“I don’t know,” Aurora said, shrugging. “He said that he was going to look into a case of mine, one of the Padua kids that got apprehended today by A.R.I.S.E. and the S.I.P.D.”
“Redline, Mechanica and I are laying low. Do you need a full update on what’s happened, sir?”
“No, that’s fine. I’m sure he’s busy hacking a network, then. We’re minor rivals, you know. Avenger out.”
Redline leaned her head over and smiled as she asked what that was about. When Aurora answered, she commented, “Avenger’s always so gruff. Why’s he so formal all of a sudden, though? Dyna’s right. You two looked kind of close.”
Aurora stared at Redline and shook her head. “Oh, well… I’ve met him several times at this point.” She offered a smile. “I know Mistral better, but among the Society’s big hitters I’ve had the most experience with her than anyone else except for M.A. She’s aware of my background, the source of my powers. The Midnight Avenger doubted me a great deal when I was first inducted, thanks to her efforts. I don’t know if his doubting me for a bit has anything to do with his current support for me, but I really appreciate it.” Aurora’s lips broadened. “It still fills me with pride that they support me like this. It’s like finally receiving a kind of recognition.”
Redline laughed. “Ha! I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but when your membership was under review, I wonder if you know that the Avenger and Vanguard both spoke highly of you. I think it’s a little hard to believe that he was against you to start with. But, I guess you understand after the whole debacle with Golden Eagle and the thing between Privateer and Wonderbolt, you were kind of just what we needed.”
Aurora recalled the reminder of Golden Eagle and waved her hands, the San Isidro hero who created a huge controversy over his heritage and origin, but the implication of something between Privateer and Wonderbolt being a new thing was new. There were rumors about the two of them possibly being a couple, but they were rivals for the spotlight. That was until Wonderbolt abruptly chose to retire from the Sentinels and Privateer seemed to get more serious than before. There was never any real explanation as to why Wonderbolt left the public eye. There were still news stories floating about her up in Seattle, her city, but they grew rarer and staler with time’s passing.
“Anyway,” Redline said with a waving of her hand, “old news, but I know that we’re all excited to have you with us. I met Mistral a couple of times, but she always seemed kind of cold and standoffish… businesslike, I guess.” She shrugged. “She only comes to HQ to learn magic with Dragonmage, and when she does they center their chakras or whatever. Soon as she shows, she usually heads up to his room.” She leaned over and whispered into Aurora’s ear. “Honestly, I think there’s something going on between the two of them.”
Aurora blinked and her heart dropped. Is Mistral really bisexual??! But it would be selfish if I complained, assuming it’s even true. She’s been understanding about Sarah, even though it was only once. Even though she understood, Aurora swallowed anxiously.
“I can’t believe in finger nor tongue wagging and you know, nonsense words that take a long time to learn, and sometimes she’s really sweaty afterwards, so… yeah.” Redline Racer leaned back against the wall with her arms clasped behind her head.
Aurora stared at the far wall, her heart thudding. “Oh… is that right?” She gave a little laugh and broke her minute inspection of the fractures in the cement. “I wouldn’t have expected that. But then, if she’s sweating…” Aurora gave Redline a sparkling smile. “She might just be learning really difficult spells that take a lot out of her, y’know?”
Redline shook her head and chuckled while leaning back against the near wall. “How much sweat do you think you need for this?” she asked and waved her arms and fingers a bit. “Bombshell says there’s no way she’s interested in men, but I still think there’s something there.” She shrugged lamely. “I’d like to think so, at least. She seems kind’ve lonely and Dragonmage is always trying to center himself or something like that, so I’m guessing that it’s like their only shot for any happiness, so I hope for it.” She smiled broadly, not understanding what that might mean for Aurora.
“Ah…” Aurora murmured. What could she say at this point? She wanted to keep their own relationship a secret just in case Aurora’s identity was somehow revealed to the public. Mistral’s reputation could not be put at risk. But despite all that, Aurora was dying to tell Redline why she didn’t have to worry about Mistral.
“I’ve worked with her a lot.” Aurora said, moving past the awkward feelings. “I even got to sit in one of Mistral’s rituals. It was one to summon a spirit for guidance. Part of what she does is to enter the right state of mind in something like a sauna…” Aurora thought about the Sanctum. “Which means sweating.” She gave a silly and slightly nervous laugh.
