Chapter 117: 4.30 – Our circumstances

Mechanica hesitated and sighed.  “My patience is wearing thin, hero. Continue.” Her eyes narrowed.


Aurora nodded, smiling. “I’ll tell you the story about my childhood.  It was extremely traumatizing. I don’t remember everything, but there are things that stand out.  When I was old enough, my adoptive mother explained everything to me. I was born in San Isidro to a modest and nice home.  My birth mother was someone who wanted to become a doctor.  Because of their financial issues, she ended up quitting college and worked instead as a paramedic.  We were all very happy, but one day a supervillain attacked the city. A man who killed over a thousand people.  This villain was the s-plus-ranked supervillain Gravitas.  My mother was one of the brave people who was dispatched before they knew the, erm… gravity of the situation. I’m told that my mother refused to turn back and instead drove into the ground zero. She was a hero and did everything she could to save lives until the man landed near her emergency vehicle. There was a fight when Vanguard appeared. During that fight my mother’s ambulance was thrown and it crushed my mother and others.” Aurora shook her head, swallowing to clear her mouth.


Mechanica gasped and crossed her arms thoughtfully. “Is that…”


Aurora held up a hand and smiled with tear-filled eyes. “I’m not done with my story. It’s longer than just this.  Afterwards, my father went insane with grief and anger.  He didn’t know what to do with these emotions. Most of all, he blamed Vanguard for my mother’s death.  He should have hated Gravitas more but for some reason he became obsessed with the hero.  One of my toys at the time was a model of Vanguard.  He was the one hero he wanted me to emulate until his hatred took his reason. Throwing it so hard, hard he smashed it through our family television screen and it melted.” Aurora turned her wet eyes on Mechanica. “The fact is, sometimes we blame the wrong people for tragic things that happen to us.” Aurora paused, taking a steadying breath.


Mechanica’s expression was full of puzzlement as she asked, “He destroyed your… toy?  Your mother’s story was tragic indeed, but I…”


Aurora shook her head and continued, “That’s not all. Please hear me.”


Mechanica froze and frowned.


“SHUT HER UP!” Mr. Mechanical #4 shouted. “This sob story doesn’t compare with our grief! Your father…”


“SHUT UP, FOUR!” Mechanica snapped back.  


Aurora gave Mechanica a grateful look as she wiped her tears, resolving to not cry anymore while she told the story of how she was abused,  “After that, my father turned into an alcoholic.  He tried to be nice at first, but eventually he stopped feeding his little kid and even started taking his frustration, anger, and powerlessness out on me.  And in the end, he stuck me in an old chest, fastened it so I couldn’t get it open and forgot I existed.  After everything, being in that old box was a blessing right when he put me in there.  It was like playing hide and seek, but I didn’t want him to come looking for me again, and he didn’t. As time passed, I got thirstier and hungrier.  Even knowing I would get hurt for it, I started crying for help.


The fact is that even if I cried sooner, he wouldn’t have opened the chest because he left just as soon as he locked me away, leaving me for dead. Some say that he did that to protect me from him and violent urges… but I truly think he was too afraid to face the truth.” 


Aurora turned her eyes on Mechanica as she finished, “This was my father who went wrong, and I know it now, even if I wanted to believe in him when I was younger.  I looked for him for a while, but the truth is, I came to know who truly love me and who I love.  My aunt and cousin saved me before I died.  My father went to jail and I don’t know or care about what happened to him since.” Aurora chewed her lip, offering a sad smile.


Mechanica’s breath caught many times during Aurora’s telling. No one spoke for a time, but Mechanica’s eyes finally narrowed, filled with a deep and righteous anger.  


“What you’ve said…” Mechanica said, “that is all a part of what my father fought against for his entire life.  He understood that people like your father are a blight on humankind. And yet, you heroes constantly kept him from getting the resources he needed to enact his grand plans.  His largest goal was to eliminate villains such as your father.”


Mechanica continued while Aurora listened, relieved that that anger wasn’t focused on her, “My father was a misunderstood genius who was limited by the means at his disposal, but rest assured, when I complete his plan, I will purge these faulty copies of him and will rule according to his glorious plan, elevating all of society upon steel shoulders so that they can live without care under our benevolent rule.”


