Chapter 118: 4.31 – Crossing the Line

“Everyone FREEZE! This is Inspector Ruffino, Seaside City, Code:BLUE,” A loudspeaker conveyed Ruffino’s words outside and at that moment several heavily-armed police filed in through the blown open door as they took up defensive positions with military-grade weaponry.


The robots inside all turned to face the door and laser sights trained on the policemen’s bodies, but to Aurora’s surprise, Mechanica intervened, barking an order, “No! Don’t fire!”


Another voice echoed through the loudspeaker outside, “This is Devon Cross of Extensive Enterprises. Please be careful not to damage any of our property.  Do not fire on any women therein, there is a strong possibility that a target may be malfunctioning property.”


“Everyone get down on the ground and surrender!” Ruffino took over the loudspeaker again.


Mechanica looked at Aurora, shrugging. “You… kept me busy long enough for the police to arrive.  I truly didn’t think this was your intention,” she said, waving a hand.  In doing so, the robots deactivated and all moved into a kneeling position.  


Mr. Mechanical number four emulator cried out, “Now you… *bzzt*” It deactivated.  


Aurora removed her halo from it as Mechanica spoke, sighing, “But now I will likely die in prison as my father did.  I hope my impassioned words have stirred you.” She placed her hands behind her head and kneeled, looking away.


The police started to move in and encircle them.


Aurora didn’t hesitate.  Property?! Screw you! Extensive Enterprises would not get their prize!  Aurora knew she was crossing a line, and it was right to do so.  Her hesitancy had cost her Sarah, but she mentally vowed that she would reform Mechanica and Sarah both!


 Leaping to Mechanica’s side, Aurora placed her aura around her without a word.  She spread her wings and took off as she raised a hand and sent a massive blast directly at the ceiling above them.  Keeping Mechanica out from the hands of Extensive Enterprises was the right call.  They would not toy with Mr. Mechanical’s possibly only noble creation, because she was his true legacy.


The ceiling exploded outwards as debris fell and flew as Aurora rocketed through the hole into the sky.


Ruffino reacted quickly shouting at Aurora, “STOP!”  She stood on a paramilitary vehicle down below. “Aurora, we must take her into custody! Hang it! We’ll do it without you!”


To their credit, the police did not open fire on Aurora, knowing her reputation.  Their faith in Aurora moved her. 


“What are you doing?” Mechanica asked as they zoomed away.


“You’re not a villain, Mechanica.  That woman down there isn’t the type to listen if I tried to explain this to her.  And…” She looked into Mechanica’s eyes intently. “Extensive Enterprises is after you.  I will not let them take you, Mocha.  If you’ll trust me, I’d like to help you clear your name and give you another lease on life.”


Mechanica crossed her arms, barely understanding the meaning of Aurora’s words. “I… trust you, Aurora.  And to demonstrate this trust, I will ensure that none of my robots under my control will be used to harm anyone.  If they’re still in range, that is.” She moved an arm and shook her head, gasping. “I… think that something is blocking my signals to them now.  But they can’t be controlled by anyone but me or the Numbers! But I can seize control of them if need be!” Her eyes narrowed.


Aurora smiled approvingly. “Good! I was thinking I’d take you to San Isidro, but I guess with the threat of those bots hurting people, we can’t let it happen.  But we can’t risk your falling into their hands. I’ll say this again. Extensive Enterprises is after you, personally.  There’s a secret about you that you might hurt you like I told you before, and it’s something you need to know.”


Mechanica pulled her hood down and removed the mask of her bodysuit, revealing a pretty fifteen-year-old girl’s face paired with wavy black hair. She looked human, however, there was a flicker of light in them that made them unique from a human’s.  “For what you propose, I should get regular clothes.  If we’re hiding from the police, we’ll need to look normal.”


She looked at the mask for a moment and let it go to watch it drift away in the wind.  Turning her eyes back to meet Aurora’s she spoke, “I can’t imagine what else could hurt as much as my father being gone forever.”


Aurora nodded, sighing as they flew together. Her eyes were already scanning for a safe place to land where they could get Mocha clothes.  “There are a lot of things to discover in life, and a lot are painful truths.  This secret they want to exploit.  What’s worse is being forced to become what the Numbers tried to make you into.  Extensive Enterprises is an evil organization and they want a supervillain for a puppet.  I’m sure.”


Spotting a safe spot near an outdoor mall, Aurora rocketed down behind it in an alleyway. Mocha didn’t bat even a single eyelash at the speed they were going.


Mocha protested, “They can’t force me to do anything against my will.  I still have some rights, despite their possibly considering me a criminal, unless something has happened to legalize slavery again.  They were probably referring to my father’s attempted gynoid creation project.  It’s a little embarrassing to think about, honestly,” she said, blushing.


“What was this accident you were speaking about earlier?” Aurora asked.


Mechanica frowned, answering, “Apparently, there was some sort of toxic spill that had an adverse reaction on me… not surprising, but that’s why I was placed in suspended animation. I woke up thirty years later. Sadly, my father isn’t a biologist, otherwise he might’ve been able to cure me.”


Aurora blinked, wondering if her theory about Mocha was off the mark. Aurora asked,  “You’re sick? Remember the guy you fought on the roof of the radio tower? He said that you’re really strong.  If you were sick, would you be so powerful?”


Mocha laughed softly. “Well, naturally, he’d think so.  There are ancient Chinese fighting secrets I was trained in.  It’s natural for me to use now.  The technique of the ‘Steel Fist,’ where I can make my body as tough as steel itself if I need.  Luckily, my father worked long enough with Chinese martial artists to learn it, just so he could teach me.”


