Chapter 72: 3.09 – An early visit

After a few rings, Mistral picked up.  “Hey, Aurora … everything okay?” she asked pleasantly.


“Everything’s fine.” She smiled. “I was just feeling a little lonely.  I do have something to ask you, but I felt like I really needed to hear your voice, if that’s alright.” She murmured as she slid through the currents.


“Mmm, it’s always nice to hear your voice too, sweetie,” Mistral said with a happy sigh. “I’m sorry you’re feeling lonely.  Too bad we have classes tomorrow, or you could come up early.” She laughed.  “I saw that bit about the monster in your city this morning. Sounded like you took care of it pretty easily.”


Aurora smiled with pleasure, hearing the compliment coming from the woman she loved. “Yeah. I’m trying to be as perceptive and thoughtful as I can.  Looking past the obvious, or outside the box.” She smiled sadly. “The monster was just a poor cursed guy with the worst kind of hot seat imaginable.  You can imagine, I’m sure.” She barked a soft laugh. “I just finished my first formal interview session.  It went well.  My aunt recommended a place that ended up being pretty romantic and I thought about how much I’d like to go there with you.”


She paused a moment before continuing, “Because of the interview making me kinda late, mom is writing an excuse for me tomorrow.  It wouldn’t be impossible for me to visit.  Though it feels funny coming to see you before you come to see me on Friday.” She giggled softly. “I could do it, I think.  I made a reporter friend tonight, Chuntao Valerie North.  She’s an up and coming blogger in Seaside City, and she’s in the rave scene like Quinn.  When she mentioned that after the formal portion of our time, I mentioned that we could go sometime as friends.  She said there was one up this Friday. I was thinking that if you didn’t hate the idea, it might be fun for you to come too.  But I’ll of course be coming as Aurora in disguise.  I don’t know how feasible the idea is. I trust her knowing about our relationship. She seems like the good sort. I didn’t tell her a thing about us for the sake of privacy.”


“I don’t mind people knowing about us, I guess,” Mistral said, sounding a little non-committal.  That might mean she thought it was a bad idea and didn’t want to say no.  “Although,” she kept talking, “I am a little worried if someone finds out if they also find out about your secret identity. I’m sure you understand.  So the plan is to double at a rave?” I’ll have to teleport down to you, otherwise I’ll be flying all day, but if you plan to come up tomorrow, I’ll forgive you for forgetting I skipped my week of your visiting and came down because it was your first week of school.” She could practically hear the cute wink in her tone.


Aurora giggled softly. “I’ll definitely come see you. I miss you a lot.” She rubbed a tear from her eye.  “I could fly you back to San Isidro too if you wanted to save the energy.  We could make it a pretty good time that way. Just about as fast as I could go alone.” She smiled.  “I’m going to make sure I go in that disguise I mentioned.  You could do the same, putting some extra color into your pretty hair and go ravealicious.” That was a word invited by Quinn, her cousin and sister.  “And then no one will know it was you, maybe not even Chuntao.”


“Why are we changing?” Mistral asked. “I trust you if you say you can trust her.  Well, if you’re coming down tomorrow, I’ll wait in the usual place.”


Aurora smiled. “I know it’s confusing.” She barked a laugh. “I was thinking I should hide the wings, change my hair and clothes.  Of course I’ll be going as Aurora, just I’ll blend in.  Just so no one recognized me. If you did too, we wouldn’t need to share too much.  I might be overthinking this, though.  I do that sometimes.” Her cheeks stained redly.


“All right, I understand,” she said. “I’ll research an appearance changing spell and see if we can try it out. What do you think?”


Aurora was amazed that she hadn’t thought to research more ninja-like spells.  She grinned. “That sounds fine. That way no one in the public finds out about us before we’re ready in several more years.  You don’t have to worry about anyone finding out about me.  I know I’m an awful lot of trouble for you, Mistral.” She mewed softly, smiling.  “I’m happy that you love me.”


“What do you mean?” Mistral asked, sounding a little defensive.  Aurora winced, wondering what had triggered her.  “You’re not any trouble at all,” she reassured her quickly. “So what, I love you.  Mmmmm, I wish I could wrap my arms around you right now.”


