“It really is date-worthy,” Valerie said. “I’m going to enjoy this as much as I can, because a blogger isn’t very valued by the paper. Even though my column is probably responsible for at least twenty percent of their web traffic, depending on the analytics … but I don’t want to bore you with that. I cover youth beats and asian concerns. People just don’t take it seriously.”
“Anyway, you should totally take the one you love here. She’ll probably be swept up by everything,” Valerie added, heaving a little sigh.
Aurora smiled with a little twist of her lips. “You seem regretful.” She tilted her head. “You aren’t boring me at all. I’m serious about making a friend here. If you want to share information about yourself to me, I’m honored to hear it.” She took Val’s hand. “Shall we finish off this champagne before we leave?” She formed a hand using her halo power and lifted it carefully, closing the fingers around it. She was without a doubt showing off. She carefully poured the last of it into the glasses.
Her grip was a little shaky, and Val quickly grabbed the glasses and moved them one by one with the bottle so very little was spilled. She commented with a little laugh, “I suppose when you have a force field powerful enough to resist missiles and machine guns, picking up delicate stuff can be difficult.”
She went on, “I never asked you what your powers were, exactly, but I think we’ve got a good handle on them already. Flight, blasts, light, force fields … if you want me to correct any of that, let me know.”
Aurora set the bottle down. “Sorry about that sour note earlier. I’m a little wistful that a girl I just met has treated me to a more romantic evening for a business contact than my cheap-ass boyfriend has in like a year.” Valerie laughed softly. “Like I said, it’s a good thing for him that I’m not looking elsewhere …” She lifted her glass to her lips and sipped.
Aurora giggled softly. “You might not be, but I bet you’re curious from what you’re saying.” She sat and took another drink. Why did Valerie have to be so tempting? She did not want to hurt Mistral, and this would. She was very special to her. A miracle that happened to her just the same as the powers she’d gained beside being able to become the full sex she wished she could be.
“I wish I could.” Aurora muttered softly. “You’re very pretty, and despite my intention to keep things professional, I’m having a pretty good time. But I can’t… she means everything to me.”
Valerie snorted and grinned. “Honestly? That’s probably a good thing. If I have enough of this champagne, I’d probably be willing to be convinced.”
She took a deep breath after having said that. “Okay, so then let me exchange information. I’m Chuntao Valerie North, a second-generation Chinese-American. I want to be a reporter. I’ve always wanted to find out and tell everyone’s business. I’m twenty-six years old and I’ve scared off most of my boyfriends because of my dedication to my work. Before I was picked up by the Chronicle, I was involved in the rave scene.” Aurora wondered whether or not Val knew Quinn. “Keeping the lines of communication open and researching places to have them.”
She took another breath and exhaled slowly, fixing her hair. “So my story isn’t nearly as exciting as ‘superhero angel who has interviews and posh nightclubs and can fly’.” She shrugged.
Aurora smiled. “That’s interesting. Did you interview your boyfriends too?” She smiled playfully. “Hmmm… raves… All in Seaside City, of course.” It’d be hilarious if the two were friends or just knew each other. Quinn would probably glomp Val if she met her.
“Raves happen wherever. I’ve been on both sides of the bay.” Chuntao grinned. “See a lot of talented up-and-comers who’ll never hit it big because companies don’t understand the art it takes to mix up music like good DJs do. Sometimes, I think they’re waiting for three guys with guitars and one guy on drums.” She laughed.
Aurora chuckled. “I know someone who was pretty heavily into that scene. I won’t go into details. Privacy and all that. They spoke like you do.”
Valerie looked at her with a critical eye, studying her face. “You look vaguely familiar. I wonder if I ever met you at a Rave. You look a little young for it though …” She smiled and leaned back to take another sip of the champagne. “Nope… nothing’s coming. I give up.” She laughed.
“I’d be surprised if you ever did. I’d certainly have remembered you,” Aurora said wryly. “But if you have time sometime, it might be fun to go together.” She really missed Quinn. This would be like bringing old times back to life. It was kind of sad, really. She had a feeling it would be tough to keep her secret identity with Valerie around. She couldn't help digging for secrets, since it was her nature.
“Well, there’s one coming up this Friday night if you’re interested. Do you want to give me your number?” Chuntao asked.
“Yes, that’s fine.” Aurora smiled. “I can’t guarantee that I’d always be able to pick up, but you also have my email address too.” She removed her communicator and quickly typed out a message which contained her number. “I’d be delighted to go out with you. It’s been a while since I've thought of doing it. And I can go in disguise, so people wouldn’t know you were with Aurora, which would help keep things secret. Usually getting rid of the wings is enough, but I can do a few more fun things that I’d like you to not add to the official list of powers, if that’s alright with you.” She winked.
Chuntao giggled. “I promise to keep your secrets. So long as you tell me that it’s meant to be one,” she added quickly with a wag of her finger. “I’ll call you from there when I go.” she laughed and shipped more. “Aurora, tell me one thing … it doesn’t matter to you, all this, does it? The fame?” She gestured to the balcony and the high class patrons around. “You’re really just that nice normally, aren’t you?”