“Huh.” Redline shrugged. “Okay. I guess that’s it, then. So do you mind if I ask you some questions?” Her expression transformed with an eager grin.
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Aurora forced herself to relax after the gut-wrenching words Racer shared and took a deep breath. “Sure! Absolutely. There are some things I can’t freely answer, but I’ll tell you if you ask anything I can’t share.”
“Okay. I understand.” Racer said, “I figure we’re in a circle of trust here, so I don’t mind sharing with you, but not everyone is as comfortable with it as me.” Her grin didn’t waver. “I saw you change the size of your wings a bit ago. Is that how you hide them when you’re not on duty?”
Aurora chuckled and smiled, considering the question for a moment, looking down. Finally she shrugged and changed her hair’s color and clothes on the spot into something her sister would wear. When she finished, she stepped forward and spun in place to show off the disguise.
“I don’t know everything about this ability I have, but I can change my clothes and hair at will. I can kind’ve change my skin color too.” She made herself more tan. “But I don’t have enough fine control to push these abilities further than this.” Aurora then changed into an outfit like the one she wore back when she interviewed Chuntao at the Oceana. “See? It’s useful for disguises, creates my costume, but most likely I’m actually naked, not that you’d see or feel that since it’s all made of light.”
Redline barked a laugh and clapped. To test the statement, she bolted to Aurora’s side and pinched the ‘fabric’ that Aurora had created on the spot between a thumb and her index finger. “Holograms? Ha! I have to find clothes when I want to do something like that. Nice style, by the way. I used to see rave girls at the races, one would follow the other, usually. So you can entirely hide those wings of yours. Are they real too? I mean, if I touch them too, do they feel like feathers and stuff, or are they like, made of light or something?”
Aurora mused at the question. “”I think they’re real. They’re pretty real for me since I feel them and having them feels natural.” Aurora let the disguise slide away back to her normal super heroine costume and extended a wing as they sprouted out to brush Redline.
Redline grinned and impulsively reached out to stroke it about as quickly as Aurora’s wings shot out. “Wow… soft and nice! It must rock to have wings like those, but honestly, flying itself seems kinda boring to me even if having wings is pretty cool! No pavement to hit up there. I mean, at least there’s flying quickly between buildings and stuff up in the sky like those classic Galactic Wars movies, but I think it’d be kind of boring compared with old-fashioned faster-than-light hoofing it. No offense intended.”
Aurora smiled and shrugged. “None taken. Growing up, I’d always had dreams of flying. So gaining these powers was a true dream come true.” She looked up at the ceiling. “Anyways, I think flying is very exciting. And it’s also very peaceful when I just glide and let the winds take me when they will. It’s pure bliss to soak in some sunlight while soaring high above the city, seeing everything up there in ways that many can’t.”
Redline nodded. “I can see how that’d be nice. Anyway, I don’t mean to change subjects, but I’ve been saying that we should do a S.O.S. Beach day, but Bombshell won't be in the mood anytime soon. I’d bet that Privateer would be down for the idea. I’ll let you know if we get something scheduled. You’ll come too, right?”
“Absolutely! It sounds like great fun.” Aurora clapped her hands with a giggle. “As long as I don’t have anything important to do that day, I’d like that. But what’s up with Bombs? She seemed to be just the type to be on your side for a beach trip. At least when I met her. Has that changed?”
Redline pursed her lips and she shook her hair. “Oh, yeah… I forgot that you don’t know. While Vanguard was fighting, she tried to catch a spaceship and she ended up with a pair of broken arms. She’s all gloomy about it, and I totally understand that. But, I doubt she’s going to be in the mood to get in a bikini with her arms bound up in alien alloy wrapped around her arms in makeshift metal casts.” She gestured to her own arms to show that Bombshell’s arms were casted from palm to shoulder on both sides.
Aurora exhaled and licked her lips. “Wow. You know, I might be able to help her a bit with her healing. If I can’t outright heal her, we should see her as soon as possible.”
“Well, I can probably carry you there double-quick, but what about her?” she asked, pointing at Mocha.
The mentioned girl was huffing and pouting. “Sure. Just run off. I’ll wait here. I promise.” She crossed her arms.