“But,” Mechanica continued, “the guilty must pay, and so I have begun my attempt to find and destroy the men who destroyed him. And if you will lend me your power, I believe I can generate enough safe energy to replace the clunky archaic weapons of my father’s designs with energy weapons that will stun humans into submission by overloading their brainwaves.”


Mechanica nodded her head, smiling proudly. “Do you understand now why I have to complete my father’s noble plan? It’s for the good of all mankind, first here in the United States, then against the fascists of Italy, the communists of Russia, and as a bulwark in case the Germans once more attempt to exterminate and take over the world.”


Aurora blinked this time, unable to hold back.  Mechanica’s information about the world was very old despite having had classes.  But then, Mechanica continued, embarrassed, “Though somehow, it... seems those last few problems have… taken care of themselves since the accident.”


Mechanica had gone and shown another cute side of her personality, even if she was kind of almost monologuing there, but then didn’t Aurora too?  A bit.  Aurora took her turn, “That’s the thing.  Even though bad things happen, they generally turn out alright.  It’s not a guaranteed thing, but ruling the world won’t fix all its problems.  Sure, you might be able to end wars for a time, but unless you control people in their own homes, you won’t stop parents from beating their children, and people will continue killing each other.  I approve that you're looking for humane ways to do what you feel you’re duty-bound to do, but I question that your plan will ultimately lead to peace.”


Aurora smiled and continued, “I know that I make a smaller impact as a hero, but I do what I can to protect people and trust that things will get better since we’re all working towards a better world, and I’m proud to be a part of that.  That’s what most heroes dream of.  We don’t want to take away people’s liberty, free will, power of self-determination that we’re gifted with.  We want to do our part to gently and kindly help humanity onwards.  Unfortunately someone trying to take over the world, even with the best intentions will always be someone that heroes have to oppose.  Why?  I feel that the reason for that is because the good we do helps to balance all the things we can’t fix.  And someone taking over the world can’t help causing more death and pain no matter how good your intentions are.


“Inevitably, innocents will die opposing you because their idealism is as strong and well-intentioned as yours. Otherwise, you would have to imprison them, making them shadows of the people they once were. They would die no less than if you were the one who pulled the trigger.  And that, I think you know is wrong.  That’s what impresses me most about you, Mechanica.” Aurora looked at the villainess with a warm smile. “I don’t think that you want to hurt or kill anyone.  What I think is that if you didn’t have such a bad impression of what a hero is and can be, you would ultimately choose to become one, because you would be among the best. For me that’s a compliment. If you see it as an insult, I’m sorry.”


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Mechanica crossed her arms and paced. “Hmmm… Heroes… costumed agents protecting the unjust and the status quo.  Fools who don’t see the depredations of greedy men, and who can only stop what they see.  Hero, robots are tireless.” She raised a hand to extend an index finger. “They can be stationed on every corner.  Even inside every home.  Waiting for injustice to peek its ugly head from the shadows, intercepting and blunting all ill actions.  


“Costumed heroes like you all know that this system of my father’s… that it’s flawless and are embarrassed by its marvel of efficiency.  Don’t you see that it merely needs a benevolent hand to guide it appropriately?  I can be that hand.  I can show the world my father’s genius vision for its future.  I can bring unlimited energy resources to the world once I’ve cracked the way your and Vanguard’s powers function.  The two of you, so rich with energy, I’m sure that something can be created for the greater good…”


“Yes, child, yes!” Mr. Mechanical #4 chimed in from afar, “Tell this fool how wonderful the future can be!”


“Number Four, stop,” Mechanica said, frustration plain in her voice. “We’ve already lost numbers three and five.  You are a capable assistant, but when you talk like that, don’t you see what you look like?” Mechanica yelled up the hallway to the control room.


“Ha… o-of course, child!” Number four yelled, “I apologize.  It must be the age of my recording.  Something corrupt from your father’s original designs that was the result of the theft of our property,” it lied… smoothly?


“Aurora,” Mechanica said, pointing a finger at the superheroine. “I would like to believe that you are as noble as you seem, that you’re not like the rest of your colorfully-costumed ilk, that you honestly want to help the world. Surely you can admit that the future I offer is worth exploring, is it not?” She gestured to Aurora, opening her hand.


Aurora smiled, shrugging as she responded, looking at her hand, “As one who has been victimized and hurt because there was no one to protect me right away, I’ll admit that your words are a little tempting,” Mechanica smiled. “But don’t get the wrong idea,” Aurora said, shaking her head. 