She looked into Chuntao’s eyes and set her glass down. “What you see is what you get. I’m pretty much always this way. There are no airs I’m putting on. Granted that, I’m more or less bold depending on the situation. The person evident is me. Hmmm… the fame… it’s a nice bonus. What I want is to be loved. I like the feeling. To be appreciated and even wanted.” She shrugged and smiled. “Fame aside, I want to do right by everyone if I can.”
Val smiled softly. “You’re great. Really. She drained the last of her glass. “There’s still like a quarter of the bottle. You should take it home. If I have any more, I’ll fall asleep,” she giggled.
Aurora giggled with her. “Then we should probably fly while you still can appreciate it, right?” She winked. “Do you think you’ll be able to guide me to your place from the air? If you think that might be tough … and I know how it is … I can GPS it. Though, I intend to take the scenic route.” She reached for the cork and firmly stuffed it into the champagne bottle.
“I know someone who would enjoy a glass of this.” She smiled, forming a construct like a wicker basket, large enough to hold the bottle securely and Valerie’s bag as well. Placing it on the table, she passed it over to Valerie. “Go ahead and put your stuff inside. It’ll come with us.”
“Hey, I have an idea,” Chuntao said. “Put a large flat rectangle on the ground with the basket on it.” She giggled, placing her things into the basket. Aurora nodded and did as she was asked. It was a very flat object she created, resting on the ground beside the table. She picked up the basket and firmly plunked herself onto the rectangle and patted the spot next to her. “Magic carpet ride!” She exclaimed. She was drunk.
Aurora laughed out loud. “It’s not going to be the same as doing it with my wings if I can do this. I’ve never tried, but let’s try it. We shouldn’t need to go fast. It’ll be more fun that way. Aurora looked thoughtfully at the basket and fused the basket with the carpet so things wouldn’t fall off. For good measure, she wrapped it around Chuntao’s feet and shaped it around her bottom so she’d stay put.
“Oooh… cozy.” Val giggled. “My boyfriend wants to do that to me too …” She pointed at her feet wrapped up in the construct.
Aurora laughed and concentrated and tried to lift the construct with the both of them on it, but she wasn’t very successful. She could shift the construct around her aura, but wasn’t able to lift it much further than that without putting a column under it. She’d have to make it a rollercoaster ride maybe like with man the other day when she caromed him around towards the ocean.
Thanks to the playful suggestion, she found that she couldn’t really manipulate a construct in the way Valerie suggested. Another idea came to her, however. She couldn’t move the constructs through the air so well, at least one of this size, but she could surround them with her aura and tow it.
“Are we going, or what?” Valerie laughed. She was having a lot of fun.
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“It seems you’ve put me into an awkward position.” Aurora blushed and laughed. “I can’t do it in the way you suggested. But I know how we can make it work. Firstly, she stood and crossed her arms like the Arabians tended to do. She wrapped the construct around her legs and then covered it and Chuntao and their possessions with her gravity nullifying aura. She extended her wings and made other subtle adjustments as she lifted, shortening the carpet to make it more aerodynamic. She flapped and the carpet blasted up with Chuntao aboard. They flew up through the night sky.
Aurora smiled down at Chuntao with her arms crossed beneath her breasts. “So which way to your home, Chuntao?”
She blushed and started guiding Aurora, but she spoke embarrassed, “No one calls me Chuntao anymore. I always thought the name made me weird. It means ‘Spring Peach’ in English. My mother wanted me to have a traditional name, but my father insisted on an American name, so I’ve used my middle name since primary school.”
Aurora flapped and the carpet slid through the sky, between the skyscrapers. The carpet was bright and shimmered like the aurora borealis itself. When she had a general idea of where they needed to go, Aurora took her on a night tour through the skyscrapers. People stared out their windows at them if they were fortunate enough to catch them soaring on the makeshift carpet. The stars twinkled above and the cool sea breezes whipped their hair behind them.
“You know,” Chuntao spoke, smiling in wonderment. “I expected your things you make to be rigid and uncomfortable, but they’re actually kind of soft … warm, really. This is amazing. You’re so lucky to be able to do something like this.”
Aurora blushed and grinned. “I’m glad you’re enjoying it. Maybe that’s why Vulkraken didn’t fight me when I helped him. I didn’t know my halo was soothing or cozy. I’d have freaked out in his situation, but he remained as calm as he could and fought the curse with everything he had.” Aurora was pleased that her powers had a gentle soothing nature.
“You never know, someday you might have something happen to you and gain powers of your own,” the superheroine said, “It’s not likely, but also it’s not impossible. If it ever happened to you, let me know. We could be a duo.” She laughed softly, grinning.
“Hah, with my luck, I’d get dog powers and become the ‘Newshound’,” Chuntao giggled more. “Well, people say I can be a bitch,” she managed to say. They shared another laugh. Soon after they reached her apartment building. It was a pretty nice one, actually. At least it seemed so from the outside. They touched down out front and she tried to get up, but she couldn’t get her butt out of the cradle she’d sculpted to fit her. “Little help?” she asked with a little smile.
