step LV7] UP3

Passive Skills: [Running LV25] UP6  [Tracking LV12] NEW  [Pursuit LV6] NEW  [Magic Talent LV1] 

Resistance Skills: [Magic Resistance LV2] UP1  [Fire Resistance LV10] UP6  [Death Resistance LV11] UP6  [Heretic Immunity]   [Lightning Resistance LV7] UP6  [Bodily Status Resistance LV5] UP3  [Dizziness Resistance LV4] NEWBought for 2 Skill Points.

Racial Skills: [Undead Dragon LV12] UP6

Elements: [Darkness Element LV1]   [Death Element LV13] UP4  [Ghost Element LV2] EVOLVED3 Skill Points.



[Title Page]

[Undead Dragon]   [Kin of Garami]   [Skeleton Slayer]   [Undead Slayer]   [Haunt Conqueror]   [Ghost Slayer]   [Dungeon Conqueror] NEW  [Lord Slayer] NEW




Race: [Darkman]   | Level: 27

Karma Value: 17

Skills: 20

Titles: 5

Skill points: 35.0


Main Class: Thief LV12

Sub Class: none


HP: 85/85   | MP: 87/87   | SP: 125/125

STR: 121   | VIT: 62   | MAG: 68

RES: 171   | SPD: 220  | DEX: 212

INT: 101   | LUC: 90

You are reading story A Reincarnated Demon’s Tales of Wonder (Prototype) at




Attack Skills: [Sword Arts LV2] NEWBought for 2 Skill Points.  [Spear Arts LV3] NEWBought for 2 Skill Points.  [Dagger Arts LV2] NEWBought for 2 Skill Points.  [Hammer Arts LV5] NEWBought for 1 Skill Points.

Crafting Skills: [Create Shadow Weapons LV11] UP8

Passive Skills: [Swordmanship LV6] UP3  [Spearmanship LV6] UP4  [Daggermanship LV5] UP2  [Hammer Proficiency LV11] UP9  [Pilfer LV3] UP1  [Presence Concealment LV25] UP6   [Lip Reading LV3] NEW

Resistance Skills: [Holy Resistance LV1]  [Shadow Resistance LV24] UP4

Perception Skills: [Detect Presence LV11] UP6

Racial Skills: [Darkness Spawns LV4] NEWBought for 5 Skill Points.  [Shadow Journey LV4] EVOLVEDFrom [Shadow Travel LV30] for 3 Skill Points.  [Demonic Storage LV4] UP2

Elements: [Darkness Attribute LV5] UP3  [Shadow Attribute LV29] UP4



[Title Page]

[Demon]   [Haunt Conqueror]   [Dungeon Conqueror] NEW  [Undead Slayer] NEW  [Lord Slayer] NEW


Yeah, that's not the resume of a normal bloodthirsty monster. Not that these guys are any thirsty for blood. Like, ever. And seriously don't ask about the hammers. It's a long and-*snicker*-, sorry. I can't talk about that without half-dying from laughter.

While giggling 'cause of the memories, I ordered another egg tart. I need to get Marc to obtain one of the cooking books from this region. When he stops dating the Guild Master all the time! Not that I can blame 'em. They're quite the match.

Marc even conquered (?) his fear and saved the Guild Master's nephew that time. That's real courage. Not some idiot that doesn't care about the dangers, but one that knows about them, but still moves.

Don't think the Guild Master will join our party though. If they do get together, then I'll let them rent a zone in the Dungeon.

"Sub-master. Here is the payment." - Guild worker

"Good work. Alright then Garami, for your payment with the tags, we agreed on 350.000 sols. Then, how much is it for the studying of your tamed monsters?" - Jilreg

"Just don't put the food on my tab, then we're square." - Garami

Free breakfast for me and Levi's good enough for something of this level. Besides, Levi eats for a hundred when she got the chance. No joke.

"If that is fine with you. Still, Garami's party is looking for some crafters for your party, right?" - Jilreg

"Sure do. But why do you even know of that?" - Garami

"Uhm, Alchemist Guild's sub-master? The Alchemist with the closest relationship with the Adventurers Guild, which is the place that recently got a 'crafter wanted'-poster on their recruit board?" - Jilreg

"Fair point. Go on." - Garami

"Well, I was thinking, how about having one of the exam participants to join?" - Jilreg

"...I get that they're decent crafters, as they're qualified for this exam and all, but one question remains." - Garami

"And what is that?" - Jilreg

"Why?" - Garami

There's no need for this guy to go all the way like that.

"Simple. Having two Alchemists works together will improve the reputation of the class, meaning more people will join the Alchemist Guild. Which is quite the help for us, since the class has a bad reputation after the whole Tris Clades fiasco. We have too few people working at the Guild! The overwork due to a lack of manpower is slowly killing us." - Jilreg

"So, on our travels, you wanna have us spread the good word for the Alchemist class or something?" - Garami

"Just take tasks that need to be completed by using alchemy, and try not to screw up." - Jilreg

"Not screwing things up, check. And who're the potential candidates anyway?" - Garami

If there is someone good enough crafters to become Alchemists (a certain spider not included) then they must have some talent as crafters. It's not a bad idea, depending on the guys in question, of course.

"Wait, I got the list right here." - Jilreg

Someone's hungry for good PR. Let's see:

Just four guys are joining this exam? They sure are underhanded alright.