“Mechanica, don’t you see that everyone would be very unhappy in that world you describe?  Taking freedom from everyone. Animal or human, none do well in captivity.  That said,” Aurora directed her finger towards the control room. “Those Mr. Mechanical emulators disturb you, and I know why.  It’s because sometimes they sound disturbingly like the worst kind of villains, don’t they?  That’s because you’re not a villain.  You’re not like them.  Their kind of contempt for ‘lesser beings’ isn’t something you share.  You believe in the pretty picture your father painted for you, just the way it always was.  A fanciful image where all is perfect.  But nothing is perfect.” Aurora sighed softly.


“Nothing except for the perfection of a child’s innocent view of their parents.  That is until they grow up and can no longer see them as perfect heroes.  They learn that all are flawed, and everyone must be loved despite these imperfections…” The angelic hero looked into Mechanica’s eyes, getting an idea. If only she could be convinced of who her father was, that would change her mind.  Aurora continued, “If we could get our hands on audio recordings of Mr. Mechanical in a fight… would you be willing to listen?” Aurora asked.


Mechanica shook her head negatively. “All the media available has been manipulated, doctored somehow.  I’ve seen footage of my father when he was assaulted by Vanguard when the Society of Sentinels imprisoned him.  And the so-called video statement at his parole board when they badgered him…”


Making a soft sniffling noise, Mechanica pleaded, “Aurora, don’t speak about him… I’ll… never get the chance to… to talk to him again… to tell him that I--I… All I can do for him is to make sure his legacy survives, don’t you understand? I’ll make everyone see that he wasn’t a villain!  And I’ll make those so-called heroes pay for distorting his image… for letting him die in ignominy!” She slammed a fist into her other hand.


A robot came skittering along the passageway with Mr. Mechanical #4 held up, still encased in Aurora’s halo.  “Ahem… Young mistress,” it said, “it is a shame how horrible they’ve treated his memory, isn’t it? You see how heroes try to break your spirit with their words, do you not?”


“I didn’t order you to bring him!” Mechanica yelled at the robot holding Number Four up.  It dropped Mr. Mechanical onto the floor with a loud crashing.


“YOU BUMBLING STUPID AUTOTOMATON! Don’t drop your leader! I WILL TERMINATE YOU!” Number four screeched.


 “Stop whining, Number Four!” Mechanica walked over to Number Four and laid her foot across its mouth. “ENOUGH! I can’t stand how you speak! Your malfunction is truly annoying!” Her eyes turned to Aurora’s eyes, full of tears. “I don’t want any of what you said to be true!”


Number Four twitched and responded with a muffled voice, putting on a nice tone again, “Do you see how this hero is worming her way into your heart?! You must remain strong for our dream!”


Aurora tilted her head and spoke softly, “Emulator, that’s a very unkind way of putting it.  I’m not working my way into her heart.  What I want is to understand Mechanica. I’ve shared more with her than most, and we aren’t friends yet.” Aurora looked at Mechanica. “I wanted you to understand what I’ve been through so you can understand why I’ve made the decisions I have.  And I want you to know that you’re not alone and your destiny isn’t set in stone.  I have a villainess inside me, a real one who killed and broke people’s minds.  Now and again she prods me, hoping she’ll be free to scourge this world once again.  I reject that part of myself, because I refuse to harm others.  I will not take what I think I deserve by force.”


Aurora sighed, smiling warmly and gambled on one more gentle push. She reached out and extended her fingers towards the villainess. “Mechanica… no… Mocha.  I’ve learned much about you, and I think you know that this plan, no matter what your motivations are, noble or not, this is not right for the world.  I think you already recognize the problems, and I’m glad that you do.  We know each other now, and I hope you understand that that dream of your father’s isn’t the only one out there to chase in this big world.”


Mechanica’s lip trembled and she spoke wistfully, “I… I miss b-being Mocha.  I want my daddy to be proud of me.  I want him back.  It’s… h-hard…” she stuttered, crying.


Suddenly the front doors burst open.


“Everyone FREEZE! This is Inspector Ruffino, Seaside City, Code:BLUE,” A loudspeaker conveyed Ruffino’s words outside and at that moment several heavily-armed police filed in through the blown open door as they took up defensive positions with military-grade weaponry.