Aurora giggled as tears filled her eyes. “I love you too!” She smiled softly. “In fact, I could come right now if I let Mom know.  I don’t think she’d mind, and I have some really good champagne.” She blushed.  She was going to give it to her mom to say thanks, but the prospect of seeing Mistral made her think that sharing it with the girls he loved would be as fine of an idea.



“Oooh, champagne… sounds like it was an interesting interview,” Mistral teased.  “Well, I’ll let you go so you can call your mom. Let me know if you’re coming up tonight, okay?”


“I will!” Aurora grinned. “I’ll send you a text right afterwards, and zoom up there at top speed.” She giggled. “Bye for now, my love.” She kissed the communicator and disconnected.


She then dialed her mom, feeling very happy.  Happy enough to start flitting among the buildings of San Isidro in a carefree manner again.


When the line picked up, she spoke, “Hi mom! The interview went wonderfully! Chuntao Valerie North is going to be writing a nice article.  She invited me to a rave like old times with Quinn.  Mistral will come in disguise too.  It’s gonna be a ton of fun.  She wants to see me tonight, too… Mistral, I mean.  Since you’re getting me out of school tomorrow, would you mind if I flit up to see her tonight and most of tomorrow?  We’ll be back together Thursday night or maybe Friday morning, if that’s okay with you?  I still have school on Friday and all.”


“You do know that tomorrow is Wednesday, right?” Goonie asked. “Do you have someone who can get your homework for you? If you can guarantee that you’ll get your schoolwork done, I’ll cover for you on Thursday, too,” she said. “But, I expect you home if aliens invade or an ancient god comes out from the ocean, young lady.”


Aurora laughed softly and blushed at the mistake she’d made.  She lost track of the time.  Maybe the champagne had affected her a bit more than she knew.  “Sarah can cover for me, I’m sure.” She blushed. “I’ll text her too.” She grinned. But this would give her two whole extra days with Mistral. Would that impose too much on her? She squirmed at the thought.  She’d have to ask and apologize for being bubble-brained. “Thanks, mom.  I’ll dial Mistral again and talk a little more with her about it.”


She pulled out her normal smartphone and texted Sarah, hoping she’d respond.

You are reading story SuperLuminal at


Hiya, Sarah! I’m going to be out of school tomorrow and the day after.

Would you get my homework for me? I’m going to be away, but I’ll be

back in school on Friday. Pretty please?


Moments later, Sarah’s response caused her phone to buzz.


What’s up? Where are you going? I hope you’re not getting sent to camp ;)
Maybe I should play hooky and come with


Aurora laughed. Sweat drops.  That would cause a ton of problems, to say the least.


Don’t think your straight-laced parents would put up with that. Save the
rebellion movement for when you have to tell them you’re in love with your 

friend. :D


Sarah responded quickly again.


If we sneak out, they won’t know.  So, what are you going to be doing 

while you’re away-away?  Not even going home? Well OK, but you totally 

owe me, right?


Aurora sighed in relief.


Sure, long as it doesn’t conflict with my schedule.  :D Seriously, I’ll give

you lots of extra kisses if/when we make it out on Friday.


There were a few extra moments before she responded this time, finally it came.


Better be a ‘when’ and not an ‘if’! I’ve got you covered.


Aurora finished by sending her thanks.


Thanks! XXOOXX


She sighed and redialed Mistral.



“Hey again … Sorry I said I’d text you. But I got over excited and lost track of what the day is. Everything’s still okay … I can still come, although it involves me staying with you a little longer than we thought. Tonight, tomorrow, and the day after. Would that be an imposition?”


Mistral giggled. “Only if you can’t stand my accent and try to kick me out of my apartment.  Okay, I’ll head to the usual place. I know it doesn’t take you too long to get here, so hopefully there won’t be any villain attacks before then.” She laughed. “But seriously, I’m going to hop into the shower. I’ll call you when I’m there, right?”


“Yes.” Aurora smiled. “Mom says I have to come home if ancient Gods or Aliens attack the city.” She giggled. “See you soon!” She danced through the air practically as she peeled off in the direction of Canada.  She put on the afterburners, so to speak.