Aurora blushed a touch and grinned impishly. She changed the carpet, first releasing her feet, and then she raised Chuntao up as though she was sitting on a bar stool. When she was up, she snagged the basket, pulling it free and then took her guest’s hand, pulling her gently free from the construct. She blushed faintly looking at the mold left behind, but then it dissipated. She did have a nice one, to say the least.
“Wow,” Chuntao said, laughing. “Thank you for a great interview, Aurora. Are you going to be okay to fly home? I have a couch you could crash on, and a Keurig.”
So tempting… so very tempting. She reached and touched her hair with a little smile. I’d not mind staying for that coffee to wash out some of the good champagne from my system, but after that, I’m fine flying home. I don’t think I’m drunk. It was just fun spending time with you.” She winked. “I think the bay isn’t too daunting of an obstacle.”
“Well,” Chuntao responded, “you don’t want to run into a building or the bridge, after all. You might be more affected than you know. Your face has been a little flushed for a while.” She led her up to the second floor where her apartment was. She opened her door and let Aurora see that she had some Chinese calligraphy up on the walls and some nice, but mismatched furniture. It was different from Mistral’s but nice in its own way.
“Regular or decaf?” Valerie asked. “Do you take cream and sugar?”
Aurora looked around her apartment with a smile. “Ah, yes, I’m fine with regular. I hope you have a sweet and tasty creamer. If you have normal milk, I like enough sugar to make it into a dessert.”
“I’ll get it for you.” Chuntao nodded. “Make yourself at home.”
Aurora walked into her living room and took a seat on her sofa, taking a few easy breaths. In a few minutes, she entered with a hot cup of coffee. She sniffed the coffee and detected the cinnamon and vanilla scents wafting from it. “Here you are,” she said, “Mexican vanilla with Coconut Coffee.” Aurora blinked. Where did the cinnamon come from? Was Mexican vanilla loaded with it? It smelled delicious. She took a ship and it tasted just as good.
“Mmmmmm!” Aurora smiled. “It’s a wonderful combination,” she praised it, savoring the heat, flavor, and fragrance. “I don’t normally go for coconut, but it’s very tasty in coffee, and your apartment is very nice. Maybe one of these days I’ll show you the ‘Houseboat of Deep Introspection’.” She laughed, joking about the nature of her current superbase.
“It’d be a secret, of course.”
Chuntao grinned back. “I’m glad you like it. At least to crack jokes. I’ll make one for myself, now.” She crossed back to the kitchen.
Aurora grinned after her and finished the coffee in no time, it was so good. Her new friend had a gorgeous television screen and a fancy sound system. She counted eight speakers, no nine. It’d be nice to go out with her as Aurora, another chance to be her for the sake of relaxation. She didn’t have much of an opportunity to do much with Quinn in this form, but she regretted not asking. She was so tied up with her superheroes and training.
Valerie returned with her own cup of coffee and sat across the way in a chair. “Seriously, if you fly into a medical research building, a hospital, or a nuclear silo, I’m going to seriously blame myself, so I hope you’re really okay to fly after this.”
“Yes.” Aurora chuckled, thinking. She really hoped she would stay. “I’m fine. I think my girlfriend trusts me, but there might be a misunderstanding if she found out I stayed the night in the home of such a pretty woman.. I’d be risking getting a smashed nose next I saw her. Besides, I dont’ think a couple of glasses of champagne affected me like it would affect a pure human.”
It was true, she didn’t feel much of the effects of the alcohol she drank. Still, the coffee was warm and it did make her feel a little more awake and alert. “Would you like another coffee?” Chuntao asked.
“I don’t want to impose, Chuntao.” She stood and offered her the mug with a warm smile. “If you’ll show me to your balcony, I’ll head home, even though I know I’ll feel poorer for having left.” She grinned playfully. “And I’ll be looking forward to your call on Friday. It should be fun. So long, thanks for the hot coffee.”
Chuntao gave her a disparaging grin and accepted the cup. “All right, all right,” she said. She set it down on her island and showed her to the balcony. There were a couple of chairs, a bamboo wind chime, and a fountain which was currently turned off. So lovely.
Aurora hopped onto the railing and sat, spreading her wings. She looked over her shoulder and winked a last time, waving as she took off, heading home. When she passed over the bay, she remembered that she was supposed to meet Mistral up in Saskatoon on Friday. Ouch. She’d have to beg off and reschedule their fun time.
Aurora sighed, letting the thermals lift her over the bay, leftover from the way the sun charged it with energy and the day’s heat. She let them carry her. Feeling a bit lonely after the fun time, she still left. It was tough being in a long distance relationship, even though she could visit her girlfriend whenever she wanted, assuming she was available. Her situation with Sarah was better than it used to be, but they were still quite limited since her parents were still opposed.
She pulled out her communicator and thought about the situation as she slipped across the bay. To avoid issues with Chuntao, she thought inviting Mistral might be a fine idea, but if she did that, she’d know, and wouldn’t she be tempted to write about it? Yet, she seemed sweet and trustworthy. As long as she told her that it was a secret never to share to keep their privacy intact, it might work out.
Her loneliness mounted to the point where she decided to call Mistral. She needed to hear her voice. She could at least run the idea past her.