But who do I want on the team? Even that paper-guy sounds useful, but I don't wanna add a group of strangers to the team all of a sudden. Besides, they may look alright on paper, but never judge the book by the cover. Hmm... It's better to see them in action anyway. I'll decide after the exam.


"Welcome to the Alchemist Exam. I am your examiner, William Gistus. You have obtained two-to-three different assignments where you need to make an item of your expertise.

"The time limit is 5 hours, but you can submit your work whenever you want. The submitted item will be tested only after the exam is finished, so you will have to remain in the building till then.

"Materials needed are provided by the Alchemist Guild and can be found on the shelves behind you. Remember that there is no guarantee that all the materials are of top-quality, but that is your responsibility as crafters to keep an eye for. Also, some of the assignments require you to make something that can be found on the shelves, but only self-made items will be counted, so consider yourself warned.

"It is not allowed to interfere, nor assist, the other who takes the exam. Any such actions will make you fail the exam right there. Crafting Skills are negated due to the bracelets you are given, but any other means are possible for you to use, so do not hesitate to use all your personal skills here. 

"Well then, on your marks. Get set... go!" - William Gistus


The large bell signalized the beginning of the exam, 10:00 sharp. The exam was held in a massive room that had ten different workbenches, five on each side of the room, each with a furnace and a cauldron added to them. Both which was the type that used MP for fuel and could reach high temperatures in no time.

In the back of the room were tons of shelves with different materials lined up and categorized. Some of them weren't so smell-free, so the room had this strange smell that you can find in a laboratory, plus that of a botanical garden, due to the plant-materials that weren't sealed in jars or boxes. Quite the strange room, but it gave of the atmosphere of what one could expect from alchemists.

Three of the participants were on the left side of the room. The guy closest to the entrance was a dwarf with a shaved face (tch) and a leather apron, which made me think of the blacksmiths from fantasy series.

The next guy, sorry, the next girl was covered by a hood, so I couldn't see her face. She looked professional though, with her quick and precise hand movements. She emits an aura of a professional. But... there's something strange as well...

Moving on, the last on the left row is the Flugel graduate. She's more fashionably than the girl before, which due to the process of elimination must be the Jewel People. The Flugel's outfit was made of a skirt fashioned like wings, a bustier, and a cape on top of that. All items were either light-blue or white. It was coordinated with the Flugels light-green hair quite nicely. Maybe I'll ask her to make a decent outfit for Lily.

And on the right side was me and the Birdkin owl. He's an anthropomorphic owl, with his face being a cross of a human and an owl. He's wearing light clothes, and his wings are hidden in the same way as I do with my spider limbs while in the Kur Kigal-mode. Oh, and the Flugel is doing the same by the way. I saw them retracting their wings when they entered to locals.

Not that this is the time to be leisurely spectating the competition! I looked at the paper that was disturbed on the working space I was assigned for, and... just a bomb that can crack a boulder and a paralyze antidote? Too easy! 

I looked over the shelves to see if they had them... there! A Pararat's liver. I took that, plus the medical herbs needed to create an antidote potion. Just need to boil it up to get the anti-paralytic essence from it, then add it with the rest of the ingredients when mixing the antidote.

It won't turn into a high-grade potion, but the goal here is to make something within the time-limit. Trying to make something too complicated will only backfire, especially when our Crafting Skills are sealed by this nasty bracelet. It sure looks cool and all, being designed after a river of stars and all that, but it's damn big! And in the way! And it uses an Accessory Slot even!

Alright, enough whining. Time to look after the ingredients for the explosives. 

Scrap-paper, several explosive liquids (just stuff that can barely make a boom was available), a special type of clay made by allowing a certain highly absorbent and flammable plant to rot. That, and something that could act as a protective coating for the clay. Since Perception Skills isn't limited, I can abuse [Appraisal] and [Judging Eye] to get the best stuff.


I've not even started yet! Keep the booms down till I do them!

"Sorry about that! The furnace was out of order, a mistake on our part." 

One of the furnaces that weren't used by anyone had suddenly caught fire all of a sudden. The Guild staff quickly dealt with the fire, and it was only a little smoke at most, so the exam wasn't canceled due to that. This must be an everyday occurrence or at least something that doesn't shake an Alchemist.

"Not that it explains why it suddenly went boom..." - Garami

"Furnace... linkage..."

"What was that?" - Garami

I turned around and saw the hooded Jewel People talking to me. What did she say?

"You mean to say that the Magitech Furnaces are linked together, and when mister Golmar started his over there, the faulty one also reacted, making it spew smoke?" 

And when I turned to the other side, I saw the Birdkin deducing the meaning of those quiet words! Looking closely, only the dwarf and the Flugel was working at their stations. 

"...Yes." - Shula Amerla

"What a troublesome event. Forgive me from intruding. My name is Arpiggo Archelop, a humble Archeologist, my ladies. If I may ask, are you the leader of Ignis Fatuus?" asked the owl.

"Why do you wanna know that?" - Garami

"Oh, nothing. Just some talk about business. However, let us do that after the exam. Ta-ta." - Arpiggo Archelop

And with that, the owl had returned to his bench. And so did the Jewel girl! Is it only me who's yet to start? Bring it on then, you little-! I'll give you one "novel" bomb to show you all!