Chapter 129: 5.06 – Winding down


Aurora smiled more.  “If you’re willing to help me out on this, thank you.  I was going to ask my contact with the S.I.P.D. for what he could tell me, but I think A.R.I.S.E. is very much involved and she might be blocked off. That means going to Chet Carlisle and the guy hasn’t responded to my messages about this today.”


“Well, that’s usually not a good sign for a variety of reasons, Angel.” Dynamech replied and hugged Aurora again.  Aurora wilted under siege.  He might have meant it to be a warm hug but it was almost glacially cold given the fact that he was enveloped in cold alloy.  Come to think of it, that was a GOOD thing! 


“Tell you what, let me help you out with this and you stay here with your friend and relax.” Dynamech released Aurora and tramped over to the hatch with a loud clattering of his heavy-ish metal feet striking the cement as he moved across the concrete.


Aurora sighed in relief, not sure whether to cry for joy for getting help with Sarah’s case more than seeing Dynamech saunter off.


Redline Racer laughed. “Sorry.  I could see you squirming there.  I wasn’t sure how you were taking it, so I didn’t wanna…” She zipped over to Aurora to whisper into her ear, “--- spoil a mood.  I suggest you watch your butt with him, though.  Guy’s a total horndog.  But his heart’s in the right place.”


“Ah… thanks…” Aurora laughed softly. “Ummm, yeah… that was a little uncomfortable... but I’m grateful for the help with Sarah’s case.” Aurora smiled at Mocha, thanking her for wanting to help while apologizing for the precarious situation she was in.


“I’ll help out too.  He kinda volunteered me against my will, but what can I do?  Sure.  Are you sure you don’t want another hand here for a while? Just in case someone manages to find her?” Redline hyper-quickly messed up Mocha’s hair, eliciting a soft giggle from the suspicious and calculating girl.


“We wouldn’t mind your company, honestly,” Aurora said warmly. “If you think Dynamech’s got this, there’s only one way out of here.” She pointed. “My only concern is that I’m not sure what the odds are that someone’d find this place if too many celebrities popped out from the wrecked storefront.”


“I, for one, welcome the chance to relax and take some deep calming breaths.” Aurora smiled. “And you look like you need that right now, Redline.” 


The speedster nodded as though she wanted to say, ‘amen’ to that, but didn’t say anything.


“I can handle it,” Dynamech said as he reappeared.  


OH SHIT! So much for relaxation! 


“But in return, I want video footage if you have a slumber party and that leads to some sexy confessions.”


Redline finally shot him a glare and sped over to him to shake a finger under his helmet where a nose theoretically should be. “Just get out of here!” She growled.


“Whew… hostile, much? Guy tries to be helpful and this is what he gets.  Women.” He raised his arms and turned on his heel to retreat back down the passage.  


Mocha let out a little laugh, looking at Aurora. “Hurry, my minion, we can finally capture the Racer of Redline!” she said, exaggerating her usual way of speaking when she was operating as Mechanica.

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Redline Racer turned and quickly put her mask and goggles on in a flash and Mocha giggled even more, losing control. “It was a joke!” she exclaimed.


“Ah… oh…” Redline’s response was embarrassed and wry.


Aurora joined the giggle puddle and sighed softly. “If you can joke about being a villain this soon, I think this will go even smoother than I’d dared to hope.” Aurora bolted over to the suspected robotic girl, going at a much lesser speed on the ground than Redline to give Mocha a tight hug and at that moment her wings shrunk down to their chibi size, expressing her mood.


Mocha grinned broadly.  It seemed as though some of the ice had been melted away.  Aurora let go of Mocha and threw herself into the nearest comfortable chair disguised as an abused and well-used piece of furniture.  “Being solar-powered sure makes it easier to keep going when others would drop. Even though, sometimes, I can’t run away from getting a case of sleepies. Plus, I’m getting like one bar of signal down here.” Aurora rolled her eyes.


“Everything I’ve had to do today literally has my head spinning.”


Redline again slid off her mask and goggles while walking over to Aurora’s side to crouch beside. She took the angel’s hand to gently rub it.  “You do seem a smidge drained.  I can run out and get some coffee or something if you need help with staying awake.”


Aurora smiled warmly in response, shaking her head negatively. “I’m not quite that bad off.  A nap in the sun would do wonders for me, plus said little powernap.  It’s not like I haven’t gotten enough sun today, though.  Heck, when we were walking back to San Isidro, the slow way, going across the gondola in disguise, I caught plenty of those rejuvenating rays. It’s more of a ‘state of mind’ thing than the state of my body.”


Molly stood at that and stretched, “Shit, tell me about it.  Preaching to the choir here.  Although, I have to confess, it’s a state of the body too in my case.  I usually get to be the distraction and the one all the guns are trained on.” She yawned.


Aurora smiled and nodded. “That’s what I’ve read.  You also pack a nice punch and are really clever when put on the spot.  You think faster and don’t just move faster, or so the theories going around say about you.  You’re different from what I expected. There’s something about you that’s just really warm and familiar.  You’re practically family.” She thought about Quinn again with a wistful expression.  The circumstances always conspired to occupy her and in the excitement she forgot that she could zap down south, but now more than ever it was impossible to take the time away.


“Oh, thanks.” Molly laughed. “I was a little less easygoing back when I started out as a hero, but I’ve learned to relax a bit more lately. So I’m not always rushing everywhere. Well, I kinda still do, but I swear I’m not overcompensating.” She offered a shrug. “I dunno. I guess being fast means more time to relax and look at things and see how they really are, y’know?”


“I totally get you.” Aurora nodded. “I’m pretty fast, myself, when I get up to top speed up in the air, but more than that, flying itself has a feeling… particularly when I’m going somewhere far away.  You have a lot of time to think… so maybe it’s not as profound as what you’re saying, but I think what you say makes sense.”


Molly looked at Aurora with an interested expression. “How fast is your top speed? Any idea? Hmmm… Talking about me again, when I’m going all out, I can circumnavigate the globe in a few seconds, but it’s exhausting, so I normally keep things at a lower pace.” She shrugged again.


Aurora shook her head. She couldn’t compare with this kind of speed and she knew it. Uncertain of where she stood in terms of speed against the rest of the Sentinels of Society, she was close to just saying, ‘wow’ in response, but her communicator beeped loudly. Aurora blinked and pulled it out.


There was a message from the Midnight Avenger. It wasn’t just that. It was the older one.  Aurora knew for sure there was more than one of the iconic clock-themed heroes operating.


Aurora activated her card’s communication mode and the older Avenger’s voice filled her mind, “You need to pick up more quickly,” he said gruffly. “Vanguard is meeting with the police to the north and I’ve seen Dynamech flying around at random.  I wanted to tell you that I’ll be leaving this area for good soon.  Give me a bit of an update on what’s going on with this case. I can’t seem to raise Dynamech to get an update.  He’s not answering right now.”