Aurora’s eyes narrowed.  That was a doozy of a backstory her father had invented for her.  It certainly would have kept her from realizing her true nature since she trusted him so much. Mechanica was a tough nut to crack when it came to things daddy told her.  


“Alright…” Aurora smiled and said, “I’ve been operating under the assumption that you are a gynoid.  In fact, Number Four kind of let slip that you might be.  Is there any definitive way you can prove to us that you aren’t one? I suppose it doesn’t really matter debating it right now, but you’re in danger, and it’s not of being arrested. You’ll be treated as property.  Let’s go get you those clothes before we’re out of time.” 


Aurora transformed her own appearance, taking a page from Quinn’s page. Turning her hair pink, she reached up and pulled her hair into twintails.  Well, Quinn wouldn’t go around with these, but they’d do the job disguising her.  Remembering some of Quinn’s J-pop fashion she’d worn Aurora transformed her costume into a frilly pink skirt with white and blue frills.  Mocha’s jaw dropped as she watched.  Aurora made a colorful blouse that lay just over the skirt and put on long knee socks with stars and hearts on them. Her feet were stuffed into cute boots, and for good measure she put on lots of mascara and eye shadow. “We’ll get you a big and baggy t shirt and some pants.”


“I’d wager that you’ll draw more eyes that way than you already did,” Mocha said wryly.


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Aurora blushed. “It’s temporary.  I need to match your look. You won’t draw as many looks in that outfit right now. “No… I have an even better idea.” Aurora eyed Mocha’s body again, thinking their body sizes wouldn’t be too different after she reverted.  “Come with me…” She took Mocha’s hands and drew her behind a nearby dumpster for extra privacy.  “Don’t be surprised when you see the real me.  I’ll lend you my clothes.” Aurora blushed.


Mocha watched intently, and Aurora blushed more, hesitating.  With a sigh, Aurora reversed her transformation and reverted to her Leona form.  The villain gaped at the fifteen-year-old girl that replaced the statuesque heroine.  Pulling off her own shirt, Mocha put a hand firmly on Leona’s shoulder. “You’re a truly remarkable individual.” She smiled and shook her head. “Aurora, don’t humiliate yourself for my sake.  I’ll take whatever clothes you can find for me.” Mocha blushed, and Leona’s face flamed even more when she realized that what she was doing would have revealed a certain truth about her body.  Sweat drops.


“O-okay… I’ll go buy some clothes for you. I’ve got enough,”  Leona said and Mocha nodded, smiling as she slipped behind the dumpster.  “I’ll be waiting here for you.”


Leona ran around the corner and felt more at ease while she had a quick jaunt to get cheap clothes.  It took unfortunately most of the remaining pocket money she had, but it was for a good cause.  Leona returned with a package of cheap panties, jeans, and a couple of shirts that was cheap since it was a two for one deal.  Leona wordlessly slipped back to the dumpster to peek behind.  Mocha was crouching and poking something nasty-looking smeared on the wall with a stick she’d found.


“Here’s your clothes.” Leona said as she turned and blocked anyone from seeing Mocha change, holding the bag behind her.


“Thank you,” Mocha said softly as she took them from Leona’s hands. “You’re awfully shy for a girl.  You should not be concerned.” There was a rustling as Mocha changed clothes. 


“Um…” Leona said softly. “If you don’t mind, I’ll message for help. I’m sure my superhero friends will be all for keeping you out of that company’s clutches.”  Leona pulled her communicator from her pocket.


“I trust you…” Mocha said, sounding a bit skeptical.


Leona tip-tapped a message to the Midnight Avenger. 


Avenger, I’ve never asked for help before, but I need it now, please.


Leona waited for a reply, but not expecting one instantly, but it came far faster.


Hey, Aurora.  I got your messages from earlier. I looked up the villain you

were talking about. Do you still need help with Mechanical?


Rolling her eyes, Leona typed a reply, wondering if the Midnight Avenger knew what she’d done.


In a manner of speaking, I do.  The case is cracked, but the problem is

that I found his daughter and Extensive Enterprises wants to claim her

as their property.  She’s changed sides and is not a threat anymore.


Mocha wants to be a normal girl again and not what her father wanted

her to be. It might be difficult, but I need the Society’s help to keep

her out of their hands. She’s become a very good and moral person.

Everything bad that’s happened was the work of Mr. Mechanical’s 



“I have seen this technology. It’s n-not as amazing as my father’s,” Mocha commented when Leona sent the message.  Her communicator buzzed again.


We literally just got back within the last hour. Everyone’s pretty tired.

I’ll see what I can do, though. Keep in touch. Are you safe at the



Leona typed a response and Mocha watched, scuffing her foot on the pavement.


For now. I’ll stay undercover with Mocha until I get her to San Isidro.

I’ll make my way there the slow way. You have time to get there.

Going to the base. 


Leona moved to put her communicator back into her pocket before moving on, but it buzzed one more time.


I’ll meet you there with as much of the team I can get, OK?


Leona sent a last reply, unable to resist teasing.


Roger, MA. Thank you! Also, please give my respects to the

old man. *winks*


Taking Mocha’s hand, Leona led Mocha out from the alleyway and up the street. “We’ve got some support.” Leona winked at Mocha who walked beside her.  “We could cruise across the way above, but it’d draw attention.  We should go on foot. I’ve never done anything like this before, but I think you’re worth it.” The little superhero winked at her new friend.